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Author Topic: Base Class: Ninja  (Read 5614 times)

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June 05, 2009, 10:12:31 AM

was always intrigued by the Black Flame Zealot (BFZ) but couldn't come up with a reasonably powerful, fun build using non-uber races. Thanks to the ninja base class in alpha 14, this build, which is also great for RP (especially with the Infernal Crown series of mods), is now possible:

Title: The Unseen Flame of Kossuth
Race: Human (Fire Genasi may also work, but would have fewer skill points)
Initial Class: Ninja
Alignment: True Neutral, transition to Neutral Good for intuitive attack after finished taking BFZ levels
Deity: Kossuth

Starting Stats: Strength 14, Dexterity 10, Constitution 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18, Charisma 8
Ending Stats: Strength 14, Dexterity 10, Constitution 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 34, Charisma 8

Ending Skills: Concentration 43, Disable 5, Open 4, Listen 4, Hide 42, Move Silently 42, Lore 39, Tumble 40, Spot 4, Spellcraft 43, Perform 2, UMD 2, Craft Traps 4

Ending Levels: Ninja 20/BFZ 7/Cleric 13

Level Progression:
1 Ninja: Knockdown, Iron will
2 Cleric
3 Ninja: Power Attack
4 Cleric: Wisdom +1
5 Ninja
6 Cleric: Zen Archery
8 BFZ: Wisdom +1
9 BFZ: Cloak Dance
10 BFZ
11 BFZ
12 BFZ: Cleave
13 BFZ
14 Ninja
15 Cleric: Intuitive Attack
16 Ninja: Wisdom +1
17 Cleric
18 Ninja: Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)
19 Ninja
20 Cleric: Wisdom +1
21 Ninja: Great Cleave
22 Ninja
23 Cleric
24 Ninja: Great Wisdom I, Wisdom +1
25 Cleric
26 Ninja
27 Ninja: Great Wisdom II
28 Cleric: Wisdom +1
29 Ninja
30 Ninja: Great Wisdom III
31 Cleric
32 Ninja: Wisdom +1
33 Ninja: Great Wisdom IV
34 Cleric
35 Ninja
36 Ninja: Wisdom +1, Great Wisdom V
37 Cleric
38 Ninja
39 Ninja: Great Wisdom VI
40: Cleric: Wisdom +1

Pros: Wisdom contributes to AC, spells, attack bonus, and ninja powers
Reasonable saves, especially will (Fort 19, Reflex 32, Will 38)
AC 30 unbuffed and no armor
Sneak Attacks 12d6, combined with Negative Energy Ray and Burning Bolts (bonus domain spells) or with weapons, is quite deadly
Use Poison from early levels, especially useful with upcoming poison system
Attack bonus only 26 with exotic weapons, but 36 with simple weapons from intuitive attack
Can use ninja powers 22 times a day (a la Shadowdancer, can sneak attack, disappear, repeat as necessary)
Fateful Stride once daily
See Invisible
Immune to Fear
9th level spells and epic spells (although only at end of build)

Low HP (about 200)
Only can use exotic and simple weapons
Weak Turn Undead
Weak Death Attack
Monsters may make saves against spells easily because of spellcaster levels
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:12:48 AM
Reply #1

...and here's my Bereft Build:

Shadow Speaker - Ninja 10/ShadowDancer 5/Bereft 5

Race: Tiefling
Alingment: Chaotic Neutral

Starting Stats:
STR 12 [+1]
DEX 18 [+4] (Tiefling 16 + 2)
CON 12 [+1]
INT 16 [+3] (Tiefling 14 + 2)
WIS 14 [+2]
CHA 6 [-2] (Tiefling 8 - 2)

Standard Skills: (these are the skills taken every level of each type - excess skills are saved for following levels)
Ninja: Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Truespeak, Disable Trap, Open Lock, Search, Set Trap, Spot
Shadowdancer: Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Truespeak, Search, Spot (Disable Trap, Set Trap, Open Lock saved for Ninja Levels)
Bereft: Truespeak (saved points used to max Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Search when able)

1. Ninja 1 - Ki Power, Sneak Attack +1d6; Truename Training
2. Ninja 2 - Ghost Step
3. Ninja 3 - SA +2d6, Use Poison; Dodge
4. Ninja 4 - DEX +1; Great Leap
5. Ninja 5 - SA +3d6
6. Ninja 6 - Acrobatics +2, ki Dodge; Mobility
7. Ninja 7 - SA +4d6
8. Shadowdancer 1 - DEX +1; HiPS
9. SD 2 - Evasion, Darkvision (wasted as Tiefling ability); Uncanny Dodge 1; Weapon Finesse
10. Ninja 8 - Ghost Strike
11. Bereft 1 - Syllable of Detachment
12. Bereft 2 - DEX +1; Syllable of Alliction; Blind-Fight
13. Bereft 3 - So-Exile
14. Bereft 4 - So-Dissolution
15. Bereft 5 - So-Evervation; Skill Focus (Truespeak)
16. Ninja 9 - DEX +1; SA +5d6;
17. SD 3 - Shadow Daze, Summon Shadow
18. SD 4 - Shadow Evade; Toughness
19. Ninja 10 - Ghost Step (ethereal)
20. Ninja 11 - DEX +1; SA +6d6

Final Stats:
STR 12 [+1]
DEX 23 [+6]
CON 12 [+1]
INT 16 [+3]
WIS 14 [+2]
CHA 6 [-2]

BAB: +14
AB (with light weapon): +20/+15/+5

Fort: 5
Ref: 12
Will: 8

Hide: 23 + 6 + 2 = 31
Move Silently: 23 + 6 = 29
Search: 23 + 3 = 26
Truespeak: 23 + 3 + 3 = 29
Tumble: 23 + 6 + 2 = 31
Disable Trap: 18 + 3 = 21
Open Lock: 18 + 6 = 24
Set Trap: 18 + 6 = 24
Spot: 18 + 2 = 20

*Truespeech used to damage/incapacitate opponent - from hiding safety
*HiPS allows for spamming SA's all the way home
*Moderate SA damage
*Rogue Skills
*Effective attack abilities with light weapons
*WIS bonus to AC
*Ethereal manouvers of Ninja
*Everyone loves a ninja!!

*If WIS bonus to AC is reliant on not wearing armour (like monk) then you'd have to choose between this and leather or padded armour for most of your career - in later levels the armour could be shed once DEX bonus out-reaches armour bonus
*Some skills progression slows right down during bereft levels

EDIT: Added Truename Training at lvl 1 - moved Dodge to lvl 3 for SD reqs still met, weapon finesse to lvl 9 (a bit late, but reqs come first ), moved blind-fight to lvl 12, removed tactile trapsmith completely.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.