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Author Topic: Orc Religious Leader - thoughts?  (Read 2837 times)

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April 03, 2011, 03:22:11 PM
  • Adept
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A concept build I'm trying to get my head around. The main idea is an Orc raced character that uses Relegious/ritual magic (divine) to assist and buff her fellow orcs in battle. Central to this then is that she's never alone, so I thought the Orc Warlord prestiege class, and Leadership feat would match quite well. Having her main cohort and orc summons fits the bill perfectly.

Shes going to need access to the Raise Dead spell, and Rage ability. I would like to use a Gray Orc for this, and a Shaman base class with only the minimal amount of Barbarian levels needed to get Rage. But this isn't going to work, because she'll get hit with an xp penalty. Cleric is Gray Orc favoured, so I guess it will have to be Cleric. Could use a half-orc Shaman/Barbarian, then I woulnd't need the Daylight adapation feat (likely to take as a Gray Orc as 75% of module is outdoors), thats one bonus.

But.., this character really wants to be a Shaman, lol. Any ideas?