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Author Topic: Turning quarterstaff into a double weapon - discovered some problems  (Read 3323 times)

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February 04, 2017, 04:00:38 PM
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Ok, so below I basically copy and paste my posts from Harrowport forum, where a couple years ago Chaelvin posted how to turn the quarterstaff into a double weapon by editing baseitems.2da (change weapontype to 8 and size from 3 to 4).

Here's what I wrote:
Post 1
I started fiddling with a quarterstaff using character, dual-wielding, wisdom based with intuitive attack (cleric/warlock/eldritch disciple, made him a staff delivering eldritch blasts on-hit).
I followed the instructions of Chaelvin. The off-hand attacks are getting delivered no problem, on-hit property works just fine, but there are some problems with attack bonus.

When my character equips the staff he gets a penalty to attack. Perhaps that is how intuitive attack works, but my other suspicion would be that the off-hand weapon is not considered a simple weapon? The other thing is that despite having both two-weapon fighting and ambidexterity there is a discrepancy in attack bonuses in both hands - offhand had much lower AB (-3 to -5 compared to the main hand). Need to make more tests to determine whats wrong I guess, unless somebody else already experimented with things like that and can provide some insight?

Okay, so I tested it with a level 1 ranger. The quarterstaff I made him has a +1 attack bonus, he starts with standard 14 strength, so his AB was +3 barehanded. After equipping the staff it went to +2/+2, which is what was expected (-2/-2 for two weapons and +1 from the enhancement).

After that I advanced the character to level 3 and gave him intuitive attack, and also raised his wis to 20. What happened after a re-equip, was that the main hand got the bonus from wisdom (so BAB +3, +5 wisdom, +1 enhancement, -2 dual wield was +7 AB), but the offhand was not (BAB +3 +1 enhancement +2 str -2 dual wield = +4).

Is there any way to solve that problem? Why doesn't the game treat the other end of the quarterstaff as a simple weapon?

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Post 2
So I tried looking into the PRC files. I went into the prc_include.hak and opened prc_inc_combat.nss. I've found the code used for determining weapon types and calculating attack bonus, so I added quarterstaves to the list of double-sided weapons there (and monk weapons too, heheh). I feared that the game might not recognize the offhand weapon as the same type as the main hand.

Sadly, the changes didn't help at all. What's more I tested it with an exotic double sided weapon - two-bladed sword. So, with quarterstaff main hand was receiving the attack bonus from intuitive attack, while the offhand was not (32 wis to 12 str in this test at monk level 3 led to +9 AB on main hand and -5 in the offhand. Two-weapon fighting feats were not present). Then I switched the weapon to a two-bladed sword, which my character was not proficient with. The attackk bonus in the main hand dropped to -5 (as expected, -10 from switching from wis to str, -4 from the lack of proficiency), but the attack bonus in the off hand did not drop compared to the quarterstaff despite the fact of not being proficient. I checked again with two kukris - -5 in the main hand, -9 in the offhand, so the penalty for not being proficient was applied correctly).

When I picked up the two-weapon feats and tried equipping the two-bladed sword one should have ab reduced by 2 for both hands. What happened (character level 9) was I got +1/-4 in the main hand and +5 in the offhand, so indeed the game cannot see that for the double-sided weapons the offhand weapon is a type with which the character is not proficient, nor can it see that it should add a wisdom bonus because the weapon is simple.

Perhaps my changes didn't have any effect as I just put the modified *.nss file into the hak file, I didn't run any complilators - could this be the reason why I didn't see any change?

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