Neverwinter Nights > Spells, Feats, and Skills

Does Mounted Combat work?


I've read up that mounted combat only works in modules specifically set up to use the script, and it looks like patching a module with prc does not enable the script.

Why not have patching a module with prc enable the mounted combat script? Or does it already and I just don't see it?

We have nothing to do with the Mounted Combat system. It's from Wyvern Crown of Cormyr.

ThE LoSt BoY:
Keep a guy waiting for 2 years on a response, why don't you?

The fate of the NWN-PRC universe could have been at stake in the mean time. Orcus could have taken over. Or worse, one of his ambitious lackeys with ludicrous coding skills might have returned to rule these boards.

Heresy, I say!

It was more just a post to see that posting worked okay on the new host :P


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