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Author Topic: Actions cancell early  (Read 6398 times)

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June 27, 2009, 01:12:14 AM
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mod en4 and en6, cep 2.2 + prc 3.3(f and g)
Ok so the problem seems to be any action i take all of them will stop the instant i try to initiat them. I can click a door from a screen away or next to it but before it can do the action it stops, same with moving or attacking effectivly making it so i can do nothing without frantic clicking that only works on a very low chance(couldnt open the door to outside or the sewers without the same problem though no luck with frantic clicks so tried attacking a NPC)

It would seem to be only on ENs that i am unable to do anything at all in regards to actions, i have tried the prc updater, manuelling adding it in myself. Plus also i had tried restoring the original event scripts instead of a script that loaded both the PrC and EN versions made after using the updater.

The only thing eventually that got the actions to work fine was to complete replace all the scripts but then i was left without and PrC related scripts, ingame i was testing the a shifter(race) dragon shaman and without scripts i couldnt get my shifter based trait, nor i imagine any other feat/trait/spells that use the pop up menu.(will have to test if say a favoured soul gets spells options).
Then i also tried to selectivly change certain scripts to see if any would allow me full prc and action. no luck instead the starting loading was longer and it pretty much just as i had started.

So basically i am with a fully prc enabled version where i cant take any action or a semi prc with movement.
If anyone has a idea or has come across this problem before i would appreciate any help you can offer. If there is any other infomation required to make it clearer let me know

Edit: it is also not the problem of removing the script as quoted underneth. i am still able to move albeit the action just keeps cancelling, this includes resting as well.
Also en4 doesnt have such script
Quote from: CapnQ

Quote from: MaxAstro

I just went through getting EN6 to work with the PRC; had a lot of issues with it.  I'm not sure that what claims to be the latest CEP/PRC merge hak actually is...  What I ended up doing was taking the CEP2.0 version of EN6, manually removing the tlk from it, and then using the module updater to add the latest merge hak to it.  That seemed to work, but I haven't discovered yet if it will cause problems.

I did notice some blank class names, which is why I think the merge is out of date.  But so far they are classes I don't care about.  :)

If anyone could track down a confirmed CEP2.2/PRC3.3a merge it would be much appreciated; I don't quite have the skill to build one myself.

I used the EN6 version without PRC installed ( from, and installed PRC myself (using the PRC installer program).I also had to open EN6 in the toolset and disable the code that strips you of all items (because it was causing problems like those described in the 1st and 3rd posts here: After I did that, it worked without too many problems even without the PRC/CEP merge hak, which now rather surprises me--maybe I just got lucky.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 09:07:42 AM by vozhd »

June 27, 2009, 09:28:50 AM
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Quote from: vozhd

mod en4 and en6, cep 2.2 + prc 3.3(f and g)
Ok so the problem seems to be any action i take all of them will stop the instant i try to initiat them. I can click a door from a screen away or next to it but before it can do the action it stops, same with moving or attacking effectivly making it so i can do nothing without frantic clicking that only works on a very low chance(couldnt open the door to outside or the sewers without the same problem though no luck with frantic clicks so tried attacking a NPC)

This is exactly what I was seeing until I removed the code that strips the PC of all items when you first start EN. Did you try that?

June 27, 2009, 09:54:05 AM
Reply #2
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Yes i have tried that, thought EN4 doesnt have the script listed that you change so you did not lose item on mod_enter, in my edited first post. Will have to continue looking into it tomorrow
Ed;T: its not that i cant move at all as per the qouted post, but that i cant rest/attack/move without it cancelling itself
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 09:55:28 AM by vozhd »

June 27, 2009, 07:31:20 PM
Reply #3
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ok so i tried doing it again. EN6 + EN4 from the vault with the CEP2.
Added in prc using updater then went into the toolset and commented out the lines
Still no change in actions this morning

June 29, 2009, 10:07:41 AM
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Quote from: vozhd

Yes i have tried that, thought EN4 doesnt have the script listed that you change so you did not lose item on mod_enter, in my edited first post. Will have to continue looking into it tomorrow
Ed;T: its not that i cant move at all as per the qouted post, but that i cant rest/attack/move without it cancelling itself

EN4 does have such a script, but it's called something different--I don't remember offhand what. I've been playing EN4 with PRC added and the item stripping removed, and it's been working fine except that about half of the quest journal entries are really messed up (they contain PRC text instead of text describing the quest).

June 29, 2009, 10:08:21 AM
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Quote from: vozhd

ok so i tried doing it again. EN6 + EN4 from the vault with the CEP2.
Added in prc using updater then went into the toolset and commented out the lines
Still no change in actions this morning

Not sure what to tell you--it worked for me.

June 29, 2009, 11:15:08 AM
Reply #6


may i suggest something?
the way CapnQ teach did work for me. ( thanks CapnQ )
so, a few days ago i installed prc 3.3g, and feeling lazy to the script editing, and i remember somewhere in the forum someone wrote something like this:

1. Enter a module ( any module with prc ) with your character.
2. Strip him naked ( drop all item in inventory n body )
3. save the character then exit
4. enter EN6 with this new naked char and presto. no " Action cancell early":D

June 29, 2009, 07:46:31 PM
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Quote from: FazliAmri


may i suggest something?
the way CapnQ teach did work for me. ( thanks CapnQ )
so, a few days ago i installed prc 3.3g, and feeling lazy to the script editing, and i remember somewhere in the forum someone wrote something like this:

1. Enter a module ( any module with prc ) with your character.
2. Strip him naked ( drop all item in inventory n body )
3. save the character then exit
4. enter EN6 with this new naked char and presto. no " Action cancell early":D

Thanks everyone for helping, still no luck as of such. i can do the steps here but then i dont believe EN treats you as a valid PC anymore as you could of "cheated" items to yourself and so forth.

Also someone mentioned that en4 had such script, aye it did albiet not under the same name which is what i was elluding to so someone could tell me exactly which script to change, i had checked it that morning myself in any case. Now the weird thing is i can get EN4 to work(so i believe, all seems in place right now) but still nothing on en6.

getting closer now and i can also play some en4 for now, of course being vastly different i like to test most prc stuff in 6. Either way, thanks all i'll get there soon and hell i might even do some work on the module and throw it on the vault, this problem seems widespread across 3.0+ releases so i heard and alot of user dont come to this site.

have a good day