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Author Topic: PRC Preference Tweaks  (Read 2819 times)

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May 19, 2020, 11:20:09 AM
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Well, I've been using PRC to play through the OC for a bit now. Dragon Shaman wouldn't work (see previous post) but I'm playing a Dragonfire Adept now and I love it, breaths fresh air into an old game I really loved. Hats off to you guys for all the work this must have taken.

PRC does seem to include a number of functions to bring the game closer to PnP - some I like, some... I don't, and would prefer to disable. I've managed this with some but others I just don't know which switches control what or even what most of the switches do - I'm not even completely sure if tinkering with the switches will give the effects I want - so, I'm looking for some guidance.

Okay, so I found the post about how to turn of the movement decrease, worked fine and I'm happy. I also noticed on the character sheet though, that there is a permanent skill decrease - I don't know what its actually decreasing or why but it's on every character I make and I'd like it gone. Any method on how to remove that would be great and I'd kinda like to know why its there in the first place -is there a legitimate reason? If there is, I might keep it but for now, lets just say I want to know how to remove it please.

Okay, next: not being able to rest until 18 hours have passed - yeah, I'd like to get rid of that too, it's mildly irritating with my Dragonfire Adept but I think it will drive me up the wall should I decide to play a more conventional spellcaster. So, I'd love to know how to turn that off too please.

There's also the 'Free Hands' modification: ie you need one hand not carrying a shield, or you need to completely disarm if your using a 2H weapon in order to drink a potion or use some miscillaneous items. I get why its been included but it's a little too purist for me, I'd rather go back to the old way things were done. So, please, how do I turn that off?

I noticed that the Find Traps spell no longer removes traps, just reveals them. Again, I get why its been brought in, its pure PnP D&D, which is fine. However, I've always though that traps and locks have been an issue with how NWN was built. Basically, you either needed Tommy as a follower, a Pixie as a familiar or just play a rouge type build yourself. Personally, I like to have a different follower than Tommy sometimes and maybe not play a rouge for once (I did so used to love the Shadowdancer though), so I just used to use the console to give myself a Lens of Detection and a Chime of Opening - yeah, it's cheating I know but I've always seen it more as solving a flaw in thew game. Anyway,back to the point: I found the switch to turn this alteration off (yay me) but it won't stick, it keeps on reseting and I have to keep turning the adaptation off again. Can you please tell me how to set the switch to 0 permanently?

Last but not least: every time I rest, my health bar slowly fills up like normal but when the process finishes I suddenly take 4 Magical Damage. I have no idea what that's about but I'd like it to go away so if you could please tell me how to do that I'd be very happy.

Well, there you go, I would really appreciate any solutions that can be provided,

I feel I've got to say it again: PRC is GREAT! I first played NWN and its expansions when it first came out and really loved the game - I played it to death actually, tried /everything/. I brought the Enhanced Edition in a sale and its been sitting on my PC for quite a while doing nothing - I tried it when I first got it but it just felt like been here done that and I left it. Coming across PRC though has restoked my interest in the game. I remember some of the prestige classes and races from mods back in the day but to have so many in one place with so little modding conflict is just... I'm impressed and enjoying the game like it was fresh out of the box (and it did come in a box back then), so thanks for doing all this hard work.

May 19, 2020, 02:36:19 PM
Reply #1

For this, you'll want to drop by the discord and look for the guys with Yellow names, they deal with it regularly but they aren't around here. I just keep an eye on things when I can.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

May 19, 2020, 03:43:52 PM
Reply #2
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Gotcha, I'll blow the dust of my discord and and try to meet these nice people, thanks again  :)