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Author Topic: Build: Paladin 7/Duelist 23/Champion of Torm 10 (Stand and Deliver)  (Read 2733 times)

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February 18, 2022, 10:09:42 AM
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This build is designed to produce a well-rounded melee warrior with great defense, saves, and damage potential.  AC and damage output will scale all the way to max level, and thanks to Paladin and Champion of Torm, saves will be high across the board.  Nothing fancy with this build, maybe even a bit boring, but you can count on it to reliably dish it out and take it.

What you get with this build: full BAB; up to 8 attacks per round with Perfect TWF (7 if you decide to skip it); devastating critical at level 22; extremely high AC (tops out at 48 completely naked before any equipment bonuses); intelligence bonus to AC; good saves with charisma bonus to saves and +5 from Champion of Torm; immunity to disease and fear.

Weak Points: due to the high attacks per round, monsters that can avoid Devastating Critical can still be taken down quickly; this build has great saves, but its Will save may be just good instead of great; this build has no innate healing abilities outside of low-level Lay on Hands, making them a good candidate for equipment with regeneration; with expertise turned on and nothing to offset the TWF penalties you may miss sometimes with your melee attacks, this can be addressed by taking the following feats instead of Perfect TWF and some of the Great Dexterity selections: Oversized TWF, Weapon Focus (scimitar) and Epic Weapon Focus (scimitar) - you will lose one attack per round but have a higher chance of connecting.  This build does not take Daylight Adaptation, so it will experience an annoying blinding effect periodically when outside, this is not a serious problems as most battles take place indoors and the blinding is temporary, but you can swap a Great Dexterity feat if you are dropping Perfect TWF for Daylight Adaptation.

Build Name: Stand and Deliver

Race: Orog

Alignment: Lawful Good
STR 20
DEX 14
CON 10   
WIS 11   
INT 13   
CHA 12   
Lvl     Class
1   Paladin 1: Dodge      
2   Pal 2                     
3   Pal 3: Weapon Finesse      
4   Pal 4: STR 21
5   Pal 5                     
6   Pal 6: Mobility      
7   Pal 7                     
8   Duelist 1: STR 22
9   Duel 2: Expertise      
10   Duel 3                     
11   Duel 4                     
12   Duel 5: Weapon Focus (Scimitar), STR 23
13   Duel 6                     
14   Duel 7                     
15   Champion of Torm 1: Improved Critical (Scimitar)      
16   CoT 2: B: Ambidexterity, STR 24
17   CoT 3                     
18   CoT 4: Power Attack, B: Cleave      
19   CoT 5                     
20   CoT 6: B: Great Cleave, STR 25
21   CoT 7: Overwhelming Critical (Scimitar)      
22   CoT 8: B: Devastating Critical (Scimitar)      
23   CoT 9                     
24   CoT 10: Great Dexterity, B: Two-Weapon Fighting, DEX 16
25   Duel 8                     
26   Duel 9                     
27   Duel 10: Great Dexterity      
28   Duel 11: DEX 18
29   Duel 12                     
30   Duel 13: Improved TWF, B: Great Dexterity      
31   Duel 14                     
32   Duel 15: DEX 20
33   Duel 16: Greater TWF , B: Great Dexterity      
34   Duel 17                     
35   Duel 18                     
36   Duel 19: Great Dexterity, B: Great Dexterity, DEX 24
37   Duel 20                     
38   Duel 21                     
39   Duel 22: B: Great Dexterity      
40   Duel 23: Perfect TWF, STR 26

Note, make sure to buy off the orog level adjustment as soon as you can (level 6 and 9).  For all this build's abilities to work you must 1) not wear any actual armor (clothes with an AC bonus and robes are fine) and 2) have Fighting Defensively turned on (enabling sticky combat modes is recommended).  You may choose to wear armor and still get the huge AC boost from ellaborate dodge as long as expertise is turned on but you will lose your intelligence bonus to AC - this may or may not be beneficial.  It is probably a good idea to stick with a scimitar and tower shield until levels 24-30 when the off-hand attacks start to come online before switching to dual scimitars.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2022, 08:44:48 AM by ebonfowl »

March 12, 2022, 10:52:49 PM
Reply #1

A few things to consider. Two Weapon Rend is a good damage feat for TWF types. Div Might / Shield is very good combo w/ divine TWF builds and the DM damage output isn't alignment dependent - like the Smite chains.

If you don't use level adjustment, one of the Rakshasa varieties (base, Naz or Zak) will help build a better tank and cost much less toward the massive Devi-Crit ability and feat commits.

Does Precise Strike work with a weapon in each hand?

Overall, love the damage dealer build.

On a personal level, I never cared for the massive feat and Strength sink Devi-Crit is. I create toolset items that grant the Devi-Crit feat and spend the rest on others things (TW Rend, DMight, DShield, Extra turning, Greater Str, Greater Cha). Devi-Crit by itself creates very one dimensional builds.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 13, 2022, 12:53:12 AM
Reply #2
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A few things to consider. Two Weapon Rend is a good damage feat for TWF types. Div Might / Shield is very good combo w/ divine TWF builds and the DM damage output isn't alignment dependent - like the Smite chains.

If you don't use level adjustment, one of the Rakshasa varieties (base, Naz or Zak) will help build a better tank and cost much less toward the massive Devi-Crit ability and feat commits.

Does Precise Strike work with a weapon in each hand?

Overall, love the damage dealer build.

On a personal level, I never cared for the massive feat and Strength sink Devi-Crit is. I create toolset items that grant the Devi-Crit feat and spend the rest on others things (TW Rend, DMight, DShield, Extra turning, Greater Str, Greater Cha). Devi-Crit by itself creates very one dimensional builds.

Two-Weapon Rend is a great suggestion!  And we just updated Elaborate Parry to not require Expertise (it needs fighting defensively in PnP), so I can eliminate that feat altogether and replace it.

I can't bring myself to use the uber races.  I love cheese, but that is too much, even for me.  But yes, one rule of the PRC is that NazRak fixes everything. :)

Precise Strike does not work with dual wield, but two-weapon fighting is much better for output than leaving the off-hand completely empty.

If you like non-devcrit damage dealers, stay-tuned.  I have spent a lot of time recently with testing and spreadsheets, and I am going to post two builds soon that can do massive damage (just got to figure out a name for them first).  To give you an idea, one of the builds can surpass 1200 damage a round on average!

March 13, 2022, 01:52:28 AM
Reply #3

"And we just updated Elaborate Parry"    Who's we? Curious who is left and coding.

FYI. Here is an ~2000 hp old school Smite build [not mine]:

The other old school OG builds are here:

Look forward to seeing an uber damage build(s).
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 14, 2022, 01:35:25 AM
Reply #4
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Most of the updates coming now are Strat, Jaysyn/DM Heatstroke and me. You probably know them if you have been around a while. I’m the new guy. I remember playing way back in the day when it first came out, but left it alone for like 15+ years and just came back recently. About two months ago I realized I loved scripting! :)

You should come by the discord, that is where most the development traffic is these days. I’m sure the veterans would love to hear from you!

Problem with that smite build is that it puts all its eggs in one basket and requires luck (scythe) and a lot of use-limited buffing to pull that off. And even smite is severely use-limited. Seems more like a thought experiment on how to do the biggest single hit ever. I think that if I took that build into a tough module like Swordflight it would be great for a few monsters which I would annihilate, but then the 50th monster when I have no smites and I can’t get them back because of extreme rest restrictions is gonna be a lot tougher. The build I made can do that enormous damage every round forever with very little variation, and that number I posted is an average not a max.

Suppose I should probably get it together and post it already!!

March 14, 2022, 07:18:53 PM
Reply #5

Agree that crit immune can spoil almost any 1D uber damage build. I prefer very high probability damage over conditional / situational types. I don't believe in sneaks, either. The idea that a non-magical class can hide in the shadows and deal massive damage to someone right next to them? Not a fan.

Can't wait to see it, but no hurries.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist