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Author Topic: Build: Swashbuckler 7/Duelist 29/Champion of Corellon 4 (Drowtrageous)  (Read 2051 times)

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March 13, 2022, 12:57:00 AM
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This build is designed to be a well-rounded melee powerhouse. AC will be unmatched in this build (at least among builds that don't include PnP Shifter), and damage output will be excellent as well thanks to Elegant Strike, Insightful Strike and Lolth's Meat all being applied to TWF.

What this build gives you: extremely high AC capable of breaking 60 without any equipment, armor, or buffs; full BAB; dexterity bonus to attack, AC, and damage (weapon finesse and elegant strike); intelligence bonus to AC and damage (canny defense and insightful strike); damage, attack and save bonus that stacks with each kill (lolth's meat); perfect two-weapon fighting; good scaling SR (drow).

Weak points: no healing to speak of making this build a good candidate for equipment with regeneration; saves are nothing special - I would prioritize equipment that offers increased saves and immunities for this build.

Build Name: Drowtrageous

Race: Drow

Alignment: Any nonevil
STR 12   
DEX 20   
CON 10
WIS 8   
INT 16
CHA 10      
Lvl   Class
1   Swashbuckler 1: Weapon Finesse, Dodge      
2   Swash 2                     
3   Swash 3: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Thinblade)      
4   Swash 4: 21 DEX
5   Swash 5                     
6   Swash 6: Mobility, Tumble 5, Perform 3      
7   Duelist 1                     
8   Duel 2: 22 DEX
9   Duel 3: Medium Armor Proficiency      
10   Duel 4                     
11   Duel 5                     
12   Duel 6: Heavy Armor Proficiency, 23 DEX
13   Duel 7: Lore 2, Persuade 4
14   Duel 8                      
15   Duel 9: Expertise   
16   Champion of Correlon 1: B: Improved Trip/Improved Disarm, 24 DEX
17   CoC 2                  
18   CoC 3: Improved Critical (Rapier)   
19   Duelist 10                     
20   Swash 7: 25 DEX
21   Duel 11: Lolth’s Meat   
22   Duel 12                     
23   Duel 13: B: Two-Weapon Fighting   
24   Duel 14: Oversized TWF, 26 DEX
25   Duel 15                     
26   Duel 16: B: Improved TWF      
27   CoC 4: Daylight Adaptation, B: Greater TWF      
28   Duel 17: 27 DEX
29   Duel 18                     
30   Duel 19: Perfect TWF, B: Great Dexterity      
31   Duel 20                     
32   Duel 21: 29 DEX
33   Duel 22: Epic Fortitude/Will, B: Great Dexterity      
34   Duel 23                     
35   Duel 24                     
36   Duel 25: Great Dexterity, B: Great Dexterity, 33 DEX
37   Duel 26                     
38   Duel 27                     
39   Duel 28: Great Dexterity, B: Great Dexterity      
40   Duel 29: 36 DEX

Note, make sure to buy off the drow level adjustment as soon as you can (level 6 and 9).  For all this build's abilities to work you must 1) not wear any actual armor (clothes with an AC bonus and robes are fine) and 2) have fighting defensively turned on (enabling sticky combat modes is recommended).
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:46:31 AM by ebonfowl »

March 13, 2022, 06:25:56 PM
Reply #1

The Masochism spell was something I tried to get going for low AC / retribution builds, but it didn't work that I could tell. Can you see the Lolth's meat buffs on the stat sheet or can you tell it's working by the damage values?
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 14, 2022, 01:03:19 AM
Reply #2
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I hate that there is masochism but no sadism, sadism was awesome in PnP. I always take masochism when I am able but then never use it. I’ll have to check if it is bugged and fix it if it is now that you mention that. And regarding lolth’s meat you have to go by the damage number, it always displays +1 on the character sheet. But the damage is divine, so it is real easy to see. I think 50 (100 on a crit) is the highest I’ve got it.