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Author Topic: Base Class: Scout  (Read 5016 times)

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June 05, 2009, 10:13:12 AM

I thought I'd have a go at the Weekly Builds, and thus came up with this:

Race: Elf

Starting Stats

Str: 14 [+2]
Dex: 20 [+4] (18+2 elf)
Con: 10 [+0] (12-2 elf)
Int: 12 [+1]
Wis: 8 [-1]
Cha: 8 [-1]

Level 1: Archer - Craft Weapon 4, Discipline 4, Jump 4, Lore 4 - Rapid Shot
Level 2: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1
Level 3: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1 - Weapon Focus: Longbow, Called Shot
Level 4: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1 - +1 Dex
Level 5: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1
Level 6: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1 - Toughness
Level 7: Archer - Craft Weapon 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1 - Many Shot
Level 8: Archer - Hide 1, Discipline 1, Jump 1, Lore 1 - +1 Dex
Level 9: Peerless Archer - Hide 1, Move Silently 2 - Bow Mastery
Level 10: Peerless Archer - Hide 2, Move Silently 1
Level 11: Peerless Archer - Hide 1, Move Silently 2
Level 12: Peerless Archer - Hide 2, Move Silently 1 - +1 Dex - Perfect Shot
Level 13: Peerless Archer - Hide 1, Move Silently 2
Level 14: Peerless Archer - Hide 2, Move Silently 1
Level 15: Peerless Archer - Hide 1, Move Silently 2 - Improved Critical: Longbow
Level 16: Peerless Archer - Hide 2, Move Silently 1 - +1 Dex
Level 17: Peerless Archer - Hide 1, Move Silently 2
Level 18: Peerless Archer - Hide 2, Move Silently 1 - Dodge
Level 19: Archer - Hide 4
Level 20: Archer - Hide 3, Carry 1 - Dex +1
Level 21: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 3, Search 3, Tumble 3 - Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow
Level 22: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 3, Search 2, Tumble 3
Level 23: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 3, Search 2, Tumble 3
Level 24: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 3, Search 2, Tumble 3 - +1 Dex - Killing Shot, Mobility
Level 25: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 4
Level 26: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 4
Level 27: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 4 - Improved Many Shot
Level 28: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 4 - +1 Dex - Spring Attack
Level 29: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 4
Level 30: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 1, Lore 3 - Perfect Shot 2
Level 31: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 1, Lore 3
Level 32: Scout - Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Search 3, Tumble 1, Lore 3 - +1 Dex - Blinding Speed (If haste is available, swap for Great Str 1)
Level 33: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3 - Armour Skin, Epic Prowess
Level 34: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3
Level 35: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3
Level 36: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3 - Dex +1 - Alertness
Level 37: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3 - Great Dexterity 1
Level 38: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3
Level 39: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3 - Epic Will
Level 40: Archer - Hide 1, Spot 3 - +1 Str

Finishing Stats

Str: 15 [+2]
Dex: 30 [+10]
Con: 10 [+0]
Int: 12 [+1]
Wis: 8 [-1]
Cha: 8 [-1]

BAB: 29
AB: Unarmed - +32/27/22/17
AB: Ranged (+0 Longbow) - +49/44/39/34/49
AB: Ranged (+0 Logbow - Rapid Shot) - +47/42/37/32/47/42

Fort: 28
Relfex: 26
Will: 19


Craft Weapon: 14
Discipline: 9
Hide: 53
Jump: 9
Listen: 3
Lore: 21
Move Silenty: 45
Search: 36
Spot: 29
Tumble: 47

Base Speed: 50ft
Base AC: 29
Base AC with Skirmish: 32

Recommended Equipment:

Composite Longbow - Damage and AB
Haste - More Speed and an extra attack
Light armour - Preferably padded
Items that boost Str or Dex


*Can create arrows
*4d6 sneak attack
*3d6 skirmish
*High AB and a high number of attacks per round
*High AC
*Has a decent speed
*Fort and Reflex are fairly decent
*High Hide and Move Silently
*Can shoot 6 arrows at once
*Can deduct 15 AB to deal an extra 15 damage
*Can disarm from range


*Arrows get pricy in both gold and experience
*Skirmish only works within 30ft when using a bow
*High number of attacks means you burn through loads of arrows
*The Will Save is pitiful
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:13:22 AM
Reply #1

Scouting Drunk Dwarf Scout28/Monk9/Drunken Master3
Here is mine, Primarily a 40 build

Wild Dwarf
Any Lawful

Str 8
Dex 18
Con 16
Wis 14
Int 10
Cha 6

1 - Scout 1 Toughness
2 - Scout 2
3 - Scout 3 Weapon Finesse
4 - Scout 4 +1Dex, Improved Initiative
5 - Monk 1
6 - Monk 2 Ambi
7 - Monk 3
8 - Monk 4 +1Dex
9 - Monk 5 Two-Wep
10 - Monk 6
11 - Monk 7
12 - Monk 8 +1Dex, Imp Two-Wep
13 - Scout 5
14 - Scout 6
15 - Scout 7 Imp Crit
16 - Scout 8 +1Dex, Dodge
17 - Scout 9
18 - Scout 10 Wep Foc
19 - Scout 11
20 - Scout 12 +1Dex, Great Fort
21 - Scout 13 Greater Dex I
22 - Scout 14
23 - Scout 15 HiPs
24 - Scout 16 +1Dex,Greater Dex II, Epic Wep Focus
25 - Scout 17
26 - DM 1
27 - DM 2 Greater Dex III
28 - Scout 18 +1Dex
29 - Scout 19
30 - Scout 20 Superior Initiative, Greater Dex IV
31 - Scout 21
32 - Scout 22 +1Dex
33 - Scout 23 Armoursking
34 - Scout 24 Epic Prowess
35 - Scout 25
36 - Scout 26 +1Dex, Greater Dex V
37 - Scout 27
38 - Scout 28 Greater Dex VI
39 - Monk 9 Self Concealment I (max Disc/parry)
40 - Dm 3 +1Dex

Str 8
Dex 34
Con 16
Wis 14
Int 10
Cha 6

296 Skill points
Hide/MS 43(55)
Disc 42(41)
Spellcraft 20
Tumble 40
88leftover, parry(54) most other skills only what you put into it

Fort 45(51)
Reflex 36(42)
Will 22(30)

AC Standstil 37, On the move 44(uncanny dodge)
HP 480
BAB 25
AB 39/36/33/30/27
*logs show -5 per attack rather than monks -3 shown in the sheets

(1-6)-1 19-20x2
7d6 skirmish
random magic damage "Stagger"

22 Initiative
Self Conceal I
lots of skills
Freedom/TS(ts seems to dissappear but was there when built)
Damn fast, but i have no idea how to calculate it
Lacking AB, decent AC, Above average HP, good saves except Will

If AC +2dodge was not useful can drop DM 3 for extra 1d6 skirmish/+2 Initiative
While it might be detrimental, the last 2 greater dex could be exchanged for self conceal III at a cost to disc(-6)due to monk being taken at 33 instead.
DM 3 should be taken earlier to take advantage of AC without causing trouble in the build if you do not max taunt at 40, but as noted, level 40 build
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:13:32 AM
Reply #2

Pixie Tempest with Arms - Scout21/Man at Arms9/Tempest10
Pure 40 again, think i will contrain myself to a playble 1-40 next.Uber race slightly less so due to -6str and needing 13 base for power attack. Can only use races with inherant "dodge" or a free feat

Any alignment

Str 13
Dex 25
Con 12
Wis 12
Int 14
Cha 14

1 - Scout 1 Power Attack, Dodge(race granted feat)
2 - Scout 2
3 - Scout 3 Weapon focus Rapier
4 - Scout 4 +1Str, Mobility
5 - Scout 5
6 - Scout 6 Weapon focus Short Sword
7 - Scout 7
8 - Scout 8 +1Dex, Spring Attack
9 - Scout 9 Weapon focus Handaxe
10 - Scout 10
11 - Scout 11
12 - Scout 12 +1Dex, Weapon focus Dart* ,Pointblank**
**1 scout feat of your own choice,wepfocus will most likely determine which one Rapid reload/pointblank/blindfight/expertise)
13 - MAA 1
14 - MAA 2
15 - MAA 3 Weapon Finesse
16 - MAA 4 +1Dex
17 - MAA 5
18 - MAA 6 Ambidex
19 - MAA 7
20 - MAA 8 +1Dex
21 - MAA 9 Two-Weapon
22 - Tempest 1
23 - Tempest 2
24 - Tempest 3 +1Dex, Epic prowess
25 - Tempest 4
26 - Tempest 5
27 - Tempest 6 Greater Dex I
28 - Tempest 7 +1Dex
29 - Tempest 8
30 - Tempest 9 Armour Skin
31 - Scout 13
32 - Scout 14 +1Dex
33 - Scout 15 Superior initiative
34 - Scout 16 Greater Dex II
35 - Scout 17
36 - Scout 18 +1Dex, Greater Dex III
37 - Scout 19
38 - Scout 20 Greater Dex IV
39 - Tempest 10 Imp Power Attack
40 - Scout 21 +1Dex

Str 14
Dex 38
Con 12
Wis 12
Int 14
Cha 14

Fort 41(45)
Reflex 34(38)
Will 17(21)

316 Skills
Hide/MS 43(57)
Tumble 40
Spellcraft 20
Disc 42(44)
108 leftover

HP 409
AC 40, on the move 45
BAB 27
AB 46/41/36/31 46/31/29/24
Furious Assult 44/39/34/29/46 44/39/24/19
+3 slashing
PRC power +2 piercing damage per -1AB(maxing at -10)


-20 AB for the above max damage, Powerattack does nto effect the AB at the end of the offhand, so the 24/19 stay the same

24 Initiative
polymorph/badger Skirmishing!
Strike at Core-Con damage DC19
55SR(not shown in sheet)
Scout Speed

Epic wep replaced with 4 great dex to give the +2 to AB/AC and anyother dex related stat.
Varied weapons useble, darts can be dropped for another melee weapon and a different scout feat at lvl 12, i use blindfight. Or you can focus for 1 more AB on a single weapon or two with a drop of Greater Dex III/IV. One focus only, allows one more feat, toughness perhaps for the 40hp
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.