Let me preface this by saying that this is my first time playing Neverwinter Nights. I am playing the Diamond edition, with CEP and PRC installed, game patched to v1.69. I understand now that CEP only applies to "persistent worlds" (a term I do not fully understand), not the campaigns.
Can PRC material be used in campaigns (original campaign, SoU, HotU, and Kingmaker)?
PRC Pack can be used in OC, SoU and HotU, but premium modules are encrypted and you can't modify them in any way - that's why you can't add PRC to them
What counts as a premium model?
What should I expect if I try to, say, play a swordsage in the campaigns? What if I try to take a feat added by the PRC?
You can't take any PRC class at 1st level (you need special character creator to do that - see download section). Some classes are a bit bugged but most of them works fine (I love new spellcasting classes ) You won't be able to use PRC character in module without PRC.
Okay, I have the character builder, that separate program which lets me load characters as a pregen in the campaigns. If I understand correctly, then... if I make a swordsage in the character generator, then select him from the character pregen screen of the main campaign, that means I will not have problems playing the swordsage. I should not expect scripting problems, problems with the dialogue, feats, or any other issues derived from playing a PRC class.
If this would cause a problem, then is there a way to quickly and efficiently uninstall the PRC? Or at least differentiate PRC material from material present in the core game?
Make a buckup copies of modules (all files in nwm folder - i know module updater makes buckups, but they are probably overwritten after installing ocfix). If you want to uninstall PRC simply restore those buckups and delete PRC haks.
If you know what you're doing, you should have no problems with PRC.
Thanks! It's a bit late, only because I already installed the updater. I notice a couple other options listed as PRC Pack and prcc2. I don't recall, but I might have installed those earlier (it was months ago, so I do not recall what I installed). Could you tell me what those two updaters are for?
Also, when it asks me, "What do you want to update" and includes a list of a bunch of things, everything from "original campaign" to "CEPxxxxx", should I just select everything?
Thanks for the advice!
I am debating which class to play right now. Strongheart Halfling Swordsage (dex-based), Human Swordsage (strength-based), or straight-up human Cleric (Str-emphasized). I was going to play a human Crusader->Cleric->Ruby Knight Vindicator, but I read that the RKV has problems right now because of a Crusader bug.