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Author Topic: Precacher - Missing file errors  (Read 21077 times)

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January 15, 2012, 03:59:02 PM

Im running the precacher to make an sqlite db. I'm getting some missing file errors and I'm just wondering if they are anything to worry about. In particular this concerns:


January 16, 2012, 02:23:48 AM
Reply #1
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Those files are used by ConvoCC, so it's not really good that they are missing. If you instlled PRC ServerPack correctly, than all those files are in bioware2das.7z. They should be extracted during precache process:
del precacher2das\*.2da
mkdir precacher2das
7za x bioware2das.7z -oprecacher2das
erf -x hak\prc_2das.hak
erf -x hak\prc_race.hak

That's the only place where 7za.exe is used. Do you have both files (bioware2das.7z and 7za.exe) in your NWN directory? You could extract files manually and modify 'precacher sqlite prc.bat'.

January 17, 2012, 02:16:51 AM
Reply #2

Hmmm, I do have the 7a.exe and the bioware2das.7z in there.... maybe its something to do with running windows 7?

January 17, 2012, 02:30:01 AM
Reply #3
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Hmmm, I do have the 7a.exe and the bioware2das.7z in there.... maybe its something to do with running windows 7?

It's possible. Try this:
1. edit "precacher sqlite prc.bat" file in notepad:
rem del precacher2das\*.2da
rem mkdir precacher2das
rem 7za x bioware2das.7z -oprecacher2das
erf -x hak\prc_2das.hak
erf -x hak\prc_race.hak
2. save the file
3. extract bioware2das.7z to precacher2das folder (you should already have it, if not create one)
4. run "prechacher sqlite prc.bat"

January 22, 2012, 07:50:25 AM
Reply #4

Ah i found that the precacher2das folder already had the bioware files. However the precacher hiccups with the appearance.2da i supplied from CEP into the custom2das folder, giving an error on applying the SQL, that ":" unrecognized token. However by using default bioware appearance.2da it works... so for now I will use that...
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 07:58:54 AM by Silvercloud »

January 22, 2012, 08:08:55 AM
Reply #5
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Ah i found that the precacher2das folder already had the bioware files. However the precacher hiccups with the appearance.2da i supplied from CEP into the custom2das folder, giving an error on applying the SQL, that ":" unrecognized token. However by using default bioware appearance.2da it works... so for now I will use that...
appearance.2da from CEP can't be imported into sql because some labes contain single quote marks ('). I usually replace them with apostrophe marks (`- near Esc button).

January 22, 2012, 10:01:42 AM
Reply #6

I have attached my edited files... the precacher seems to be able to precache the default PRC RC1 3.5, but not once i put these in custom2das folder... any ideas?

January 22, 2012, 10:24:20 AM
Reply #7
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I have attached my edited files... the precacher seems to be able to precache the default PRC RC1 3.5, but not once i put these in custom2das folder... any ideas?
Always use space in 2da files (no tabs).
The entry for Halari Rakshasa in racialtypes and racialappear is a bit wrong. the label should be Halari_Rakshasa or HalariRakshasa (without space) otherwise that's two entries and it makes that 2da line too long.

January 22, 2012, 10:42:24 AM
Reply #8

I have attached my edited files... the precacher seems to be able to precache the default PRC RC1 3.5, but not once i put these in custom2das folder... any ideas?

You left a space between halari & rakshasa in the label fields of both 2das.  This is wrong.  They need to be"Halari_Rakshasa".  The underscore is important.

January 22, 2012, 11:03:44 AM
Reply #9

Yep thanks, that did it!

It all works like it should now... only question I have remaining is about the ConvoCC... it seems the feat selection needs a long loadtime (even though it is precached), I assume this is to do with the enormous amount of feats the PRC has, but if a char gets to select 2 feats, the loadtime is twice 5 mins to load it (e.g. t doesn't get faster for the second feat selection). Anything I can do to speed this up?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 11:10:51 AM by Silvercloud »

January 22, 2012, 12:11:19 PM
Reply #10

Yep thanks, that did it!

It all works like it should now... only question I have remaining is about the ConvoCC... it seems the feat selection needs a long loadtime (even though it is precached), I assume this is to do with the enormous amount of feats the PRC has, but if a char gets to select 2 feats, the loadtime is twice 5 mins to load it (e.g. t doesn't get faster for the second feat selection). Anything I can do to speed this up?

It shouldn't take anywhere near that long.  It's about 10-15 seconds on my server.  Are you using SQLite or MySQL?  Are you getting any ODBC errors in the log?  Can you list the PRC switches you are using?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 12:16:15 PM by DM Heatstroke »

January 22, 2012, 03:34:18 PM
Reply #11

Sqlite, no ODBC errors and running on windows 7, dual core processor 2.2 ghz, 8 GB RAM (so above spec)
here is my nwnx.ini:

ServerPort = 5121
ModuleName = "Dark Crystal Reborn"
WatchdogProcess = yes
UpdateIntervalProcess = 5
WatchdogGamespy = no
UpdateIntervalGamespy = 20
GamespyRetries = 5
OldGamespyProtocol = no
RestartDelay = 5
PVP Setting=None

; Log file
MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 2 ; 0=nothing, 1=only errors, 2=everything

; Use these two settings for the SQLite internal database
source = sqlite
file   = sqlite.db

; Use these two settings for ODBC connections
;source = odbc
;dsn    = nwn

; Use these five settings for MySQL connections
;source = mysql
;server = localhost
;user   = nwn
;pwd    = password
;db     = nwn

; Set hookscorco to false if you want to disable hooking of
; StoreCampaignObject and RetrieveCampaignObject entirely
hookscorco = true

MaxLogSize = 512 ; in KByte
LogLevel = 1 ; 1=overall statistics, 2=full script callstack

and my nwplayer.ini

[Game Options]
Heartbeat Logging=0
Difficulty Level=2
Log Model Errors=0
Death Logging=0

[Control Options]


[Server Options]
Game Port=*************
Max Players=12
Server Name=Dark Crystal
Reload Module When Empty=0
GameSpy Enabled=1
Game Type=10
PVP Setting=0
Disable AutoSave=1
Auto Save Interval=0
Game Region=0
One Party Only=0
Enforce Legal Characters=0
Suppress Base Servervault=1
CD Banned Behavior=0
Disallow Shouting=0
Saving Throw Automatic Failure On 1=0
Validate Spells=1
Examine CR On Creatures=1
Examine Effects On Creatures=1
Max Hit Points=1
Hide Hit Points Gained=0
Restore Spell Uses On Login=1
Always Reset Encounter Spawns=1
Master Server Authentication Required For Player Login=0
Account validation required during Master Server down times=0
2DA Cache Size=10

[Banned Ips]

[Banned Players]

[Banned CD Keys]
[Script Options]
Enable Profiling=0
Enable Logging=0

As for module switches... i got a bunch, but im guessing these are the ones that matter:
PRC_LETOSCRIPT_NWN_DIR (no errors so it IS communicating with the DB)

that should be the important switches...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:37:20 PM by Silvercloud »

January 22, 2012, 03:52:30 PM
Reply #12

Did another test with a stopwatch... CPU maxes out for approximately 3 mins.... then allows you to pick a feat and the same happens again.... another 3 mins before you can do something...

Once its done, the module also does not generate an updated BIC, logging in allows you to recreate the char all over again and checking the servervault for any changes also shows nothing has happened...

I checked the letoscript logs and the last entry shows:

<29.18ms> Req:"SCRIPT", Param:"%LETOTEST = q{D:/NWserver/servervault/Silvertje/giliahgoodman.bic}; print /FirstName;print ' ';print /LastName;close %LETOTEST; "

dont know if it something is wrong there, but does that q belong there?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 04:10:10 PM by Silvercloud »

January 22, 2012, 04:30:10 PM
Reply #13

Did another test with a stopwatch... CPU maxes out for approximately 3 mins.... then allows you to pick a feat and the same happens again.... another 3 mins before you can do something...

Once its done, the module also does not generate an updated BIC, logging in allows you to recreate the char all over again and checking the servervault for any changes also shows nothing has happened...

I checked the letoscript logs and the last entry shows:

<29.18ms> Req:"SCRIPT", Param:"%LETOTEST = q{D:/NWserver/servervault/Silvertje/giliahgoodman.bic}; print /FirstName;print ' ';print /LastName;close %LETOTEST; "

dont know if it something is wrong there, but does that q belong there?

Turn off PRC_CONVOCC_ENCRYPTION_KEY & turn on PRC_CONVOCC_USE_XP_FOR_NEW_CHAR to see if it will stop running you thru the ConvoCC.

January 23, 2012, 10:30:19 AM
Reply #14

Yes that stops me running thru the convocc, but it doesnt affect feat loadtimes, nor does it result in a properly screated character (e.g. the BIC still stays the same).