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Author Topic: Precacher - Missing file errors  (Read 21080 times)

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January 23, 2012, 10:48:03 AM
Reply #15
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Yes that stops me running thru the convocc, but it doesnt affect feat loadtimes, nor does it result in a properly screated character (e.g. the BIC still stays the same).
could you post nwclientLog1, odbc and letoscript logs somewhere (like pastebin or sth).

January 23, 2012, 11:45:24 AM
Reply #16

Yeas I have posted that here:

I didnt post the clientlog as it is empty...

January 23, 2012, 12:00:20 PM
Reply #17
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Hmm... odbc and letoscripts are worknig...
Is 'Local Characters Allowed' turned off in nwserver?

January 23, 2012, 01:24:43 PM
Reply #18

Yes it is.... this is my server options from nwnplayer.ini (which is what I assume you are referring to):

[Server Options]
Game Port=5120
Max Players=12
Server Name=Dark Crystal
Reload Module When Empty=0
GameSpy Enabled=1
Game Type=10
PVP Setting=0
Disable AutoSave=1
Auto Save Interval=0
Game Region=0
One Party Only=0
Enforce Legal Characters=0
Suppress Base Servervault=1
CD Banned Behavior=0
Disallow Shouting=0
Saving Throw Automatic Failure On 1=0
Validate Spells=1
Examine CR On Creatures=1
Examine Effects On Creatures=1
Max Hit Points=1
Hide Hit Points Gained=0
Restore Spell Uses On Login=1
Always Reset Encounter Spawns=1
Master Server Authentication Required For Player Login=0
Account validation required during Master Server down times=0
2DA Cache Size=10

January 23, 2012, 01:43:43 PM
Reply #19

Just grabbed the PRC tester from the vault... edited the file according to the convocc parameters in the server guide... and let it run with my current DB. That still has the 3 min for feat selection issue, but leto is at least able to create a correct BIC, which suggests its something in my module, not in the settings outside of it, as i used the same ones for the PRCtest module.... that should be helpful in tracking that down....

so two issues:
-something in MOD is causing leto not to generate a char file
-something in settings outside of MOD is causing the insane 3 min wait for feat selection....

January 23, 2012, 11:56:10 PM
Reply #20

I'm at a loss.  I use MySQL on a PC with nowhere near those specs (1Ghz, 758MB RAM, 5400 RPM SATA Drive) & it takes about 4 minutes total to make a new PC, if you rush thru it.

January 24, 2012, 05:10:56 AM
Reply #21

Well there's two things I can think of to try... one is to run on MYSQL instead and the other is to replace some of the files as present in the server pack (like updating the ODBC file to a newer version).... I think i remember something about this from the last time i made a convocc server that something was either amiss with the files or you could only fix it by using mysql. Any insight into this?

January 24, 2012, 10:18:06 AM
Reply #22

3 min issue was resolved by replacing the nwnx2 file and odbc file from server pack with the newest versions from the website.... why this helps i have no idea as they seem to be the same version... however that is now resolved... on to hunting for the reason characters wont generate with leto...

January 24, 2012, 10:53:15 AM
Reply #23

Well guess i was wrong about the 3 min issue being solved... its just less... last test put me at 100% CPU for about 1.5 minutes... better but still nothing like the 10-15 seconds you reported... hmmm...

leto now properly generates a character as well, I went into my mod and moved all the PRC scripts to the top if they werent already there (wasn't in 1 file) and removed the prc_onchat event to be inline with install instructions... that seemed to do the trick there...

I'm efffectively down to one issue....

how can i speed up the feat caching....

January 24, 2012, 11:00:39 AM
Reply #24
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I guess you could edit the convocc script and disable some feat ranges. ie if you see
it means that those feats were automatically generated by prc.jar utility and are not available at character creation.

Edit: Could you test this script? I disabled checks for over 20000 rows from feat.2da. Should be faster (it may TMI, because I don't know how sql commands are handeled by NWN engine. if it does use script from prc_ccc_main_alt.7z)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 11:19:17 AM by xwarren »

January 24, 2012, 03:36:55 PM
Reply #25

Yes I will test the script tomorrow xwarren... today has been mostly used to try to get mysql to work... which i now have working, but I cannot get the pwdata setup nor do i understand how the precacher for mysql gets it into the DB... Could DM heatstroke point me in the right direction how to setup pwdata in the db (e.g. the correct syntax to execute on an SQL query) as well as how to use the precacher with this....

I have the 5.5.20 version of mysql running with the nwn database setup...

January 24, 2012, 07:38:54 PM
Reply #26

Yes I will test the script tomorrow xwarren... today has been mostly used to try to get mysql to work... which i now have working, but I cannot get the pwdata setup nor do i understand how the precacher for mysql gets it into the DB... Could DM heatstroke point me in the right direction how to setup pwdata in the db (e.g. the correct syntax to execute on an SQL query) as well as how to use the precacher with this....

I have the 5.5.20 version of mysql running with the nwn database setup...

The precacher that comes with the PRC should work just fine.  You will have to add your 2da hak to it if you are using custom content however.

Something like this:
Code: [Select]
erf -x -v hak\AR_PRC3_2DA.hak
You'll also may want to change the last line in the precacher to this to allow more memory:
Code: [Select]
java -Xmx1024m -jar prc.jar 2datosql precacher2das MySQL
When you are done you should have had no errors (run the batch file from the command line to make sure you can see them) and a file called out.sql.

Here is the batch file I use to import the data from out.sql into my DB.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
set PARENT=C:\Games\NWN\
set IMPORT=C:\Games\NWN\_MySQLImport\
set MYBIN=C:\Games\NWN\
echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
echo MySQL importer executing @
echo Started @ ^(%DATE% ^| %TIME% ^) 
pushd %PARENT%
pushd %IMPORT%
echo Importing out.sql
mysql -u root --q -v -C -p[YOURDBPASSHERE] [YOURDBNAMEHERE]< out.sql
echo Process Complete. ^(%DATE% ^| %TIME% ^)                               
echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Note you'll have to change your paths at the top of the batch file to match your system.  Out.sql goes into the "_MySQLImport" folder before you run it.

January 25, 2012, 10:07:41 AM
Reply #27

Okay xwarren... i didn't find any effect from placing your changed file to the top hak.. and it also did not TMI... tried the second file as well.... no result either...

basically it takes 2 mins 40 seconds to run through the code needed to generate a feat list.... which i guess would be ok for 1 feat, but not for 3.... (like i want on my server)... so time to try mysql to see if it helps
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 10:35:16 AM by Silvercloud »

January 25, 2012, 11:26:37 AM
Reply #28

DM heatstroke --> as to Mysql and using your file to import that is also not working is there some GUI i can use to import a file on windows on a mysql db?

January 25, 2012, 01:30:10 PM
Reply #29

DM heatstroke --> as to Mysql and using your file to import that is also not working is there some GUI i can use to import a file on windows on a mysql db?

Did you change all the paths & passwords & such?

You should be able to use the MySQL Administrator or Workbench or something like that to admin the DB in a GUI.