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Author Topic: Base Class: Anti-Paladin  (Read 7128 times)

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June 05, 2009, 10:16:30 AM

This character was a great force of evil, until accidentally reading a Tome of Opposite Alignment:

Levels 1-31: Chaotic Evil
Levels 32-40: Lawful Good

Illithid Anti-Paladin 21 / Disciple of Baalzebul 10 / Shining Blade of Heironeous 9

Starting Abilities
STR (16+2)18 / DEX (8+4) 12 / CON (8+2)10 / INT (12+8) 20 / WIS (8+6) 14 / CHA (18+6)14

Ability increases: First Strength is raised to 22, all further increases are to Charisma

Ending Abilities
STR 22 [+6] / DEX 12 [+1] / CON 10
  • / INT 20 [+5] / WIS 14 [+2] / CHA 34 [+12]

Fort / Refl / Will: +34/+33/+40

Hitpoints: 30d10 + 10d6 = max 360

Armor Class: 33 (Dexterity Bonus +1) (Natural Armor +5) (mundane Full Plate Armor +8) (mundane Tower Shield +3) (Tumble +6)

Main Hand (mundane longsword): +40/+35/+30/+25 (Base Attack is 30)
1d8 + 6 slashing damage (17-20/x2)

Racial Feats
- Darkvision: Illithid are able to see in the dark
- Spell Resistance: Innate spell resistance of 25, plus 1 per character level = 65
- Natural Armor Bonus: Racial natural armor bonus of 3
- Weapon Proficiency (Creature): Illithid can make an unarmed attack with their tentacles
- Spell Ability - Mind Blast: Can perform as level 4 spell
- Spell Ability - Charm Monster: Can cast as level 8 spell
- Extract: Illithid have a chance to extract the brain of a victim on a successful hit
- Aberration: Illithid are considered Aberrations for the purpose of spells

Character Feats
- Disciple of Darkness
- Force of Personality
- Insightful Reflexes
- Power Attack
- Extra Turning
- Divine Might
- Divine Shield
- Epic Divine Might
- Epic Divine Shield
- Weapon Focus (Longsword)
- Epic Weapon Focus (Longsword)
- Epic Prowess
- Improved Critical (Longsword)
- Armor Skin

Anti-Paladin (Levels 1 - 21)
- Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, light, medium, and heavy armor, and shields.
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 7 / level = 147
- Spend at least 10 points on Bluff (required for DoBa)
- Spend at least 7 points on Lore (required for SBoH)
- Spend at least 16 (cross-class) points on Persuade (required for DoBa)
- Spellcasting: Anti-Paladin Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, armor-related chance of spell failure is ignored).
- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th level spells per day: ?/?/?/?
- Class Feats
- Smite Good 5/day [This seems to be a different feat than the Blackguard's Smite Good and so does not qualify for Extra Smiting]
- Divine Grace
- Aura of Fear
- Death Knell 4/day
- Turn Outsider
- Contagion 5/day

Disciple of Baalzebul (Levels 22 - 31)
- Skill Points: 11 / level = 110
- I recommend Tumble (for AC boost) and Use Magic Device (because you don't get many chances to do this!)
- Class Feats
- Tongue of the Devil - Add Intelligence modifier as well as Charisma to Bluff checks = +17!
- Sneak Attack +3d6
- Suggestion - 1/day, cast a version of Charm with a DC of 10 + Disciple Class Level + Charisma modifier = 32!
- Baalzebul Summon I - Summon a devil once per day
- Insect Plague - Once per day summon biting flies to interrupt the concentration of your enemies
- Beguiling Nature - Every other day produce an effect identical to mass charm with a Will save DC of 10 + Disciple Level + Charisma modifier = 32!
- Baalzebul Summon 2 - Summon a greater devil once per day
- King of Lies - Gain a permanent +4 bonus to Charisma

Shining Blade of Heironeous (Levels 32-40)
- Skill Points: 7 / level = 63
- Persuade is not a class feat? Odd for a Paladin-like class.
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Anti-Paladin level by 5 levels (to 26) for calculating spells per day?
- Class Feats
- Brilliant Blade 6/day
- +1d6 Electrical damage
- +2d6 divine damage against evil
- Attack Bonus +20
- Duration is 21 rounds

This character has good armor, high saves, and a strong attack (if Epic Divine Might and Brilliant Blade can be combined - Evil will wet itself!). The Anti-Paladin spellbook appears to be available at level 40, though I'm not sure how the 'evil' abilities should be affected by the character's 're-alignment'. Hmm. Do Evil Unto Evil...
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:16:45 AM
Reply #1

bwhahaha! perfect, playing a thrall of orcus right now:

anti-paladin 4 / thrall of orcus 10 / ocular adept 26

basic gist: anti-paladin's fear aura when used with palor of death is brutal it's a decent save creatures take at a -4, use your carrion stench to make the save even more difficult to make. . . Then take advantage of the fear to spam touch of death with impunity, with both fear and carrion stench the save is really difficult to make, especially multiple times. You can walk around to make creatures re attempt saves until they fail for carrion stench and fear.

Charisma. . . all charisma, touch of death is based on it, all your eye rays are based on it, your saves are boosted by it and of course you'll want divine might so it'll boost your damage.

Saves vs. spell with this build is just flat out wrong, spellcraft boosts the saves as well as charisma. He should only ever have to worry about rolling 1s versus most enemy casters.

I have only worked out up to 20, I'll add on 21-40 after I think about the feat progression some, the ocular adept bonus feat list is pretty slim so they shouldn't be tough, but I'm still tossing around thoughts on the general ones.

This build gets better in 2.3 since the ocular adept has a healthy spell book to have fun with in addition to all the eye beams.

Race: Human
Starting Stats: 14str, 10Dex,12con,10int,14wis,16cha

Put all skill points into concentration (only 8 is needed can put rest elsewhere), spellcraft (hold until you can) and Lore.
Put all stat points into charisma

Anti-Paladin 1 Evil Brand, Thrall to Demon
Anti-Paladin 2
Anti-Paladin 3 Lich Loved
Anti-Paladin 4
Thrall of Orcus 1
Thrall of Orcus 2 Power Attack
Thrall of Orcus 3
Thrall of Orcus 4
Thrall of Orcus 5 Cleave
Thrall of Orcus 6
Thrall of Orcus 7
Thrall of Orcus 8 Toughness (Endurance in 2.3)
Thrall of Orcus 9
Thrall of Orcus 10
Ocular Adept 1 Divine Might
Ocular Adept 2
Ocular Adept 3
Ocular Adept 4 Extra Turning
Ocular Adept 5
Ocular Adept 6
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:20:24 AM
Reply #2

Title: Apocalyptic Knight of Damnation
Race: Human
Base Class: Anti-Paladin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deities: Orcus
Favoured Weapon: Halberd (or any other martial melee weapon of your liking)

Starting Stats: Strength 14, Dexterity 8, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 14
Ending Stats: Strength 26, Dexterity 8 (-2), Constitution 14 (+2), Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 14

Main Skills: Intimidate, Craft Weapon, Craft Armour, Discipline, Lore

Build: Anti-Paladin lvl15/Thrall of Orcus lvl10/Legendary Dreadnought lvl15

Level Progression:
01. Anti-Paladin: Evil Brand ? Head, Power Attack
02. Anti-Paladin:
03. Anti-Paladin: Cleave
04. Anti-Paladin: Strength +1
05. Anti-Paladin:
06. Anti-Paladin: Thrall to Demon
07. Anti-Paladin:
08. Anti-Paladin: Strength +1
09. Anti-Paladin: Lich Loved
10. Anti-Paladin:
11. Thrall of Orcus:
12. Thrall of Orcus: Strength +1, Improved Critical (Halberd)
13. Thrall of Orcus:
14. Thrall of Orcus: Deformity (Obese)
15. Thrall of Orcus: Great Cleave
16. Thrall of Orcus: Strength +1
17. Thrall of Orcus:
18. Thrall of Orcus: Knockdown
19. Thrall of Orcus:
20. Thrall of Orcus: Strength +1
21. Anti-Paladin: Improved Knockdown
22. Anti-Paladin:
23. Anti-Paladin:
24. Anti-Paladin: Strength +1, Lightning Reflexes
25. Anti-Paladin:
26. Legendary Dreadnought:
27. Legendary Dreadnought: Weapon Focus (Halberd)
28. Legendary Dreadnought: Strength +1
29. Legendary Dreadnought:
30. Legendary Dreadnought: Epic Weapon Focus (Halberd), Epic Prowess
31. Legendary Dreadnought:
32. Legendary Dreadnought: Strength +1
33. Legendary Dreadnought: Toughness = (*Unholy Strike)
34. Legendary Dreadnought:
35. Legendary Dreadnought: Great Strength I
36. Legendary Dreadnought: Strength +1, Overwhelming Critical (Halberd)
37. Legendary Dreadnought:
38. Legendary Dreadnought:
39. Legendary Dreadnought: Great Strength II
40. Legendary Dreadnought: Strength +1, Devastating Critical (Halberd)

*Note: I would?ve taken the Unholy Strike feat rather than Toughness at level 35, but that?s currently not possible in 2.3a alpha14.

? Damage Reduction 9/-
? Good HP & saves
? Free Epic Toughness I + II & Epic Fortitude
? Overwhelming and devastating critical feats
? Access to Turn Undead, Turn Outsider, Fear Aura, Divine Grace, Smite Good, Contagion, Deathknell, Unstoppable/Unmoveable, and all the Thrall of Orcus features
? Access to fourth level divine spells

? Must sacrifice 10(!) feats to meet all requirements of the Thrall of Orcus & Legendary Dreadnought PrC's
? Low AC
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:20:36 AM
Reply #3

This build exposed a few bugs or insights.
1. Anti-Paladin didnt have Lore as a class skill when all classes should have it really.
2. CHA Mod wasnt being added to Visage of Terror DC.
3. You need a + Wis score I believe to cast AP Spells. This is not stated afaik.
4. I plan on implementing epic progressions for the Ravager and DoBaal.
5. A 2.3 race is going to change this build quite a bit.

1 and 2 are fixed internally already.

The Betrayer.
Anti-Paladin 20
Ravager 10
Disiple of Baalzebul 10

End Stats
STR 14
DEX 18 + 2 (Race)
CON 10 - 2 (Race)
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 26 + 4 (DoBaal)

Reflex 34
Fort 31
Will 28

AP -> 6
Getting on the way Power Attack/Cleave/Dirty Fighting and getting Bluff to 9 Lore 7 and Intimidate 3

Rava -> 6
Getting Disiple of Darkness and Persuade to 7

AP -> 7
Raising Bluff to 10 and Persuade to 8

Disciple of Baalzebul -> 9
Maxing Tumble/Hide/Move Silent

Rava -> 10
Make sure to get some points in Discipline

***This will change when epic levels for the 2 prestige classes are in.***

AP -> 20
DoBaal -> 10
Max Tumble Hide/MoveSilent/Bluff/Persuade in whatever combo you wish.

A fun character with a bit of sneaks, smite goods, cha to saves from the AP, 2 cool summons, especially with the prc companion, some spell ability if you remember the Wisdom prereq, and a DC of 34 of the Visage of terror.

Epic Progression for Ravager is going to go.
Bonus Feat
Visage of Terror.

Not sure for DoBaal.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:20:54 AM
Reply #4

Hello, first time posting, and this is also my first planned build; here goes.

Anti-Paladin (27) / BlackGuard (3) / Desciple of Mephistopheles (10)

Premise of this build is to make a character that is based off of all-evil classes. Takes the BG levels to gain the turn-undead for divine might, since Anti-Paladin's turn outsiders doesn't seem to qualify for the pre-req of divine might/shield.

Race: A
Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Str : 16
Dex : 8
Con : 14
Wis : 14
Int : 10
Cha : 17

1. Anti-Paladin : Power Atk
2. Anti-Paladin (+ Cha)
3. Anti-Paladin : Cleave
4. Anti-Paladin
5. Anti-Paladin
6. Anti-Paladin : Disciple of Darkness
7. Black Guard (BG then on)
8. BG (+ Cha)
9. BG : Divine Might
10. Disciple of Mephistopheles ( DoM then on)
11. DoM
12. Anti-Paladin : Divine Shield (+ Cha)
13. DoM
14. DoM
15. Anti-Paladin : Great Cleave
16. DoM (+ Cha)
17. DoM
18. Anti-Paladin : Weapon Focus ( Any : Scmitter for critical happy, Mace of Morning Star for Style )
19. DoM
20. DoM (+ Str)


21. Anti-Paladin : Armored Skin
22. DoM
23. DoM
24. Anti-Paladin : Epic Weap. Focus ( Any ) (+ Str)
25. Anti-Paladin
26. Anti-Paladin
27. Anti-Paladin : Unholy Strike
28. Anti-Paladin (+ Str)
29. Anti-Paladin
30. Anti-Paladin : Great Charisma I
31. Anti-Paladin
32. Anti-Paladin (+ Str)
33. Anti-Paladin : Great Charisma II
34. Anti-Paladin
35. Anti-Paladin
36. Anti-Paladin : Great Charisma III, Epic Divine Might (+Str)
37. Anti-Paladin
38. Anti-Paladin
39. Anti-Paladin : Great Charisma IV, Great Charisma V
40. Anti-Paladin (+Str)

Final Stat

Str : 22
Dex : 8
Con : 14
Wis : 14
Int : 10
Cha : 26


Discipline : 43
Concentration : 43
Tumble : 17
Hide : 5

AC : 13 Naked, 23 w/ shield and armor, 31 w/ divine shield
HP : 274

AB +39/+34/+29/+24 with the weapon of choice,
+2d6 Unholy dmg

AB +41/+36/+31/+26 with Bull's Strength

Adds +16 Divine dmg with Epice Divine Might, and with some +Cha equipments, would for +20.

Can cast Flame Body for 30 dmg reduction

Can use Smite Good 6 + 1 times a day

Pros :

Very evil.
Decent damage and critical dmg output with Epic Divine Might and scmitter.
Damage Reduction 9min per rest
Can summon decoys

Cons :

Pathetic hp for a meelee character. Perhaps sacrifice the Unholy Strike in place for Toughness feats.
Very little buffs.
Suffers from low defense especially during the pre-Divine Shield levels.
Has 'Smite-Me' tagged on his back.

I considered putting Champion of Bane in place of DoM, but I don't know how much better the increased saving throws would be in exchange of the damage reduction.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 10:30:58 AM
Reply #5



Str 18
Dex 18
Con 19
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 20

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Power Attack
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Cleave, Wep Focus:Scimitar
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Str
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Extend Spell
7 - Favoured Soul 7
8 - Favoured Soul 8 +1Str(Hide 5)
9 - Blackguard 1 Toughness
10 - Blackguard 2
11 - Blackguard 3
12 - Anti-Pally 1 +1Cha, Extra Turning(must take it now and as anti-pally only)
13 - Favoured Soul 9
14 - Blackguard 4
15 - Blackguard 5 Divine Might
16 - Blackguard 6 +1Cha
17 - Blackguard 7
18 - Blackguard 8 Imp Crit:Scimitar
19 - Blackguard 9
20 - Blackguard 10 +1Str, 3d6sneak
21 - Favoured Soul 10 Greater Cha I, Epic Divine might
22 - Favoured Soul 11
23 - Favoured Soul 12
24 - Favoured Soul 13 +1Str, Divine Vigor
25 - Favoured Soul 14
26 - Favoured Soul 15 Greater Cha II
27 - Favoured Soul 16 Greater Con I
28 - Favoured Soul 17 +1Cha
29 - Favoured Soul 18
30 - Blackguard 11 Epic Divine Vigor
31 - Blackguard 12
32 - Blackguard 13 +1Cha, Epic Wep Focus
33 - Blackguard 14 Divine Shield
34 - Blackguard 15
35 - Blackguard 16 Epic Fiendish Servant, 5d6sneak
36 - Favoured Soul 19 +1Cha, Epic Divine Shield
37 - Favoured Soul 20
38 - Blackguard 17
39 - Blackguard 18 Invoke Divine Wrath**
40 - Blackguard 19 +1Cha, Armour Skin

**I could not take this ingame dispite having all the pre reqs, going to take a stab that it is possible but again i cant trigger it like with some classes recently. Can easily take something else for a feat or a quick change of Divine shields for greater smiting instead(Extra smiting, greater smite II/III). Will change it around if Invoke Divine Wrath is not ment to be

Str 22
Dex 18
Con 20
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 28

Skills 129
Disc 43(49)
Lore 26
Spellcraft 10
Tumble 20(6 in armour)

Fort 39(41)
Reflex 32(34)
Will 28(30)

AC 37(fullplate+tower)
HP 600
BAB 27
AB 36/31/26/21
1-6+8 15-20x2

6d6 Sneak Attack
Divine Shield +11AC Dodge 18rounds(maxed the 20 with 9AC from race)
Divine Might +18Divine Damage 18rounds
Divine Vigor +6Con, 20% Speed increase 9rounds

+1-4 rounds Divine Abilities/+2Divine Damage/+2Uses
AC 67
HP +200 +20tempHP
AB 59/55/49/45


Temp battle buffs drop 12AB and all but the slashing damage, -15AC, 11 from divine shield, 4nat armour from rightous might

2xEpic Spells
20Caster: Extend Spell
1xSmite Good- Either two the same with seperate uses
1xSmite Good- or one does +1 damage and the other +19
18xTurn Undead
Summon Fiend

Edit: Invoke Divine Wrath, Shared use of Turn Undead
Fort DC24 Single Target 20d8Divine.
Almost a good thing i might not be able to take this, too low DC would rather smite bomb more myself but i shall leave it ve
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.