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Author Topic: Climb not possible?  (Read 3893 times)

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February 01, 2012, 09:50:24 AM
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Hi again guys, i dont know if this issue has already been solved or not since we are currenly running 3.5b until we get 3.5 final :P, but, we are trying to apply climb feat and we are always getting:
"The target location is too far away to climb to. Please pick a closer target."

i took a look at prc_inc_skills, under DoClimb function and it seems that sctipt is checking distance, which is ok ofc.

     int iDistance = FloatToInt(MetersToFeet(GetDistanceBetweenLocations(GetLocation(oPC), lLoc ) ) );
     if (iDistance > 10)
          SendMessageToPC(oPC, "The target location is too far away to climb to. Please pick a closer target.");
          return FALSE;

now, i think issue comes into play now when we call GetDistanceBetweenLocations, since this function also takes into acount Z axis:
making climb impossible since 10 feets is way too close and we dont even cover the hight one intends to climb.
acording to nwnlexicon, we could use vectors to ignore Z axis, any suggestion ?

February 01, 2012, 10:49:25 AM
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I replaced that code with this function:
Code: [Select]
float GetDistanceForClimbing(object oPC, location lLoc)
    object oArea = GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc);
    vector vTest1 = GetPositionFromLocation(GetLocation(oPC));
    vector vTest2 = GetPositionFromLocation(lLoc);
    float fDistance = GetDistanceBetweenLocations(Location(oArea, Vector(vTest1.x, vTest1.y, 0.0), 0.0),
                                                   Location(oArea, Vector(vTest2.x, vTest2.y, 0.0), 0.0));

    return MetersToFeet(fDistance);
As you can see it sets Z coordinates for both locations to 0.0 and then gets the distance. I've attached a script that uses this function.

February 01, 2012, 03:54:46 PM
Reply #2
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looks good! will test it asap! thanks a lot xwarren! :D as usual

February 01, 2012, 03:56:44 PM
Reply #3
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oh, btw xwarren, i have been looking at our nwnplayer.ini and saw that there are two variables we can change in order to increase performance: 2da cache size and 2da engine cache size.
what values do you recomend for prc servers?

2DA Cache Size=10   1-??   The number of .2da files to be cached for use with Get2DAString().
(Added in patch 1.69.)
2DA Engine Cache Size=11   11-??   The number of .2da files to be cached for the use of the game engine. Editing this value might improve performance for some people.
(Added in patch 1.69.)