Hi, first I would like to say thanks for making NWN very enjoyable with the PRC pack. It's even better than NWN2 and DA.
So I have a question and I apologize if it has been discussed in the old forums.
I like CHA build characters, and so I was quite disappointed that Heartwarder is restricted to only divine spellcasters.
I did a quick search and (surprisingly) the one only post which mentioned about it in this forum is the NWN engine limitation on separation of arcane/divine spellcasting progression, but from what I've seen ingame that doesn't seem to be a problem.
I mean there's 8 elemental savants, 4 harpers, 2 thrall of graz'zts, and only one heartwarder.
Is there no hope for arcane heartwarder to be implemented?
Sorry if I sound whiny on my first post, I'm very grateful as w/o PRC Pack NWN is almost unplayable.