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Author Topic: Dread Necomancer, Lich, and Leadership questions/issues  (Read 8308 times)

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June 04, 2012, 09:34:01 PM

I have a few issues/questions.

1.) I was under the impression Dread Necromancers knew all their spells yet I noticed I didn't have a few I was supposed to. At level 3, I was prompted to choose one level 1 or level 2 spell that i didn't have. What's the deal?

2.) If it was working as intended, is there any way to rechoose my spells? I tried just reducing my XP through the console and then releveling, but that didn't work.

3.) Last night I updated my PRC installation. When I loaded up my save, all of my DN spells were replaced with various spells from Knight of the Middle Circle and Justice of Weald and Woe. I ended up completely reinstalling NWN+PRC incase maybe I screwed up the update somehow, but I still have the spells as I did after the update. I ended up restarting my game since I wasn't in too far, and that has fixed it. Still curious though, any idea what happened?

4.) When leveling up, I noticed I could not choose the Craft Wondrous Items feat. What's the deal? I know DN get it naturally at a later level, is it because of that?

5.) Undead mastery states:
 "In addition, when a dread necromancer uses the animate dead spell to create undead, she can control 4 + her Charisma bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell). "
Which lead me to believe I could control more than one Skeleton Chieftan, yet when I recast it the Chieftan is replaced. What's the deal?

6.) I'm sort of confused with the Lich template and Lich class. What's the deal with each?

7.) While messing around with a higher level character and not taking leadership till epic levels, I noticed I was summoning cohorts much higher level than myself. Like at level 29, I was getting level 40 cohorts. When I releveled and picked Leadership at 6, the cohort matched my level all the way up through epic levels. In both cases, neither should have advanced past level 17 w/o epic leadership. What's the deal?

Thanks for the help!

June 05, 2012, 02:49:00 AM
Reply #1
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1) Dread necromancers know all spells from their spell list, but they allso have Advanced Learning class feature, which allows them to add any cleric/wizard necromancy spell to spells known.

2) I'm not sure how it was implemented (I'll check when I get back home) but try enabling PRC debug (PRC Options -> Alter code switches -> PRC_DEBUG) and search under misc options - there should be something like 'Wipe new spellbook'.

3) new spellbooks sometimes get messed up after update. Which version have you used? In newer version spells should be fixed automatically.

4) This probably has something to do with GrantedOnLevel setting in cls_feat_dnecro.2da. I'm not sure if it can be fixed.

5) You have to set up switches - IIRC this one has PnP animate dead in label, but I'll check that.

6) I've already wrote differences about class and template. I'll search it when I get back home.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 03:30:29 AM by xwarren »

June 05, 2012, 12:34:07 PM
Reply #2

Really appreciate the help!

2)I found the 'Wipe new spellbook' after setting PRC_DEBUG to 1, it was on the 2nd page of the PRC options and not under misc options. It doesn't seem to do anything though, and i still had my chosen spells.

3) I'm not totally sure what version I had before, but I updated to the newest (3.5). Not a huge deal really since I wasn't that far into OC, so I ended up just restarting.

5)I found your post at the bottom of . I switched animate dead and permanent undead to 1, but I still could only have one summon. Switching Multisummon to 1 as well and I could have multiple. I'm a little hesitant to leave that on since I don't play PnP, and I'm not totally aware of the rules. Not sure if you can have multiple of other summons, or just animate dead, create dead, and create dead. If that's the only way to get it to work, then I'll live.

7) Any idea on Leadership?

8 ) I wanted to see what all the code switches did, so I extracted prc_inc_switch.nss like you mentioned in but I have no idea how to open .nss files.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 01:06:04 PM by Einzbern »

June 05, 2012, 05:58:47 PM
Reply #3

8 ) I wanted to see what all the code switches did, so I extracted prc_inc_switch.nss like you mentioned in but I have no idea how to open .nss files.

It's just a textfile.

June 05, 2012, 07:30:28 PM
Reply #4

Thanks Heatstroke!

After talking with a friend, it sounds like PNP does allow multiple summons from spells, and not just animate dead/etc.

Concerning the Lich and Demilich templates, it sounds like they just give what a 4 and 10 levels in Lich would give, respectively. At least that's what it's supposed to be, I think. I noticed a few other differences, like the Demilich template gets a ton of spell-like abilities, has less damage reduc (15/epic and bludgeoning for the template vs 30/+20 for the class), and maybe some more things I missed. Does that sound right? If so, what would be the point to the lich class?

June 05, 2012, 08:30:30 PM
Reply #5
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The lich class existed before the template system was implemented.  Your observations about it are correct.  Basically, the DR in the class is very heavy, at the expense of spellcasting.  The demilich template is not as heavy on DR but loses no caster levels and has, as you point out, a lot of spell-like abilities, most of them as many times per day as desired.  The class is the better defended, but the template is far, far better as a spellcaster.

The leadership anomaly you have noted is caused by the demilich template. The leadership scripts are fairly old, I think, and somehow they react to the demilich as having a higher level than the actual character level, so a 21 level character with the demilich template can summon a 30 something level cohort.

I would say the DN was coded to not be able to take craft wondrous item until level 19.  The situation is strange because of the PRC template system.  In PNP becoming  a lich and advancing is expensive in terms of gold and experience (as it is in the PRC for the lich class).  Becoming a lich for free at level 20 is thus a big bonus for the DN in PNP, and so it happens at a higher level than it would for someone paying for the lich status.  The PRC is set up to enforce this level restriction as per PNP, but the situation is fundamentally different than in PNP because of the way the templates function.  In the PRC right now, yes, a DN gets to be a lich "for free" at level 20, but any evil character with 11 caster levels of the same type could become a lich "for free" at level 11.  THe DN PNP advantage is thus actually a disadvantage in the PRC system, since the DN has to wait 9 levels longer to become a lich than any other spellcaster.  I don't know if it is possible for the acquired templates to be coded so that they check for gold and experience and subtract some when applied, but such a change would restore the balance.  For all I know, though, it could be a big coding headache and thus not worth the trouble.

June 05, 2012, 10:10:29 PM
Reply #6

That makes sense then Calirion, thanks!