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Author Topic: ToB Maneuvers Across Classes  (Read 2779 times)

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January 26, 2013, 11:28:38 AM
  • Adept
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1. I'm looking at maneuver based classes for the first time and things don't seem to agree with online documentation.  According to what I've read once you get a maneuver with one class (eg warblade) you shouldn't be able to get for another class (eg crusader) but it does count as a prereq for any class.  I haven't tested the prereq part but the being able to get it twice is a problem.  There is also something called an "Idiot Crusader" that relies on this to get fewer maneuvers for a faster refresh that's interesting.

2. The other thing is the swapping of maneuvers seems pretty critical to most builds I see.  I see that warlock has invocation swapping, would maneuver swapping work in a similar way and make this a relatively easy thing to implement?

3. The manual seems to be wrong in a couple places.  One example is Tornado Throw which doesn't have a reference.  I noted in another topic that the manual is "generated", is there a script that I could look at to see if I could fix it?

For 3. I'd like to make/alter the script to pull text descriptions from the dialogs and information from the .2da's and auto generate better information.  In particular the maneuver stuff I needed better information on, things like lists per style/level.  Can you tell me if there is a starting point and give any pointers?

For 1. and 2. I don't know if this is a lot of work or not.  If it's easy and someone feels like changing it that would be great.  If not I'd think about learning how to do it (I've got fair skills at C programming) but doubt I'd have a lot of time to work on it in the near future.


PS I can't believe how good the PRC is and wonder why I didn't know about it earlier!;A

Q: Another multiclass question. Can a multiclassed martial adept (eg. Swordsage/Warblade) choose/and or ready the same maneuver for each of it's classes (provided you have access to the same maneuver)? And if you gain a maneuver in one class, can you use it as a prerequisite in gaining a maneuver in the other class?
A: No, you can only ever learn/ready a maneuver once. If you gain a maneuver in one class it can indeed fulfill prerequisites in another class!

February 05, 2013, 09:29:51 PM
Reply #1
  • Adept
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Anyone know about maneuvers or the manual?