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Author Topic: About prc/nwn class modding.  (Read 7184 times)

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February 16, 2014, 09:49:51 PM
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So hey, i'm playing 3.5e with a really good P&P group and i just discovered the classes variants, although i know those would be impossible to achieve, i was thinking about making one more playthrough of NWN with what they call a "gish" archer (bab 16+ and caster lvl 17+ on lvl 20 build), but i needed to mod arcane archer for this, the changes would be:
adding spellcaster levels on each arcane archer levels (removing many abilities and slowing down enhance arrows).
also adding channel spell in a full round action just like duskblade can do, but with the bow.

well, how hard is this? the first one i was wondering if i could do with .2das, the second one i know for sure it needs to be scripted =/

the class would look like - arcane archer variant, just like normal arcane archer except by: hit die: 6, weak fortitude, no more phase/seeker/storm/death arrow, arrow enhance slowed down... i know all these are easy .2da edits... what about casting with a bow in the hand? i dont remember how NWN handles casting with something in the hand... it works automatic, right?
-Full caster level increase per level (just like eldtrich knight, but 10/10 caster levels instead of 9/10)

so this is it, i hope someone likes my idea and help me do it... this gish arcane archer would be perfect. (ohh, it would need the abjurant champion/spellsword prclasses, are they in the PRC?)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 09:52:39 PM by havoker »

February 19, 2014, 06:44:38 PM
Reply #1

I can answer a few of these questions.

To give a class arcane spell progression like, say, a palemaster but full progression, you make changes to the classes.2da ArcSpellLvlMod column to 1, I believe.

The second wouldn't be too hard I don't think. You basically would take the prc_dusk_channel script and modify it for your arcane archer variant.

That's obviously not all you'll need to do for the class. You'd have to make an entry into the classes.2da for the class, add the new feat to feats.2da and spells.2da I believe, then you'll also need a script for the class itself. You'll also need a number of 2da's for the class itself. It's more tedious than difficult since you're not looking to make new spells/abilities. It's just time consuming.

Casting with a bow in hand doesn't cause a problem that I've seen.

As for the classes, Spellsword is in the PRC but Abjurant Champion is not at this point.

February 19, 2014, 10:48:45 PM
Reply #2
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yeah tks, so my build is 80% doable.

yeah, the thing i was thinking about is creating this 100% improved and not gamebreaking arcane archer (well, mages are not game breaking in nwn like in PnP anyway) with PnP imbue arrow (how does imbue arrow PRC version work btw?) that would have Cl 18 and BaB 18 at lvl 20... being a very interesting gish on itself, bow user...
The combo would be 6 arrows per round with 6 meteor swarm imbued at that lvl ;p. hehehe, mages in PnP can do worst, but that would be sick in NWN i guess.

Guess i will just put the default prc imbue arrow, caster lvls, nerf the class a little and leave enhance arrow full progression for this game.

Abjurant champion is one of the craziest prc ive ever seen, guess its hard to script... its a must have in gish builds.
Well, just remembered nwn is 3 classes maximum. damm, now thats a problem. I guess 3 fighter (or bowman ;p)/7 wizard/10 arcane gish archer is cool still.

Just realized i can adjust arcane archer to have 2 fewer bab requirement and 1 more arcane level spells requirement... that would be funnier. 2 fighter/bowman 4 wizard > arcane archer cool variant.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 01:48:28 AM by havoker »

February 25, 2014, 02:08:07 AM
Reply #3
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btw how does pnp imbue arrow work?

only 3 arrows right? i can imbue with area spells, like meteor strike?

can it be more than 3 arrows?

and can i shot all of them in a sequence?

if it works like that, i wont need to try and script anything.

July 02, 2014, 11:22:00 AM
Reply #4

Hello all,

sorry to this bit of necroposting, but I have a similar problem :)
I'm new to the programming scene of NWN, but me and my friends decided to put up a little server to enjoy ourselves..and we would like to do some little mods..

I was trying to make that taking a level in the Champion of Torm Prestige Class would add a divine spellcasting level to any previous spellcasting base class the character had.
To do so, I modified the classes.2da to add "DivSpellLvlMod=1" to the CHampion_Torm row, also adding the SpellGainTable of the paladin to the prestige class...but it's not really Paladins gets spells a LOT faster (three third level slots at 7th class level with WIS 14) and the prestige class doesn't add any...

What did I do wrong? :)