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Author Topic: Code Implementation Question  (Read 3878 times)

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July 02, 2009, 04:04:15 AM

I should disclaimer this with saying that I have very little experience with working with NWN.  However, I am a pretty quick learner and have slowly been teaching myself to change various things around how I like them (Soulknife with full +1 BAB!  Yay!).  I'm at the point where I'd like to undertake a larger project, namely the creation of a custom class.  However, before I can begin, I need to know whether a couple things are even possible, relating to Domains (something I don't understand the functionality behind very well).

Firstly, is it possible to add "domains" that are a ) Not selectable as cleric domains, b ) Do not give any domain powers, just domain spells, and c ) otherwise identical to the base domains?  Would it just be a matter of duplicating the feat for the domain and removing some code from it?

Secondly, would it be possible to cleanly remove such a domain?  In other words, remove all of the domain spells granted by that domain from the character?

Thirdly, could such a domain be easily swapped at level up for the "full" version of the domain?  i.e., swap out the "spells only" version of the Strength Domain for a full-featured version?

Fourthly, is it possible to modify a character's spells per level per day based on the number of Domains they have?  Er... and by "possible" I mean "reasonably implementable without a highly complicated workaround".  XD

And finally, it there anything preventing a character from having more than two domains?

I recognize that I am probably biting off more than I can chew, but I've found that with modding projects, it's often best to start ambitious.  :)  And with answers to these questions I could at least figure out if the class I am trying to create is even physically possible to implement in NWN.  ^^;

Thanks in advance for any help.

Oh, and if it would help clarify exactly what I am trying to accomplish, I can post the full writeup for the class if anyone wants to see it.

July 13, 2009, 11:38:02 AM
Reply #1

Domains: No, they are always cleric pickable, do not work for other classes. You can give domain powers that do nothing though.

You cannot swap out domains.

4: Nope. Not without some kind of cheat casting.

5: You cannot pick more than two domains.

You've sort of picked an idea that's close to impossible in NWN.
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And with strange aeons even death may die.