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Author Topic: Base Class: Favoured Soul  (Read 7168 times)

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June 05, 2009, 11:01:51 AM

Starting to enjoy these

Entry #1

Soul Blade/"The Power from Within" - Paladin 1 / Favoured Soul 14 / Shining Blade of Heironeous 5

Race: Aasimar
Alignment: Lawful Good (Chosen Deity's Weapon = Longsword (Torm? Tyr?))

STR 14
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 17 (20)
CHA 16 (18)

Skills: Concentration, Heal & Lore - maxed each level

1. Paladin 1 - Nimbus of Light
2. Favoured Soul (FS) 1
3. FS 2 - Holy Radiance
4. FS 3 - WIS +1; Deity's Weapon Focus (Longsword)
5. FS 4 -
6. FS 5 - Energy Resistance (Fire); Combat Casting
7. FS 6
8. FS 7 - CHA +1
9. FS 8 - Extend Spell
10.Shining Blade of Heironeous (SB ) 1 - Shock Blade 2/Day
11.SB 2
12.FS 9 - CHA +1; Improved Critical (Longsword)
13.FS 10 - Energy Resistance (Sonic)
14.SB 3 - Shock Blade 3/day
15.SB 4 - Empower Spell
16.FS 11 - WIS +1
17.FS 12 - Deity's Weapon Specialisation (Longsword)
18.SB 5 - Holy Blade 4/day; Spell Penetration
19.FS 13
20.FS 14 - WIS +1

Final Skills
Concentration: 23 + 2 = 25
Heal: 23 + 5 = 28
Lore: 23 + 1 = 24

BAB = 16
AB (/w Longsword) = +19/+14/+9/+4 (4 attacks)

Fort = 15 + 2 + 4 = 21
Ref = 10 - 1 + 4 = 13
Will = 13 + 5 + 4 = 22

*Strong casting up to lvl 7 spells
*Ability to empower and/or extend spells
*Strong Saves
*Decent martial abilities - 4 attacks; extra power with longsword (dmg, crit, sanc) & Holy Blade
*Resistance of 5 or 10 to all energy types, including Sonic
*Constant damage against undead
*Able to cast buffing/healing/damage spells on the fly in combat

*Caster Level of only 17 at level 20 due to lack of Practised Spellcaster feat for Favoured Soul (I couldn't find it at least)
*Can only reach lvl 7 spells
*Higher fighting & spell abilities come late
*Low stat spread due to needing CHA + WIS high, and fair melee stats

*Assuming that Practised Spellcaster is not available to Favoured Soul - if it is, then it would be put in at lvl 15 and Spell Penetration taken out
*This can be altered for mods which have little or no undead (removing nimbus of light, Holy Radiance and Sanctify Martial Strike, and replacing with other feats as appropriate...)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:02:02 AM
Reply #1

Here's another one - still with the melee/caster theme, but going unarmed and just seems more streamlined...

Favoured Fist - Monk 2 / Favoured Soul 10 / Sacred Fist 8

Race: Githzerai
Alignment: Lawful Good

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 12
WIS 16 (20)
INT 12
CHA 14 (15)

- will max Concentration, Heal, Lore & Tumble at both levels of Monk
- Favoured Soul will focus on Concentration, Heal & Lore
- excess points (1 per level) from monk and Fist levels go into tumble

1. Monk 1 - Imp Unarmed, Flurry, Stunning Fist, Cleave, Evasion; Dodge
2. Monk 2 - Deflect Arrows
3. Favoured Soul 1 - Combat Casting
4. Soul 2 - WIS +1
5. Soul 3 - Deity's Weapon Focus (I know there's a deity with 'unarmed' as a favoured weapon...)
6. Soul 4 - Mobility (in case Concentration/Tumble saves fail me...)
7. Sacred Fist 1 - Unarmed Damage; Sacred AC +1
8. Fist 2 - WIS +1
9. Soul 5 - Energy Resistance (mod-dependant); Intuitive Attack (Assuming this affects unarmed?)
10. Soul 6 -
11. Soul 7 -
12. Fist 3 - CHA +1; Sacred Speed +10%; Extend Spell
13. Soul 8 -
14. Soul 9 -
15. Soul 10 - Energy Resistance (mod-dependant); Spell Penetration
16. Fist 4 - WIS +1; Sacred Flame 1/day
17. Fist 5 - Sacred AC +2
18. Fist 6 - Sacred Speed +20%; Empower Spell
19. Fist 7 -
20. Fist 8 - WIS +1; Sacred Flame 2/day

Naked AC = 10 + 1 (Dodge) 3 (Dex) + 5 (Wis) + 4 (Tumble) 2 (Sacred) = 25 (29 vs AoO)

BAB: 16 - 4 attacks
AB (Unarmed): +22/+17/+12/+7
AB (Flurry): +20/+20/+15/+10/+5

Fort: 16 + 1 = 17
Ref: 16 + 3 = 19
Will: 12 + 5 = 17

Concentration: 23 + 1 = 24
Heal: 23 + 5 = 28
Lore: 23 + 1 = 24
Tumble: 23 + 3 = 26

(3 extra skill points can go anywhere - Persuade, Spot?)

*Great Attack Bonus levels
*Great AC
*Spontaneous Spellcasting to lvl 5 with caster lvl of 18 - good for buffs & healings in particular
*WIS Synergy across classes
*Able to move and cast in battle with relative freedom
*Fast movement
*Strong saves
*Moderate HP (d8+1 throughout) - could swap empower spell or spell penetration for toughness to gain extra
*If monk/Fist abilities still work with a shield, then further AC added there
*Can wear/use monk-only items (robes & gloves)
*Spell resistance of 25

*No high-level spells
*Cannot use any weapons
*Doesn't gain Monk enhancements for DR - will struggle against DR opponents
*Limited unarmed damage - 1d10 I believe...
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:02:12 AM
Reply #2

and now...presenting...the Nastiest damn cow you ever did saw!!! (Diablo II Cow level anyone?)

"Crazy Ooze" - Barbarian 4 / Favoured Soul 6 / Oozemaster 10

Race: Minotaur
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

STR 20 [12 + Minotaur 8]
DEX 14
CON 14 [10 + Minotaur 4]
WIS 14
INT 08 [12 - Minotaur 4]
CHA 13 [15 - Minotaur 2]

- 1&2 = Max Lore & Heal (save 5 points)
- 3 = Max concentration (5 saved points + 1 natural)
- 4-6 = Lore
- 7&8 = Max Lore & 3 into Heal (8)
- 9&10 = Max Lore
- 11 = Lore, 2 into Concentration (8)
- 12-20 = 1 each into Lore, Heal & Concentration
- Final Ranks = Lore (23), Heal (17), Concentration (17)

1. Barbarian 1 - Rage 1/day, Fast Movement; Exotic Weapon Proficiency
2. Barbarian 2 - Uncanny Dodge (Minotaur already has it - no effect)
3. Favoured Soul 1 - Great Fortitude
4. Soul 2 - CHA +1
5. Soul 3 - Deity's Weapon Focus (Scythe)
6. Soul 4 - Power Attack
7. Barbarian 3 -
8. Barbarian 4 - CHA +1; Rage 2/day
9. Soul 5 - Energy Resistance (Fire); Cleave
10. Soul 6 -
11. Ooze 1 - Minor Ooze Touch
12. Ooze 2 - CHA +1, CHA-1; Oozy Glob 1/day; Improved Critical (Scythe)
13. Ooze 3 - Minor Ooze Touch
14. Ooze 4 - CHA -1; Oozy Glob 2/day
15. Ooze 5 - Major Oozy Touch; Great Cleave
16. Ooze 6 - CHA +1, CHA -1; Oozy Glob 3/day, Indiscernible Anatomy
17. Ooze 7 - Major Oozy Touch
18. Ooze 8 - CHA -1; Oozy Glob 4/day; Slime Wave; Combat Casting
19. Ooze 9 - Major Oozy Touch
20. Ooze 10 - CHA +1, CHA -1; Oozy Glob 5/day, One with the Ooze

Natural AC = 10 + 2 (Dex) + 5 (Natural) - 1 (Large Size) = 16

BAB = 15 (3 or 4 attacks?)
AB (w/ Scythe) = +20/+15/+10(/+5?)

Fort: 16 + 2 + 4 = 22
Ref: 9 + 2 = 11
Will: 9 + 2 = 11

Concentration: 17 + 2 = 19
Heal: 17 + 2 = 19
Lore: 23 - 1 = 22

*This is one guy you don't want to meet in a back alley!
*Not going to put Pros & Cons on this since it's not really a serious build - but damn it's fun to think about!!
*This guy should actually be a moderate warrior, with divine spells to buff up and a few (oozy) tricks up his Minotaurs HAVE sleeves?
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:02:22 AM
Reply #3



Str 8
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 15

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Evil Brand, Lich Loved
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Thrall to Demons, Wep Focus:XX*(bonus feat)
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Cha
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence:XX*(bonus feat)
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Corpsecrafter (lore 4)
7 - Orcus 1 Heavy Armour
8 - Orcus 2 +1Con
9 - Orcus 3 Deadly Chill
10 - Orcus 4 Deform:Obese
11 - Orcus 5 Minor Undead Summon
12 - Orcus 6 +1Con, Destruction Retribution
13 - Orcus 7
14 - Orcus 8
15 - Orcus 9 Extend Spell, Major Undead Summon
16 - Orcus 10 +1Cha, Summon Nightwing
17 - Favoured Soul 7
18 - Favoured Soul 8 Hardened Flesh
19 - Favoured Soul 9 (Lore 15)
20 - Hierophant 1 +1 Cha, Spell Like Abilitie I

Str 8
Dex 10
Con 18
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 18

Skills 69
Lore 15
Spellcraft 21
Concentrate 23(27)
Tumble 5(-13 in armour)

Fort 19(23)
Reflex 9(13)
Will 18(22)

AC 22(fullplate+tower)
HP 200(got 199 without rerolls heh)
BAB 16
AB 17/12/7/2
1-4-1 20x2

~Applied to Summoned Undead~
Corpse Crafter - 4 to Strength and +2 Hit points per Hit Die.
Deadly Chill - +1d6cold
Destruction Retribution - OnDeath 1d6+1d6/2hitdie in 10' radius Reflex DC 15 half. Heals undead
Hardened Flesh - +2AC

~Not in build but can be put in instead of the above three(not corpse crafter)~
Nimble Bones - Imp Initiative, 10 foot speed increase
Bolster Resistance - +4 Turn Resistance

Minor Summon Level 20 Undead AC28,AB 19/14(2-12+9+1d6cold),HP 153/113 @ level 11
Major Summon Level 25 Undead AC30,AB 25/20(2-12+12+1d6cold),HP 226/176 @ level 15
Nightwing Level Undead15/Monk1 AC38,AB 21/18/15(2-12+14+1d6cold),HP 364/332, Self Conceal V @ level 16

3xSpell Like Abilities
1xPallor of Death Fear aura 10 mins DC 20 Will
3xTouch of Fear DC24 Will
(unlimited) Death Touch DC24 fort
(unlimited) Carrion Stench DC24 fort in a 10' Aura
Level 7 spells as a 14 caster
Thrall to Demon +20HP for 9 seconds
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:02:32 AM
Reply #4



Str 18
Dex 18
Con 19
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 20

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Power Attack
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Cleave, Wep Focus:Scimitar
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Str
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Extend Spell
7 - Favoured Soul 7
8 - Favoured Soul 8 +1Str(Hide 5)
9 - Blackguard 1 Toughness
10 - Blackguard 2
11 - Blackguard 3
12 - Anti-Pally 1 +1Cha, Extra Turning(must take it now and as anti-pally only)
13 - Favoured Soul 9
14 - Blackguard 4
15 - Blackguard 5 Divine Might
16 - Blackguard 6 +1Cha
17 - Blackguard 7
18 - Blackguard 8 Imp Crit:Scimitar
19 - Blackguard 9
20 - Blackguard 10 +1Str, 3d6sneak
21 - Favoured Soul 10 Greater Cha I, Epic Divine might
22 - Favoured Soul 11
23 - Favoured Soul 12
24 - Favoured Soul 13 +1Str, Divine Vigor
25 - Favoured Soul 14
26 - Favoured Soul 15 Greater Cha II
27 - Favoured Soul 16 Greater Con I
28 - Favoured Soul 17 +1Cha
29 - Favoured Soul 18
30 - Blackguard 11 Epic Divine Vigor
31 - Blackguard 12
32 - Blackguard 13 +1Cha, Epic Wep Focus
33 - Blackguard 14 Divine Shield
34 - Blackguard 15
35 - Blackguard 16 Epic Fiendish Servant, 5d6sneak
36 - Favoured Soul 19 +1Cha, Epic Divine Shield
37 - Favoured Soul 20
38 - Blackguard 17
39 - Blackguard 18 Invoke Divine Wrath**
40 - Blackguard 19 +1Cha, Armour Skin

**I could not take this ingame dispite having all the pre reqs, going to take a stab that it is possible but again i cant trigger it like with some classes recently. Can easily take something else for a feat or a quick change of Divine shields for greater smiting instead(Extra smiting, greater smite II/III). Will change it around if Invoke Divine Wrath is not ment to be

Str 22
Dex 18
Con 20
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 28

Skills 129
Disc 43(49)
Lore 26
Spellcraft 10
Tumble 20(6 in armour)

Fort 39(41)
Reflex 32(34)
Will 28(30)

AC 37(fullplate+tower)
HP 600
BAB 27
AB 36/31/26/21
1-6+8 15-20x2

6d6 Sneak Attack
Divine Shield +11AC Dodge 18rounds(maxed the 20 with 9AC from race)
Divine Might +18Divine Damage 18rounds
Divine Vigor +6Con, 20% Speed increase 9rounds

+1-4 rounds Divine Abilities/+2Divine Damage/+2Uses
AC 67
HP +200 +20tempHP
AB 59/55/49/45


Temp battle buffs drop 12AB and all but the slashing damage, -15AC, 11 from divine shield, 4nat armour from rightous might

2xEpic Spells
20Caster: Extend Spell
1xSmite Good- Either two the same with seperate uses
1xSmite Good- or one does +1 damage and the other +19
18xTurn Undead
Summon Fiend

Edit: Invoke Divine Wrath, Shared use of Turn Undead
Fort DC24 Single Target 20d8Divine.
Almost a good thing i might not be able to take this, too low DC would rather smite bomb more myself but i shall leave it ve
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:02:46 AM
Reply #5

While it is finshed and what not its about fun too and i thought i would post this dispite it being closed


Str 13
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 15
Cha 14

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Dodge
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Combat Casting, wep Focus
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Cha,
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Augment Healing
7 - Favoured Soul 7
8 - Favoured Soul 8 +1Cha,
9 - Hospitaler 1 Empower Spell
10 - Hospitaler 2
11 - Hospitaler 3 Imp Crit
12 - Hospitaler 4 +1Cha, Spell Pen
13 - Combat Medic 1
14 - Combat Medic 2
15 - Combat Medic 3 Spring Attack
16 - Combat Medic 4 +1Cha, Evasion
17 - Favoured Soul 9
18 - Favoured Soul 10 Greater Spell Pen, Energy Resistence
19 - Favoured Soul 11
20 - Favoured Soul 12 +1Cha, Wep Specilist
21 - Hospitaler 5 Epic Spell Penatration, Armour Skin
22 - Combat Medic 5
23 - Hospitaler 6
24 - Hospitaler 7 +1Wis, Epic Wep Focus, Spell Focus:Evocation
25 - Hospitaler 8
26 - Hospitaler 9 Epic Prowess
27 - Hospitaler 10 Greater Focus::Evocation
28 - Hospitaler 11 +1Wis,
29 - Hospitaler 12
30 - Hospitaler 13 Epic Spell Focus:Evocation, Focus Spell Pen:Evocation
31 - Favoured Soul 13
32 - Favoured Soul 14 +1Wis,
33 - Favoured Soul 15 Energy Resistence, Spell Focus:Evocation
34 - Favoured Soul 16
35 - Favoured Soul 17
36 - Favoured Soul 18 +1Wis, Greater Focus::Necro
37 - Hospitaler 14
38 - Hospitaler 15
39 - Hospitaler 16 Epic Spell Focus:Necro, Focus Spell Pen:Necro
40 - Favoured Soul +1Wis,

Str 13
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 20
Cha 19

Skills 172
Conc 43(44)
Disc 42(43)
Heal 42(47)+5classbnous
Spellcraft 5
Tumble 15*could put 30 in spellcraft, spring attack negates but 3 ac loss still
Alternativly you could put it in jump which would be a nice flavour for the build

Fort 24
Reflex 24
Will 25

AC 30
BAB 25
AB 30/25/20

Spell DC 22-30 Level 1-9, a max of +6 from wisdom bonus for 28-36DC
Spell Pen CastingLevel+6Spell Pen+4Focused Spell Pen 46-50

+2 points of healing per casting level of spell
3xHealing Kicker (sanctuary)
5xHealing Kicker (Reflex)
7xHealing Kicker (aid)
Lay on hands 16x4 Heals 64HP
1xRemove Disease
Spontaneous Heal - Convert any 6 and higher level spell to Heal
Evasion/Spring Attack
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.