So hey, i'm playing 3.5e with a really good P&P group and i just discovered the classes variants, although i know those would be impossible to achieve, i was thinking about making one more playthrough of NWN with what they call a "gish" archer (bab 16+ and caster lvl 17+ on lvl 20 build), but i needed to mod arcane archer for this, the changes would be:
adding spellcaster levels on each arcane archer levels (removing many abilities and slowing down enhance arrows).
also adding channel spell in a full round action just like duskblade can do, but with the bow.
well, how hard is this? the first one i was wondering if i could do with .2das, the second one i know for sure it needs to be scripted =/
the class would look like - arcane archer variant, just like normal arcane archer except by: hit die: 6, weak fortitude, no more phase/seeker/storm/death arrow, arrow enhance slowed down... i know all these are easy .2da edits... what about casting with a bow in the hand? i dont remember how NWN handles casting with something in the hand... it works automatic, right?
-Full caster level increase per level (just like eldtrich knight, but 10/10 caster levels instead of 9/10)
so this is it, i hope someone likes my idea and help me do it... this gish arcane archer would be perfect. (ohh, it would need the abjurant champion/spellsword prclasses, are they in the PRC?)