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Author Topic: PRC Templates  (Read 17665 times)

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July 08, 2009, 06:06:35 PM
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Alright, so I was fiddling with the PRC Controls in the radial menu and discovered the option to apply templates to the pc. However, after searching the site, I can't find any explanation on these templates. Perhaps someone can fill in the blanks? What are they are they, what do they modify, do you need to change a setting to turn them on, etc. I'm sure someone else will come along looking for the answer, so I felt maybe I should just post and see what useful information I can turn up for all the prc newbs present and future (myself included).
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 07:35:34 PM by Tirenel »
"It is one of those lessons that every child should learn: Don't play with fire, sharp objects, or ancient artifacts." -Wardwick Hurog

July 09, 2009, 12:51:39 PM
Reply #1

Information can be mostly found in the Monster Manuals.
Basically, they add extra stuff such as resistances and attacks.

Lets take the Half-Dragon as example (dunno if its in):
No change in size, hit dice increases 1 step (doesn't apply to class hit dice, only racial hit dice), large and larger half-dragons gain wings and a fly speed of twice its base land speed (max 120ft), medium and small doesn't, +4 natural armour class, two claw (primary) and 1 bite attack, a breath attack, darkvision (60ft), low-light vision, immunity to sleep and paralysis, immunity to damage type (based on colour), +8 Str, +2 con, +2 int, +2 cha, gains skill points as a dragon for its racial hit dice, gains the alignment of the dragon they're half- of, and a +3 Level Adjustment.

Or at least, that's how the PnP version has it.
I don't really know how they've implemented it into NWN.

July 09, 2009, 02:41:54 PM
Reply #2
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Hmm, I just read that there are only two complete templates, the half-celestial and the werewolf, of the list of templates that appear in the dialog window acessed be the radial menu. I'm not sure if this is current however, or a comment on an older version of the PRC. However, it would explain why nothing appeared to happen when I selected a half-dragon template out of curiosity.
"It is one of those lessons that every child should learn: Don't play with fire, sharp objects, or ancient artifacts." -Wardwick Hurog

July 10, 2009, 01:11:16 AM
Reply #3
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Yeah, those two templates work for sure.  I think I read right before the old website went down that some of the undead templates were working for this release, but I have never had occasion to try them.

In theory they could all be made operational if anyone who had the time and skill would do it.  Sadly, I lack the skill to do ti.

July 10, 2009, 01:14:10 AM
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Oops!  I misread your earlier post.  It is half-celestial and half-fiendish that work.  Last I heard, werewolf was not working, unless there is more current information up that suggests otherwise.  It wasn't working at the time the old website went down.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 01:14:38 AM by Calirion »

July 13, 2009, 12:41:38 PM
Reply #5

Lich and some others should work as well.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 16, 2009, 01:09:38 PM
Reply #6
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I know you guys were working on some undead templates, but in 3.3G rc the undead ones don't show up at all anymore.  If they are supposed to be there, perhaps there is a problem in the rc that is preventing them from showing up as choices.  I tested with good, evil, and neutral characters (just in case alignment was a factor), and they didn't show up.

September 02, 2009, 09:53:05 AM
Reply #7
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i have necropolitan, vampire, vampire spawn and sometimes demilich (when i have 20 dread necro levels anyway) in my template list. Necropolitan seems to work - i had to add it to Vile Death as a cheeky workaround for a bug that caused any DNecro permanent summoned undead to lose all their undead features when i rested.

Lich exists but doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to.

October 07, 2009, 03:37:04 PM
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I'm  currently playing a Dread Necromancer, so I will check out the lich features when I hit level 20.  It sounds from other posts as if it grants the basic undead benefits but nothing else.  Perhaps that is a fair adjustment, given that a player is getting all the benefits for free.

I may be crazy, but I thought I remembered a post sometime back, maybe before the forum changed hosts, to the effect that some templates like vampire and vampire spawn were working  in the CVS and would be out in the next release, but that doesn't seem to have happened.  Are there still any plans in this area?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 03:37:51 PM by Calirion »

October 15, 2009, 11:23:02 PM
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I was just wondering (haven't yet tried to test this) if templates stack.  Say I started with a Human Cleric and added the Half-Fiend template, and then took the template class Lich, would it work out the way it was supposed to, or would it get all fouled up?


October 16, 2009, 01:30:33 PM
Reply #10
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This should work, but unfortunately both templates you chose are not 100% finished.

October 16, 2009, 04:18:44 PM
Reply #11
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Thanks for the quick reply XWarren.  I am glad to know that the intention was to make the different Templates stackable and find it useful to know that some of the Templates are not finished.  


October 24, 2009, 09:38:19 AM
Reply #12
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So what does "not 100% finished" mean with regard to the lich?  I just hit level 20 with my Dread Necromancer, got the lich transformation feat, and ....nothing happened.  (i think I'm still using 3.3G rc (last version before the current one, because it usually takes me awhile to play a game, and I'm not done yet with this one, but XWarren's comment suggests that the current version may have the same problem.)

I checked the template list, and "lich" is no longer available as a choice, so it must have been applied, but no characteristics have changed.  I don't even have  the constitution change to simulate undead HD.   I certainly don't have the undead immunities (aside from things like sneak attack that the Dread Necro earns earlier).

Is the lich template complete enough that things will start to happen as I level up?  I seem to remember that half-celestial applies some changes as a character advances in level.  Or should I just apply the necropolitan template (which I know works) to get the basiic undead features and move on?   I figured the lich template didn't give the full range of features found in the lich class, so I wasn't counting on much beyond the basic undead stuff in my character build.  (I'm trying cleric/dread necro/true necro because true necro looks like the logical culmination for dread necros--good synerggy in several areas.)

One other thing.  I noticed that on level up, once the lich transformation feat was acquired I did get a couple messages, one of which had to do with caster level but which seems to fit the cleric, not the dread necro, and one of which said, "not evil."  I'm assuming that the lich template, like the lich class, is accessible for neutral characters.  Also, I think the lich class looks for 11 caster levels of any kind, or else at least 11 in your highest class.  Could the template be looking for 11 in your first class by mistake?  (I started as a cleric because some modules work better if your first class is a bioware base class, particularly for the purposes of certain treasure scripts.)

Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

October 24, 2009, 11:00:33 AM
Reply #13
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The lich template can be only applied to evil characters - that's why you didn't get any undead properties.

The script checks for alignment (evil, should change that to allow neutral characters become liches), arcane caster level (11+), Craft Wonderous Item feat and race (any non-monstrous).

All passive abilities are implemented (immunities, bonuses, resistances). It is missing touch attack, fear auram changed appearance and some spell-like abilities.

October 24, 2009, 12:01:27 PM
Reply #14
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Thanks for the quick response.  It is odd, though, since the dread necro can be neutral, that the lich can't be.  Is there hope that at some point the template will be adjusted from requiring evil alignment to requiring non-good?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 12:02:32 PM by Calirion »