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Author Topic: Level Adjustment, Races, and You - A Highly Opinionated Piece  (Read 30295 times)

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June 05, 2009, 11:20:03 AM

Level Adjustment, Races, and You

~Written for the NWN1 3.2 PRC from a Single Player Perspective~

I'd been playing with the PRC since around the 2.0 release, maybe earlier. Somewhere between then and 3.0, I was fiddling around with the switches and noticed a bunch of them called "Simple LA". After reading a bit about "Level Adjustment" in a few PnP sources, I decided I liked using it.

With the metric ton of races that were just released in the 3.2 version of the Player Resource Consortium, it can be mind-boggling figuring out what to pick, with all these races that possess so many different abilities ranging from +attribute modifiers to immunities.

However, these fancy new races not only have (mostly) highly beneficial traits, they also have a Level Adjustment to prevent them from being cheesier than they already are.

In response, I started writing up some stuff to use as a self-reference, and it eventually ballooned into something else entirely... Which I'll now show to you guys so you can pick it apart.

-What is Level Adjustment?-

Technically speaking, Level Adjustment increases a character's ECL, or Effective Character Level. If a character that is Level 1 is a Drow, he'll have a Level Adjustment of +2. This +2 LA increases his ECL from Level 1 to Level 3.

Mechanically speaking, he'll be treated as a Level 3 character despite having the stats of a Level 1 Drow. How, you ask? In his experience gain. In effect, he'll be gaining less experience than other Level 1 characters.

For the PRC's Simple LA switch, a character with level adjustment gains experience at a rate of:


Where C=character level, LA=level adjustment, and EXP=experience points gained.

For our Level 1 Drow, if he kills a creature for 100 exp, he doesn't actually get 100 exp. Instead he gets:

(1/(1+2))x(100)... In other words, 1/3 of 100 experience.

-The Severity of Level Adjustment-

This might look serious to you-- it might not. After all, the reduction per exp gain will become lighter as you gain more levels. A Level 5 Drow would gain experience at a rate of:

(5/(5+2)), or 5/7. Not so bad.

But at lower levels, you might find yourself at a significant disadvantage as a melee class. Any ability boosts you have to attack bonus or HP might be negated by the fact that you're not getting the proper BAB and class hitdie that other characters at similar points of the game would have.

Casters are hit even harder. On +2 LA races alone, every bit of lost experience builds up such that you're probably going to be one spell level behind your peers. You'll find yourself stuck with Fireball while your friends are already throwing out Ice Storm.

Level Adjustment doesn't hurt so bad in hack-and-slash modules where the increasingly difficult enemies give you increasing amounts of experience in proportion to your regular character level rather than your ECL, and hurts more when you've got a quest-heavy module with set amounts of experience rewards.

-Why turn it on in the first place?-

By default, Level Adjustment is off, and from what I've said, there appears to be no practical reason at all to turn on the Level Adjustment options for the PRC. In fact, anyone who predominantly plays casters will probably be even more discouraged from switching LA on. However, reasons DO exist for using it:

1) To be closer to the feel of PnP D&D.
2) To feel far less cheesy. I mean, you're telling me you don't feel guilty wading through the game as a Rakshasa with that DR, SR, and huge CON boost?
3) To have a reason to use some of the "lesser" races. I mean, if you can just pick an Illithid to become a supercaster, why would you ever want to be a Human? With Level Adjustment, you've actually got an incentive to pick someone a bit lower down on the ladder rungs, like the Air Genasi.

-General Guidelines-

Without Level Adjustment, the best races are rather easy to point out.

For Non-Casters:

Troll - Massive Strength, similarly massive Constitution (+12), and high regeneration rate make playing Neverwinter Nights incredibly easy. Seriously, walk up to something, hit it until it's dead, move on. If you take too much damage, rest/wait around until you're up to full HP. These guys are the PRC's Easy Mode.
Zakya Rakshasa - Slightly less Strength and Constitution (+10) than a Troll but still disgustingly overpowered, Zakya make up for it with having no attribute penalties and a host of other abilities, not the least of which is SR and DR.
Naztharune Rakshasa - The Dexterity equivalent of the Zakya, starting with a Sneak Attack and HiPS that makes you the equivalent of a Rogue 6/Shadowdancer 1 from the get-go.
Bralani Eladrin - Equally powerful in Strength and Dexterity (+8), Bralani also have a plethora of at-will spell-like abilities and the typical Outsider qualities including SR and DR.
For Casters:

Illithid - Having the highest Intelligence (+8) of the PRC races alone is enough to make the Illithid one of the kings of casting.
Nymph - Sharing the highest Charisma (+8) bonus with only one other Race, Nymphs also have Unearthly Grace that boosts their AC and saves equal to their Charisma mod.
For Gishes:

Drider - Respectably good bonuses in casting (Int/Wis/Cha +4/+6/+6), Driders also have a large +6 Constitution, SR, and +AC to make them very durable as well. Then there's the +4 Str/Dex that makes them impressive combatants outside of casting.
Rakshasa - High Charisma (+6), high Con (+6) +AC, DR, and the highest Spell Resistance out of all PRC races (27). You'd not only make a good caster, but you're a tank against anything.
With Level Adjustment, though, what's considered a "good" race or not becomes a bit of a blurrier line. I generally follow the guidelines below.

For Non-Casters:

No Level Adjustment - So long as the physical attribute or attributes that affect important sub-abilities are either unaffected or gain a boost, you should be fine here.

+1 Level Adjustment - In general, you want some combination (at least +2) of +Dex, +Str, and +Con. +AC would also be nice. Alternatively, attribute bonuses to stuff like Wisdom or Intelligence or having things like Elemental Resistances with no/few penalties would be nice as well.

Recommended Examples: Scro, Catfolk, Half-Giant.

+2 Level Adjustment - You should go after some serious +Dex/+Str, +Con, +AC, Elemental Resistances, SR, or Immunities to make up for the fragility that comes from being some levels behind.

Recommended Examples: Githyanki, Orog, Flind.

+3 Level Adjustment and above - Races with some incredible combination of enormous +Dex/+Str (at least +6), high +Con, high +AC, great Elemental Resistances, Immunities, Spell Resistance, Spell-Like Abilities, or something else that makes the race stand out are the only ones that are seriously viable-- otherwise, you're might as well be walking glass.

Recommended Examples: Troll, Zakya Rakshasa, Naztharune Rakshasa.
For Casters:

No Level Adjustment - The most preferred amount of Level Adjustment. So long as you don't get a penalty in your main casting attribute, the race works. Though it would be better to have an attribute increase in said casting attribute, a +Con/+Dex/+AC boost that doesn't simultaneously affect that attribute, or something that's distinctly useful. Or maybe a combination of any of that.

Recommended Examples: Deep Imaskari, Neraph, Elan.

+1 Level Adjustment - +1 LA is worth it if you can get at least +2 to your central spellcasting stat, or if the race has stuff that'll help you survive (+AC, +Con, SR) without having a detriment to your spellcasting at the same time.

Recommended Examples: Aasimar, Water Genasi, Viletooth Lizardfolk.

+2 Level Adjustment - +2 LA is what I consider the stopping point before your spells start to suck too much. You either want at least a serious boost in your central spellcasting attribute, or getting significant improvements to your suvivability (high +AC, high +Con, Immunities, etcetera).

Recommended Examples: Volodni, Dragonkin.

+3 Level Adjustment and above - Almost never worth it.
For Gishes:

No Level Adjustment - If you're concerned more about spellcasting or at least keeping casting balanced with physical combat, then at the very least you want a race that does not take a hit in either your central spellcasting attribute or your main physical attribute (Dex or Str).

+1 Level Adjustment - You'll want either improved durability (+Con, +saves, +AC, SR), better attacking (+Dex, +Str), a +2 to your spellcasting attribute, or some combination of those three while not sacrificing anything/too much in any of them.

+2 Level Adjustment - This is pushing it for your spells. You should be looking for high +AC, +Con, +Dex/+Str, +Int/+Cha/+Wis, Resistances, SR, Immunities, or anything else useful while trying to avoid -Con, -Dex/-Str, and -Int/-Cha/-Wis unless it's worth it.

+3 Level Adjustment and above - At this point, your spells are relegated to just buffing. You should be looking for some combination of very large amounts of +Dex/+Str, high +AC, high +Con, SR, Immunities, Spell-Like Abilities, Elemental Resistances, etctera. Once you have this, you can take at most a -2 in your main spellcasting attribute since you're not going to be slinging spells at foes until you start reaching serious Epic levels, and -2 is the cutoff point before your casting becomes seriously hampered in just getting the needed attribute score to use spells.

-Race Comparison-

If you're interested in one person's ranting, then we can get to looking at my opinion of each individual race choice. We'll only be looking at races introduced by the PRC, and each race entry will have this format:


[Race Name and Type(s)]
[Favored Class]
[Level Adjustment]

[Special Conditions (If any)]
[List of Abilities]: All stat boosts, racial abilities, and such.

[Race as Non-Caster]: An evaluation of the race outside of spellcasting.

[Race as Caster]: An evaluation of the race in terms of spellcasting, emphasizing 9th level spellcasters.

[Race as Gish]: An evaluation of the race as a hybrid melee-caster. Base Class examples include Cleric and Wilder, and Class combination examples include Psion/Sanctified Mind.

[Caveat]: Some [other] things that might be wrong with a race. Usually relates to Racial Hitdie, which I personally leave turned off. Call me a cherrypicker when it comes to PnP options.

[Personal Notes (If any)]

Alright then, let's get to it. In alphabetical order...


Aasimar - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Paladin
Level Adjusment - +1

+2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom
Skill Affinity (Spot), Skill Affinity (Listen)
Cold Resistance 5, Acid Resistance 5, Electrical Resistance 5
Level 3 Light - 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Aasimar make solid Paladins, and the relatively minor level adjustment is not bad for a tradeoff of better stats that help precisely the stats that Paladins' support abilities use, along with darkvision and some elemental resistances-- all of which are against quite common elements.

Race as Caster: Nice stat boosts for casters that use those stats, and again, the level adjustment is relatively minor. However, the early levels can be rough regardless.

Race as Gish: An Aasimar's stat boosts primarily help spellcasting while having no penalties to any physical attribute. I'd say that's pretty good, though there might be more attractive gish options.


Air Genasi - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
+1 Saving Throws against air, sonic, and electricity spells (another +1 every 5 levels)
Immune against Drown

Air Genasi Clerics must have the Air domain

Race as Non-Caster: Dexterity and Intelligence means that the Air Genasi are geared towards Rogues, and they're really not bad at it. Furthermore, the immunity to Drown is not something to scoff at-- Water Elementals may be fought quite early depending on the module, and if you're like me, you'll usually roll a 1 on the saving throw against their Drown. Not having to worry about it at all isn't bad.

Race as Caster: Air Genasi make an interesting caster. The +1 LA on top of Charisma and Wisdom loss discourages plenty of casting types, but the improved AC and spell DCs from Dexterity and Intelligence can help Psions and Wizards immensely in both survival and spellslinging/manifesting.

Race as Gish: Dexterity and Intelligence are on the upper end of stats important to both casters and melee for purposes of Armor Class and spell DC. In that respect, Air Genasi aren't bad as a gish race. Cautious recommendation.


Aquatic Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
Immune to Sleep-type spells
+2 to saving throws against mind-affecting spells
Immune to Drown
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: Aquatic Elves are suited towards dex-based dual wielders, but not necessarily for Rogues. -2 Intelligence hits them in the skill points department. As I've said previously, Drown is not bad if you're expecting Water Elementals. Other than that, these guys aren't anything to write home about.

Race as Caster: No direct benefits to most casting classes, and a -2 Intelligence and a +1 LA that really make this race a horrible choice for the remainder. Regular Elves are a far superior choice.

Race as Gish: Very meh. -2 Intelligence with +2 Dexterity runs contrary to many gish builds I can think of, while the rest of an Aquatic Elf's traits are just unspectacular for the rest of them. However, unlike most Elven races, Aquatics do not take a Constitution hit. This may prove to be better for gish builds that don't use Intelligence-based spellcasting and/or have a greater emphasis on physical fighting.


Arctic Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, -4 Dexterity
+2 to Search underground
+2 to saving throws against Poison, +2 to saving throws against Spells
+1 AR against Orcs, +1 AR against Goblinoids
+4 AC against giants
+2 to Lore, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise
Immunity to Cold
Small Stature

Race as Non-Caster: No Level Adjustment for +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and Immunity to Cold? With one negative being in Charisma of all things? Unless you're playing a Roguish/Dex-based character, Arctic Dwarves are definitely an interesting choice to look at.

Race as Caster: The Dexterity loss hurts for most Intelligence/Charisma-based casters, since you're likely going to be forced to wear robes and traditionally have a dependency on Dexterity for your AC woes. Although, Immunity to Cold is really nice... But you might want to go back to regular Dwarves for casting anyway.

Race as Gish: Arctic Dwarves are uniquely suited to becoming armor-wearing casters like Psychic Warriors or Druids. +2 Str, +2 Con, with no loss of Wisdom... Use this to your full advantage.

Caveat: Arctic Dwarves currently have +4 Strength and -2 Dexterity, rather than the much less beneficial stats that they're supposed to have. That might be awesome now, but it's likely to be corrected later.


Asabi - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom
50' base speed
+4 to Jump
+2 to Natural Armor AC
1d4 Bite Attack
Proficiencies: Shield, Simple Weapons, Creature

Race as Non-Caster: Oh-ho, wow. No Level Adjustment for a plethora of useful stat boosts, an armor class boost, and the best movement speed in the game (if you turn on PnP Racial Speed). Plenty of benefits with no drawbacks makes Asabi one of the cheesiest races to pick in the game. Perfectly suited for not just melee, but hit-and-run tactics.

Race as Caster: +2 Intelligence and +2 Wisdom with no LA? That speaks for itself. Then there's the free shield proficiency, which you can use freely on a Psion. Very cheesy stuff.

Race as Gish: Armor, bonus to casting stats, etcetera... Again, speaks for itself.

Caveat: If you turn on Racial Hitdie, Asabi are a LOT worse than how they look, because they're forced to take Monster classes that are not only pretty bad compared to the regular classes, but also go towards the 40 level/3 class limit.


Athasian Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+2 to saving throws against Poison, +2 to saving throws against Spells

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are like Dwarves, except with less skill boosts. I suppose you'd be forced to use them regardless if you were going for a thematic Dark Sun feel, or playing in a Dark Sun module. The fact that they have a great, all-purpose stat like Constitution that is offset by Charisma still exists... But yeah, I can't think of a reason why you would use them over regular Dwarves.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Athasian Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
40' base speed
Proficiencies: Shortbow, Longbow
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-light Vision
Cold Resistance 1, Fire Resistance 1

Race as Non-Caster: I'd say that Athasian Elves are slightly better than Elves. The only loss from going for the Dark Sun version of Elves are the reduced proficiencies-- Longsword and Rapier, which you're likely going to receive in the starting weapon proficiencies of most classes, anyway. The tradeoff for 40' speed and minor resistances is worth it in my opinion.

Race as Caster: Again, Athasian Elves are slightly better Elves. 40' speed and minor resistances are nice to have for casters that get into situations where they need to put some space between themselves and incoming meleers.

Race as Gish: Once more, I reiterate that Athasian Elves are basically Elves except a little better.

Caveat: Athasian Elves lose out on immunity to Sleep. This can be a problem in certain early-level modules, so keep that in mind.


Athasian Half-Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment: None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
+1 Listen, +1 Search, +1 Spot, +2 Animal Empathy
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: I like these guys are a LOT better than regular Half-Elves. No Level Adjustment, with a negative in a stat that's unimportant in a lot of non-casting builds, and a Dexterity boost to make up for it? Very nice. The lack of a Favored Class makes them suitable for anything except classes that rely on Charisma, such as Paladins or Marshals.

Race as Caster: Charisma loss is bad for quite a few casting characters, but not so much for Intelligence-based casters. For them, the Dexterity boost is quite welcome.

Race as Gish: They combine the Elves' Dexterity boost with the Dwarves' Charisma loss. Just stay away from Charisma-based casting and they make a solid choice for a hybrid fighter-caster.

Caveat: I list them as having an Elven type, but like Half-Elves and Half-Drow, they likely do NOT qualify for Baelnorn. Also, they're missing Immunity to Sleep, so that might be a problem in low-level modules.


Athasian Half-GIant - Giant
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment: +1

+8 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -4 Intelligence, -4 Wisdom, -4 Charisma
40' base speed
Large Creature
+2 Natural Armor
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: They're somewhat limited in the optimized options that they have-- basically, they've got to go all-out melee if you want the best results. However, if they do, they're damn good at it. +8 Strength means they hit hard, +4 Constitution means they last long despite the AC loss from -2 Dexterity and Large size, and they get 2/3rd's of all weapons in the game available to them without spending a single feat.

Race as Caster: -4 to EVERY traditional casting stat is pretty damn crippling, I'll admit. However, I think you could pull off a Dragonfire Adept (CON as main stat~) reasonably well, and for the lowest of Level Adjustment penalties.

Race as Gish: Hmm. Physical-leaning gishy classes like Psychic Warrior could be pulled off okay, but otherwise, the only reason you'd ever use spells is for buffs rather than anything else.

Caveat: They've got Racial Hitdie, so if you turn that on, you're losing out on two regular class levels and using up part of your 3-class limit... and in return, you're forced to dip into a pretty bad class. Oof.


Athasian Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment: None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
-2 Persuade, +2 Move Silently, +4 Listen, +2 Jump
+2 to saving throws against spells
+1 to Attack Bonus for Throwing Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: I don't like these guys, since they lose out on the regular Halfling's more general saving throw boosts. On the other hand, because their Favored Class is Ranger, it'll be easier for them to play a Ranger-based build. Overall, though, I prefer regular Halflings.

Race as Caster: Like regular Halflings, they don't make bad casters. The Strength penalty means little compared to the AC boost from Dexterity and being small, but they do lose out on general saving throws, which once again causes me to prefer regular Halflings.

Race as Gish: Again, regular Halflings edge them out, but they're still okay at it.


Avariel - Elven
Favored Class: Cleric
Level Adjustment: +3

+4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saving throws against Mind-Affecting Spells
Proficiencies: Elven
+2 Listen, +2 Search, +2 Jump, +4 Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Special Attacks: Dive (+2 to AB, -2 to AC for one attack)
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of elves. Avariel might make for interesting Dex-based builds, roguish characters, and/or scouts. Having that special attack (Dive) also gives them an interesting, but risky attack option that does double damage damage with piercing weapons automatically-- which can be very useful early on. But then, you get such a hefty Level Adjustment, which along with that Constitution loss makes me wonder if, after you get through the troubles of low-level encounters, you'll fare too well even past that.

Race as Caster: Oof. +3 Level Adjustment means you're behind a full level of spells, and then some. Though if you're gonna try to play full-on casters as an Avariel anyway, the +2 Intelligence and +2 Wisdom are certainly better than nothing... But I really would recommend some other type of Elf.

Race as Gish: They make questionable gishes-- the +4 Dexterity is nice, but -2 Constitution with a Level Adjustment that big relegates your spells to support or buffing and makes you very fragile.


Azer - Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +4

+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Spell Resistance 13 (+1 Per Level)
+6 Natural Armor
+1 Fire Damage per hit
Immunity to Fire
-50% Vulnerability against Cold

Race as Non-Caster: Eh... Unimpressive stats that are too spread out, with an Immunity and Vulnerability that will either make or break them depending on the module. What saves them is the +6 AC and the Spell Resistance, which makes them a problem for enemy casters and non-casters alike.

Race as Caster: +4 Level Adjustment is bad. Like, two levels of spells behind bad. Without any huge boosts to any particular spellcasting stat, playing a caster is an uphill battle for an Azer.

Race as Gish: Hmm... Broad stat boosts is okay. The natural armor and spell resistance are okay. It's a lot more of an accessible route than going full caster with an Azer, at least.

Caveat: Azer have Racial Hitdie, but at least they get it in a monster class that is a cut above the rest; Outsiders get full BAB and saving throws, which may actually help some Non-Caster builds.


Baaz Draconian - Draconic
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Spell Resistance 8 (+1 Per Level)
+2 to Natural Armor AC
1d4 Bite Attack, 1d4 Claw Attack x2
Immunity to Sleep, Paralyzation, Disease
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: Hm. They get a lot of nifty stuff that has immediate use in early game as it relates to battles (all the extra attacks, Immunities to cripplingly bad types of attacks like Paralyzation and Disease) but the Intelligence loss does impose limits on the versatility of certain types of Non-Casters (Rogues, for one) which you're going to be feeling later on. Make no mistake though, Baaz Draconians are pretty hardy; +2 Constitution, pre-existing Natural Armor AC, and scaling SR are nothing to scoff at.

Race as Caster: Baaz Draconians would make okay Sorcerers and good Dragonfire Adepts-- otherwise, most casting classes are a bad choice for them because of the loss to Intelligence and Wisdom, which along with the +1 Level Adjustment is horrendous. What spellcasting they can optimize in is therefore pretty limited, but options exist.

Race as Gish: You'll have to compensate for the casting stat in most builds, but otherwise I'd say Baaz Draconians make good gishes-- even more so when you think about the fact that their natural bite/claw weapons can be affected by things like Metaphysical Claw.

Caveat: Racial Hitdice are something the Baaz Draconians have if you switch it on, which will go towards their class limit; BUT, they get the Racial HD in Dragon, which is in the upper tier of Monster classes with full BAB and saving throws. Hurts to have it, but some Non-Caster builds don't suffer too much.


Bladeling - Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity
+4 to Natural Armor AC
Immunity to Acid
Fire Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5
Damage Reduction 5/+1
Metal Hide (Cannot be damaged by rust attacks, cannot wear armor heavier than light)
Special Ability: Razor Storm 1/day (15' cone that does 2d6 Damage | 10+Con Reflex DC | Natural Armor drops by 2 after use)

Race as Non-Caster: With a cursory glance, it's clear from the wide variety of bonuses that Bladelings look well-suited for a lot of different types of non-casting builds-- Dex-based and roguish builds in particular. However, having the inability to wear armor heavier than light hurts Strength-based builds in mid-magic modules, as the lack of heavier armor means lower AC and the Natural Armor is either similar or outdone by casting or equipment-based Natural Armor boosts.

Race as Caster: +1 Level Adjustment hurts, of course, but the combined resistances, DR, and AC boosts may be worth it. That along with the fact that Bladelings lose nothing in any of the spellcasting stats, and you've got a rather durable casting race on your hands.

Race as Gish: Gish-type builds that have a little bit of a dependence on heavy armor will suffer from not being able to wear them, but otherwise, Bladelings make a fine choice for casters that mix with more Dex-based/roguish classes.


Bozak Draconian - Draconian
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +3

+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Spell Resistance 14 (+1 per level)
+8 to Natural Armor AC
1d6 Bite Attack, 1d5 Claw Attack x2
Immunity to Sleep, Paralyzation, Disease
Proficiencies: Light Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Longsword, Longbow, Shortsword

Race as Non-Caster: +2 Strength, +8 Natural Armor, scaling SR with a very nice starting number, and lots of nice (if redundant) proficiencies... +3 LA is quite a price to pay for all of that, but I'd say it's not a bad tradeoff.

Race as Caster: Their favored class is Sorcerer, but you're gonna have a really hard time with that high Level Adjustment, which puts you at a disadvantage of more than one level of spells-- which is too much to even think about multiclassing. You could get away with meleeing because of your Natural Armor and Strength boost, but that drops off as you advance. I don't recommend playing them full-on casting.

Race as Gish: This is a lot better than going straight spellcasting. No reduction of spellcasting stats, nice physical boosts, SR... And the Light Armor and Shield proficiencies benefit any gishes that are starting out as Psion since Psionics doesn't have failure penalties.

Caveat: If you choose to turn it on, these guys have Racial Hitdice, but it's in Dragon-- they get full BAB and good across-the-board saving throws. Having a Monster class taking up part of your class limit is not ideal, but it's a better monster class than most.


Bralani Eladrin - Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +5

+8 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma
40' base speed
+6 to Natural Armor AC
Damage Reduction 10/cold iron
Immunity to Electricity, Petrification
Spell Resistance 17 (+1 per level)
Spell-like Abilities at Will: Blur, Charm Person, Gust of Wind, Mirror Image
Spell-like Abilities: Cure Serious Wounds 2/day, Lightning Bolt 2/day

Race as Non-Caster: Bralani join the Rakshasa varieties, Trolls, Illithid, and a handful of other races as having some of the most ridiculous stats of races available in the PRC. What they gain for the +5 LA is worth it; the +8 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, Natural Armor, DR, useful immunities, infinite casts of Blur and Mirror Image (amongst other spells), and SR are incredible-- they make you hard to hit, and hard to touch. There are few non-casting builds with which you can go wrong as a Bralani... The only thing of concern are classes that are dependent on skills, such as Rogues or Ninjas, whose skill levels will lose out from the Level Adjustment. Otherwise, they're outdone only by Trolls in certain types of builds, and then either matched or outdone only by the Rakshasa variants in others. Bralani are definitely one of the better cheesy races introduced through 3.2.

Race as Caster: The Bralani will probably not look too hot once you get past all the stats and realize that most of their benefits focus on physical aspects, and what does go towards casting is not enough to make up for the +5 LA. Although, you COULD get away with "gishing" it out without really trying-- that's just how good their stats are. Considering that's no longer in the realm of spellcasting, I'd skip these guys if you're after pure spellcasting/manifesting.

Race as Gish: Bralani make fine gishes insofar as they'll be mighty warriors with buff spells to supplement their already immense physical capabilities. You can achieve some very serious damage and your enemies will have trouble even landing a hit, always forced to cap out at 80% chance to hit max because of an *at will* Blur-- and this is before non-racial buffs. Just don't expect to be using your spellcasting as anything other than support for the physical aspect of being a gish.

Caveat: Bralani will be forced to take a 6 level dip in Outsider if you turn Racial Hitdie on, which does dull their awesome stats a bit-- though Outsider is a pretty strong "Monster"/"Enemy" class with full BAB and good all-around saves.


Brownie - Fey
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - +4

-6 Strength, +10 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
+2 Craft Weapon, +2 Craft Armor, +2 Craft Trap, +2 Listen, +2 Spot
Uncanny Dodge
Hide in Plain Sight
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 7 Confusion 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Brownies make awesome Dex-based sneak attackers-- +10 Dexterity along with Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, and HiPS for free? Sign me up. They otherwise make pretty bad combatants since -6 Strength is a significant blow to not just damage, but also most Strength-dependant builds. Don't play a Brownie expecting to be the best Devastating Crit'er in the world, and DO expect to pick up Weapon Finesse.

Race as Caster: +4 LA is a bit rough for any spellcasting class, especially with no high spellcasting boons to match that Level Adjustment. I'd skip Brownie in favor of a different race.

Race as Gish: A gish Brownie will have to focus on ways of damage-dealing to compensate for the damage loss and options resulting from their comparatively low Strength. Otherwise, they've got potential.


Bugbear - Goblinoid
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+4 Move Silently
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Shields
+3 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: One of the better goblinoid races. Boosts to every physical stats and a boost to AC for only +1 Level Adjustment is too good to pass up. They're well suited to pursuing any class you'd like.

Race as Caster: Almost ditto for this section; -2 Charisma does, of course, hurt the relevant spellcasters, and even +1 Level Adjustment is a hump for any spellcaster. However, they've got worthwhile durability, and the plethora of proficiencies are much appreciated for Psions.

Race as Gish: Again, Bugbears make a fine choice with their almost disadvantageless benefits. Go crazy.

Caveat: Racial Hitdie, if switched on, force Bugbears to take class levels in a rather bad Monster class. Reduces their versatility and effectiveness a LOT.


Buomman - Outsider
Favored Class: Monk
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
+2 Listen, +2 Perform
Vow of Silence (Must take Silent Spell to cast spells with a verbal component)

Race as Non-Caster: Buomman certainly have an interesting flavor to them, and their stats are positively slanted while remaining a +0 LA race. +2 Wisdom, besides the improvement to Will saves, is nice for Rangers and other warrior classes with scant spellcasting. Nothing too special overall, but the Charisma isn't a serious penalty unless you're playing something like a Paladin.

Race as Caster: There are an enormous number of spells in NWN that require a verbal component... I'm going to go ahead and say that Silent Spell is a must, and being forced to take a feat for it when you otherwise wouldn't sucks. On top of that, Silenced Spells take a spell slot one level higher... Yeah. Though Buomman make average Psions.

Race as Gish: Buomman make good Psychic Warriors and Druids because of the Wisdom boost, without losing out on physical stats. I'd say they make pretty good gishes, but the -2 Charisma hurts them in other choices, like Wilder.


Catfolk - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
+2 Listen, +2 Move Silently
+1 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: +4 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armor... Catfolk are well-suited to fulfilling rogueish duties, or playing towards Dex-based builds without being more-or-less restricted to them like Brownies or other races. +1 Level Adjustment isn't too much of a price to pay, all things considered.

Race as Caster: Catfolk have an obvious slant towards Sorcerers with +2 Charisma, and gishier spellcasters like Warlocks and Wilders. However, the AC boosts may or may not be enough to make up for the +1 LA as far as other spellcasters are concerned.

Race as Gish: As I said above, gishier spellcasters like Warlocks and Wilders have the most obvious benefit from a Catfolk's stat increases. Other than that, you can play up to Dex-based gishes or simply use that as a supplement for other things considering you don't suffer any penalties-- in other words, Catfolk make flexible gishes.


Changeling - Shapeshifter
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 to saves against Mind-affecting Effects
+2 to Bluff, +2 to Intimidate, +2 to Sense Motive
Minor Shape Change

Race as Non-Caster: Oh, I like these guys. Besides the boost to saves against Mind-affecting stuff, the Minor Shape Change allows for some tricks. Since Minor Shape Change allows type changes, you can change into a shape such that you aren't affected by spells. Then, the fact that you have MSC plus the fact that you're a Shapeshifter race means that you qualify for PnP Shifter without needing a polymorphing/shapechanging spell. All you'd need is the casting and relevant feats-- and all of a sudden, you get a lot more options for going into one of the PRC's stronger Prestige Classes.

Race as Caster: Changelings are pretty meh here. No LA and no stat penalties mean they're not exactly bad as a caster, but they aren't good either.

Race as Gish: Again, meh. No LA and no stat penalties mean you won't make a terrible gish, but there's not exactly anything that stands out about them either.

Personal Note: Changelings have Shapeshifter as a type. You might find yourself being unaffected by some spells, which is quite nifty.


Chaond - Outsider
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+2 to Tumble
Acid Resistance 5, Sonic Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5

Race as Non-Caster: Dexterity AND Constitution? The Resistances and ability to have any Favored Class are just icing on the cake for those. For most builds, the Charisma doesn't hurt that much at all. I'd say they're worth the +1 Level Adjustment, and they don't have too many restrictions-- though the Charisma loss may be bothersome for some classes that have have a use for Charisma, such as Paladins.

Race as Caster: The Charisma loss hurts the relevant casters, but otherwise, the Dexterity and Constitution are quite welcome for making casters more durable, especially as none of the other spellcasting stats take a hit. Still, it's +1 LA, and you don't have an actual advantage in any spellcasting stats except Constitution for DFA, which isn't really a traditional spellcaster. It's a case of whether you want to be better at casting or be more durable.

Race as Gish: I give Chaonds the thumbs-up. Dex, Con, Resistances, Tumbling... Just stay away from Charisma-reliant casting (Warlocks, etc.) and you'll do fine.


Dark Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -4 Charisma
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
+2 to saving throws against Poison, +2 to saving throws against Spells
+1 AB against Orcs, +1 AB against Goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Lore, +2 to Hide, +2 to Move Silently, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise, +2 to Listen
Light Sensitivity (-2 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light; i.e., sunlight)

Race as Non-Caster: Lots and lots of free skill affinities with a +2 to Constitution make Dark Dwarves rather versatile both in combat and outside of it. However, if you're going to be in modules that involve you being outside in the sun a lot... Dark Dwarves are hurt pretty bad by their Light Sensitivity. Having to deal with that situation might not be enough of a tradeoff.

Race as Caster: The -4 Charisma is crippling for spellcasters reliant on that stat. That along with Light Sensitivity may make Dark Dwarves a very unattractive choice.

Race as Gish: Again, there's Light Sensitivity and the fact that the -4 Charisma essentially removes a lot of gishy spellcaster options like Wilder. If anything, I'd just recommend regular Dwarves unless you like Krynn's flavor.


Deep Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
+2 to Listen, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise
+1 to all Saving Throws
+2 to saves against Fear
+1 to AB for throwing weapons

Race as Non-Caster: You're a Halfling with a different skillset and Darkvision. Inside combat, treat yourself as a halfling. Outside of it, play to the Deep Halfling's natural strengths as a crafter and haggler and improve the relevant skills. Otherwise, nothing special that a regular Halfling can't do.

Race as Caster: Again, you're just a halfling with a different skillset and Darkvision.

Race as Gish: "Halfling with skill differences and Darkvision", ad nauseum.


Deep Imaskari - Human
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity
+2 to Hide
+4 to Hide while underground
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: One of the few +0 LA races with an Intelligence boost, but the Deep Imaskari pay for it. A loss of Dexterity is pretty bad. Not crippling, but pretty bad-- if you're going to pick any kind of warrior build, go for one that relies on heavy armor. The Intelligence will be welcome in expanding anyone's skillset.

Race as Caster: +2 to Intelligence plays well into the strengths of Psions and Wilders, who'll have solid AC-boosting powers to compensate for the Dexterity hit.

Race as Gish: The Intelligence and Dexterity boosts conflict with each other as far as certain types of gish builds are concerned-- if anything, go with casters that have nice AC-boosting powers (Psionics-based caters) or wear heavy armor, and you should be fine.


Dragonkin - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +2

+8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Large Creature
20' base speed
+7 to Natural Armor AC
Special Attacks: Dive (Make an attack at +2 AB, -2 AC)

Race as Non-Caster: Wow, these guys are powerhouses. +8 Strength with +7 to AC... And only a +2 Level Adjustment. With no stat penalties, Dragonkin aren't necessarily even restricted to Strength-based builds, so they're flexible as well. I'd say these guys need Racial Hitdie to be properly balanced, but I'll leave that for the Caveat section below. ONE thing to note-- if you're going to play a primarily melee character, you'd better have a missile weapon as backup. 20' base speed, if you have PnP Racial Speed switched on, means that you're slow as hell and modules with certain AI patches will allow the enemy to run away or in circles around you.

Race as Caster: +2 LA means you're basically one spellcasting level behind, but you not only get a nice AC boost, but also a +4 to Wisdom. You could make an okay divine spellcaster that trades proper spellcasting scaling for being resilient.

Race as Gish: +8 Strength and +4 Wisdom. You're going to make an excellent Cleric, Druid, etcetera... Even outside of classes with obvious synergies, that high strength alone is a huge boost to your melee capabilities.

Caveat: A 7 level dip in the Dragon monster class, if you switch Racial Hitdie on. Bad if you're planning to be a spellcaster, but not so much if you're going a warrior route-- consider that levels in Dragon net full BAB and good saving throws.


Drider - Aberration
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +4

+4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +6 Charisma
+6 to Natural Armor AC
Spell Resistance 11 (+1 per level)
+4 to Hide, +4 to Move Silently
Special Attacks: Poison Bite (Fortitude DC 18, 1d6 Strength Damage twice over the course of a certain period of time)
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 6 Darkness 1/day, Level 6 Detect Good 1/day, Level 6 Detect Law 1/day, Level 6 Faerie Fire 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +6 to AC, SR Starting at 11, and ability to use Darkness when you've got Darkvision... Hard to say no to that, even with the hefty +4 Level Adjustment. You're gonna be durable, and regardless of what kind of build you go, you'll be able to hit fine and hit hard.

Race as Caster: +4 LA. Sure, you've got excellent boosts to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma... ALL the conventional casting stats... But, it's +4 LA. Can't recommend Drider.

Race as Gish: Driders aren't a bad choice, but as is the case with most characters with numerous advantages but a significantly high LA, spells are going to be relegated to buffing yourself or secondary support, while you rely on smashing or stabbing the enemy's face to affect combat.

Caveat: 6 level dip in Aberration if you use Racial Hitdie... In a Monster class that is *very* bad (3/4 BAB with Will as the only good save...).


Dromite - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Wilder
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Small Stature
20' Base Speed
Sonic Resistance 5
+3 to Natural Armor AC
1 Free Power Point
Psi-Like Abilities: Energy Ray 1/day
+2 to Spot

Race as Non-Caster: I don't know about these guys. They have some nifty abilities, but I'm not sure if it's worth the penalties. -2 Strength? -2 Wisdom? +1 LA? 20' speed? This is not to say that the +3 AC and Blind-Fight aren't nice. They make Dromites uniquely suited to fighting enemies that have concealment/invisibility without needing the feat investment. Then there's Energy Ray as a nice opener, and the virtual Wild Talent feat opens up some great choices like Warmind and Pyrokintecist... But you're trading away damage and will saves, and taking an LA hit. I'm on the fence for these guys.

Race as Caster: Dromites are one of the few races that have Wilder as a Favored Class. That along with the +2 Charisma and extra power point should make them uniquely suited for the Wilder, but there is the matter of LA. For certain other types of spellcasting, the Wisdom hit hurts. However, everyone benefits from the AC boosts. For the less physically inclined casters, the Blind-Fight feat is far less useful. Basically, if you're gonna play a spellcaster, be inclined more towards the gishy spellcasters that have Charisma as the main stat. Otherwise, Dromites are pretty far down on my list of potential casters.

Race as Non-Caster: +Natural AC, Blind-Fight, Charisma, free PP... Dromites are inclined towards obvious class choices like their Favored Class, but they have solid advantages on both the physical and casting front, even if they do lose Strength. I cautiously recommend them for Wilders, and maybe other Charisma-based spellcasting gishes.


Drow - Elven
Favored Class (Female): Cleric
Favored Class (Male): Wizard
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting effects
Iron Will (+2 to Will saves)
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Spell Resistance 11 (+1 per level)
Light Blindness (1 round of Blindness upon entering bright light such as sunlight | -1 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light)
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 3 Darkness 1/day, Faerie Fire 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Drows make excellent rogues and scouts with their stats and spell-like abilities, while the free Iron Will feat and the scaling SR add nice layers of defense against spells that are balanced towards the Level Adjustment. But of course, the Constitution loss does hurt, especially more so since the Level Adjustment is +2-- you'll be squishier than already-squishy Elves of the same ECL. Otherwise, I think they're okay.

Race as Caster: Intelligence, Charisma... Maybe if these guys had at least a +4 in those stats, I'd recommend them, but that +2 Level Adjustment is pretty harsh.

Race as Non-Caster: +2 Charisma and +2 Dexterity work for certain kinds of gishes, but again... +2 Level Adjustment. Your spells are going to be trailing behind, so you'll be focusing on using spells for buffing.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:27:04 AM by Stratovarius »
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:24:03 AM
Reply #1


Duergar (Gray Dwarves) - Dwarven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Constitution, -4 Charisma
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
Immunity to Poison, Paralysis, Phantasmic Spells (Weird, Phantasmal Killer)
+2 to saves against spells
+1 AB against orcs, +1 AB against goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against giants
+2 to Lore, +4 to Move Silently, +2 to Craft, +2 to Appraise, +1 to Listen, +1 to Spot
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 3 Invisibility 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: If you don't care about diplomatic skills or Charisma-based casting at all, the Duergar are an interesting +1 Level Adjustment race choice. Though the Constitution bonus remains unchanged and Charisma dips even lower, you get relatively useful immunities, lots of different skill affinities, and a free casting of low-level Invisbility that can be invaluable to survival, especially in the early game.

Race as Caster: Duergar make terrible Charisma-based casters. Sorcerers, Wilders, and Invocation-users should avoid them like the plague because the -4 Charisma on top of a +1 Level Adjustment just isn't worth it. However, outside of that, Duergar acquire some nice immunities and a free use of Invisibility that may be worth the Level Adjustment. Somewhat recommended for some forms of casting.

Race as Gish: Duergar aren't quite as good at truly gishing it out like Dwarves. Even a +1 Level Adjustment hurts, and they don't get boosts in any conventional spellcasting stat (in fact, Duergar hurt more than most other Dwarven races in Charisma). However, the Immunities and Invisibility might be worth it to you.


Earth Genasi - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
+1 to saves against Earth spells (+1 every 5 levels), +1 to saves against Acid Spells (+1 every 5 levels)

Earth Genasi Clerics must have the Earth Domain

Race as Non-Caster: +2 Strength and +2 Constitution for just +1 Level Adjustment sounds nice, but keep in mind that the -2 Wisdom can make you rather vulnerable to Will-based spells. Otherwise, Earth Genasi make somewhat beefy choices as a race, with stats suited to allowing them to better duke things out in melee while not necessarily being restricted to the tasks of a fighter.

Race as Caster: Earth Genasi exchange Level Adjustment for being stronger and sturdier, and that doesn't play too well towards casting. The fact that they lose out on Charisma AND Wisdom confirms this, but since they've "only" got a +1 Level Adjustment, having some extra Strength, Constitution, and specialized saves may be worth the tradeoff.

Race as Gish: Lots of obvious gish(y) builds are hit pretty bad by the triple threat of Charisma, Wisdom, and Level Adjustment... But what you ARE restricted to isn't too bad-- Psions and Wizards have plenty of their own hybridizing Prestige Class options, and with a lack of an Intelligence penalty plus a Strength AND Constitution advantage, Earth Genasi are quite workable.


Elan - Aberration
Favored Class: Psion
Level Adjustment - None

-2 Charisma
2 free Power Points at 1st Level
Resistance (Self only | Can spend 1 Power Point to get +4 to saves until the next round as a free action)
Resilience (Self only | Can spend Power Points to gain temporary HP until the next round as a free action (2HP per 1PP))

Race as Non-Caster: Without looking at anything else, the fact that Elans get Power Points for free mean they qualify for fun classes like Warmind. When we DO look at their abilities, we realize Elans get some very unique, all-purpose abilities to match their unique flavor-- for just one Power Point, you can improve your saves by +4. For any number of Power Points up to the maximum that you have, you can gain HP to soak up damage from some harsh damage that you think/know is coming. Both are great for the early game, and the former is a very cheap, need-based way of improving your chances of surviving crippling/killing effects and spells, providing a nice enough number of +4 such that you'll probably be using it to avoid getting hit by the Stun of a Storm of Vengeance, or a thrown Implosion, far later into the game.

Race as Caster: Here is where Elans shine, in my opinion. The 2 free Power Points in essence mean that Elans gain virtually two extra casts of first level Powers at Level 1, for no Level Adjustment at all. Even past Level 1, you can use those two free PP to use unscaled versions of certain Level 1 Powers such as Force Screen and Inertial Armor, which can provide a whopping +8 AC together for just one PP each. This, on top of their unique survival-centric abilities, makes Elans GREAT choices as an early game Psion. Of course, outside of that, Elans are a bit less amazing... Highly recommended if you're going Psion, but "just" a good choice otherwise so long as you stay out of any spellcasting or manifesting that uses Charisma.

Race as Gish: The 2 free Power Points argument I made above apply pretty well to the Psychic Warrior, but not so much for the Wilder. The reason for this, of course, is the -2 Charisma. Moving outside of Psionics, Elans make nice choices for their ability to survive the early game, alone.

Personal Notes: Elans are the ONLY Race in the game that is a +0 LA Aberration. You'll find yourself not only avoiding a few spells, but also able to qualify for the Soul Eater class.


Fey'ri - Elven, Outsider
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +3

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution
Immune to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting Effects, +2 to saves against Electricity, +2 to saves against Poison
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot, +2 to Hide, +2 to Bluff
Damage Reduction 10/+1
Fire Resistance 10
Low-Light Vision
Spell-Like Abilities: Alter Self 1/day, Charm Person 1/day, Clairaudience 1/day, Darkness 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: I... don't like these guys. I mean, 10/+1 DR is nice, as is the Fire Resistance, but the Fey'ri honestly don't get much beyond that. No incredibly high stat boosts, either-- infact, besides the +2 Intelligence, they don't get much beyond regular elves. What do they pay for this? They're forced to have a sizeable +3 Level Adjustment. In mid-level modules, I'd say a Fey'ri player is pretty screwed-- the +3 LA and -2 Constitution makes them fragile, and it's entirely likely that you're going to find at least one or two opponents that'll be able to hit you in the face with a +1 weapon. Good luck dealing with that.

Race as Caster: Fey'ri are even worse as casters. +3 Level Adjustment for only a piddly +2 to Intelligence? Just... no thanks.

Race as Gish: Again, I don't like the Fey'ri. In my opinion, they simply don't get enough to justify that +3 Level Adjustment, for either casting or non-casting purposes.


Fire Genasi - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

Fire Genasi must have the Fire Domain

+2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+1 to saves against Fire spells (+1 per 5 levels)

Race as Non-Caster: Hmm... +1 Level Adjustment for just +2 Intelligence and a specialized boost to saving throws may not be worth it for many builds, melee or otherwise, but the +2 Intelligence may have a use for skill-heavy classes such as Rogues, Ninjas, and Bards. Furthermore, +1 LA is the lowest level of severity and Fire Genasi don't lose out on any physical attributes, so this race may be worth more consideration than it initially looks. Of course, the race looks a little better in Fire spell-heavy modules.

Race as Caster: Again, +2 Intelligence may not be enough for the +1 Level Adjustment. Charisma-based casters will immediately shy away from a Fire Genasi because of the penalty, of course... But then again, +1 LA is the lowest level of severity and it may be worth it for any prospective Wizard or Psion players looking to play in modules where Fire is a common element...

Race as Gish: Once more, this requires careful consideration on the player's part. Is the +2 Intelligence and the Fire-related saves worth the +1 Level Adjustment? I'll only say "maybe".


Fireblood Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
Fire Resistance 5
+2 to saves against spells
+1 to AB against Orcs, +1 to AB against goblinoids
+4 to Dodge AC against Dragons
+2 to Lore, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are an interesting alternative to regular Dwarves-- you're trading your AC boost to fighting Giants for an AC boost against Dragons, and you're Dragonblooded. The former basically exchanges your utility in specific situations, but being Dragonblooded opens up a variety of feat choices, like Breath Weapons. However, the bad thing is that there are a number of such feats that are affected by Charisma, which are most Dwarves' reduced attribute. Fireblooded Dwarves are no exception... So this dulls their Dragonblooded trait. Still, it's nice to have some options.

Race as Caster: Again, Dragonblooded would be nice if it weren't for the fact that the lower Charisma makes it harder for a Fireblooded Dwarf to make use of it. In this regard, Fireblooded Dwarves fail to make Sorcerer (which a lot of the Draconic feats that Dragonblooded unlocks relates to) much more of a compelling option than for Dwarves, but the two are otherwise similar.

Race as Gish: About as good as regular Dwarves, which isn't bad, while getting Dragonblooded feats on top of that, though many of those feats will require significant Charisma investment.


Flind - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +2

+6 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution
+2 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: Hefty Strength and Constitution advantages along with increased AC make Flinds an excellent choice for warriors, in spite of the significant +2 Level Adjustment. These super-gnolls have the traits to survive through the early game, and blatantly good attributes that carry over into the late game.

Race as Caster: You could make the case for a Flind being a nice choice if you want a more durable caster, but I'd say Flinds aren't the most efficient choice. That, and +2 LA is pushing it.

Race as Gish: This works, especially since Flinds don't take any hit in casting stats. But, as is the case with similar races with significant LA, buffs are going to be the priority for your spell slots.

Caveat: Flinds have Racial Hitdie-- if you choose to turn it on, you're forced to take the Monstrous Humanoid class, which uses up part of the three class limit. That turns Flinds from a questionable Casting choice to a pretty bad one, considering the loss of class levels and the fact that you're going to be behind in proper ECL encounters. Monstrous Humanoids, however, aren't that bad of a class-- full BAB and two good saves (Reflex and Will).


Forest Gnome - Gnomish
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 bonus against mind-affecting effects
+1 to AB against Reptilians, +1 to AB against Goblinoids
+4 to Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Listen, +2 to Concentration
+4 to Hide, +8 to Hide while in a forest
Spell Focus (Illusion)
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: Forest Gnomes are basically Gnomes with a Hide boost... which isn't enough to warrant a Level Adjustment, but for some reason has nothing else taken or given to differentiate it from a regular Gnome. In other words, a Forest Gnome is a Gnome with one extra. With the Hide bonus, you've obviously got more of a slant towards playing rogueish builds, but basically any build you can think of with a Gnome will work for a Forest Gnome. HiPS users will likely appreciate the sizeable +8 Hide in forest settings.

Race as Caster: Again, Forest Gnomes are exactly like Gnomes but with a better ability to hide. This has its uses if you're using Invisibility to sneak up on people and get in a spell, but otherwise, no difference from regular Gnomes.

Race as Gish: The only thing that changes is the sudden slight encouragement towards gish builds that can make use of Hide and HiPS... Otherwise, again, same as a regular Gnome.


Forestlord Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision
Treewalk 1+(1x5HD)/day (Dimension Door with 60' Range | Aboveground or Natural Settings Only)

Race as Non-Caster: Forestlord Elves are Elves with free casts of a limited Dimension Door and the Dragonblooded trait. The former helps for running away or reaching places easily, while being Dragonblooded gives you access to a bunch of nice feats-- although most of them require a certain level of Charisma investment, and many are geared towards Sorcerers. Otherwise, they play similarly to Elves.

Race as Caster: Being Dragonblooded opens up some fun options for Sorcerers, including feats that trigger on-cast, giving you things like temporary DR. So if you want to make Sorcerers a more compelling option than other Casters, then Forestlord Elves are a fine choice-- otherwise, they're about the same as Elves plus a nifty version of Dimension Door.

Race as Gish: Forestlord Elves play similarly to Elves, with an inclination to any Sorcerer-warrior hybrids due to being Dragonblooded. Considering what kind of benefits you can get, however temporary, while casting, this is certainly worth a look.


Frostblood Orc - Orcish
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - None

+4 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Cold Resistance 10
Vulnerability to Fire 50%
Endurance (+4 saves against Death magic/effects)
Light Sensitivity

Race as Non-Caster: Considering it's one of the most common elements in the game, that Vulnerability to Fire really hurts... And you don't even get full immunity to Cold damage, either. Add the Intelligence/Charisma/Wisdom hit and the Light Sensitivity, and you're pretty hamstringed playing a Frostblood Orc. Dragonblooded does offer some options, but... not enough to compensate for these weaknesses.

Race as Caster: Every conventional casting stat is reduced for Frostblood Orcs. Even without Level Adjustment, it's pretty discouraging on that note alone, but then you stack the Vulnerability and Light Sensitivity on top of that...

Race as Gish: Admittedly, the +4 Strength is nice, and buffs can compensate for the Vulnerability and Light Sensitivity, but it feels like you're compensating for weaknesses that shouldn't even be there.


Ghostwise Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Move Silently, +2 to LIsten, +2 to Jump
+1 to all saves
+2 morale bonus to saves against Fear spells/effects
+1 to AB with Throwing Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: We have a candidate for one of the worst races in the game. A Halfling with a different Favored Class... But has an experience penalty in the form of +1 Level Adjustment *anyway*. I think this is a mistake, but this is how their Level Adjustment is listed.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Githyanki - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Spell Resistance 5 (+1 per level)
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 3 Blur 3/day, Level 3 Daze 3/day

Race as Non-Caster: These guys aren't too bad. They're geared towards durability, while sacrificing will saves... But they take a rather severe level adjustment penalty (+2!), and they've got a spell resistance that, while scaling, starts at a rather low 5.

Race as Caster: +2 Level Adjustment is the cutoff point for playing a caster without being completely gimped... But only if the race has good casting attributes. Unfortunately, the Githyanki lack this, even if they do have better AC, HP, and free casts of Blur that could be acquired through regular spellcasting anyway.

Race as Gish: Githyanki do okay, I suppose, so long as you stay away from Wisdom-based spellcasting. Dexterity, Constitution, and free SR are nice, but only barely enough to justify the +2 LA.


Githzerai - Outsider, Human
Favored Class: Monk
Level Adjustment - +2

+6 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
Spell Resistance 5 (+1 per level)
Spell-like Abilities: Level 3 Daze 3/day

Race as Non-Caster: Hot damn do these guys make fine Monks. +6 Dexterity... +6! Oh, and the Wisdom is good too. However, the SR is only relevant for the early levels considering Diamond Soul is SR that also scales but starts at 10. Githzerai don't just make good Monks either, with stats that are pretty suited for DEX-based and rogueish builds. Just be wary about the Intelligence hit, which along with the Level Adjustment is going to limit your skills.

Race as Caster: Githzerai also make reasonable Wisdom casters-- the less armored Wisdom casters such as Shamans, and to an extent Druids, will benefit plenty from the Dexterity and Wisdom, but your casting will still suffer from the +2 Level Adjustment. This is another one of those "would you like to be less vulnerable in exchange for worsened casting" questions.

Race as Gish: A big Dexterity bonus (not to mention the SR) means that lightly armored gish-builds will benefit greatly from picking this race, but you'll be leaning on such Dexterity for fighting because of the also-significant Level Adjustment.


Glimmerskin Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Listen, +2 to Jump
+1 to saving throws
+2 to saving throws against Fear
+1 to AB with Throwing Weapons
Touch of Luck 1/day (Self or Ally | Immediate Action | +2 to saves for one round)

Race as Non-Caster: I consider these guys to be quite interesting, though a bit flawed. They trade the skill affinity in Move Silently for Touch of Luck, which is like a toned-down version of the Elan Resistance ability. That alone has its uses for way more builds than Move Silently does, but then the Glimmerskin Halfling also gets Dragonblooded, which opens up a lot of options... Or would, anyway, if it weren't for the fact that most feats opened up by the subtype are for Sorcerers or require a Strength investment-- exactly what most Halflings lose out on. However, Dragonfire Strike does stand out as basically giving your Sneak Attacks (an oft-used source of damage for archetypal Halflings) an extra oomph.

Race as Caster: The Dragonblooded subtype encourages Glimmerskin Halflings to be Sorcerers, and there are plenty of feats you can get through it, including a feat that provide DR upon casting spells. Go crazy with 'em-- otherwise, these guys aren't much different from regular Halflings.

Race as Gish: Again, these guys are Hafllings with the perk of extra options through their Dragonblooded subtype. Several feats there for helping out in the melee department in particular, but it's just that the Strength loss is a bit of a block.


Gnoll - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+1 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: These guys were built for combat, with +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, a teensy bit of extra AC... Unfortunately, since they aren't very smart, your skills are going to take a hit. This is compounded with the Charisma, which by itself wouldn't be so bad, but you're basically going to be typecast into being a warrior and being not much else outside of that.

Race as Caster: +1 Level Adjustment with a hit in both Intelligence and Charisma is pretty bad. I suppose that they'd make okay Clerics and such, but that steps into the gish department.

Race as Gish: So long as you stay out of pretty much any Arcane spellcasting, and a few Psionics and Divine spellcasting classes, Gnolls should make pretty good gishes for only +1 Level Adjustment and some solid physical attribute boosts.

Caveat: Monstrous hitdie are something a Gnoll will have to take if Racial Hitdie is switched on. Fortunately, Monstrous gets full BAB and two good saves (Reflex, Will), so physically-oriented builds won't be hit as hard.


Goblin - Goblinoid
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Small Stature
+2 to Move Silently

Race as Non-Caster: Man, this race's features are pretty discouraging. Halflings have basically everything you have, with more feats and abilities and one less penalty. Even the Favored Class is the same. The only advantage the Goblin has is a different type, which isn't necessarily much of an advantage to be honest.

Race as Caster: You can treat 'em as Halflings that should stay away from Charisma-based spellcasting.

Race as Gish: Man, this is depressing. Not only do you have a Halfling's loss of Strength, but you've got the Charisma hit that discourages quite a few gish classes...


Gold Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
+2 to saves against Poison
+2 to saves against Spells
+1 to AB against Aberrations
+4 to Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Lore, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise

Race as Non-Caster: Ugh, these guys... The big selling point of a Dwarf is the fact that they get a Constitution bonus for a reduction in what's often a rather unimportant stat in combat-- Charisma. Unfortunately, the Gold Dwarf replaces one attribute disadvantage for another that I consider a lot worse, Dexterity. What's supposed to dull this change is another switch, from a boost to fighting Goblinoids and Orcs to one against Aberrations... But basically, everything (including any Aberration!) has an easier chance of hitting you or nailing with you a Reflex-save attack. Ow.

Race as Caster: With regards to spellcasting, they seem the same as Dwarves.. But the Dexterity loss makes you easier to hit, which is something Arcane spellcasters in particular are going to feel early on. I suppose the Divine, armor-wearing spellcasters don't have it as bad, but still. At least instead of Charisma-based casters like Sorcerers being rather bad under regular Dwarves, Gold Dwarves are equally screwed at all of them.

Race as Gish: Again, these guys are worse Dwarves because of the Dexterity hit, but at least the lack of a Charisma loss sort of encourages use of gish classes that use that as a main spellcasting stat. Still, -2 Dexterity just irks me, though less so for heavy armor-wearers.


Gray Orc - Orcish
Favored Class: Cleric
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Track (+1 to Spot, +1 to Search, +1 to Listen)
40' base speed
Light Sensitivity (-2 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light; i.e., sunlight)

Race as Non-Caster: These guys get limited pretty badly by the Light Sensitivity, nevermind the Intelligence hit that hurts their skills. There's just so many modules that have a significant amount of outdoor battles that being affected by light is going to be a common occurence. Otherwise, though, I'd say Gray Orcs make reasonably good Monks in spite of the +1 LA, given the Strength and Wisdom boost with no hit to Dexterity.

Race as Caster: These guys make good Clerics, all things considered. Wisdom and Strength ensures Clerics that have better DCs and hit harder than many other races' clerics... But there is the problem of the +1 Level Adjustment, which means you're going to be behind in spells.

Race as Gish: Again, they make good Clerics. They'd probably make fine Psychic Warriors as well. The Charisma and Intelligence hit lessen their optimized options, though.


Grig - Fey
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +3

+8 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma, -6 Strength
Tiny Stature
20' base speed
Low-Light Vision
Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron
+8 to Jump
+5 to Hide in natural areas
Spell Resistance 17 (+1 per level)
Spell-Like Abilities: Entangle 3/day (Reflex | DC 11+Charisma), Invisiblity 3/day, Pyrotechnics 3/day (DC 12+Charisma)

Race as Non-Caster: Grigs make great DEX-based characters. +8 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, SR, free casts of Invisibility, and the best stature in terms of AC and sneaking around. The big problem outside of such builds is the sizeable Strength loss of -6, which is pretty horrendous in the face of that +3 Level Adjustment. For Grigs, I'd say Weapon Finesse is more or less a requirement.

Race as Caster: The +3 Level Adjustment is just too much. If it were only +2, I would've said that Grigs are certainly worth playing as Sorcerers what with the +4 Charisma, but +3 puts your casting pretty far behind.

Race as Gish: Well-suited towards Dex-reliant/leaning, Charisma-reliant gish builds, but as with all races that have a hefty Level Adjustment, what spells you get will be relegated towards support or buffing since they're otherwise pretty behind.


Gully Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma
+2 to saves against Poison
+2 to Hide, +2 to Move Silently, +4 to Persuade
-4 to saves against Fear

Race as Non-Caster: Um... Hm. These guys look fun to roleplay, I'll say that much. But the Intelligence hit is pretty damn severe. Furthermore, that -4 against Fear basically kills their ability to fight stuff like Dragons or Mummies at the proper level unless they get a good saving throws amulet or Immunity to Fear item. Otherwise, I'd say that they make good Rogues, and an okay everything else, but man, -4 Intelligence is just murder on skills...

Race as Caster: Just... -4 Intelligence and -4 Charisma need no explanation. I suppose they'd make solid Clerics if you can get past the Intelligence and Fear-related problems. Being a DFA is also possible, even if the Charisma loss is going to hurt many of your invocations...

Race as Gish: Again, Clerics are not a bad option here. Neither are Psychic Warriors. It's just that from a purely attribute-based standpoint, the -4 Intelligence is just way too irksome for me.


Half-Drow - Elven, Human(?)
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - +1

Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against mind-affecting spells
+1 to Listen, +1 to Search, +1 to Spot

Race as Non-Caster: We've got a contender for one of the worst races introduced by the PRC. A +1 Level Adjustment in exchange for... Darkvision. SO WORTH IT.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.

Caveat: As with Half-Elves, even if they appear to have the Elven subtype, they don't qualify for Baelnorn.


Half-Giant - Giant
Favored Class: Psychic Warrior
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Low-Light Vision
+2 to saves against Fire-based Spells/Effects
Powerful Build (Large size for grappling | Large size for weapons)
2 free Power Points
Psi-Like Abilities: Stomp 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: I'm a fan of these guys. +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and a free PP reserve means they're naturally good warriors that are automatically qualified for awesome Prestige Classes like Warmind. On top of that, Stomp's useful for early game battles and you get save boosts against a common element (Fire). Even with the +1 LA, Half-Giant make good heavy hitters. It's just the -2 Dexterity that hurts them, and even then, not much in my opinion.

Race as Caster: They make okay casters. The +2 Constitution is nice, and the free PP in particular helps Psions a lot in the early game. However, what bonuses they have that'll help casters are dulled in usefulness by the +1 LA. Still, it's "only" +1 and what they have may be worth it for you even if you don't go Psionics.

Race as Gish: Probably the only race in the PRC at the moment that has Psychic Warrior as a favored class, they make an especially good gish in this class. Beyond that, they still do pretty good (especially in Psionics), with their Dexterity offset by Constitution and a Strength boost that'll be useful for dishing out damage.


Half-Ogre - Giant
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +1

+6 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+4 to Natural Armor AC
Large Creature

Race as Non-Caster: Obviously, Half-Ogres make great melee combatants with their hefty +6 Strength, nice +2 Constitution, and extra AC. It's just that they've got a bunch of different attribute reductions that hurt the rest of what they can do. -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, and the Large Creature trait do not make a Half-Ogre a good choice for Dex-based builds, rogues, or skill monkeys.

Race as Caster: The Intelligence and Charisma hits discourage the relevant forms of spellcasting, though Half-Ogres are saved in the Wisdom department where they remain completely unaffected. Therefore, Clerics should be fine, even with the +1 Level Adjustment, what with the Constitution and AC helping your early survival.

Race as Gish: Half-Ogres are well-suited to being Psychic Warriors, Clerics, and such, but for anything else the Intelligence and Charisma hits really suck. Not that they're completely hamstringed, just that those negatives make options discouraging.


Hobgoblin - Goblinoid
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
+4 to Move silently

Race as Non-Caster: Absolutely no attribute losses is rather atypical for a common-monster race, which is a plus for the Hobgoblin. Furthermore, one of the attribute gains that you DO get is in Constitution, which is useful for every type of character. The other is Dexterity, which is good for most others. The +4 Move Silently is more limited than either of those, but is still appreciated for Rogues while being better than the normal skill affinities. I'd say Hobgoblins are one of the better +1 LA choices without being too overpowered.

Race as Caster: +2 Constitution and +2 Dexterity are great for most spellcasters, armor-wearing or no. Of course, that +1 LA is still an issue, but not absolutely crippling.

Race as Non-Caster: These guys should make good gishes, with the +2 Dexterity and +2 Constitution working in their favor for the physical aspect of a gish while having no negatives to hurt your spellcasting. The +1 Level Adjustment isn't too bad either, less so if you take gishy classes with no/few spellcasting levels lost.


Hound Archon - Outsider
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +5

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
40' base speed
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Creature
Bite 1d8, Slam 1d4
Spell Resistance 16 (+1 per level)
+9 to Natural Armor AC
Damage Reduction 10/+1
Immunity to Electricity, Petrification
+4 to saves against Poison
Spell-Like Abilities at will: Aid, Detect Evil, Teleport
Change Shape (Canine)
Auras: Magic Circle vs. Evil, Shaken (DC 16+Charisma Mod)

Race as Non-Caster: You're probably going to be underwhelmed by the racial attribute bonuses that Hound Archons get. "Only" +4 Strength and +2 to three other stats? When I could be picking other races with a similar +5 Level Adjustment (Bralani, Troll, Naztharune Rakshasa) that have way higher attributes? But objectively speaking, I wouldn't write off Hound Archons. They get lots of proficiencies, SR, DR, 40' speed, one of the highest Natural AC boosts of any race, good Immunities, Teleport at will(!), and an admirable set of Auras that make them good at support. Still, the +5 Level Adjustment IS pretty severe, maybe too much so. Even with the AC and DR that you have, a critical hit from an enemy's +1 weapon is going to leave a Hound Archon hurting, perhaps even dead. Still, these guys are worth a look, even if they do look like a hodgepodge of nifty abilities with a high "price tag".

Race as Caster: Absolutely not. +5 Level Adjustment means your spells are going to be very, VERY far behind, and the paltry +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma is nowhere near close enough to make up for that.

Race as Gish: Hrmm. +4 Strength and +2 Constitution are nice, and you have no hit to any spellcasting stat... But that +5 LA hurts you on both the physical side (you're gonna be a bit fragile compared to warriors of similar ECL) and the spellcasting side (even on buffs you'll be behind).

Caveat: Hound Archons have a six level dip in Outsider if you turn on Racial Hitdie, which is gonna go towards your 3-class limit. Outsiders are one of the better of these "classes" though, as they have full BAB and all-around good saves.


Illithid - Aberration
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - +7

+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +8 Intelligence, +6 Charisma, +6 Wisdom, +2 Constitution
Spell Resistance 25 (+1 per level)
+3 to Natural Armor AC
Proficiencies: Creature
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Level 4 Mind Blast
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 8 Charm Monster 5/day (DC Charisma-mod)
Extract (Extracts brain of victim on successful hit)

Race as Non-Caster: Illithid take the largest Level Adjustment of any race introduced into the PRC thus far-- it's probably because of the Spell Resistance of 25 at start, which is friggin' massive. Unfortunately, beyond that, their attributes and special abilities are not geared well enough towards most builds to offset that huge +7 LA. If you use these guys, tread carefully, because you're probably going to be incredibly fragile over the course of your progress, regardless of what kind of class you choose.

Race as Caster: These Mindflayers are some of the most popular choices for casting builds because of the +8 Intelligence, the highest of all races in the PRC. Unfortunately, they never took into account Level Adjustment, which is going to cripple an Illithid into uselessness. Unlike the Bralani or other races, you can't pretend you're a warrior and use ridiculous physical stats to get out of situations where spellcasting is useless, either-- because you don't have enough of a boost in such stats anyway.

Race as Gish: Again, the +7 LA just hurts too much for either fighting or spell-slinging.

Caveat: As if it couldn't get any worse for these guys, Illithid are forced to take 6 levels in Aberration when Racial Hitdie is turned on, which is pretty bad (3/4 BAB, only Will as a good save).


Irda - Shapeshifter
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
Low-Light Vision
Change Shape (Humanoids Only)
Spell-Like Abilities: Mage Hand 1/day, Light 1/day, Flare 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are... Fragile. -2 Constitution and a +2 Level Adjustment means you'll be rather behind on levels as compared to others of similar ECL. In exchange, they only get attribute boosts that are really more for casters, and have *cantrips* as Spell-Like Abilities, and not even as At will ones. Playing an Irda is going to be rough. Not impossible, but rough. At the very least, they qualify for the PnP Shifter without needing to be a spellcaster that has a shapechanging spell.

Race as Caster: That Intelligence and Charisma would be great if the Irda were a +1 LA race... But as a +2 LA race, I don't think +2 to these stats are really worth it.

Race as Gish: As a gish, you'll be fragile, and only slightly better in your spellcasting... Which is debatable, since you get hit by +2 LA. Far better options exist.


Kagonesti - Elven
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against mind-affecting spells
Proficiencies: Longbow, Shortbow, Spear, Shortsword
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties

Race as Non-Caster: If you were *really* annoyed by the normal elves and their Constitution hit, then you can take these guys instead and take an Int hit (-2!) and Charisma hit (-2 again!) instead... This might help warriors who only care about bashing a person's face in, but people that care about their skills may want to stay away from the Kagonesti.

Race as Caster: Elves made okay spellcasters, but Kagonesti make bad ones in every category except Divine spellcasting. I'd stick with Elves unless you're going Cleric or Druid or something.

Race as Gish: Depends on what kind of gish you'll be. If it's ANYthing that has to do with Intelligence (Psion, etc.) or Charisma (Truenamer, Wilder, etc.) then Kagonesti are not going to be a good choice. Everything else, though, and Kagonesti aren't bad since they're no-LA Elves without a Constitution hit.


Kalashtar - Human
Favored Class: Psion
Level Adjustment - None

+2 to saves against mind-affecting
+1 to saves against spells
+2 to Bluff, +2 to Intimidate, +2 to Persuade
1 free Power Point

Race as Non-Caster: Kalashtar are not a bad race, per se. They get +2 to saves against mind-affecting stuff, which has a pretty general use, along with bonuses to the diplomacy skills. What makes them really stand out is that they get what's essentially a lesser version of Wild Talent for free, giving them access to prestige classes like Warmind. Besides this nice opening of options, Kalashtar don't have obvious optimized builds or horrendous restrictions.

Race as Caster: Kalashtar make good Psions not on any attribute bonus (since they have none) but because their Favored Class is Psions, which means it's easier to multiclass. I also cite the free Power Point, though Elans have it better. Otherwise, they have the boosts to saves that really anyone can find useful.

Race as Gish: Again, Kalashtar aren't bad for any kind of gish, while being inclined towards psionic ones.

Caveat: Kalashtar get a +1 to saves against spells, but I'm not sure they're supposed to have this, which leaves me to think it might get removed at some point.


Kapak Draconian - Draconic
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Spell Resistance 11 (+1 per level)
+2 to Natural Armor AC
Creature Attacks: 1d4 Bite
Sneak Attack +1d6
Immunity to Sleep, Paralyzation, Disease
Saliva (Males: Coats a weapon and causes it to do 1d6 > 1d6 Dexterity Damage | Females: Heals 2d6 on a creature when used, once every four hours on any creature)

Race as Non-Caster: These guys certainly have what you'd need for a Rogue; extra Sneak Attack, Dexterity and Constitution, Spell Resistance, +AC, and immunities. Even with the Level Adjustment, the extra Sneak Attack means you aren't necessarily behind in terms of damage dealing. Outside of this specific selling point, Kapak Draconians aren't bad. They've got a good set of immunities and saliva (either Male or Female) that can be useful early game. Still, the reduced Intelligence hurts skills, the Wisdom is a blow to your Will saves, and the +2 LA is going to make you fragile.

Race as Caster: Intelligence, Wisdom, and the +2 Level Adjustment make Kapak Draconians highly unattractive choices for most casters. Even within the bounds of Charisma-based spellcasting or DFA-ing, there's still the +2 LA you have to overcome.

Race as Gish: The +2 LA is going to hurt your spellcasting, so you'll be mostly using what spell slots/power points/truenames/etc. you get for buffing. Otherwise, Kapak Draconians get plenty of advantage for either offense or defense.

Caveat: Levels in Dragon if you switch Racial Hitdie on... Though Dragon is a good monster class (Full BAB, every save is good).


Kender - Halfling
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Small Stature
+2 to Spot, +2 to Open Lock, +2 to Pick Pocket, +4 to Bluff, +4 to Taunt, -4 to Concentration
+1 to saves
Immune to Fear

Race as Non-Caster: Besides being a rather interesting (or maybe annoying) option for roleplaying, Kenders are Halflings that take a general loss to Will saves, a -4 to Concentration, a bonus against Fear, and a replacement of many skill affinities... In exchange, they get different (and more) skill affinities and an *Immunity* to Fear. Kenders are going to be highly useful in modules with Dragons or Undead that also simultaneously lack anything that would help against Fear, and they're somewhat better Diplomats and make better choices for rogueish characters in certain situations.

Race as Caster: Kender are close to being the same as regular Halflings, except in the Wisdom department which is going to hurt Divine spellcasting classes.

Race as Gish: Same as Halflings, so long as you stay away from Clerics, Psychic Warriors, or other such gishes that rely on Wisdom.


Khaasta - Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +3

+8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Bite 1d4
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, Shields
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack

Race as Non-Caster: One of the many high strength races introduced by the PRC, the Khaasta not only have an enormous Strength boost (+8) among other things, but they've got +5 to AC and a bundle of proficiencies and feats that are well worth the +3 LA. Martial Weapons and Shields can be very useful for rogueish characters, Point-Blank Shot is useful for archers, and Power Attack is one step towards the obvious path of getting Devastating Critical.

Race as Caster: +3 Level Adjustment is too high, I think, for a Khaasta to be a good spellcaster. Maybe if they had a better Intelligence boost... But they don't, so yeah.

Race as Gish: +8 Strength and +4 Constitution are immense boosts to gishes, and the Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, and Shields make excellent free feats for Psions who could use the better weapon choices and the armor, especially since Psionics has no "Spell Failure" equivalent.

Caveat: Racial Hitdie, if switched on, causes a Khaasta to take levels in Outsider, which will go towards your 3-class limit. However, Outsiders are one of the better racial hitdie classes, with full Base Attack Bonus progression and good progression in all saves.


Kobold - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -4 Strength, -2 Constitution
Small Stature
+2 to Search, +2 to Craft Trap
+1 to Natural Armor AC
Light Sensitivity (-2 to AB, saves, and skills when in bright light)

Race as Non-Caster: I really want to like Kobolds. Really, I do. Especially since Deekin was one of the few characters in the Neverwinter series that I didn't consider worthless. But the Strength hit, Constitution loss, and Light Sensitivity all hit the Kobold race hard. The only bright spot for a Kobold is in going Rogue or a similar class, but even then, other races do this somewhat better.

Race as Caster: Kobolds are a bit better here. The Light Sensitivity doesn't affect their spell DCs, they have Sorcerer as a Favored Class, and they're already Dragonblooded and therefore don't need to waste any feats to start exploring all the awesome Draconic Feat options. Furthermore, they have a slightly better chance of survival than Elves against non-casting enemies considering they have Small Stature and +Natural Armor AC on top of the Dexterity.

Race as Gish: Urgh... -4 Strength and -2 Constitution hurts so much that, having to invest in those along with your spellcasting attribute is a Multiple Ability Dependancy problem that is far too frustrating. Your problems aren't too bad if you decide to go for a more Dexterity-oriented gish, but... Urgh.

Personal Note: While it doesn't rescue my opinion of them from a mechanical standpoint, Kobolds are the only race with access to the Dragonwrought feats, first level feats in which they bring out their Dragon heritage-- they can get Sleep/Paralysis Immunities, Darkvision, skill affinities, a different type (Dragon), and later access for cool Wings for it.


Korobokuru - Dwarven
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Small Stature
+2 to saves against Poison, +2 to saves against Spells
+1 to AB against Goblinoids, +4 to Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Lore

Race as Non-Caster: The big advantage of playing a Korobokuru is that if you wanted to go Barbarian as a Dwarf, Korobokuru would be a better choice because of the changed Favored Class. Otherwise, the regular Dwarf is far superior to these guys on the basis of the Intelligence loss alone, which is going to hurt your skills. On top of this, you lose out on skill affinities and even part of your specialized enemy training (against Orcs, in this case).

Race as Caster: Instead of discouraging Sorcerers and other Charisma-based casters, you instead lose out on Intelligence as a Korobokuru. Besides losing out on skills, you're exchanging one set of casting options (Psion, Wizard, etc.) for another (Sorcerer, Wizard, etc.). Otherwise, you're the same as a Dwarf with relatively negligible differences.

Race as Gish: Similar to the above situation, except you're switching your gish options (Wizard/____, Psion/____, etc.) for something else (Wilder, Sorcerer/____, etc.)... Other than that, you're about the same as a Dwarf.


Krynn Half-Ogre - Giant
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
+1 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, and a small bit of +AC mean that a Krynn Half-Ogre's calling is in melee combat. Outside of this, they do have some problems. Intelligence hurts skills, and Charisma hurts certain skills even more... You might feel a little constricted, but not too much so.

Race as Caster: +1 LA with -2 Intelligence and -2 Charisma means you're gonna be staying the hell away from 9th Level Arcane and Psionic spellcasters, but I'd say Krynn Half-Ogres make good Wis-based Divine spellcasters.

Race as Gish: Again, stay away from Arcane spellcasting and most Psionic manifesters, and you should be fine even with the +1 Level Adjustment. That +4 Strength and +2 Constitution is just too good.

Personal Notes: Krynn Half-Ogres are almost carbon copies of Gnolls, with only two changes. They have Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision, which is in a Gnoll's favor... And Krynn Half-Ogres have NO Racial Hitdie. If you weren't planning on turning on Racial Hitdie in the first place, then this doesn't affect you, but still, something to think about. :X


Krynn Minotaur - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+4 to Search, +4 to Spot, +4 to Listen, +2 to Intimidate
+2 to Natural Armor AC
Proficiencies: Creature
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge (One attack | +2 to AB, -2 to AC, 4d6+6 Extra Damage)

Race as Non-Caster: Krynn Minotaurs make good Barbarians and Fighters... But don't have much options outside of that. +4 to Strength is great, sure, but -2 to other attributes including Dexterity is rather discouraging in terms of exploring other options for these guys. Still, they'll have few problems with what they're made to do, which is bash things in. As well, Powerful Charge can be an incredibly useful attack in taking out early game enemies.

Race as Caster: Krynn Minotaurs make alright Clerics for not having any kind of Wisdom penalty, but besides that, they're obviously not the best choice.

Race as Gish: Stay out of Arcane gishes and most Psionic gishes and you can make Krynn Minotaurs work as a gish race. You'll have the benefit of hitting hard like a lot of +1 or +2 (some even higher than that!) LA races, but at 0 LA. This means that if you pick the right spellcasting gish, you'll also have full casting to back it up.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:50:13 AM
Reply #2


Lizardfolk - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Shields, Creature Weapon
+4 to Jump
+5 to Natural Armor AC

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are an excellent choice for most combat-oriented builds. +2 Strength and +2 Constitution may seem underwhelming at first, and the Proficiencies gained probably look redundant, but the +5 to Natural AC is rather large for a +1 LA class. Not only are these guys probably going to have little trouble surviving in the early game due to such stats, but such a high Natural Armor will be quite welcome in low-magic modules as a whole.

Race as Caster: Lizardfolk make solid Druids due to it being their Favored Class, their lack of a Wisdom penalty, and the durability that comes with a +2 Constitution and large +AC. Besides Druidery, they make good Divine spellcasters and okay Arcane spellcasters so long as they don't go into the classes that use Intelligence. The only serious hindrance is the Level Adjustment, which is only +1.

Race as Gish: Druids being gishes, Lizardfolk are of course good in this category. Even outside of tree-hugging spellcasting, though, Lizardfolk make good gishes by virtue of having very good physical stats, which should be milked for all it's worth.


Maenad - Human
Favored Class: Wilder
Level Adjustment - None

2 free Power Points
Psi-Like Abilities: Energy Ray (Sonic) 1/day
Outburst (+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom for 4 Rounds | 1/day)

Race as Non-Caster: Free Powerpoints mean you get access to nifty Prestige Classes like Warmind or Pyrokineticist without needing to spend any feats on Wild Talent. Outside of that, Maenads are pretty average-- I mean, Outburst means they can get a temporary boost in melee combat, and they have Energy Ray for the start of a battle, but they otherwise have no pros and cons.

Race as Caster: Maenads get Wilder as a Favored Class, so they're good for the class without needing an attribute adjustment... But otherwise, Maenads have an obvious lean towards Psionics classes while being average at every other form of casting. The 2 free Power Points are great, though-- at first level, they essentially mean that you've got two extra manifestations of a Level 1 Power. Past that, they can also mean two extra manifestations of Level 1 Powers that don't need augmentation to be useful, like Inertial Armor, which gives a whopping +4 to AC with a 1 PP Manifestation.

Race as Gish: Since Wilders are a gish and a Maenads have them as a Favored Class, Maenads make good gishes on that note alone. Otherwise, again, they're good Psionics-based gishes and average at everything else.


Minotaur - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +2

+8 Strength, +4 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+5 to Search, +5 to Spot, +5 to Listen
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Creature Weapon
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge (One attack | +2 to AB, -2 to AC, 4d6+6 Extra Damage)
Uncanny Dodge
Large Creature

Race as Non-Caster: Minotaurs make for tough and powerful meleers, joining the ranks of races with a massive +8 Strength and a hefty Constitution score to go with it. Along with the +5 to AC, their ability to survive in close quarters is not in question, but it should be noted that they don't have a Dexterity hit-- they could make an interesting choice for Dex-based or hybrid builds (particularly those that use Ranger, considering the nice Search/Spot/Listen boosts) as well. What does hurt is the -4 Intelligence, which along with the +2 LA is very damaging to your skills.

Race as Caster: Divine spellcasting in the vein of Clerics and the like are your only choice, and even then, not a particularly strong one. No Wisdom boosts and a +2 LA hurt. Other than that, Minotaurs make terrible Arcane and Psionic spellcasters (-2 Charisma? -4 Intelligence? Ow).

Race as Gish: Again, Divine spellcasting classes are your best bet, most of which double as gishes anyway. Psychic Warrior is worth a look, too.

Caveat: Minotaurs have Racial Hitdie (if you choose to turn it on) in the Monstrous class, which goes towards your 3-class limit. Thankfully, despite the loss of a class slot, Monstrous is one of the better "Enemy" classes.


Mul - Dwarven
Favored Class: Figher
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Damage Resistance 1/-

Race as Non-Caster: Muls are an interesting alternative to Dwarves. You lose every skill affinity, specialized training, and extra saves for a +4 to Strength and an increased damage resistance. If you were ever more concerned about hitting someone in the face, Muls might be a better choice-- though there is the fact that Muls also get a Level Adjustment as well...

Race as Caster: Hm. The -2 Charisma and +1 LA are anathema to a Charisma-based spellcaster, but otherwise, you could make a Mul work as there are otherwise no attribute penalties-- though if you really wanted to be a good spellcaster, there are far better options.

Race as Gish: A Mul gish could work, though your attributes are geared towards the physical side of being a gish while having no positives to spellcasting. Not to say that your spells are going to be relegated to buffing like other such races, but the +1 LA guarantees that you ARE going to be behind.


Nathri - Outsider
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Small Stature
20' base speed
Spell Resistance 5 (+1 per level)
Spell-Like Abilities - Expeditious Retreat 3/day

Race as Non-Caster: The Nathri are a bit of a rarity as far as races go. +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, Small Stature, and SR don't normally go together, but here we are. Not only that, but you only take a -2 Charisma hit. The other disadvantage of this race, the lower base speed, doesn't take effect unless you switch on racial speed-- even then, if you do, it's offset somewhat by having Expeditious Retreat. Overall, I like these guys.

Race as Caster: Nathri make really bad Charisma-based spellcasters due to -2 Charisma and +1 Level Adjustment, but they're not bad outside of that. With racial abilities tailored to survival, you can get a pretty durable caster out of them... Though you don't get boosts in any traditional casting attributes.

Race as Gish: If you're not something like a Wilder or someone else that uses Charisma for casting, then Nathri make solid gishes.


Naztharune Rakshasa - Outsider
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - +5

+4 Strength, +10 Dexterity, +8 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +4 Charisma
40' base speed
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Creature Weapon
Spell Resistance 21 (+1 per level)
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Damage Reduction 15/+1
+4 to Bluff
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Disguise
Feats: Evasion, Improved Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Hide in Plain Sight
+6d6 Sneak Attack
Shadow Jump (20' Range Dimension Door)

Race as Non-Caster: A new variant of the Rakshasa introduced by 3.2, Naztharune Rakshasa are an incredibly powerful race. Among the myriad of stat boosts that they receive is a whopping +10 to Dexterity. They also get a massive SR of 21, a huge +8 Constitution, a large AC boost of +5, sizeable Damage Reduction, tons of Dex-based feats, 6d6 Sneak Attack(!), HiPS(!!), and a lesser version of Dimension Door. It's like they're already a Rogue without even needing to go into the class. Supposing you don't want to play towards a Naztharune's ridiculous Dexterity and opt to go Strength, they've also got a respectable +4 Strength as an alternative. Not that it matters, since you're almost impossible to kill if you're not stupid. Kill casters first, and escape when needed from the rest using HiPS.

Race as Caster: Even if the Naztharune Rakshasa have awesome stats, it isn't enough to save them from them from their large +5 Level Adjustment. Skip these guys if you want a good spellcasting race.

Race as Gish: What you've got to augment your combat ability is so good that you don't need the spellcasting part of being a gish, which means that Naztharune make good gish insofar as they already hit things pretty well and the buffs you'll almost assuredly be using your spellcasting for is icing on the cake.


Neraph - Outsider
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+5 to Jump, +2 to Spot, +2 to Search
+2 to Natural Armor AC

Race as a Non-Caster: Look guys, you get to play as a Slaad...! Except... They aren't...? Huh. In any case, Neraphim are great for any sort of build by virtue of having no attribute penalties OR boosts, though they've got a slight inclination to being a Ranger. What I think is a nice selling point for playing them is the +2 to AC, which can be very helpful for early survival.

Race as Caster: With no attribute penalties and no Level Adjustment, Neraph do fine as casters that are better defended early on due to the extra AC.

Race as Gish: Again, Neraph make good gishes by virtue of having a blank slate for their attributes while having an increased AC.


Nezumi - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
+2 to saves against Poison
40' base speed
+2 to Hide, +2 to Move Silently
Proficiencies: Creature Weapon
1d4 Claw Attack

Race as Non-Caster: If you ignore the Nezumi being humanoid rats, you can look at Nezumi as rogueish versions of Dwarves-- higher movement speed (you'll need to switch on racial speed for this to take effect) and skill affinities to rogueish skills, while having some shared traits like +Con/-Charisma and better saves against Poison. In this sense, they've got a leaning towards Rogue and the like but are pretty good at a lot of other things, too.

Race as Caster: Like Dwarves, if Nezumi don't go a Charisma-based route, they'll have an unaffected spellcasting stat and a +2 to Constitution... Making them pretty good.

Race as Gish: Again, like Dwarves, Nezumi aren't bad if you stay away from Charisma-using gishes.


Nixie - Fey
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +4

+6 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +8 Charisma, -4 Strength
Small Stature
20' base speed
Low-Light Vision
Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron
+6 to Animal Empathy
Spell Resistance 16 (+1 per level)
Immunity to Drown
Spell-Like Abilities: Waterbreathing (Immunity to Drown when cast on another) 1/day, Charm Person 3/day

Race as Non-Caster: As tends to be a constant with fey races, Nixies are heavy on the Dexterity and terrible with Strength. That being the case, you're going to have to pick up Weapon Finesse... but Nixies ARE good at what they do, all things considered-- the DR and SR help them survive. Nixies also make good diplomats what with their rather large +8 Charisma. Other than that, don't underestimate their Immunity against Drowning. Enemy Druids/Clerics are liable to summon Water Elementals, one of the most annoying summons in the game for both friend and foe alike because of the indiscriminate targeting of their Drown attack. Nixies nullify this concern for both themselves and the party tank.

Race as Caster: The +8 Charisma is pretty impressive, no doubt, giving you a +4 DC to your spells. What kills the idea of making Nixies a viable caster in spite of their Favored Class, though, is the fact that you're still behind on caster levels with the +4 Level Adjustment. Anything with Spell Resistance will be easily able to resist your low-caster level spells.

Race as Gish: Nixies are pretty viable here if you go for Dex+Cha-builds. Not to mention the Charisma is so high that it might be possible in some situations to throw out an attack spell.


Nymph - Fey
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment - +7

+6 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +8 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
Damage Reduction 10/Cold Iron
+6 to Animal Empathy
Unearthly Grace (Charisma Modifier added to AC and saves)
Auras: Blinding Beauty (30' | Blinded | Fort Save DC 13+Charisma Mod)
At Will: Stunning Glance (30' | Stunned, 2d4 Rounds | Fort Save DC 13+Charisma Mod)
Spell-Like Abilities: Dimension Door 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: One look at that Level Adjustment and you might think this race is hopeless like the Illithid, but two things save it: the massive +8 Charisma, and Unearthly Grace's that takes advantage of it. You'll be able to reach an incredibly high AC and saves that'll only keep getting better as you increase in levels. That and you have an Aura that makes you basically untouchable at early levels against most creatures, and a nice DR and Dimension Door to escape if things get hairy. With Paladins and Divine Might, the Charisma will also double as a damage boost.

Race as Caster: Regardless of how good any of the Nymph's spellcasting stats are, she's literally got the highest LA of any race of the PRC (as of 3.2 anyway), tied with the Illithid. That means she's not going to be a very good Caster.

Race as Gish: Your spells are going to be sorely behind-- on the other hand, so long as you exploit the awesome Charisma and Unearthly Grace of the Nymph, you'll be very good at simultaneously avoiding hits and saving against spells, which is good enough for any gish. I suggest Wilder, personally.

Caveat: Along with a +7 LA, Nymphs also get (if switched on) Racial Hitdie in Fey... Which, besides going towards your 3 class limit, is a very bad monster class. Sure, you get good Reflex and Will saves, but your BAB is 1/2. Uggh-- do yourself a favor and leave it off.


Ogre - Giant
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +2

+10 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Large Creature

Race as Non-Caster: Ogres get a +10 Strength modifier, which is a cut above the +8 that more commonly appears amongst other high Strength races. Along with +4 Constitution, +5 AC, and lots of proficiencies, Ogres are pretty much guaranteed to make for excellent melee combatants. Of course, Ogres also have pretty serious disadvantages. The -2 Dexterity is nothing when compared to the -4 Intelligence and the -4 Charisma. If other high Strength races had problems doing anything outside of combat, these guys most certainly will.

Race as Caster: -4 Intelligence and -4 Charisma mean that a lot of Arcane and Psionic spellcasting is out. Ogres would make passable Clerics, given their high Constitution and +AC... But your spellcasting will suffer seriously because of the +2 LA. If your concern was more about the strength of your spells than surviving, I'd pick a different race.

Race as Gish: Divine spellcasting gishes should work fine with Ogres. Exploit that massive Strength and sizeable Constitution to make yourself an effective combatant, while buffing yourself with spells. Given that your LA is +2, you might be able to get away with throwing out a few spells here and there, but it's not likely.

Caveat: Racial Hitdie. If you turn on the switch for them, Ogres will have to take levels in the Giant Racial Hitdie class. Besides going towards your three-level class limit and taking away levels in your casting class, it's terrible-- 3/4 BAB and only Fortitude as a good save.


Orc - Orcish
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - None

+4 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Light Sensitivity (-2 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light; i.e., sunlight)

Race as Non-Caster: I would honestly rather play a good ol' Half-Orc than these guys. In exchange for an extra +2 Strength, you take a hit to your will saves from Wisdom loss and suffer seriously debilitating effects while out in sunlight. The Light Sensitvity alone I find highly inconvenient and not worth the extra Strength.

Race as Caster: Ugh... A -2 hit in every conventional casting stat leaves only Dragonfire Adept as a serious option, and even then, their Invocations are going to be hit by the -2 Charisma. It's not impossible with an Orc, but the obvious uphill battle leaves me gonig "meh".

Race as Gish: Sure you've got +4 Strength... But with the -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, and -2 Wisdom, essentially every gish-type character is affected by a dismal decrease in their spellcasting.


Orog - Orcish
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +2

+6 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom
+2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon
+2 to Natural Armor AC
Cold Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5
Light Blindness (Blinded for first round of sunlight | -1 to AB, saves, and skills while in sunlight)

Race as Non-Caster: Orogs are an interesting breed of Orc. With a somewhat lessened form of Light Sensitivity, +2 to AC, and a higher Strength Modifier, Orogs make pretty good warriors even while above ground. They've also got resistances against very common elements. Their weak points, Dexterity and Wisdom, discourage rogueish, Dex-based, and Monk builds, though. Still, with no Intelligence loss and a reversal in Charisma, Orogs might make reasonably good diplomats even with the +2 Level Adjustment.

Race as Caster: Orogs might make viable sorcerers. Sure, you get hit by a +2 LA, but you do get Charisma, resistances, and AC in exchange, which could be worth it. Otherwise, they make sub-par Intelligence-based casters and bad Divine spellcasters.

Race as Gish: I'd say these Orcs would make great Wilders, with +Strength, +Charisma, +AC, and resistances. Obviously they have more combat-oriented stats, but that little bit of Charisma helps.


Pixie - Fey
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +4

+8 Dexterity, +6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma, +4 Wisdom, -4 Strength
Small Stature
Feats: Dodge
Spell Resistance 15 (+1 per level)
+1 to Natural Armor AC
+2 to Spot, +2 to Search, +2 to Listen
Damage Reduction 10/+1
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Invisbility
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 4 Confusion 1/day, Level 8 Entangle 1/day, Level 8 Lesser Dispel 1/day, Level 8 Polymorph Self 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Pixies join the ranks of Fey races that emphasize Dexterity while taking a hit in Strength. However, Pixies do have an edge over other Fey; for instance, they have the lowest Strength loss, possess Invisbility as an at will ability, and Polymorph which can be incredibly valuable in the early game for keeping you alive-- Brown Bear shape can be brutal in first level encounters. Along with this, they get SR against casters and DR against warriors like the other Fey races.

Race as Caster: +6 Intelligence and +6 Charisma are really quite impressive, but not enough to justify that Level Adjustment. While the DC of your spells might be great, you won't be flinging the proper spells for your ECL and the spells you DO use will be stopped by the first Spell Resistant enemy you see.

Race as Gish: Sure, you could do this if you emphasize Dexterity. The large boosts to every casting stat means you'll have plenty of buffs to go around, and perhaps even the DC to get away with throwing out some spells, but again, Spell Resistance is going to hurt those spells.


Poison Dusk Lizardfolk - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Small Stature
Low-Light Vision
+4 to Jump
+3 to Natural Armor AC
Poison Use (Can apply poison without risk of poisoning self)
1d3 Bite Attack, 1d3 Claw Attack x2

Race as Non-Caster: Ooh, these guys make perfect Rogues. Small Stature, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and free use of Poisons make these guys excellent choices in spite of the +1 Level Adjustment, since they barely lose anything (-2 Charisma? Pffft). Besides making great Rogues, though, they do well at everything else, having no Strength penalty to speak of and a general purpose +3 AC.

Race as Caster: So long as you don't choose casters that use Charisma, Poison Dusk Lizardfolk should make feasible casters. Though you don't necessarily have anything to help your casting out, you do have stuff that helps you survive.

Race as Gish: These guys make reasonable gishes-- no casting stat penalties in anything except Charisma, with plenty of traits that make them durable is worth the +1 Level Adjustment, I think. Psychic Warriors in particular may be worth a look, considering that Metaphysical Claw can apply to their nautral attacks.


Pterran - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Psion
Level Adjustmnet - None

+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity
-2 to Listen
1d4 Bite, 1d3 Claw x2

Race as Non-Caster: -2 Dexterity is inconvenient for many builds, sure, what with the AC loss and the harm done to Reflex saves. However, +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma lend themselves well to Paladins who can put on heavy armor to compensate, while simultaneously benefiting from the Wisdom for their spellcasting and the Charisma for Divine feats and the Paladin's special abilities.

Race as Caster: With +Wisdom and +Charisma, Pterrans are viable as any caster except maybe Wizard, where they're somewhat below average. The Dexterity loss is offset by AC boosting Psionics, and both Psionics and Divine magic users can put on armor as well.

Race as Gish: Pterrans are a solid choice, seeing as how so many obvious gish classes make use of either Wisdom or Charisma as the main casting stat, and they only have Dexterity as a penalty.


Rakshasa - Outsider
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - +7

+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +6 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +6 Constitution
40' base speed
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Creature Weapon
+2 to Bluff
Spell Resistance 27 (+1 per level)
Damage Reduction 15/+1
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Disguise

Race as Non-Caster: One of the original cheesy races of the PRC, the Rakshasa remains incredibly powerful in spite of the +7 LA. High Constitution, increased base speed (if racial PnP speed is turned on), the largest starting Spell Resistance out of any race in the PRC, and 15/+1 DR make them untouchable from the onset and increasingly resistant as they progress. The problem I have with them is that they lack an outstanding physical trait otherwise. Call me spoiled on the awesome +6, +8, and +10 Strength/Dexterity of other high LA races.

Race as Caster: Urgh.. No. +7 LA is not worth even a +8 Charisma modifier, and Rakshasa "only" have +6. You'd be a difficult mage/psion/etc. to kill, though, with that large Constitution and SR 27.

Race as Gish: You could pull off being a Rakshasa gish in that the spells are only there to support your combat abilities.

Caveat: Racial Hitdie are something Rakshasa'll have to take if you turn on the switch for it. This'll go towards your class limit and levels, but at least it's i Outsider, which has full BAB and all three good saves.

Personal Note: Stratovarius pointed out to me that Rakshasa RHD count as casting levels for Sorcerer. This, in effect, means that Rakshasa have built-in class levels that are both Full BAB and Full Casting, at least for a Sorcerer. This is one of the few times I'd say Racial Hitdie are worth turning on.


Rock Gnome - Gnomish
Favored Class: Bard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
+1 to AB against Reptilian Humanoids, +1 to AB against Goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Listen, +2 to Concentration
Feats: Spell Focus (Illusion)
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are basically Gnomes with a different Favored Class.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: Since the changed Favored Class is Bards, Rock Gnomes have an advantage going the Bard route. Otherwise, they're exactly the same as Gnomes.


Satyr - Fey
Favored Class: Bard
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
40' base speed
+4 to Natural Armor AC
Low-Light Vision
Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron
1d6 Headbutt
+4 to Hide, +4 to Listen, +4 to Move Silently, +4 to Perform, +4 to Spot

Race as Non-Caster: Satyrs are something like a jack-of-all-trades. A minor boost for nearly every attribute, along with a general purpose +4 AC and minor DR... I guess they have somewhat of an inclination towards being either Rangers or Rogues with their skills, but they're not bad at performing other duties regardless.

Race as Caster: +2 Level Adjustment is pushing it, but considering the +AC, DR, increased base speed, and general variety of stat boosts that a Satyr gets, you could pull this off... With difficulty.

Race as Gish: They aren't bad, all things considered. With a Favored Class of Bard, a significant affinity to your Perform skill, and +2 Charisma, they make an excellent choice as a Bard. Even gish-types outside of Bard aren't bad either, benefiting from the DR, +Dexterity, and +AC while having no penalties other than the +2 LA. Psychic Warriors might find a use for their natural weapon, which can be improved by Metaphysical claw.


Scro - Orcish
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Proficiencies: Light Armor, Simple Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: Orcs... in SPACE! As of 3.2, Scro are the only race that came from Spelljammer. And they're a damn good one, too. For only +1 Level Adjustment, they get a +2 to every physical attribute except for Strength, in which they get a whopping +4. As such, they're well suited to doing anything.

Race as Caster: Free Light Armor is going to be of particular benefit to no-ASF, Armor-featless Psions, while the +2 Dexterity and +2 Constitution is more generally useful to other casters, which I think is a reasonable trade for +1 LA. Just stay out of Charisma-using classes, like Warlocks or Sorcerers.

Race as Gish: +4 Strength and +2 Constitution with no penalties in two casting attributes lends itself well to a number of gish builds. Highly recommended.


Shadowswyft - Outsider
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
40' base speed
+4 to Hide, +4 to Move Silently
Feats: Blooded (+2 to Initiative, +2 to Spot)
Light Blindness (1 round of Blindness upon entering bright light such as sunlight | -1 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light)

Race as Non-Caster: Shadowswyft were one of the few races back then that had an increased movement speed. While with the advent of 3.2 they share this distinction with far more races, they still have a few traits to keep you interested... Hide, Move Silently,Spot, +Dexterity, and increased movement speed make you an excellent scout. The problems I have with them are the -2 Constitution, which makes them fragile like Elves, and the Light Blindness which may come up often if you're playing in a module that forces you into a lot of outside combat.

Race as Caster: Casters might find a use for the increased movement speed, which makes it easier to escape if things get hairy. Along with that, they get a Dexterity boost, though it's offset partly by a Constitution loss, making Shadowswyft as fragile as Elves... While Shadowswyft aren't bad casters, nothing makes them stand out in this category either.

Race as Gish: Rogue-like, gishy Prestige Classes such as Shadowmind and Assassin benefit well from the skill affinities of the Shadowswyft. Otherwise, the Dexterity and Constitution attribute changes counterbalance each other as is the case with Elves, and then you've got the Light Blindness on top of that. Not a completely bad choice, but a specialized one if anything.


Shifter - Shapeshifter
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Shifting (+2 to one attribute for 3+Constitution Mod rounds)
Low-Light Vision
+2 to Jump, +2 to Balance
Proficiencies: Creature Weapon

Race as Non-Caster: Probably one of the most underwhelming races of 3.2, Shifters have it pretty bad in terms of attributes. While they have no penalties in anything physical, the -2 Intelligence and -2 Charisma are anathema to your skills. The one big thing about them is the fact that they can qualify for PnP Shifter without needing shapechanging/polymorphing spells. Otherwise, their main ability of shifting, while useful in most low-level modules, drops off in use in mid/high-magic modules.

Race as Caster: I don't like them here. While they'd make passable Clerics, they're a bad choice for everything else because of the -2 Intelligence and -2 Charisma.

Race as Gish: +2 Dexterity and no loss in Wisdom means they'd be good for Divine spellcasting gishes that don't wear heavy armor, such as Druids or Shamans. Furthermore, the special Shifting ability is excellent in low-level and low-magic modules. Otherwise, the Intelligence and Charisma reductions hurt.

Personal Note: Shifters have the Shapeshifter type, which is pretty rare. You're gonna find yourself sidestepping a few spells.


Silvanesti - Elven
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
Proficiencies: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow
+2 to LIsten, +2 to Serch, +2 to Spot, +1 to Lore, +1 to Spellcraft
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties

Race as Non-Caster: From a physical standpoint, they're mostly unaffected unless you were planning on going the Paladin route or something. On the other hand, the tradeoff in Charisma is for Intelligence, which helps your skills immensely. I'd consider Silvanesti a worthy alternative to normal Elves (and even other Elven variants) for that alone.

Race as Caster: Silvanesti make excellent Wizards. Not only do they keep the Elves' Favored Class of Wizard, they also gain a +2 Intelligence and keep the +2 Dexterity. The only sore spot is the fact that the negative Charisma makes them unattractive as a Sorcerer.

Race as Gish: Silvanesti are either as good as Elves in most cases of Divine spellcasting, worse than Elves for gishes that use Charisma, and better than Elves for gishes that use Intelligence (Wizard/____, Psion/____, etc.).


Silverbrow Human - Human
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - None

Quick to Master (Bonus feat at first level)

Race as Non-Caster: A solid choice for any kind of character in the same fashion as normal Humans because of a free feat that can be used for anything, the free skill points are replaced with being Dragonblooded which opens up its own options.

Race as Caster: Sorcerer will probably look like a much better choice than other casters because Dragonblooded allows so many feats that have the Sorcerer class as a requirement. Otherwise, they're virtually as versatile as Humans.

Race as Gish: Sorcerer/____ gishes in particular will benefit from being Dragonblooded, and other types of gishes less so. Outside of that, Silverbrow Humans are suited to being any sort of gish.


Snow Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
Proficiencies: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: If you wanted the Elven version of a Dwarf, I think Snow Elf fits that description. Not aesthetically, of course, but the fact that they get +2 Dexterity for -2 Charisma instead of -2 Constitution is an excellent tradeoff if all you were concerned about was combat. So, for the average build, more HP and better Fort saves are much appreciated.

Race as Caster: Without the Constitution penalty, Snow Elves lose the fragility that Elves are known for. This makes them better Wizards in the sense of surviving, but the Charisma hit makes them worse Sorcerers.

Race as Gish: Besides the Charisma loss which certainly affects Charisma-using casters, Snow Elves are much more effective as gishes, having better HP than normal Elves while keeping Dexterity.


Spirit Folk (Bamboo) - Human
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - None

Low-Light Vision
+2 to Lore
+4 to Hide in natural areas
Feats: Trackless Step
+2 to saves against Acid spells

After picking Spirit Folk, must be selected in a conversation in-game

Race as Non-Caster: Bamboo Folk are interesting, I'll say that much. Compared to the other Spirit Folk types, Bamboo Folk are even more specific. Acid is somewhat of a less common element than either Cold or Fire (though still quite common, as Psychic Warriors with Breath of the Black Dragon will tell you), the +4 to Hide with Trackless Step only works in natural areas and is free for certain classes, and the +2 to Lore isn't much if you've got stores that can identify unless the module really emphasizes gold conservation. This doesn't necessarily mean they're bad since they lack of a Level Adjustment and negative ability modifiers-- further, Rogues and Shadowdancers that expect to be outside a lot may benefit greatly from what is essentially a +8 to Hide.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Spirit Folk (River) - Human
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - None

Low-Light Vision
Immunity to Drown
+2 to saves against Cold spells

After picking Spirit Folk, must be selected in a conversation in-game

Race as Non-Caster: This brand of Spirit Folk are something like a toned-down version of the Water Genasi. No Level Adjustment and no attribute changes, but you still keep the Immunity to Drown which is a nice plus (I reaaally hate Water Elementals) and a bonus to saves. The latter doesn't scale like the Water Genasi's does, but it was a bit of a specialized use. Now, these bonuses are for pretty specific situations-- it's up to you whether or not it's worth losing out on free skill points and a free feat.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Spirit Folk (Sea) - Human
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - None

Low-Light Vision
Immunity to Drowning
+2 to saves against Fire spells

After picking Spirit Folk, must be selected in a conversation in-game

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are like some odd amalgam of Water and Fire Genasi. They're humans that have the Water Genasi's immunity to drowning and the Fire Genasi's increased saves against Fire spells. Admitedly, the latter ability is far towned down (doesn't scale), but they don't have any Level Adjustment, neither do they have attribute changes. To be honest, what they have is relatively specialized. You'll have to figure out whether or not you want this over what regular Humans have. Admittedly, Fire spells are one of the most common-- if not THE most common-- element you'll see in NWN, fan module or not.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Stonehunter Gnome - Gnomish
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+1 to AB against Reptilians, +1 to AB against Giants, +4 to Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Listen, +2 to Concentration
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: The loss of Spell Focus (Illusion) is no serious loss, while having Dragonblooded provides you access to different Draconic Feats. These guys are basically Gnomes with more options for their feat choices, many of them useful ones.

Race as Caster: Losing Spell Focus (Illusion) is admittedly regrettable, as there are some good save-or-die spells in the Illusion school. However, Dragonblooded can be very interesting especially if you go Sorcerer, as many Draconic feats also require that particular class.

Race as Gish: Again, the loss of a free Spell Focus feat sucks, but Dragonblooded can allow you to do some nifty stuff.


Strongheart Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Move Silently, +2 to Listen, +2 to Jump
+2 to saves against Fear
Quick to Master (Bonus feat at first level)
+1 to AB in Throwing Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: A popular race choice in PnP, for good reason. Instead of getting a version of Luck of Heroes for free at first level, Strongheart Halflings have all the advantages (and disadvantages) of being a Halfling while replacing that +1 to saves with a free feat of your choice, similar to Humans. This makes them FAR more flexible than regular Halflings.

Race as Caster: Same as Halflings, except with greater versatility due to the free feat.

Race as Gish: See above.


Sun Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
Proficiencies: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: The Intelligence boost doesn't do too much for these guys unless you were going for a skill build, and even then, the Dexterity in normal Elves would be much preferred to offset the Constitution reduction. I'll pass on Sun Elves.

Race as Caster: Hmmm. Sun Elves are something like the Deep Imaskari, one of the few no LA races with a boost to Intelligence. But like the Deep Imaskari, they take a hit in their physical attributes for it; in the Sun Elf's case, -2 Constitution. If you can make sure you aren't a target or compensate for your HP deficiency, you'd make a viable Wizard or Psion.

Race as Gish: The +2 Intelligence and -2 Constitution are at odds with each other here, but gishing it out could work. You'd probably have to emphasize your spellcasting side, though, and try to stay away from gish builds that are more physically oriented.


Sunscorch Hobgoblin - Goblinoid
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
+4 to Move Silently, +2 to Bluff

Race as Non-Caster: A Hobgoblin variant, Sunscorch Hobgoblins lose the old Hobgoblins' Dexterity and gain +2 Wisdom and some increased skills. But this isn't their selling point-- it's more the fact that, along with keeping with the Hobgoblins' lack of any lessened attributes, they also get Dragonblooded, which gives them access to the fun set of Draconic feats (assuming they've got the Charisma and/or Strength for it).

Race as Caster: I'd say this race makes for a somewhat good Divine spellcaster if you're willing to stomach the +1 Level Adjustment, and an interesting Sorcerer option in spite of the LA since Dragonblooded gives them access to many Draconic feats while not hitting them in Charisma. Outside of that, they aren't bad, but having only a +2 Constitution is a trade in spellcasting effectiveness for durability. May or may not be worth it.

Race as Gish: Like regular Hobgoblins, the Sunscorch variant make effective gishes as they have increased Constitution while having no spellcasting penalty for a relatively reasonable +1 LA.


Svirfneblin - Gnomish
Favored Class: Wizard
Level Adjustment - +3

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -4 Charisma
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
Small Stature
+2 to saves against Mind-affecting Spells
+1 to AB against Reptilians, +1 to AB against Goblinoids
+4 to Dodge AC
+2 to Listen, +2 to Concentration, +2 to Hide
+4 to Hide while underground
Spell Focus (Illusion)
+2 to saves
Spell Resistance 11 (+1 per level)
Spell-Like Abilities: Blindness and Deafness (DC 16) 1/day, Blur 1/day, Disguise Self 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Svirfneblin might seem a bit "overpriced" for what they get, when compared to other +3 Level Adjustment races. With +2 Dexterity, Small Stature, improved saves, sneaky skill affinities, Dodge AC, and SR, they're like some weird mix of Gnomes and Halflings. However, what's there might be enough for Dex-based builds... Otherwise, the Strength and Charisma are horrendous when taken with the +3 LA.

Race as Caster: Even if Svirfneblin have Wizard as a Favored Class, get a Spell Focus for free, or have a +2 Wisdom, they'll just be too behind on their spells with +3 Level Adjustment.

Race as Gish: I think there are better choices for pulling off a gish, not that it's impossible for a Svirfneblin... Just that +3 LA is rather harsh for what you get as a Svirfneblin.


Tallfellow Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Search, +2 to Spot, +2 to Listen
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
+1 to saves
+2 to saves against Fear
+1 to AB with Throwing Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: This variant of Halfling is much better than regular Halflings for one thing: being the scout. With +2 Search, Spot, and Listen, and the Keen Senses ability normally reserved for Elves, these guys are pretty good for seeing enemies, spotting traps, and finding hidden doors. However, if you're more interested in the sneaking aspects of being a Halfling Rogue, I'd say stick with the regular Halfling. Beyond this, Tallfellow Halflings are basically the same as regular Halflings.

Race as Caster: The change in skill affinities is more up to your personal preference, but otherwise, these guys are the exact same as regular Halflings, right down to the +1 AB with thrown weapons.

Race as Gish: See above.


Tanarukk - Orcish, Outsider
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +3

+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Fire Resistance 10
+4 to Natural Armor AC
Proficiencies: Martial Weapons, Creature Weapon
Spell Resistance 14 (+1 per level)

Race as Non-Caster: Interested in an Orc that has an edge against spellcasters? Tanarukk may be a good choice. Besides the typical increased Strength, Tanarukk get high resistance against a common damage element (Fire) and an SR of 15 at minimum. The problem arises in the fact that Tanarukk have the highest Level Adjustment out of any Orcish race selectable in the PRC. While you have an advantage against casters, you're going to be at a bit of a disadvantage against everything else because you're behind on levels.

Race as Caster: Nope. With a -4 Charisma and -2 Wisdom loss and a +3 Level Adjustment, casting is not feasible as a Tanarukk.

Race as Gish: If you don't mind your spellcasting being absolutely secondary, then maybe. But with the Charisma and Wisdom loss, you'll have to use Intelligence-based casting... Where you'll have a myriad of choices, but most of which will make you just a bit more fragile-- and because of the high Level Adjustment, you're already hurting in that area.

Caveat: Tanarukk will have to take classes in Outsider if the player switches on Racial Hitdie. Fortunately, Outsider is pretty good for having Full BAB and across-the-board good saves.


Tasloi - Goblinoid
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Small Stature
Low-Light Vision
Light Sensitivity (-2 AB, Saves, and Skills while in bright light; i.e., sunlight)
+4 to Move Silently

Race as Non-Caster: Urgh. Why must the small races suffer? Tasloi are functionally similar to some Halfling variants with their +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, and Move Silently affinity which makes them good for rogueish classes... But, they're affected by Light Sensitivity, and in modules with outside combat, that's going to be a serious detriment at early levels, and maybe even past that. Then they get the -2 Charisma, which is less its own problem and a way to compound onto the Tasloi's flaws... Oof.

Race as Caster: They don't make bad casters if you stay away from Sorcerers, Wilders, and the like. At the very least, Light Sensitivity doesn't affect their spells.

Race as Gish: Light Sensitivity might be a common occurence, and that with the Strength loss is going to affect your physical combat capabilities. However, if you don't pick a Charisma-caster, at least your magic won't be affected.


Tiefling - Human, Outsider
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
+2 to Hide, +2 to Bluff
Cold Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, Electrical Resistance 5
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 3 Darkness 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: The counterpart of Aasimar, Tieflings are, in my opinion, a bit better than their Celestial counterparts. +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence are far more useful for a broader range of builds, and you've also got the broad range of resistances available to the Aasimar. I highly recommend them for most classes except maybe Paladin or Marshal, which rely on Charisma for special class abilities.

Race as Caster: Tieflings should make good Wizards or Psions. Sure, +1 Level Adjustment sucks-- but +2 Dexterity AND Intelligence and a bunch of resistances are a pretty good tradeoff. On the flipside, -2 Charisma and +1 Level Adjustment Tiefling a bad choice for casters like Warlocks and Sorcerers.

Race as Gish: +2 Dexterity and Intelligence work perfectly with each other for certain gish classes, like Assassin and Shadowmind, while being nice in general for boosting AC and spellcasting. Again, though, stay away Charisma-dependent casters unless you like being sub-optimal.


Tinker Gnome - Gnomish
Favored Class: Any
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Small Stature
+2 to saves against Miind-Affecting spells
+1 to AB against Reptilians, +1 to AB against Goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Listen, +2 to Concentration
Feats: Spell Focus (Illusion)
Low-Light Vision
+2 to Will saves
Guild (+2 to All Crafting, or +1 to All Crafting and Lore, or +2 to Lore)

Race as Non-Caster: It's rare to see a specialized race that has a Favored Class of "Any", but here we have Tinker Gnomes. With their attribute distribution and Small Stature, Tinker Gnomes would make excellent Rogues-slash-utility characters, while their Strength and Wisdom hits hurt them in builds relying on raw damage or class abilities using Wisdom, such as is the case for Monks and Paladins. So, they might have a faster experience gain when it comes to multiclassing, but otherwise face the same restrictions.

Race as Caster: +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence are great for Wizards and Psions, but the potential for Tinker Gnomes to get into Divine magic suffers because of the Wisdom penalty.

Race as Gish: Divine spellcasting gishes are a no-no because of the -2 Wisdom, but other than that, Tinker Gnomes are great because of their lack of a specific Favored Class, increased AC from Dexterity, and for some types of casting/manifesting, the higher Intelligence and Spell Focus. Sure, damage is bad from the Dexterity, but gishes using Sneak Attack or having a proper way to supplement damage loss can offset it.


Troll - Giant
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +5

+12 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +12 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -4 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Feats: Track
Nautral Weapons: Bite, Claw x2
Proficiencies: Creature Weapon
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Regeneration (Regenerate 5 HP per round)
Large Creature

Race as Non-Caster: Ah, Trolls. Part of the original trifecta of cheesiness (the other two races being Rakshasa and Illithid), even with Level Adjustment they don't cease to be ridiculously powerful. The +12 Strength and +12 Constitution are the largest of any race in the PRC. The +5 AC and +4 Dexterity make Trolls hard to hit, but even if you can land any hits, the 5 HP Regeneration can make killing them a near-impossible feat for the average foe. There's no doubt that Trolls are powerhouses... But don't expect them to be a good pick for anything outside of combat, what with the +5 LA and -4 Intelligence.

Race as Caster: No. I mean, sure you could get away with killing stuff with an ordinary Knife and 1/2 BAB or whatever, but that has nothing to do with spellcasting. +5 Level Adjustment with negatives in every magic-using attribute make you a terrible caster.

Race as Gish: For most gishes, you're gonna have to pump the spellcasting to even be able to reach a point where you can cast the proper level of spells... However, if you restrict yourself to Divine spellcasting or to Psychic Warrior and PW-type PrCs, the -2 Wisdom makes the investment into casting more reasonable. Even if your spellcasting is only there to buff you, a +12 Constitution, +12 Strength monstrosity that has Death Ward/Ectoplasmic Form on it to make it immune to Death Magic/Critical Hits will make your enemies weep.

Caveat: Trolls have to take monster classes if Racial Hitdie is switched on, which goes towards maximum class levels and number of classes. In this case, they're forced to take Giant, which is pretty bad-- 3/4 BAB and Fort as the only good save.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 05, 2009, 11:52:09 AM
Reply #3


Tuladhara - Outsider
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
+2 to Persuade, +2 to Sense Motive
Acid Resistance 5, Sonic Resistance 5, Eletrical Resistance 5
Spell-Like Abilities: Magic Circle vs. Alignment 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Something of a middle-ground between the Aasimar and Tiefling human-outsider hybrids, Tuladhara represent neutrality-- and they may be the most generally usable amongst all three races. +2 Constitution and +2 Wisdom are a welcome boost for any build, whilst having three different elemental damage resistances. However, two are in elements that are a bit rarer than others, though they're still useful.

Race as Caster: Tuladhara aren't bad at any spellcasting, and +2 Constitution is useful for any caster. However, with their Favored Class, they'll be more inclined towards Druids; after them, to other Divine magic users because of the +2 Wisdom. The +1 Level Adjustment might irk a few people, though.

Race as Gish: Excellent for any gish, whether they use Dex or Str for combat. +2 Wisdom encourages them towards gishy spellcasters like Druids or Psychic Warriors, but they're honestly a good choice for anything.


Tundra Halfling - Halfling
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Small Stature
+2 to Move Silently, +2 to Listen, +2 to Jump
+1 to saves
+2 to saves against Fear
+1 AB with Throwing Weapons

Race as Non-Caster: Tundra Halflings are another variant of Halflings that are pretty much exactly the same, just with Ranger as a Favored Class. Those wanting to go Ranger/Multiclass should pick this variant instead, but otherwise, there's nothing new here.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Urdunnir - Dwarven
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +4

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+2 to Search in subterranean areas
+4 to saves against Poison
+2 to saves against Spells
+1 AB against Orcs, +1 AB against Goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Lore, +2 to Craft Armor, +2 to Craft Weapon, +2 to Appraise
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Level 4 Stoneskin

Race as Non-Caster: +4 LA for a low-level, at will Stoneskin that can be easily dispelled? Really? Sigh... If you're playing a module that's low-level, low-magic and devoid of casting henchmen, Urdunnir might be worth it. Or maybe if there was a module that actually allowed you to walk through stone like Urdunnir are supposed to be able to do... Otherwise, in the long term, there are plenty of better Dwarven variants.

Race as Caster: See above.

Race as Gish: See above.


Viletooth Lizardfolk - Reptilian Humanoid
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Constitution
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Shields, Creature Weapon
1d4 (+1d6 Acid) Bite Attack
+4 to Jump
+5 to Natural Armor AC
Immune to Drowning

Race as Non-Caster: Viletooth Lizardfolk have few disadvantages beyond the +1 Level Adjustment, for which they receive quite a bit. +2 Constitution, +5 to AC, Drowning Immunity (damned Water Elementals...) and Dragonblooded. This with no penalties make this variant of Lizardfolk a rather versatile option. Not to mention Dragonblooded lets you take advantage of a bunch of new feats.

Race as Caster: +1 LA for +2 Constitution and +5 AC... For most casters, this is essentially trading your effectiveness in spells for being more durable. Sorcerers in particular will be able to take advantage of the feats that you can get from having taken the class and being Dragonblooded, so that's certainly worth exploring. Psions can also make use of the free Shield feat for the extra AC that doesn't impact their manifesting.

Race as Gish: With Constitution and AC, and no penalties in any spellcasting stat, Viletooth Lizardfolk make viable gishes. The Favored Class of Druid and being Dragonblooded both serve as encouragement towards the relevant routes, but they should be good at anything. Also, these guys have a pretty good Natural Weapon (the only one with non-physical damage, I think) that can benefit from a Psychic Warrior's Metaphysical Claw amongst other Natural Weapon-affecting stuff.

Caveat: These Lizardfolk get Racial Hitdie. If switched on, a Viletooth Lizardfolk will have to take levels in Humanoid. This goes toward your maximum class level and number of classes, hurting your potential as a caster. If that wasn't bad enough, Humanoid's a terrible class, with 3/4 BAB and only one good save (Fort).


Volodni - Plant
Favored Class: Druid
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision
Cold Resistance 5
+4 to Hide in natural areas
50% Piercing Immunity
Immunity to Sleep, Paralyze, Poison, Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits

Race as Non-Caster: The variety of useful immunities is great-- Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits, and Piercing in particular are useful in many different situatoins. On top of this, +2 Constiution and resistance against a common element (Cold) give the Volodni durability to compensate for the admittedly hefty +2 LA. The bad point of being a Volodni is that -2 Intelligence and +2 LA mean your skills are pretty much shot.

Race as Caster: With their Constitution, and Wisdom, Volodni make somewhat good Druids and Clerics-- you'll be behind because of a serious Level Adjustment of course, but you've got things to alleviate it. They're otherwise terrible everything else because of the -2 Intelligence and -2 Charisma.

Race as Gish: While you're restricted to either Divine spellcasting (especially Druids) or Wis-using Psionics, you do pretty well in these categories. +Wisdom, +Constitution, and lots of Immunities (some of which might become redundant with certain spells but at least they aren't dispellable) make you a solid choice.

Caveat: The 50% Piercing Immunity is being reported as a Vulnerability in 3.2. You may wannna wait until it's fixed in a later patch before giving these guys a try.

Personal Note: Volodni have the distinction of being the only race in the PRC with the Plant type-- as such, you'll be avoiding some spells and abilities as a result.


Warforged - Construct
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Composite Plating (+2 to AC, cannot wear armor, 5% ASF)
Living Construct subtype (Immunity to Sleep, Paralyze, Poison, Energy Drain, Disease | Healing Spells heal for half only)

Race as Non-Caster: Constructs as a playable race? Hell yes. The myriad of Immunities and the improved Constitution make Warforged durable and able to approach situations like a battle with a Vrock or an attack by Ghouls and Vampires without fear of their crippling, maybe even fatal special attacks. If you don't like the fact that they can't wear armor, you can take a feat to remove the plating (Unarmored Body). But if you DO like having armor already installed in you, there are feats which you can take advantage of that give you better armor options, which can be useful in low-magic, low-gold modules. However, while suited for being anything from Fighters to Rogues, the -2 Wisdom and Charisma make them bad choices for Paladins, Marshals and the like.

Race as Caster: -2 Wisdom and -2 Charisma discourage about 2/3rds of their options, leaving them with casters like Wizard which forces them to take Unarmored Body if they don't want to suffer ASF. However, Psions have no such limitations, and may benefit greatly from an unremovable armor that does not infringe on their manifesting.

Race as Gish: If you stay away from Wisdom/Charisma-based gishes, you'll still have to tread carefully as a Warforged. As an Arcane magic user, if you don't want to deal with ASF, you'll have to either use up a feat for Unarmored Body or pick classes/prestige classes that reduce ASF. With Psionics though, you can sidestep the problem completely.

Personal Note: You can take later take Improved Fortification (needs +6 BAB.) to make yourself Immune to Critical Hits. Unfortunately, you won't be able to heal except by resting or using kits(?) either...


Water Genasi - Human, Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +1

Water Genasi Clerics must have the Water Domain

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+1 to saves against water/cold spells (+1 per 5 levels)
Immune to Drown

Race as Non-Caster: Probably the most well-rounded of the Genasi races, Water Genasi only take a penalty in Charisma (arguably one of the least used stats in builds) while gaining a boost in Constitution and gaining Darkvision, specialized saves against a rather common element, and an Immunity to Drown. Unfortunately, since they don't stand out as well, they may not look worth the Level Adjustment. If you're expecting a lot of Water Elementals, though, being a Water Genasi is a wise choice, and objectively speaking, they aren't that bad...

Race as Caster: -2 Charisma and +1 LA means Sorcerers, Wilders, and other Charisma-users are out of the picture. Even taking them out, though, the +2 Constitution may be a bit underwhelming... You might be thinking that it's better to just go Dwarf.

Race as Gish: -2 Charisma is bad for gish classes like Wilder, but the +2 Constitution and elementally specific saves are otherwise useful, if a bit unimpressive for +1 Level Adjustment.


Wemic - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - +3

+8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Large Creature
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Creature Weapon
+4 to Natural Armor AC
+8 to Jump

Race as Non-Caster: Another heavy-hitting race, Wemics have a massive +8 Strength, greatly improved AC, and a Constitution increase... So obviously, they're meant to be up-close-and-personal warriors. However, for a high Strength race, they have a pretty sizable +3 Level Adjustment and a lower Constitution increase than you might expect. This might make them fragile in terms of HP compared to similar-ECL characters, but the +2 Dexterity and +4 to AC does help them in this department. Keep in mind that skills suffer.

Race as Caster: No attribute changes for casting sans the -2 Charisma mean that Wemics are a very bad choice in terms of spellcasting when you think about the fact that you have a +3 Level Adjustment.

Race as Gish: Going gish (any kind except those that use Charisma) as a Wemic is fine, if you don't mind your spellcasting basically being just support and utility for your natural combat prowess (mmm, +8 Strength).

Caveat: Racial Hitdie. If this is switched on, Wemics will have to take levels in Monstrous Humanoid, which goes towards your maximum level and number of classes. Fortunately, Monstrous Humanoid is pretty good with Full BAB and two good saves.


Whisper Gnome - Gnomish
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Small Stature
+4 Dodge AC against Giants
+4 to Hide, +4 to Move Silently, +2 to Listen, +2 to Spot
Spell-Like Abilities: Silence 1/day, Mage Hand 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: An interesting class-refocused variant of the Gnome, the Whisper Gnome not only switches Favored Class to Rogue but also gets different skill affinities, spell-like abilities, and a +2 Dexterity to facilitate being a Rogue. In exchange for this, -2 Charisma... Not a bad tradeoff. Gnomes remain somewhat bad at combat otherwise, with the -2 Strength still there.

Race as Caster: For Arcane spellcasting, I'd stick to regular Gnomes. This is because Whisper Gnomes no longer have Wizard as a Favored Class (discouraging for Wizard multiclassing) and get -2 Charisma (discouraging Sorcerers; not to mention Charisma-reliant casting/manifesting as a whole). Otherwise, the +2 Constitution and +2 Dexterity can be pretty useful.

Race as Gish: -2 Charisma is bad for Charisma-using gishes, but otherwise Whisper Gnomes are Gnomes with +2 Dexterity and a lack of free Spell Focus (Illusion), which is a generally favorable exchange.


Wild Dwarf - Dwarven
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
+3 to saves against Poison
+2 to saves against Spells
+4 to saves against Disease
+1 AB against Orcs, +1 AB against Goblinoids, +4 Dodge AC against Giants
+2 to Lore
Poison Use (Can apply poison without risk of poisoning self)
Fire Resistance 5
Small Stature

Race as Non-Caster: These guys are like a hardier version of Dwarves-- fewer skill affinities in exchange for better saves, Fire Resistance, and Small Stature... Unfortunately, the problem lies in the "Small Stature" part, which prevents you from using many heavier weapons such as Greatsword and Dire Mace. Normal Dwarves have no such restrictions. A very serious thing to consider when picking these guys, but otherwise they're an interesting alternative variant.

Race as Caster: Close to the same as Dwarves, but with better AC due to Small Stature and better saves... In which case, they may be a better choice.

Race as Gish: Rogueish gish classes (Shadowmind, Arcane Trickster, etc.) may benefit from the Poison Use, skill affinities, and Small Stature, but the latter reduces your weapon choices, which you should consider before picking these guys over regular Dwarves.


Wild Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Sorcerer
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
Proficiencies: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: Agggh, Intelligence. That's as bad as getting a Constitution hit-- perhaps worse. -2 Intelligence causes your skills to suffer. However, you're a tad tougher than normal Elves because your Constitution loss has been removed. If you plan to start meleeing or perform other duties in a party that are going to put you at great risk, being a Wild Elf may be a better, if dubious choice.

Race as Caster: Wild Elves make easier-to-level Sorcerer multiclassers than regular Elves because of the Favored Class, while regular Elves make better Wizards because of the lack of an Intelligence hit. Otherwise, Wild Elves are functionally similar to Elves.

Race as Gish: Without a Constitution loss, Wild Elves make better gishes than regular Elves in most builds except where Intelligence is used as the spellcasting attribute.


Wood Elf - Elven
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
Immunity to Sleep
+2 to saves against Mind-Affecting
Proficiencies: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow
+2 to Listen, +2 to Search, +2 to Spot
Search checks are automatic with no movement penalties
Low-Light Vision

Race as Non-Caster: Wood Elves are the only Elven variant with an attribute increase in Strength. But you get so many negatives for it that hurt your skills (-2 Intelligence and Charisma) and durability (-2 Constitution) that it leaves me wondering if it's really worth it.

Race as Caster: -2 Intelligence and Charisma makes Wood Elf a horrible choice for nearly every Arcane and Psionic form of casting. However, since you've got +2 Dexterity and no loss of Wisdom, you might be a good choice for Divine spellcasters that don't wear heavy armor.

Race as Gish: You can pull off being a gish, but really, only if you go Wisdom. You're fragile and hurting in skill points.


Xeph - Human
Favored Class: Soulknife
Level Adjustment - None

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
1 free Power Point
+1 to saves against Spells
Burst (+33% Speed at Level 1-4, +66% at 5-8, +100% at 9+ | 3 rounds | 3/day)

Race as Non-Caster: You've got what's probably the worst Favored Class in the PRC: Soulknife... Which is a class that benefits the least from any amount of multiclassing. Xephs are also pretty direct on what manner of build you're going for between Dexterity and Strength-- in this case, Dexterity. The cool points of this race, then, are the free Power Point which qualifies you for Psionic prestige classes without needing Wild Talent, and the Burst ability which makes it convenient for you to escape (which you'll might to do often in rough-starting low-level modules) or move around.

Race as Caster: Xeph are average raw spellcasters with a slightly better AC due to the Dexterity. The Burst is a method of escape if the enemy makes it past your frontline and decides to go after you instead. However, for manifesting, the free PP can act as an extra use of a first-level Power at Level 1, or a use of a powerful unaugmented first-level Power (like Inertial Armor) past that.

Race as Gish: Dex-using gishes benefit from the +2 Dexterity, while the free PP benefits or makes it easier to enter Psionic gish classes. However, the Strength limits you from certain builds and lessens your damage...


Yuan-ti Pureblood - Monstrous Humanoid
Favored Class: Ranger
Level Adjustment - +2

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Feats: Alertness, Blind Fighting
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Shields
Spell Resistance 14 (+1 per level)
+1 to Natural Armor AC
Spell-Like Abilities: Level 3 Charm Person 1/day, Level 3 Darkness 1/day, Level 3 Entangle 1/day, Level 3 Fear 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: The +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence are nice to have, and the Blind Fighting and SR make you an excellent combatant against Invisibility-using casters. Free uses of Entangle and Fear can be invaluable in early-game survival. However, you get a bunch of feats that are most likely redundant and a sizable +2 LA that makes you a bit weaker and less durable than similar-ECL characters that is only somewhat compensated by the AC you gain from Dexterity and Natural Armor.

Race as Caster: The +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma may not seem worth the +2 Level Adjustment, and that's a reasonable thing to say, considering that +2 LA puts you rather behind on spellcasting. However, what might look like a bunch of useless or redundant feats to most classes will look very useful to a Psion, who not only gets +2 Dexterity, but also gets Light Armor and Shields that boost their AC while doing nothing to affect their manifesting.

Race as Gish: SR, Dexterity, AC can be useful to a gish, but the +2 LA hurts your spells. As above, though, the armor proficiencies in particular can benefit Psions, and by extension, gishes that use Psion as the base spellcaster.

Caveat: Yuan-ti Purebloods have Racial Hitdie. If the Racial Hitdie switch is turned on, you'll have to take levels in a monster class called Monstrous. This'll go towards your maximum levels and number of classes, which is very inconvenient. However, Monstrous has full BAB and two good saves, which could be worse.


Zakya Rakshasa - Outsider
Favored Class: Fighter
Level Adjustment - +7

+10 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +10 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom
50' base speed
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Creature Weapon
Spell Resistance 22 (+1 per level)
+9 to Natural Armor AC
Damage Reduction 15/+1
Spell-Like Abilities At Will: Disguise
Spell-Like Abilities: Chill Touch 3/day, True Strike 3/day, Vampiric Touch 3/day
Quick to Master (Bonus feat at first level)

Race as Non-Caster: A Rakshasa variant introduced in 3.2 along with a bunch of other unfairly powerful races (including the Naztharune Rakshasa), the Zakya Rakshasa proves to be one of the most ridiculous. Sure, you've got a +7 Level Adjustment... But you've also got massive Strength and Constitution, the largest Natural Armor AC in the PRC races (the only other that matches you is the Hound Archon), you've got high SR, the fastest base speed of all races (only Asabi are as fast), and you have no penalties in any of your attributes. In other words, you're almost untouchable. Then you've got the free feats and all the spell-like abilities, including one that gives you a +20 AB... And it really IS unfair. One thing, though: some of your skills are going to be terrible because of the Level Adjustment. Which is the only bad thing in a sea of positive qualities...

Race as Caster: Er, no. You might be the Real Ultimate Warrior, but the Level Adjustment shoots your spellcasting to hell. I suppose you'd still be good at beating people in the face with 1/2 BAB since you're simply that strong, but that's not spellcasting at all.

Race as Gish: Spells will be taking a distant backseat as buffing your incredible strength and durability in combat, so in this regard you make a fantastic gish... Without trying really, but eh, details.

Caveat: Zakya Rakshasa have Racial Hitdie-- if the relevant switch is turned on, you'll have to take levels in the Outsider class, which goes toward your maximum class levels and number of classes, but the good thing is Outsider has Full BAB and good saves across the board.


Zenythri - Outsider
Favored Class: Monk
Level Adjustment - +1

+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
+2 to Balance
Fire Resistance 5, Sonic Resistance 5, Electrical Resistance 5
Spell-Like Abilities: True Strike 1/day

Race as Non-Caster: Joining the cast of human/human-like Outsiders is the Zenythri, who make the ultimate Monks; Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom are all the most important attributes of a Monk, and the Zenythri have positive adjustments to all of them. The Resistances and free use of True Strike are also nifty, making Zenythri well worth the +1 Level Adjustment. Yet, even if you didn't go the Monk route, Zenythri also have such useful attributes that they're good for a variety of different builds as well.

Race as Caster: Dexterity and Wisdom makes them perfect for Divine magic users due to the increased AC and improvement to their spellcasting. Besides that, they make average spellcasters except where Charisma is concerned, where the -2 Charisma and +1 LA is a death knell for anyone who wants to
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 02, 2009, 04:25:17 AM
Reply #4

Very helpful post, especially to have a place that actually lists what LA for each race is.  XD  Could such information possibly be included in the racial description, please?  I will add it for you and send you the modded tlk, if you want.  :p

The other thing that would be handy is if racial hit die was listed.  Just makes it kind of difficult when you are trying to find "balanced" races without having to turn LA/RHD on... or if you are going to turn them on, and are trying to figure out how much they are going to screw you for.  :)

Barring that, where is a good place to go to look up the racial hit die adjustment for any given PRC race?

July 13, 2009, 12:39:25 PM
Reply #5

ECl.2da has all the information you want.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 14, 2009, 03:35:39 PM
Reply #6

Quote from: Stratovarius

ECl.2da has all the information you want.

There's an out of date list here too.

January 20, 2012, 10:44:42 PM
Reply #7
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How do I turn it on?
I know it's somewhere in the "alter code switches" but I couldn't find it. The only option related to the level ajustment i could find is the "ECL_USES_XP_NOT_HD", but i don't think this is the one I want.

January 22, 2012, 12:02:14 AM
Reply #8

How do I turn it on?
I know it's somewhere in the "alter code switches" but I couldn't find it. The only option related to the level ajustment i could find is the "ECL_USES_XP_NOT_HD", but i don't think this is the one I want.

Turn on level adjustment?

PRC_XP_USE_SIMPLE_LA in prc_inc_switch.nss

January 22, 2012, 03:31:40 AM
Reply #9
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Turn on level adjustment?

PRC_XP_USE_SIMPLE_LA in prc_inc_switch.nss

Right, but it will only work with PRC xp system enabled. Read 'XP system switches' section in prc_inc_switch.nss.

January 31, 2012, 02:12:52 PM
Reply #10
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Just out of curiosity, whatever happened to the bulk of those races?  They're all still listed as viable race choices when I recruit a henchman, but when creating a character I'm a bit  Were these disabled as PC races in some previous release, or have I gone wrong somewhere?

January 31, 2012, 03:03:24 PM
Reply #11
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Just out of curiosity, whatever happened to the bulk of those races?  They're all still listed as viable race choices when I recruit a henchman, but when creating a character I'm a bit  Were these disabled as PC races in some previous release, or have I gone wrong somewhere?
AFAIK all listed races (+ Troglodyte) are enabled as player races. Do you have any specific races on your mind?

I usually play spellcasters so I rarely use races with LA. My latest character is tinker gnome beguiler ;) (although I thought about rebilding him as silvanesti elf). I also played some monster races - troll, ogre, kobold, minotaur, naztharun rakshasa to name a few. So I don't think the choice is limited. In JavaCC they don't appear in alphabetical order, so sometimes it's difficult to find the race you want, but they should all be there.

January 31, 2012, 03:10:02 PM
Reply #12
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Just off the top of my head I'm pretty sure I don't see warforged listed, and I KNOW I only have one rakshasa on the list.  I could get a more complete list later, when I'm at *my* computer.

EDIT:  Found my problem, had to move prc_races to the top of the hak list in the CC.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 11:56:53 AM by Siradein »