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Author Topic: Next PRC Update requests  (Read 33436 times)

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July 25, 2015, 10:31:59 PM

If there is some type of change to the PRC you would like to see you can make the request under here and the team will discuss it.

August 01, 2015, 02:06:36 AM
Reply #1
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If there is some type of change to the PRC you would like to see you can make the request under here and the team will discuss it.
can you use the Vampire subrace system as a guild to create a Vampire template for the PRC which can be added to your character at lvl 1 or/and as a class like the lich so as you gain lvl you unlock new ablilties


Can you post a detailed guild how to create a template and i will try to create it myself and send it to you.

August 02, 2015, 12:03:38 AM
Reply #2

can you use the Vampire subrace system as a guild to create a Vampire template for the PRC which can be added to your character at lvl 1 or/and as a class like the lich so as you gain lvl you unlock new ablilties


Can you post a detailed guild how to create a template and i will try to create it myself and send it to you.

I will run this by the rest of the team and see what we can do.

August 05, 2015, 04:45:58 PM
Reply #3
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First, I think it's great there is a team working again. Such dedication!

Second, I'd like to second the vampire idea. I've been seeing that request at least as long as I've been aware of the PRC (about the same time the third NWN I expansion came out, I think). At least some of the features are already coded, because they'd be the same as templates like necropolitan.

Maybe this is more of a bug report than a feature request, but some of the knight of the chalice feats don't work correctly. KOC is supposed to get fear immunity, which broadens to a field and then becomes immunity to enchantment (basically, mind-affecting spells). What happens instead is that KOC short-circuits the immunity a paladin already has to fear, then eventually substitutes its own, which only covers fear and never gets to enchantment.

I'm also seeing weird effects I'm not sure are PRC; they might just be bioware bugs, but I don't remember seeing them before. Some spells, like storm of vengeance, seem to work on characters even if they have immunity to 9th level spells. Cloudkill still reduces constitution in the same situation.

August 07, 2015, 11:19:03 PM
Reply #4
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Thanks for the reply i am glad to see that the PRC pack is still alive.
I notice with the new 1.71 patch that you can pick any of the PRC classes from lvl 1 with the normal creator, is there a workaround for the races as well besides the convo creator or is that impossible.

August 08, 2015, 02:07:17 PM
Reply #5

August 09, 2015, 06:48:50 PM
Reply #6
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My main criticism would be that there seemed to be a focus on being completely authentic to original D&D texts, to the point of confusion. My example would be Hellfire Warlock's prerequisites:

Entry Requirements

Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.

Language: Infernal.

I had to find the prerequisite 2da to make sure that "Knowledge (the planes)" meant Lore, and had to dig through prereq scripts to find that "Language: Infernal" meant that you needed to be able to cast Hellrime Blast or Brimstone Blast.

Just my two cents! Everything else I can think of is subjective; for example, I have made a few abilities free action to give NWN a more action-ey feel, but that is definitely my own twist on things and not something I'd ask the entire PRC to follow suit on.

August 21, 2015, 12:57:15 PM
Reply #7

First of all, it is sooo good to know that you are still there, guys!

Talking about new features, i would like to know, is it possible to implement Persistent spell (and its divine metamagic part)? I really do like playing a hit-'em-hard cleric, but there is just no way to do it right without this here lovely feat.

Perhaps a better implementation of a no-party-size-penalty-to-xp workaround could be amazing too. I've tried to do many things suggested somewhere on this forum, but it didn't work out well.

And, maybe, a Bone Knight PrC? (That one from the Five Nations, p. 117)

Thank you guys, and good luck!
Talking about templates, having a "Saint" template would be awesome. Yes, it is kinda overpowered, but a good one to have nonetheless.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 03:23:22 PM by Half-Virus »

August 25, 2015, 02:37:20 PM
Reply #8
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I had a go at changing stuff for my own playing around only... My list is probably missing things.

    Arcane Duelist - Mirror image and blur now cast in one round. (prc_ad_blur, prc_ad_mirror)
    Disciple of Baalzebul - Suggestion and beguile now cast in one round. (prc_baal_beguile, prc_baal_suggest)
    Disciple of Dispater - Iron body and ironskin now cast in one round. (prc_disp_irnskn, prc_disp_irnbdy)
    Disciple of Mephistopheles:
        Body of flame now gives the 10/+1 damage resistance advertised, instead of DR 1/- against magical and piercing. (bodyofflame)
        Hellfire shield now takes one round to cast. (hellfireshield)
        Flare now takes one round to cast. (hellflare)
    Drow Judicator:
        Command spiders - Commented out several debugging SpeakStrings. (prc_dj_comspider)
        Judgement - Now casts in one round (prc_dj_judgement)
    Duelist - acrobatic attack - Should now work. (prc_s_acroatk)
    Hathran - Fear now casts in one round (prc_hath_fear)
    Healer - All class abilities now cast in one round (prc_heal_blind, prc_heal_disease, prc_heal_fear, prc_heal_paral, prc_heal_poison, prc_heal_regen, prc_heal_res, prc_heal_restore, prc_heal_stflesh)
    Monk - Now gets correct PnP unarmed damage, as per,1802.0.html (unarmed_caller)
    Thrall of Orcus - Fear touch now casts in one round. (prc_to_fear)
    Warpriest - Mass heal, mass hate and healing circle now cast in one round (codi_s0_mashaste, codi_s0_masheal, codi_s0_healcirc)

    Epic spell reflection: Now reflects spells instead of giving immunity to levels 1-9. (ss_ep_spellrefle)
    Greater ruin: No longer ignores spell resistance. (ss_ep_gr_ruin)
    Ruin: No longer ignores spell resistance. (ss_ep_ruin)

    Ayialla's radiant burst: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now offers saves vs Good. (sp_ayialla_rb)
    Burning bolt: Now requires a ranged touch attack on every bolt. Can be used against non-enemies. Makes the right number of bolts appear when resisted. (sp_burnbol)
    Crushing fist of spite: No longer a summon, now does damage and moves around as per the description. It's rather powerful. (sp_crush_fs, sp_crush_fsai)
    Death by thorns: Now causes the target(s) to spasm rather than the caster. (sp_dth_thorns)
    Flame arrow: Now requires a ranged touch attack on every arrow. Makes the right nimber of bolts appear when resisted. (nw_s0_flmarrow)
    Hammer of the gods: No longer ignores mettle. (nw_s0_hammgods)
    Prismatic wall: No longer ignores (improved) evasion; now requires only one spell resistance pass to ignore. (sp_prism_walla)
    Prismatic sphere: No longer ignores (improved) evasion; now requires only one spell resistance pass to ignore. (sp_prismt_sphra)
    Prismatic ray: No longer ignores (improved) evasion. (sp_prismat_ray)
    Rain of embers: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now a saving throw vs Good, added some VFX as it was not obvious where the damage was coming from. (sp_rain_ember)
    Ring of blades: Now lasts 1 min/level instead of 1 round/level. (sp_ring_blds)
    Soul Scour: Now offers a will save vs Evil, as per the description. (sp_soulscour)
    Storm of shards: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now saving throw vs Good. (sp_strm_shard)
    Unliving weapon: Now kills the target (9999 magical damage as they are always undead), explosion now has a 10ft radius. (sp_unliv_weapon)
    Whirling blade: No longer causes the caster to run round meleeing everything. (sp_whrl_blade)

    Eldritch chain: Should no longer hit the same target twice, but it can't extend its jumping range by finding more targets.

    Psicraft now is displayed in the same manner as spellcraft. See psi_inc_psicraft for details. (changes to psi_inc_psifunc, psi_inc_psicraft; all psi_* scripts recompiled)

    Control objects: Now works, and uses PRCGetSpellTargetLocation, which factors in overrides. (psi_pow_ctrlobj)
    Empathic transfer, hostile: AoE augmentation option should no longer do nothing but throw a TMI error. (psi_pow_emptrnh)
    Energy cone: Commented out DrawLinesInACone as it created a lot of laggy VFX. (psi_pow_encone)
    Energy wave: Commented out DrawLinesInACone as it created a lot of laggy VFX. (psi_pow_enwave)
    Fate link: No longer throws a TMI error every time it's used.
    Share pain, forced: Now functions without extend power (as previously it did nothing unless extend was used). Augmentation now increases DC as per the description.

    Some strikes should now activate as expected if the target moves out of melee range during the activation time.
    Swordsage's recover maneuvers conversation now works. (tob_swd_rcrcnv)
    Martial lore:
        Is now displayed in the same manner as spellcraft. See tob_inc_martlore for details. (changes to tob_inc_martlore, tob_inc_move; all tob_* scripts recompiled)
        Swordsage's discipline focus now correctly applies a +2 bonus to martial lore checks of the same discipline. Previously, if the initiator was a swordsage, the DC required to determine the manuever being used was LOWERED by 2.

    Maneuver changes:
        (Note: "Improved AoE targeting" usually means that NPCs will be able to use it effectively).

        Absolute steel: Added visual effect when it triggers. (tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Adamantine bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_adbones)
        Adamantine hurricane: Improved AoE target selection, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_adamhr)
        Assassin's stance: Now affected by defensive stance, can no longer be dispelled. (tob_sdhd_assassn)
        Aura of chaos: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_chaos)
        Aura of perfect order: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_prford)
        Aura of triumph: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_triumph)
        Aura of tyranny: Improved drain target choices. (tob_dvsp_tyrnnya)
        Ballista throw: Now damages more than one secondary target, target now flies towards the secondary target(s), improved visual effects. (tob_stsn_blstthr)
        Blood in the water: Added more visuals. (tob_tgcw_bldwtr)
        Bolstering voice: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_blsrvca)
        Boulder roll: Now works. (tob_stdr_bldrrll)
        Castigating strike: Area damage/effects should now work, added visual effects based on user's alignment. (tob_dvsp_ctgstrk)
        Child of shadow: Added visual effects, both constant and when concealment is applied. (tob_sdhd_chldsdw, tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Clarion call: Improved AoE targeting, added trigger visuals. (prc_onhitcast)
        Claw at the moon: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_clwmn)
        Clever positioning: Now only teleports on failed reflex save, only rolls reflex save when attack lands; no longer offers will save and spell resistance after the reflex save; changed visual effects. (tob_stsn_vlcpstn)
        Clinging shadow strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_sdhd_clngshd)
        Colossus strike: Creature size now affects save DC, now knocks down on a failed save, and has visual effects. (tob_stdr_colostr)
        Comet throw: Now moves the target, added visual effects. (tob_stsn_cmtthr)
        Crusader's strike: Added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_crustrk)
        Crushing vise: Now works. (tob_stdr_crshvis)
        Dance of the spider: Now applies the effects of defensive stance, and can no longer be dispelled. (tob_sdhd_dncspdr)
        Dancing blade form: Improved visual effect. (tob_irnh_dncbldf)
        Dancing mongoose: Corrected feedback text, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_dncmon)
        Dazing strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_irnh_dazstr)
        Death from above: Added impact and arcing jump visuals. (tob_tgcw_dfa)
        Death in the dark: Added visual effect. (tob_sdhd_dthdrk)
        Deathmark: Added visual effect, tidyed AoE targeting. (tob_dw_dthmrk)
        Defensive rebuke: Added visual effects when the attacks of opportunity hit. (tob_dvsp_defrbka)
        Desert tempest: Added visual effects, improved target checking, different initiators using desert tempest at the same time will no longer interfere with each other. (tob_dw_dsttmpta)
        Devastating throw: Now knocks back and has visual effects. (tob_stsn_devthr)
        Diamond defence: Added some visual effects. (tob_dmnd_dmddef)
        Diamond nightmare blade: Added some visual effects. (tob_dmnd_dmndbld)
        Disrupting blow: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_drptb)
        Dragon's flame: Improved AoE targeting, also should now work. (tob_dw_drgnflm)
        Drain vitality: Now applies constitution drain on a failed save rather than a successful one, and only makes the saving throw roll when the attack lands. (tob_sdhd_drnvita)
        Earthstrike quake: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_stdr_erthstq)
        Elder mountain strike: Added visual effect.
        Emerald razor: Added a bit more eye candy. (tob_dmnd_emrazor)
        Enervating shadow strike: Added visual effects on failed save. (tob_enshds)
        Entangling blade: Added visual effects. (tob_dvsp_ntngle)
        Exorcism of steel: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_exostl)
        Feigned opening: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_stsn_fgnopn)
        Fiery assault: Added visual effect. (tob_dw_fryaslt)
        Finishing move: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_finishm)
        Fire riposte: Visual effect no longer permanent. (tob_dw_frrps)
        Five shadow creeping ice enervation strike: Added more visual effects. (tob_sdhd_fscies)
        Firesnake: Improved AoE targeting, visual effect now travels the full distance and snakes pleasantly. (tob_dw_frsnk)
        Flesh ripper: Improved visual effect.
        Flashing sun: No longer damages self; added visual effects; attacks now instant, as previously you could gain more by simply attacking two rounds in a row. (tob_dw_flshsun)
        Flanking maneuver: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_flnkmvr)
        Fountain of blood: Now makes an attack, improved AoE targeting. (tob_tgcw_ftnbld)
        Giant's stance: Now triggers defensive stance, added visual effects. (tob_stdr_giants)
        Girallon windmill flesh rip: Now tracks hits from different creatures separately so they they won't stack, added visual effect. (tob_event_girwfr, tob_tgcw_girwfr)
        Greater divine surge: Can now be used; descriptions of the add/clear constitution now the right way round; the add/clear constitution buttons now cast instantly; constitution drain no longer capped at 20; if immune to ability damage the bonus damage is not applied; constitution drain is now applied to the user rather than the target, and produces a visual effect when it happens. (tob_dvsp_dvnsrgg, tob_dvsp_dvnsrg2)
        Greater insightful strike: Added a bit more eye candy. (tob_dmnd_ginsts)
        Hamstring attack: Added visual effect.
        Hatchling's flame: Should now work. (tob_dw_htchflm)
        Hearing the air: Added visual effects, now works with defensive stance. (tob_dmnd_heara)
        Inferno blast: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_dw_infrnblst)
        Insightful strike: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_insght)
        Iron bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_irnbns)
        Iron heart focus: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_ihfoc)
        Irresistable mountain strike: No longer reports "iron bones hit/miss", added visual effect. (tob_stdr_irmstr)
        Island of blades: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_sdhd_islebld)
        Leading the charge: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_ldchrga)
        Leaping dragon stance: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_lpdrgn)
        Leaping flame: Now works, added more visual effects. (tob_dw_lpngflm)
        Lightning throw: Is now ranged, added visual effects. (tob_irnh_lgtthr)
        Lingering inferno: Added visual effect. (tob_dw_lngrinf)
        Martial spirit: Now heals non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Mighty throw: Now knocks back target, added visual effect. (tob_stsn_mgtythr)
        Mithril tornado: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_mthtrn)
        Mountain avalanche: No longer damages the user, and multiple initiators using it next to each other will no longer interfere. (tob_stdr_mtavla)
        Obscuring shadow veil: Added cessate negative. (tob_sdhd_obscvl)
        Order forged from chaos: Fixed speed bonus, improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_wtrn_ordchs)
        Overwhelming mountain strike: Corrected save DC, added visual effect. (tob_stdr_ovrmnt)
        Pearl of black doubt: Should now work, at least some of the time. It also will work with defensive stance. (tob_dmnd_prlbdt, prc_onhitcast)
        Prey on the weak: Now triggers defensive stance bonus, now works and can be removed, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_preywk)
        Quicksilver motion: Now works, and has visual effects. (tob_dmnd_qcksil)
        Rabid bear strike: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_rbdber)
        Rabid wolf strike: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_rbdwlf)
        Rallying strike: Added visual effects based on user's alignment; AoE healing should now work, healing is now properly capped at +15 per initiator level. (tob_dvsp_rlystrk)
        Revitalizing strike: Added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_revstrk)
        Ring of fire: Added visual effect, improved AoE targeting. (tob_dw_ringfire)
        Roots of the mountain: Improved targeting. (tob_stdr_rtmntna)
        Ruby nightmare blade: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_rubybld)
        Sapphire nightmare blade: Added visual effect. (tob_dmnd_snhtbld)
        Scything blade: Improved target finding, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_scythbl)
        Shadow blink: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_shblnk)
        Shadow garrote: Now only functions on living targets as per description. (tob_sdhd_shdgrrt)
        Shadow jaunt: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_sdhjnt)
        Shadow noose: Added stun visuals, now only functions on living targets as per the description. (tob_sdhd_shdnse)
        Shadow stride: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_shstdrd)
        Shield block: Added cessate positive. (tob_dvsp_shldblk)
        Soaring raptor strike: Enforced target size restriction, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_srrtpr)
        Soaring throw: Now moves target, added visual effect. (tob_stsn_srnthr)
        Steel wind: Secondary attack no longer hits friendlies, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_stlwnd)
        Steely strike: Added visual effects. (tob_irnh_stlystk)
        Stone bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_stnbns)
        Stone vise: Saving throw now reflex, now applies the effect on a failed save instead of a successful one, saving throw only made when attack connects, added isual effect. (tob_stdr_stnvise)
        Strike of perfect clarity: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_strpclr)
        Strike of righteous vitality: Now heals the user's allies instead of the target's, added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_rghtvt)
        Strike of the broken shield: Added visual effect. (tob_stsn_brkshld)
        Supreme blade parry: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_supbldp)
        Swarm tactics: Improved AoE targeting, removed need to be in melee range as that would stop it from working. (tob_wtrn_swarmta)
        Swarming assault: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_wtrn_swrmalt)
        Swooping dragon strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_tgcw_swpdrg)
        Tactical strike: Added visual effect, improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_tacstrk)
        Tactics of the wolf: Now correctly applies damage bonus of 1/2 per initiator level, improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_tctwlfb)
        Thicket of blades: Added hit visuals, improved target choice. Can now make more than one attack per round, but not more often than every 0.8s against the same target. (tob_dvsp_thkblda)
        Time stands still: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_timess)
        War master's charge: Relaxed BAB restriction to 0.7, enforced melee weapon requirement, improved AoE targeting, added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_warmtrc)
        White raven hammer: Added more visual effects. (tob_wtrn_wtrvnhr)
        White raven strike: Added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_whtrns)
        White raven tactics: Added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_wtrvnt)
        Wind stride: Corrected movement speed increase, added visual effect. (tob_dw_wndstrd)
        Wolf climbs the mountain: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_wolfcm)
        Wolf pack tactics: Now triggers the effects of defensive stance. (tob_tgcw_wlfpck)
        Wyrm's flame: Improved AoE targeting. Should also work. (tob_dw_wyrmflmt)
        Zephyr dance: Changed visual effects to be more exciting. (tob_dw_zphdnc)

    Racial spell like abilities now activate in a single round. (race_sla)
    Spell turning will no longer drain at approximately double speed. (Added additional argument to PRCGetSpellTargetObject, changed many ability scripts so that they wouldn't drain spell turning levels (such as smite evils)

Less obvious/behind-the-scenes changes:
    prc_inc_combat: Added a new mode flag (PRC_COMBATMODE_SKIP_MELEE_RANGE_CHECK) that causes the range check to be skipped for melee attacks, but not cleaves/circle kicks etc for obvious reasons. Used for whirling blade and ToB stuff - most of the scripts assumed the hit variable would be set immediately, but if the target backed away then the actual attack could be delayed causing the fancy on-hit effects to not apply.
        Whirling blade and all ToB strikes that have a condition on hit use this.
    prc_inc_combmove: Added a no knockdown argument for DoTrip. Setting sun throws were knocking enemies down before you could move them.
   Added new file prc_inc_events, included in inc_utils. Adds several new events (such as OnHealed, OnSave, OnSpellResistance...) which required changes in other scripts.

In an ideal world...
    The following would use AoE stuff (so need entries in vfx_persistant.2da)
        Crushing fist of spite
        Rain of embers

Somewhere I had a list of some TLK and 2da bugs that I didn't get round to fixing. If memory serves, the shadow sun disciple requires ranks in hide which aren't mentioned in the TLK strings. And the damage/healing touch ability can be spammed whilst paused to kill anything instantly.

August 25, 2015, 02:59:37 PM
Reply #9

First, I think it's great there is a team working again. Such dedication!

Second, I'd like to second the vampire idea. I've been seeing that request at least as long as I've been aware of the PRC (about the same time the third NWN I expansion came out, I think). At least some of the features are already coded, because they'd be the same as templates like necropolitan.

Maybe this is more of a bug report than a feature request, but some of the knight of the chalice feats don't work correctly. KOC is supposed to get fear immunity, which broadens to a field and then becomes immunity to enchantment (basically, mind-affecting spells). What happens instead is that KOC short-circuits the immunity a paladin already has to fear, then eventually substitutes its own, which only covers fear and never gets to enchantment.

I'm also seeing weird effects I'm not sure are PRC; they might just be bioware bugs, but I don't remember seeing them before. Some spells, like storm of vengeance, seem to work on characters even if they have immunity to 9th level spells. Cloudkill still reduces constitution in the same situation.

Thank you Calirion,
                              I truly appreciate any report of bugs, I will take note of the knight of chalice and the bugs you have reported, I will cake sure to see if we can find a way to make things work the way they should.

I will look into both storm of vengeance and cloudkill and immunity to 9th level spells, I personally don't use the immune to spell levels but I will see if I can figure a way to make this work properly .  :)

August 25, 2015, 03:03:20 PM
Reply #10

Thanks for the reply i am glad to see that the PRC pack is still alive.
I notice with the new 1.71 patch that you can pick any of the PRC classes from lvl 1 with the normal creator, is there a workaround for the races as well besides the convo creator or is that impossible.

I believe the 1.71 patch is somthing created by the communiyt member shaddow ( or is it shadoow?) , I will try and touch bases with him to see if we could possiably use his work to improve the PRC.  :)

August 25, 2015, 03:07:22 PM
Reply #11

'Flayer Slayer.,1676.msg7592.html#msg7592

I would love to see this added, I will try and contact Atalsen and see if anything was ever created, and if not I will see what I can do.

August 25, 2015, 03:10:20 PM
Reply #12

My main criticism would be that there seemed to be a focus on being completely authentic to original D&D texts, to the point of confusion. My example would be Hellfire Warlock's prerequisites:

I had to find the prerequisite 2da to make sure that "Knowledge (the planes)" meant Lore, and had to dig through prereq scripts to find that "Language: Infernal" meant that you needed to be able to cast Hellrime Blast or Brimstone Blast.

Just my two cents! Everything else I can think of is subjective; for example, I have made a few abilities free action to give NWN a more action-ey feel, but that is definitely my own twist on things and not something I'd ask the entire PRC to follow suit on.

Thank you for pointing this out, one of the things I want to do is make the PRC less confusing. I may need to find a way to update the Manual. :)

August 25, 2015, 03:13:51 PM
Reply #13

First of all, it is sooo good to know that you are still there, guys!

Talking about new features, i would like to know, is it possible to implement Persistent spell (and its divine metamagic part)? I really do like playing a hit-'em-hard cleric, but there is just no way to do it right without this here lovely feat.

Perhaps a better implementation of a no-party-size-penalty-to-xp workaround could be amazing too. I've tried to do many things suggested somewhere on this forum, but it didn't work out well.

And, maybe, a Bone Knight PrC? (That one from the Five Nations, p. 117)

Thank you guys, and good luck!
Talking about templates, having a "Saint" template would be awesome. Yes, it is kinda overpowered, but a good one to have nonetheless.

Thank you for all the suggestions, I will take note of each one and pass it along to the team. :)

August 25, 2015, 03:32:24 PM
Reply #14

I had a go at changing stuff for my own playing around only... My list is probably missing things.

    Arcane Duelist - Mirror image and blur now cast in one round. (prc_ad_blur, prc_ad_mirror)
    Disciple of Baalzebul - Suggestion and beguile now cast in one round. (prc_baal_beguile, prc_baal_suggest)
    Disciple of Dispater - Iron body and ironskin now cast in one round. (prc_disp_irnskn, prc_disp_irnbdy)
    Disciple of Mephistopheles:
        Body of flame now gives the 10/+1 damage resistance advertised, instead of DR 1/- against magical and piercing. (bodyofflame)
        Hellfire shield now takes one round to cast. (hellfireshield)
        Flare now takes one round to cast. (hellflare)
    Drow Judicator:
        Command spiders - Commented out several debugging SpeakStrings. (prc_dj_comspider)
        Judgement - Now casts in one round (prc_dj_judgement)
    Duelist - acrobatic attack - Should now work. (prc_s_acroatk)
    Hathran - Fear now casts in one round (prc_hath_fear)
    Healer - All class abilities now cast in one round (prc_heal_blind, prc_heal_disease, prc_heal_fear, prc_heal_paral, prc_heal_poison, prc_heal_regen, prc_heal_res, prc_heal_restore, prc_heal_stflesh)
    Monk - Now gets correct PnP unarmed damage, as per,1802.0.html (unarmed_caller)
    Thrall of Orcus - Fear touch now casts in one round. (prc_to_fear)
    Warpriest - Mass heal, mass hate and healing circle now cast in one round (codi_s0_mashaste, codi_s0_masheal, codi_s0_healcirc)

    Epic spell reflection: Now reflects spells instead of giving immunity to levels 1-9. (ss_ep_spellrefle)
    Greater ruin: No longer ignores spell resistance. (ss_ep_gr_ruin)
    Ruin: No longer ignores spell resistance. (ss_ep_ruin)

    Ayialla's radiant burst: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now offers saves vs Good. (sp_ayialla_rb)
    Burning bolt: Now requires a ranged touch attack on every bolt. Can be used against non-enemies. Makes the right number of bolts appear when resisted. (sp_burnbol)
    Crushing fist of spite: No longer a summon, now does damage and moves around as per the description. It's rather powerful. (sp_crush_fs, sp_crush_fsai)
    Death by thorns: Now causes the target(s) to spasm rather than the caster. (sp_dth_thorns)
    Flame arrow: Now requires a ranged touch attack on every arrow. Makes the right nimber of bolts appear when resisted. (nw_s0_flmarrow)
    Hammer of the gods: No longer ignores mettle. (nw_s0_hammgods)
    Prismatic wall: No longer ignores (improved) evasion; now requires only one spell resistance pass to ignore. (sp_prism_walla)
    Prismatic sphere: No longer ignores (improved) evasion; now requires only one spell resistance pass to ignore. (sp_prismt_sphra)
    Prismatic ray: No longer ignores (improved) evasion. (sp_prismat_ray)
    Rain of embers: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now a saving throw vs Good, added some VFX as it was not obvious where the damage was coming from. (sp_rain_ember)
    Ring of blades: Now lasts 1 min/level instead of 1 round/level. (sp_ring_blds)
    Soul Scour: Now offers a will save vs Evil, as per the description. (sp_soulscour)
    Storm of shards: No longer ignores (improved) evasion, now saving throw vs Good. (sp_strm_shard)
    Unliving weapon: Now kills the target (9999 magical damage as they are always undead), explosion now has a 10ft radius. (sp_unliv_weapon)
    Whirling blade: No longer causes the caster to run round meleeing everything. (sp_whrl_blade)

    Eldritch chain: Should no longer hit the same target twice, but it can't extend its jumping range by finding more targets.

    Psicraft now is displayed in the same manner as spellcraft. See psi_inc_psicraft for details. (changes to psi_inc_psifunc, psi_inc_psicraft; all psi_* scripts recompiled)

    Control objects: Now works, and uses PRCGetSpellTargetLocation, which factors in overrides. (psi_pow_ctrlobj)
    Empathic transfer, hostile: AoE augmentation option should no longer do nothing but throw a TMI error. (psi_pow_emptrnh)
    Energy cone: Commented out DrawLinesInACone as it created a lot of laggy VFX. (psi_pow_encone)
    Energy wave: Commented out DrawLinesInACone as it created a lot of laggy VFX. (psi_pow_enwave)
    Fate link: No longer throws a TMI error every time it's used.
    Share pain, forced: Now functions without extend power (as previously it did nothing unless extend was used). Augmentation now increases DC as per the description.

    Some strikes should now activate as expected if the target moves out of melee range during the activation time.
    Swordsage's recover maneuvers conversation now works. (tob_swd_rcrcnv)
    Martial lore:
        Is now displayed in the same manner as spellcraft. See tob_inc_martlore for details. (changes to tob_inc_martlore, tob_inc_move; all tob_* scripts recompiled)
        Swordsage's discipline focus now correctly applies a +2 bonus to martial lore checks of the same discipline. Previously, if the initiator was a swordsage, the DC required to determine the manuever being used was LOWERED by 2.

    Maneuver changes:
        (Note: "Improved AoE targeting" usually means that NPCs will be able to use it effectively).

        Absolute steel: Added visual effect when it triggers. (tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Adamantine bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_adbones)
        Adamantine hurricane: Improved AoE target selection, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_adamhr)
        Assassin's stance: Now affected by defensive stance, can no longer be dispelled. (tob_sdhd_assassn)
        Aura of chaos: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_chaos)
        Aura of perfect order: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_prford)
        Aura of triumph: Added visual effect. (tob_dvsp_triumph)
        Aura of tyranny: Improved drain target choices. (tob_dvsp_tyrnnya)
        Ballista throw: Now damages more than one secondary target, target now flies towards the secondary target(s), improved visual effects. (tob_stsn_blstthr)
        Blood in the water: Added more visuals. (tob_tgcw_bldwtr)
        Bolstering voice: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_blsrvca)
        Boulder roll: Now works. (tob_stdr_bldrrll)
        Castigating strike: Area damage/effects should now work, added visual effects based on user's alignment. (tob_dvsp_ctgstrk)
        Child of shadow: Added visual effects, both constant and when concealment is applied. (tob_sdhd_chldsdw, tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Clarion call: Improved AoE targeting, added trigger visuals. (prc_onhitcast)
        Claw at the moon: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_clwmn)
        Clever positioning: Now only teleports on failed reflex save, only rolls reflex save when attack lands; no longer offers will save and spell resistance after the reflex save; changed visual effects. (tob_stsn_vlcpstn)
        Clinging shadow strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_sdhd_clngshd)
        Colossus strike: Creature size now affects save DC, now knocks down on a failed save, and has visual effects. (tob_stdr_colostr)
        Comet throw: Now moves the target, added visual effects. (tob_stsn_cmtthr)
        Crusader's strike: Added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_crustrk)
        Crushing vise: Now works. (tob_stdr_crshvis)
        Dance of the spider: Now applies the effects of defensive stance, and can no longer be dispelled. (tob_sdhd_dncspdr)
        Dancing blade form: Improved visual effect. (tob_irnh_dncbldf)
        Dancing mongoose: Corrected feedback text, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_dncmon)
        Dazing strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_irnh_dazstr)
        Death from above: Added impact and arcing jump visuals. (tob_tgcw_dfa)
        Death in the dark: Added visual effect. (tob_sdhd_dthdrk)
        Deathmark: Added visual effect, tidyed AoE targeting. (tob_dw_dthmrk)
        Defensive rebuke: Added visual effects when the attacks of opportunity hit. (tob_dvsp_defrbka)
        Desert tempest: Added visual effects, improved target checking, different initiators using desert tempest at the same time will no longer interfere with each other. (tob_dw_dsttmpta)
        Devastating throw: Now knocks back and has visual effects. (tob_stsn_devthr)
        Diamond defence: Added some visual effects. (tob_dmnd_dmddef)
        Diamond nightmare blade: Added some visual effects. (tob_dmnd_dmndbld)
        Disrupting blow: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_drptb)
        Dragon's flame: Improved AoE targeting, also should now work. (tob_dw_drgnflm)
        Drain vitality: Now applies constitution drain on a failed save rather than a successful one, and only makes the saving throw roll when the attack lands. (tob_sdhd_drnvita)
        Earthstrike quake: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_stdr_erthstq)
        Elder mountain strike: Added visual effect.
        Emerald razor: Added a bit more eye candy. (tob_dmnd_emrazor)
        Enervating shadow strike: Added visual effects on failed save. (tob_enshds)
        Entangling blade: Added visual effects. (tob_dvsp_ntngle)
        Exorcism of steel: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_exostl)
        Feigned opening: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_stsn_fgnopn)
        Fiery assault: Added visual effect. (tob_dw_fryaslt)
        Finishing move: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_finishm)
        Fire riposte: Visual effect no longer permanent. (tob_dw_frrps)
        Five shadow creeping ice enervation strike: Added more visual effects. (tob_sdhd_fscies)
        Firesnake: Improved AoE targeting, visual effect now travels the full distance and snakes pleasantly. (tob_dw_frsnk)
        Flesh ripper: Improved visual effect.
        Flashing sun: No longer damages self; added visual effects; attacks now instant, as previously you could gain more by simply attacking two rounds in a row. (tob_dw_flshsun)
        Flanking maneuver: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_flnkmvr)
        Fountain of blood: Now makes an attack, improved AoE targeting. (tob_tgcw_ftnbld)
        Giant's stance: Now triggers defensive stance, added visual effects. (tob_stdr_giants)
        Girallon windmill flesh rip: Now tracks hits from different creatures separately so they they won't stack, added visual effect. (tob_event_girwfr, tob_tgcw_girwfr)
        Greater divine surge: Can now be used; descriptions of the add/clear constitution now the right way round; the add/clear constitution buttons now cast instantly; constitution drain no longer capped at 20; if immune to ability damage the bonus damage is not applied; constitution drain is now applied to the user rather than the target, and produces a visual effect when it happens. (tob_dvsp_dvnsrgg, tob_dvsp_dvnsrg2)
        Greater insightful strike: Added a bit more eye candy. (tob_dmnd_ginsts)
        Hamstring attack: Added visual effect.
        Hatchling's flame: Should now work. (tob_dw_htchflm)
        Hearing the air: Added visual effects, now works with defensive stance. (tob_dmnd_heara)
        Inferno blast: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_dw_infrnblst)
        Insightful strike: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_insght)
        Iron bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_irnbns)
        Iron heart focus: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_ihfoc)
        Irresistable mountain strike: No longer reports "iron bones hit/miss", added visual effect. (tob_stdr_irmstr)
        Island of blades: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_sdhd_islebld)
        Leading the charge: Improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_ldchrga)
        Leaping dragon stance: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_lpdrgn)
        Leaping flame: Now works, added more visual effects. (tob_dw_lpngflm)
        Lightning throw: Is now ranged, added visual effects. (tob_irnh_lgtthr)
        Lingering inferno: Added visual effect. (tob_dw_lngrinf)
        Martial spirit: Now heals non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_inc_tobfunc)
        Mighty throw: Now knocks back target, added visual effect. (tob_stsn_mgtythr)
        Mithril tornado: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_mthtrn)
        Mountain avalanche: No longer damages the user, and multiple initiators using it next to each other will no longer interfere. (tob_stdr_mtavla)
        Obscuring shadow veil: Added cessate negative. (tob_sdhd_obscvl)
        Order forged from chaos: Fixed speed bonus, improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_wtrn_ordchs)
        Overwhelming mountain strike: Corrected save DC, added visual effect. (tob_stdr_ovrmnt)
        Pearl of black doubt: Should now work, at least some of the time. It also will work with defensive stance. (tob_dmnd_prlbdt, prc_onhitcast)
        Prey on the weak: Now triggers defensive stance bonus, now works and can be removed, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_preywk)
        Quicksilver motion: Now works, and has visual effects. (tob_dmnd_qcksil)
        Rabid bear strike: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_rbdber)
        Rabid wolf strike: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_rbdwlf)
        Rallying strike: Added visual effects based on user's alignment; AoE healing should now work, healing is now properly capped at +15 per initiator level. (tob_dvsp_rlystrk)
        Revitalizing strike: Added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_revstrk)
        Ring of fire: Added visual effect, improved AoE targeting. (tob_dw_ringfire)
        Roots of the mountain: Improved targeting. (tob_stdr_rtmntna)
        Ruby nightmare blade: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_rubybld)
        Sapphire nightmare blade: Added visual effect. (tob_dmnd_snhtbld)
        Scything blade: Improved target finding, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_scythbl)
        Shadow blink: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_shblnk)
        Shadow garrote: Now only functions on living targets as per description. (tob_sdhd_shdgrrt)
        Shadow jaunt: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_sdhjnt)
        Shadow noose: Added stun visuals, now only functions on living targets as per the description. (tob_sdhd_shdnse)
        Shadow stride: Added puff visuals. (tob_sdhd_shstdrd)
        Shield block: Added cessate positive. (tob_dvsp_shldblk)
        Soaring raptor strike: Enforced target size restriction, added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_srrtpr)
        Soaring throw: Now moves target, added visual effect. (tob_stsn_srnthr)
        Steel wind: Secondary attack no longer hits friendlies, added visual effect. (tob_irnh_stlwnd)
        Steely strike: Added visual effects. (tob_irnh_stlystk)
        Stone bones: Added visual effect. (tob_stdr_stnbns)
        Stone vise: Saving throw now reflex, now applies the effect on a failed save instead of a successful one, saving throw only made when attack connects, added isual effect. (tob_stdr_stnvise)
        Strike of perfect clarity: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_strpclr)
        Strike of righteous vitality: Now heals the user's allies instead of the target's, added visual effect based on user's alignment, will now heal non-PCs if a hurt PC is not found. (tob_dvsp_rghtvt)
        Strike of the broken shield: Added visual effect. (tob_stsn_brkshld)
        Supreme blade parry: Added visual effect. (tob_irnh_supbldp)
        Swarm tactics: Improved AoE targeting, removed need to be in melee range as that would stop it from working. (tob_wtrn_swarmta)
        Swarming assault: Improved AoE targeting, added visual effect. (tob_wtrn_swrmalt)
        Swooping dragon strike: Improved visual effect. (tob_tgcw_swpdrg)
        Tactical strike: Added visual effect, improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_tacstrk)
        Tactics of the wolf: Now correctly applies damage bonus of 1/2 per initiator level, improved AoE targeting. (tob_wtrn_tctwlfb)
        Thicket of blades: Added hit visuals, improved target choice. Can now make more than one attack per round, but not more often than every 0.8s against the same target. (tob_dvsp_thkblda)
        Time stands still: Added visual effects. (tob_dmnd_timess)
        War master's charge: Relaxed BAB restriction to 0.7, enforced melee weapon requirement, improved AoE targeting, added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_warmtrc)
        White raven hammer: Added more visual effects. (tob_wtrn_wtrvnhr)
        White raven strike: Added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_whtrns)
        White raven tactics: Added visual effects. (tob_wtrn_wtrvnt)
        Wind stride: Corrected movement speed increase, added visual effect. (tob_dw_wndstrd)
        Wolf climbs the mountain: Added visual effect. (tob_tgcw_wolfcm)
        Wolf pack tactics: Now triggers the effects of defensive stance. (tob_tgcw_wlfpck)
        Wyrm's flame: Improved AoE targeting. Should also work. (tob_dw_wyrmflmt)
        Zephyr dance: Changed visual effects to be more exciting. (tob_dw_zphdnc)

    Racial spell like abilities now activate in a single round. (race_sla)
    Spell turning will no longer drain at approximately double speed. (Added additional argument to PRCGetSpellTargetObject, changed many ability scripts so that they wouldn't drain spell turning levels (such as smite evils)

Less obvious/behind-the-scenes changes:
    prc_inc_combat: Added a new mode flag (PRC_COMBATMODE_SKIP_MELEE_RANGE_CHECK) that causes the range check to be skipped for melee attacks, but not cleaves/circle kicks etc for obvious reasons. Used for whirling blade and ToB stuff - most of the scripts assumed the hit variable would be set immediately, but if the target backed away then the actual attack could be delayed causing the fancy on-hit effects to not apply.
        Whirling blade and all ToB strikes that have a condition on hit use this.
    prc_inc_combmove: Added a no knockdown argument for DoTrip. Setting sun throws were knocking enemies down before you could move them.
   Added new file prc_inc_events, included in inc_utils. Adds several new events (such as OnHealed, OnSave, OnSpellResistance...) which required changes in other scripts.

In an ideal world...
    The following would use AoE stuff (so need entries in vfx_persistant.2da)
        Crushing fist of spite
        Rain of embers

Somewhere I had a list of some TLK and 2da bugs that I didn't get round to fixing. If memory serves, the shadow sun disciple requires ranks in hide which aren't mentioned in the TLK strings. And the damage/healing touch ability can be spammed whilst paused to kill anything instantly.

Thank you Loggy,
                            this is exactly the type of reports I need. nicely detailed, I'll copy this list and pass it along to the rest of the team. :)