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Author Topic: Next PRC Update requests  (Read 33437 times)

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August 25, 2015, 05:40:13 PM
Reply #15
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I'll keep throwing more things here I remember changing at some point...

The provided epic spell AI script has multiple issues preventing it from working. I seem to remember it has the wrong sort of IDs in a few places in the script which mess the whole thing up, but I don't remember even how the internals of the epic spellcasting system work let alone exactly what needs fixing in the script itself.
The unique power script(s) don't use PRCGetSpellTargetObject/Location so can't be overridden.
I made lantern light actually shoot one ray per round with a ranged touch attack, and have ray visuals. Couldn't get the eye glow to work properly though.
The spell "darkbolt" does some really really weird stuff and fires way too many projectiles. I only found this one by accident with randomly generated scrolls/staffs.
Crisis of breath instant kill against invincible targets is a TMI loop where each iteration inflicts magical damage, causing the game to lag horribly. Having some kind of unified "kill target" function which does sensible stuff to the victim if they are immortal or whatever might be useful.
I had some rather curious issues with the PRC/CEP merge which made the epic gem animations appear when using rainbow burst or whatever the spell is that shoots rays of all different energy types.
Prismatic sphere doesn't like to go away or leave any visual effects. Didn't find the cause of this one.
I changed the spell resistance text from "target is affected by the spell" or whatever to look more like NWN vanilla and showing the rolls. Might be nice to have a switch to hide that for those who don't want to know what their enemy's SR actually is.
Exhalation of the black dragon (the single target one) seemed to do too much damage, it sometimes does a similar amount of physical damage to the acid damage but again the cause of this escaped me.
The "player time" switch I think it is sometimes causes odd bugs with timestop. I don't remember completely what happened but I think that the game used to become "frozen" in time stop with characters getting stuck repeating the casting animation until you paused/unpaused the game.

In case the spell turning issue isn't clear based on my description, the problem is that the process of casting one spell (especially via new spellbook system) results in so many calls to PRCGetSpellTargetObject that the spell turning levels will deplete very quickly. So I made an argument which described how to interact with spell turning and changed all the stuff in shared bits like the spellhook which would respect spell turning but not reduce the stored number of levels.

The 2 round casting was caused by the fake spell queuing. In the end I made DoRacialSLA look up the cast time of the real spell to see if it was necessary to do a fake cast or not.

The "targeting improvements" for tome of battle abilities made NPCs affect other NPCs with the positive effects rather than it seeking out just PCs. I probably changed it to use reaction types instead of PC-ness or something.

I'm sure more stuff will come back to me once I hit post...

Edit: I found a little to-do list. I know I had a few other notes scattered around but I can't remember where I put them.

Whirling blade: DelayCommand on each perform attack or TMI builds up so quickly
Melf's acid arrow description says it should not offer SR
Kapak draconians etc on death effects aren't in existence anywhere [or other races']
Holy aura doesn't do what the description says!
Gate: allow NPCs to get something random out of it
Allow NPCs to use true resurrection and other spells with a dynconv component
Hammer doesn't include a range check for some reason

2das: reduce lightning throw range
   scything blade shouldn't target self
   Flashing sun
   All cls_move_* need the realspellid of greater divine surge changing to 17467
Swap the StrRefs of 17465 and 17466, both need conjtime of 0 too, both should be selftarget only
   Descriptions/names for swordsage defensive stances and insightful strikes appear to be backwards
Warblade's stance mastery needs to let you turn off the first stance
Why do you have to wait 60s to recover maneuvers out of combat?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 05:45:52 PM by Loggy »

September 03, 2015, 11:58:07 AM
Reply #16
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Thank you Calirion,
                              I truly appreciate any report of bugs, I will take note of the knight of chalice and the bugs you have reported, I will cake sure to see if we can find a way to make things work the way they should.

I will look into both storm of vengeance and cloudkill and immunity to 9th level spells, I personally don't use the immune to spell levels but I will see if I can figure a way to make this work properly .  :)


The last part occasionally arises in modules that have items for spell immunity. Storm of Vengeance is tricky also in that it sometimes attacks members of the caster's party, even when the setting prohibit spells from affecting friendly targets, but I suspect that's some kind of bioware bug.

Another thing that might be nice if its doable is to substitute a list for the icons in the PRC spell scroll store, or at least a switch players can use if they want. I don't know about anyone else, but given the number of spells, I have a hard time finding the right one by staring at the icons, and I end up spending longer having to buy spell scrolls than I really want to.

September 11, 2015, 08:16:52 PM
Reply #17

That malonkey1 guy needs to finish his Incarnum stuff so it can be added!  :P

But seriously, I need to get back on that.
The eventual creator of the PRC Incarnum System!
23rd highest post count and counting!

September 12, 2015, 09:04:25 PM
Reply #18

That malonkey1 guy needs to finish his Incarnum stuff so it can be added!  :P

But seriously, I need to get back on that.

I think that would be awesome.  ;D

September 20, 2015, 12:05:34 PM
Reply #19
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One other thing I've noticed. The practiced invoker feat for warlocks does apply up to four levels to the invoker level (which it should), but it also unlocks higher level invocations earlier (which it shouldn't).

A long time ago (under the previous management), I was asked about the warlock prestige classes. Both eldritch disciple and eldritch theurge are only ten level classes. It might be nice to make them have an epic progression, like mystic theurge has. Also, I believe someone else suggested removing the turn undead prereq for eldritch disciple. The class requires turn undead but then gives turn undead at the first level, at least according to the description. If this is so, it would be nice to not require it to enter the class. There are some intriguing build possibilities involving classes like archivist and favored soul. The problem with eldritch disciple as it currently exists is that it depends upon too many different abilities. Wisdom is something a warlock can do without, but obviously a cleric can't. Being able to use a divine class that had charisma or intelligence as its spellcasting stat would make eldritch disciple more viable. Alternatively, if there were a feat divine spellcasters could take to get turn undead (and qualify for eldritch disciple), that would also work, though I'm not sure there is such a feat in PNP. I doubt it would be hard to code, though.

On the subject of warlock prestige classes, I've also become aware of an eldritch shadow prestige class (warlock-rogue blend). That would be cool, too, if anyone had time to make it. :)

September 21, 2015, 05:08:28 PM
Reply #20
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One other thing I've noticed. The practiced invoker feat for warlocks does apply up to four levels to the invoker level (which it should), but it also unlocks higher level invocations earlier (which it shouldn't)

September 21, 2015, 07:00:31 PM
Reply #21

[Cringe] What does the official [WotC geniuses!] material say? [/Cringe]
"This feat does not affect your invocations known . . ."
"This feat does not affect your invocations per day or invocations known . ."

The only reason I could think WotC would add that kind of juice (+invokes known) would be to get more folks playing invoke classes.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

September 25, 2015, 11:11:37 AM
Reply #22
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Interesting! Thanks for the clarification. It's nice to see you still pop by occasionally, XWarren.

September 25, 2015, 11:16:54 AM
Reply #23
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Another bug of long-standing it might be nice to address is a crafting one. I use arbitrary crafting (makes sense for the module I play most often, which features a lot of items with randomly generated attributes). Anyway, I can add the "On hit cast spell" to items successfully, but just plain "cast spell" always freezes the game when I attempt it.

I believe this may have something to do with the number of spells involved, since the attempt always generates a TMI error. the on hit routine only includes the most popular spells. It might be better to limit the list on "cast spell" too rather than not have it work at all.

September 26, 2015, 11:38:32 AM
Reply #24


RE: Dual progression invokers & pre-reqs

If you're putting in the work, should set whatever you want.

One option would be to take the current Invoke dual-ers up to ~ L30 with current Pre-reqs and call them "PnP," then come back with a home brew variant (no turn undead).

Samurai v. Samurai CW (Complete War?) & Shifter v. Shifter PnP, so PRC has done variants before.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

September 28, 2015, 06:51:30 PM
Reply #25

Currently a couple other bugs, not sure if they are mentioned above but didn't see them.

-Combat Sense for Knight of the Middle Circle has no script for the ability.
-Defensive Strike for Sohei does not give the +4 to AC as it should.
-The spells Armor of Darkness and Blacklight are not on any spell lists and not available as part of the Darkness Domain either.

September 29, 2015, 01:20:13 PM
Reply #26
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RE: Dual progression invokers & pre-reqs

If you're putting in the work, should set whatever you want.

One option would be to take the current Invoke dual-ers up to ~ L30 with current Pre-reqs and call them "PnP," then come back with a home brew variant (no turn undead).

Samurai v. Samurai CW (Complete War?) & Shifter v. Shifter PnP, so PRC has done variants before.

Lost Boy, I was making the requests because I don't know how to do the coding. At some point I may try to learn, but I don't have much time to spare right now.

Eldritch Disciple is a very odd case, because it requires turn undead to enter but gives a character turn or rebuke undead at first level. I thought that might be a mistake that crept into the PRC somehow, but online sources describe the class that way. The class uses turn undead attempts to power the gifts of the divine patron, so obviously the character needs it, but if the character gets it at first level in the class, why require it as a prereq? You can see why that bothered me, even if it is PNP.

That said, it may be the prereq is there to prevent a really overpowered character. 3.5 Warlocks, because of their inexhaustible eldritch blasts and invocations, are already pretty powerful. Connecting one with a charisma based divine caster might be too strong for a lot of mods. Perhaps trying to force a player into a MAD situation was a deliberate choice to avoid that problem.

September 30, 2015, 08:12:32 PM
Reply #27

WotC & logic?  ??? Glad someone still tries.

WL & Path of Shadow is uber. E-Blast can be a little one-tricky to play.

Change of subject to "Slayer." Calirion mentioned likely inclusion in next update. "Breach power resist" ( may be difficult on Bozo-ware monks.

Bozo-ware supposedly hardwired Monk SR to never change (See DMHS input from Sept 24, 2010,,776.msg3850.html#msg3850). Whoever is coding that one will need an override.

Too strong a build? Volrath and I are still trying to find that one!
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

October 02, 2015, 11:31:06 AM
Reply #28
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WotC & logic?  ??? Glad someone still tries.

WL & Path of Shadow is uber. E-Blast can be a little one-tricky to play.

Change of subject to "Slayer." Calirion mentioned likely inclusion in next update. "Breach power resist" ( may be difficult on Bozo-ware monks.

Bozo-ware supposedly hardwired Monk SR to never change (See DMHS input from Sept 24, 2010,,776.msg3850.html#msg3850). Whoever is coding that one will need an override.

Too strong a build? Volrath and I are still trying to find that one!

The link you provided suggests the Slayer can only choose psionic creatures as favored enemies, so only monks from psion races or multiclassed with psion classes would raise the issue.

Your statement raises an interesting issue. I think whether a build is too strong or not depends entirely on the module. A lot of them are just too limited to survive the addition of PRC features the developer didn't anticipate, or they're limited to pre-epic levels, or otherwise too constraining. I like to be able to play from level 1 to level 40. I like mods that have an overall quest but also feature random events and treasure to enhance replayability. I also like high gold, high XP to fund arbitrary crafting (though in a mod that included decent crafting services, I wouldn't bother with it). My person favorite is Endless Nights IV, but I've discovered a number of builds that make the ending too easy above about level 32. Fighter 1/COT 3/Warlock 36 blows pretty much any adversary away. Once you get epic feats Lord of All Essences (allows 2 EB essences at same time) Eldritch Sculptor (double EB and double distance) and Shadow Master (basically improved invisibility 24/7), you're good to go if you have enough protection (and Warlock 36 has a fair amount of innate DR anyway). EB with vitriolic essence (ignores spell resistance) and binding blast (stuns) will take out almost any adversary if the character can just stay standing. Foes with high reflex and will saves and/or acid immunity are tougher, but the non-warlock levels are in there to give the character four attacks per round (or seven with the right two-weapon fighting progression, and I always try to build that in for characters that can't use shields anyway), and COT is in there to endow all weapons with divine damage if a demilich or similar gets in the way. I've actually found a few other builds that are tough to beat at level 40. PRC World Ultimate used to be a nice option, but the developer didn't carry it past PRC 3.0, and I think the last version uploaded to the vault didn't work. :(

Since I know you've developed some badass builds over the years, that suggests you must know mods that stay tough through level 40 and are PRC compatible. Any suggestions?

October 02, 2015, 08:56:27 PM
Reply #29

RE: Dual Progression Warlock builds.

WL-Caster Dual progression might get out of hand v. Warlock-Manifester (Psi) Dual-progression classes (if WotC created). Epic casters can access Epic spells (Contingent Resurrection = try to kill me 4-5X), demilich templates and Lich prestige classes. WL-Psi types can't touch those.

A WL-Psi build will quickly reduced to a psionically defenseless (due to fast pp burndown) char that just fires EB's and unlimited full-heals. EB's are punked by high SR, so at least the WL-Psi has some weakness.

RE: Breach PR

Think the slayer ability can be activated v. any joker, as opposed to just favored enemies.

"A slayer of 8th level or higher can enhance her weapon with psionic might. Each successful melee attack (or ranged attack if the target is within 30 feet) she makes with her weapon against a creature with power resistance temporarily reduces its power resistance by 1. Unless the creature is slain, its lost power resistance returns all at once 12 hours later. This ability is active as long as the slayer is psionically focused."

Hope Breach PR can be implemented with PC's current (magical) weapons. Spellsword "Multiple Channel Spell" only worked with non-magical weapons. Can't hit anyone with non-magical wep.

Some psi-powers (Energy Current) could really use the monk-punk SR/PR capability.

Most uber-builds start getting out of control around L30. Typically where you get L10 Lich, demilich templates or Dev Crit / Perf TWF. WL+caster builds tend to peak VERY late (L16 WL for Path of Shadow + L21 caster for Epic Spells).

RE: Cool mod suggestions? Wish I had some. Just have PRC Char tester. Heard EN-IV is the best out there, too. Never installed bc don't have CEP.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist