So far this has the Admins and Dms scratching their heads on this one PW I'm playing a dread necro on. Running 3.3h I believe, I may be wrong even though they do have a post saying to update and override files to 3.3h.
I'm level 3 and have 16 Cha yet after I rest, I get the "You have no level 1 spells remaining" message no matter how many times I rest. I'm no script maker but I believe it may be the custom rest script they have in place [ Press the rest key and you start and stop rest just to get a conversational choice pop up of 1.REST 2.Emote option 3.Emote option 4.Emote option and so on. Choosing rest then lets you rest.] I'm not sure if that conflicting with the scripts or not. It's not just dread necros, i hear shamans and favored souls have somewhat the same issues with spell casting on the PW.
Any answers or solutions would be helpful to Admins and DMs on the PW I play on.