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Author Topic: Using personal_switch.2da  (Read 14399 times)

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March 09, 2017, 12:03:44 PM
  • Adept
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So really new to this whole PRC thing (if any of my other posts weren't clear enough).

Looking at customizing my game play by editing XP values to hinder me a little less in levelling, and enabling multisummon.

This is what I have currently in my override folder:


Code: [Select]
2DA V2.0

    SwitchName                              SwitchType SwitchValue
0  PRC_XP_USE_PNP_XP                        int        1           
1  PRC_XP_USE_BIOWARE_XPTABLE               int        1           
2  PRC_XP_SLIDER_x100                       int        100         
3  PRC_XP_PC_PARTY_COUNT_x100               int        100         
4  PRC_XP_DOMINATED_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
5  PRC_XP_HENCHMAN_PARTY_COUNT_x100         int        10           
6  PRC_XP_UNKNOWN_PARTY_COUNT_x100          int        0           
7  PRC_XP_SUMMONED_PARTY_COUNT_x100         int        10           
8  PRC_XP_FAMILIAR_PARTY_COUNT_x100         int        10           
9  PRC_XP_ANIMALCOMPANION_PARTY_COUNT_x100  int        10           
10  PRC_XP_MUST_BE_IN_AREA                  int        1           
11  PRC_XP_MAX_PHYSICAL_DISTANCE            int        100         
12  PRC_XP_MAX_LEVEL_DIFF                   int        5         
13  PRC_MULTISUMMON                         int        1
14  PRC_PNP_ANIMATE_DEAD                    int        1
15  PRC_CREATE_UNDEAD_UNCONTROLLED          int        1
16  PRC_CREATE_UNDEAD_PERMANENT             int        1
17  PRC_SLEEP_NO_HD_CAP                     int        1

I deleted most of the other lines so it was easier on my eyes while I was testing and such, plus I didn't think needed the other lines to ensure function.

My current problem is when i use the in-game PRC option to read the file, it seems* like the XP tables are altered, but the multisummon doesn't enable, I can still manually enable it and it seems to function correctly.

*My test for XP is simply loading using the PRC option and fighting a Mummy, which would give me 308 XP with 3 summons and 270 with 3 summons and my familiar. 540 was the base when I killed a Mummy on my own. So I guess the math works as alone i get 100% and when I am a party of 5, I got 50%, makes sense to me, I guess. Okay apparently it is sorta working, or not. I am honestly unsure. It appears my custom settings are being ignored entirely.

My values were based on this table I found earlier:

This is sample personal_switch.2da for PRC xp system. With switches set up in this way xp system will use default bioware xp tables and familiars, companions, summoned creatures won't affect experience points gained.

Code: [Select]
2DA V2.0

   SwitchName                              SwitchType SwitchValue
0  PRC_XP_USE_PNP_XP                       int        1           
1  PRC_XP_USE_BIOWARE_XPTABLE              int        1           
2  PRC_XP_SLIDER_x100                      int        100         
3  PRC_XP_PC_PARTY_COUNT_x100              int        100         
4  PRC_XP_DOMINATED_PARTY_COUNT_x100       int        0           
5  PRC_XP_HENCHMAN_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
6  PRC_XP_UNKNOWN_PARTY_COUNT_x100         int        0           
7  PRC_XP_SUMMONED_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
8  PRC_XP_FAMILIAR_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
9  PRC_XP_ANIMALCOMPANION_PARTY_COUNT_x100 int        0           
10 PRC_XP_MUST_BE_IN_AREA                  int        1           
11 PRC_XP_MAX_PHYSICAL_DISTANCE            int        100         
12 PRC_XP_MAX_LEVEL_DIFF                   int        5           
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 04:46:58 PM by Kyrnterra »