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Author Topic: Base Class: Psychic Warrior  (Read 9446 times)

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June 08, 2009, 11:31:59 AM

Gemini the Mind Mage (WIS based, aka the ?Wisecat?)

?Two minds are better than one?

Zakya Rakshasa, True Neutral, PsyWar 21 / CL 3 (War, Retribution) / Psy Theurge 16

Stats: Base [Race+Mods]
Str: 14 [ 26 ]
Dex: 12 [ 20 ]
Con: 10 [ 20 ]
Int: 14 [ 16 ]
Wis: 14 [ 24 ]
Cha: 14 [ 14]

Pro?s: 37th PsyWar, 23rd Cleric, High SR (race), decent base hp (456), ~100 AC buffed, high buffed saves & AB, epic spells, 20 PsyWar powers, 3 racial True Strikes, decent healing / regen spells, vampiric regen psi-power, no smites, hard to debuff psi-powers (L37 manifester + Dispelling Buffer), 25 - 66 hp retribution (Elem Shield + max Empathic Feedback) damage per strike, Form of Doom (+4X attacks [Str nerfed=WotC geniuses!], DR 5/-), extra Bite of Wolf attack, high pp for PsyWar (285 ? 345), medium-high Dev-Crit DC 38 (44 Max Str), Lower Spell Resistance (Fort) DC 44 (50 max Wis). 13 buffed & hasted attacks / round (3 +1 [Div Power] +1 [Haste] primary, 3 off-hand, 4 Form of Doom, 1 Bite) + potential TW-Rend, extended powers & buff spells.

Cons: no Ecto-Shambler, psi-focus (bogus?) mechanic (f-off, WotC!), fast Psi pp burn down @ max augment, quickslot shortage, easy to debuff Cleric & epic spells, only 3 unbuffed primary attacks / round

AB Stack: BAB +25, Str +8 (+14 Max Str), TWF -4, WFoc +1, EWFoc +2 (toolset) = +32 (+38 Max Str)

AB buffs (36): Off. Precog +13, Div. Favor +5, Div Power +5, Man o? Egr. Might +4, B-tide +2, Recitation +2, Reckless Off +2, Bless +1, Aid +1, Prayer +1

TWF AB 68 (32 + 36); 74 (Max Str)
Single WF AB 72; 78 (Max Str)

Deadeye Sense: +20
TWF 88 (68 + 20), 94 (Max Str)
Single WF 92; 98 (Max Str)

True Strike (3x racial): +20
TWF 108 (88 + 20), 114 (Max Str)
Single WF: 112; 118 (Max Str)

Misc: Masochism + X, enhancements +Y

AC stack (max buff, no items): 10 (Base) +22 Inertial Armor (Armor) +13 Force Screen (Shield) +13 Def Precognition (Insight) +13 Thicken Skin (Natural Armor) +10 Imp. Expertise (Parry) +9 Natural Armor (race) +4 Tumble + 3 Dex * (+9 Max) +2 Armor Skin * = 99 (105 Max Dex*)

Damage Stack: +13 Off. Prescience, +8 Str (+14 max), +10 Imp PA, +5 Div Favor, +2 Div Might (+8 Max) +2 B-tide, +1 Prayer + Y enhancements = 41 (51 Max Str & Cha)

Skill point ?Saves? allows for quick re-rolls. Strictly level 40 build. Save Skills, except as noted.

1 CL1: Practiced Caster (CL), Ext Spell (race bonus), W-Foc: Scim (War domain), +4 Conc, +4 Lore, +4 S-Craft, Save 8
2 CL2: Conc +1, Lore +1, S-Craft +1, Save 10
3 CL3: Power Attack, Conc +1, Lore+1, S-Craft +1, Save 12
4 PW1: Mod (1): Str (25), Imp. Power Attack (bonus)
5 PW2: (CL 3 / PW 2), Ambi-dex (bonus)
6 PW3: TWF
7 PW4:
8 PW5: Mod (2): Str (26), Cleave (bonus)
9 PW6: Gr Cleave
10 PW7: (CL 3 / PW 7)
11 PW8: Imp. Crit ? Scim (bonus)
12 PW9: Mod (3): Wis (17), Extend Power
13 PW10:
14 PW11: Imp. TWF (bonus)
15 PW12: (CL 3 / PW 12), Reckless Offense
16 PW13: Mod (4): Wis (18)
17 PW14: Expertise (bonus)
18 PW15: Divine Power
19 PW16:
20 PW17: (CL 3 / PW 17), Mod (5): Wis (19), K-down (bonus)
21 PW18: Over-Crit (Scim)
22 PW19:
23 PW20: Imp. Expertise (bonus)
24 PT1: Mod (6):Wis (20), Dev Crit (Scim)
25 PT2: (CL 3 / PW 20 / PT 2)
26 PT3:
27 PT4: Gr. TWF*
28 PT5: Mod (7): Wis (21)
29 PT6:
30 PT7: (CL 3 / PW 20 / PT 7), Two Wep Rend
31 PT8: +28 Conc, +28 Lore, +28 S-Craft, Save excess
32 PT9: Mod (8): Wis (22)
33 PT10: Imp. Manifest I
34 PT11:
35 PT12: (CL 3 / PW 20 / PT 12)
36 PT13: Mod (9): Wis (23), Imp Manifest II
37 PT14: Dump skill points: Conc, Lore, S-Craft, Tumble, Save excess
38 PT15: Imp Manifest III (bonus)
39 PT16: Epic Spellcasting
40 PW21: (CL 3 / PW 21 / PT 16), Mod (10): Wis (24), Imp Manifest IV, +43 Disc, top off Conc, Lore, S-Craft, Tumble

Skills: Conc: 43, Disc: 43, Lore: 43, S-Craft: 42, Tumble: 21

1) Expansion adds a good deal of damage to Bite of the Wolf and helps K-down. Expansion does not move Scimitar weapon class from medium (-4/-4 TWF) to light (-2/-2).

2) More AB buff?s possible ? Nobility domain (Gr. Heroism +4) and E-Prow (+1). Retribution damage (+24 - 29 hp) was chosen over less than 4% AB increase. Psi-points were chosen over E-Prow.

3) Build alternatives: change 7 mods from Wis to Cha and get Epic Div Might (+12 damage / strike, lasts twice as long). ED Shield would add 7 to AC: 106, 112 Max Dex.

4) * Gr. TWF was not on the PsyWar bonus feat list and could not be taken at PW 20 (pre-epic). Taking Gr. TWF as an Epic feat bumped Armor Skin off the list ? so +4 Dex was added to compensate for the loss of Armor Skin?s +2 AC.

5) Psi-Meditation (aka Psi Medi-Wasting) was intentionally not taken (BS 3.5 mechanic).

6) EWFoc is not available with War domain WFoc. EWFoc may be added via toolset.

7) Race was chosen over Illithid due to better natural AC, Con and Str bonuses.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 15, 2009, 10:06:06 PM
Reply #1

Download the Psy-War build .bic file here (until October 25, 2009, RIP FREE geocities):

« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 04:23:12 PM by ThE LoSt BoY »
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 26, 2009, 08:58:27 AM
Reply #2

MM_Wisecat zipped .bic
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 31, 2010, 09:39:56 PM
Reply #3

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

August 17, 2010, 09:06:13 PM
Reply #4

Updated with corrected bonus power points.

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

October 17, 2010, 01:01:50 AM
Reply #5

June 21, 2011, 10:20:13 PM
Reply #6

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist