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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Heirophant  (Read 9085 times)

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June 08, 2009, 12:24:12 PM

Priest of Graz'zt


str 10
dex 14
con 14
int 14
wis 16 -> 32
cha 8

Cleric 1 evil/darkness spell penetration, greater spell penetration, bluff 2, persuade 2, spellcraft 4, lore 4, concentration 4
Cleric 2 keep lore, concentration and spellcraft maxed and save the rest of your skill points
Cleric 3 Thrall to Demon
Cleric 4
Cleric 5
Cleric 5/ToG 1 Practiced Caster. Prioritize spellcraft, lore, hide, move silently, concentration, UMD
Cleric 5/ToG 2
Cleric 5/ToG 3
Cleric 5/ToG 4 Leadership
Cleric 5/ToG 5
Cleric 5/ToG 6
Cleric 5/ToG 7 Empower Spell
Cleric 5/ToG 8
Cleric 5/ToG 9
Cleric 5/ToG 10 Maximise Spell
Cleric 6/ToG 10
Cleric 7/ToG 10
Cleric 8/ToG 10 Spell Focus: Evocation
Cleric 8/ToG 10/Hier 1 Spell Power +2
Cleric 8/ToG 10/Hier 2 Spell Power +4
Cleric 8/ToG 10/Hier 3 Spell Power +6, Greater Wisdom I
Cleric 8/ToG 10/Hier 4 Spell Power +8
Cleric 8/ToG 10/Hier 5 Spell Power +10
Cleric 8/ToG 11/Hier 5 Keep taking Greater Wisdom up to Greater Wisdom VI then take Greater Spell Focus: Evocation or Epic Spell Penetration
Keep maxing Lore, Spellcraft, Hide and Move Silently. Spend the rest how you like.
Cleric 8/ToG 27/Hier 5

This build is pretty good for playing at all levels. You can start out as a melee character: buffing, wearing plate, a tower shield and wielding a morning star. Once you get a few ToG levels, you can switch to sneaking about and blasting away with Hammer of the Gods, which is transformed into a powerful spell by the ToG levels.

You only end up with 31 caster levels but the Spell Power +10 gives you an effective caster level of 41 plus 4 from penetration for overcoming SR. Spell Power +10 also gives you very good DCs making your spells hard to resist.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:24:25 PM
Reply #1

"Hang on! I'm on my way!"

Starting Attributes: STR (10+0)10 / DEX (14+6)20 / CON (14+0)14 / INT (12-2)10 / WIS (14+2)16 / CHA (14+0)14

Attribute Increases: WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS

Ending Attributes: STR 10[0] / DEX 20[+5] / CON 14[+2] / INT 10[0] / WIS 32[+11] / CHA 14[+2]

Fort/Refl/Will: +33/+28/+34

Hitpoints: 35d8 + 5*d6 + 40*2 = max 390

Armor Class: 23 (Dexterity Bonus +5) (Natural Armor +2) (Tumble +4) (mundane hardened leather +2)

Main Hand (mundane morningstar): +25/+20/+15
1d8 (20/x2)

- Spellcasting: Cleric Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, ignore armor-related chance of spell failure)
- Can/1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th level spells per day: 6/9(6)/9(6)/9(6)/8(6)/8(6)/7(5)/7(5)/6(5)/6(5)
- Domains: Healing, Renewal
- Caster Level 35 [Couldn't take Practised Spellcaster when I intended to, so not level 39]

Racial Feats
- Darkvision: Githzerai are able to see in the dark
- Spell Resistance: Innate spell resistance of 5, plus 1 per character level = 45
- Spell Ability: Daze, Can cast 3 times per day as 3rd level
- Outsider: Githzerai are considered Outsiders for the purpose of spells
- Human: Githzerai are considered Human for the purpose of spells

Character Feats
- Luck of Heroes
- Combat Casting
- Dodge
- Maximize Spell
- Augment Healing
- Lightning Reflexes
- Rapid Metabolism
- Armor Skin
- Spring Attack
- Epic Reflexes
- Great Wisdom I
- Great Wisdom III
- Great Wisdom V
- Practised Spellcaster (Cleric) [This does not seem to be selectable during Hierophant or Epic Cleric levels! so I took Epic Fortitude instead]

Cleric (Levels 1 - 20, 31 - 40)
- Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all armor, and shields
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 / level = 66
- Spend 4 points on Concentration (required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 37 points on Heal (8 required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 15 points on Lore (required for Hierophant)
- Taking Tumble to 20 (cross-class) ranks increases AC by 4
[When I tried this, I somehow came up 10 skill points short. Strange...]
- Class Feats
- Turn Undead
- Great Wisdom II
- Great Wisdom IV
- Great Wisdom VI

Combat Medic (Levels 21 - 25)
- Skill Points: 2 / level = 10
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Cleric level by 5 levels
- Class Feats
- Healing Kicker (sanctuary)
- Defensive Casting
- Field Healer
- Healing Kicker (Reflex saves)
- Mobility
- Evasion
- Healing Kicker (Aid)
- Spontaneous Heal

Hierophant (Levels 26 - 30)
- Skill Points: 2 / level = 20
- Class Feats
- Faith Healing: Healing is maximized against similar alignments
- Spell Like Ability (Healing Circle) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Mass Heal) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Greater Restoration) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Resurrection) 3/day
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:24:38 PM
Reply #2

Two required feats, and one required skill for this build.
Oozemaster: Great Fortitude Lore 7, lvl 3 spells
Hierophant: Any metamagic feat, Lore 15, lvl 7 spells

Oozemaster can be taken as early as level 6.

Race: Yuan-ti
Starting stats Finishing stats
STR 13 13
DEX 13 13
CON 13 13
INT 16 16
WIS 26 41
CHA 15 10

All stat bonuses went into Wisdom.
Skill Points:
I spent all my skill points on Concentration, Lore, heal, Spellcraft and Persuade. One point a level except oozemaster levels, where I didn't put any into persuade. Save the extra skill points on oozemaster levels, because persuade isn't a class skill.

Level Progression
1. Cleric 1 - Power Attack, Domains: Death, Plant
2. Cleric 2
3. Cleric 3 - Cleave
4. Cleric 4
5. Cleric 5
6. Cleric 6 - Extend Spell
7. Cleric 7
8. Cleric 8
9. Cleric 9 - Great Fortitude
10. Cleric 10
11. Cleric 11
12. Cleric 12 - Great Cleave
13. Oozemaster 1 - Minor Oozy Touch
14. Oozemaster 2 - CHA penalty -1, Oozy Glob 1x/day
15. Hierophant 1 - Practiced Spell Caster (Cleric), Spellpower +2
16. Hierophant 2 - Spellpower + 4
17. Hierophant 3 - Spellpower + 6
18. Oozemaster 3 - Weapon Focus (Morning Star), Minor Oozy Touch
19. Oozemaster 4 - CHA penalty -2
20. Hierophant 4 - Spellpower + 8
21. Hierophant 5 - Epic Weapon Focus, Spellpower + 10
22. Oozemaster 5 - Major Oozy Touch
23. Oozemaster 6 - CHA Penalty -3, Oozy Glob 3x/day, Indiscernable Anatomy
24. Oozemaster 7 - Vile Martial Strike, Major Oozy Touch
25. Oozemaster 8 - CHA Penalty -4, Oozy Glob 4x/day, Slime Wave
26. Oozemaster 9 - Major Oozy Touch
27. Oozemaster 10 - Armor Skin, CHA Penalty -5, Oozy Glob 5x/day, One with the Ooze
28. Cleric 13
29. Cleric 14
30. Cleric 15 - Great Wisdom I
31. Cleric 16
32. Cleric 17
33. Cleric 18 - Great Wisdom II
34. Cleric 19
35. Cleric 20
36. Cleric 21 - Great Wisdom III
37. Cleric 22
38. Cleric 23 - Great Wisdom IV
39. Cleric 24 - Great Wisdom V
40. Cleric 25

Very flexible build. Change any but two of the feats. You must put 15 points into Lore, but every other skill point is flexible. No reason you would have to follow the class selection level, as long you meet requirements for the Prestige classes. Even the Cleric domain selection can be changed.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:24:52 PM
Reply #3

Hello. here is a build that takes advantage of the changes to the cleric domains. It uses hierophant and water savant levels to increase the dc's on his spells. This char will be especially good with instant death spells (implosion, drown, disintegrate, mass drown). He'll also have a devastating reflex save based attack (cone of cold) in addition to the normal clerical reflex attack spells.

human, neutral good

5 cleric/30 water savant/5 hierophant

str 12 (4)
dex 8
con 14 (6)
wis 18 (16)
int 12 (4)
cha 8

domains: water, destruction

1. cleric: spell focus (evocation), greater spell focus (evocation)
2. cleric
3. cleric: extend spell
4. cleric: +wis
5. cleric
6. water savant: empower spell
7. water savant
8. water savant: +wis
9. water savant: maximize spell
10. water savant
11. water savant
12. water savant: spell focus (transmutation), +wis
13. water savant
14. water savant
15. water savant: greater spell focus (transmutation)
16. hierophant: spell power 2, +wis
17. hierophant: spell power 4
18. hierophant: silent spell, spell power 6
19. hierophant: spell power 8
20. hierophant: spell power 10, +wis
21. water savant: epic spell focus (evocation)
22. water savant
23. water savant: epic spell focus (transmutation)
24. water savant: epic skill focus (spellcraft), +wis
25. water savant
26. water savant: great wis 1
27. water savant: great wis 2
28. water savant: +wis
29. water savant: great wis 3
30. water savant: great wis 4
31. water savant
32. water savant: great wis 5, +wis
33. water savant: great wis 6
34. water savant
35. water savant: great wis 7
36. water savant: great wis 8, +wis
37. water savant
38. water savant: great wis 9
39. water savant: great wis 10
40. water savant: +wis

str 12
dex 8
con 14
wis 38
int 12
cha 8

max lore, spellcraft, concentration

implosion: will have no immunity in nwn 1.66 patch. destruction domain
gives implosion at lvl 8
10 base
9 spell level
20 wis
6 focus feats
10 hierophant levels
3 implosion extra added punch

mass drown: larger area than implosion, works on all living creatures (no undead, constructs, etc...)
10 base
9 spell level
20 wis
6 focus feats
10 hierophant levels
55 (the script for this is bugged as far as I can tell in the release prc version)
It does not add hierophant bonus dc, plus the spell is in the conjuration school instead of transmutation as the documentation says (and normal drown is there). so dc is really only 39 with prc 2.2

disintegrate: instant death for single target, no immunity for this one afaict
10 base
6 spell level
20 wis
6 focus feats
10 hierophant levels

drown: single target instant death, constructs/undead immune
10 base
7 spell level
20 wis
6 focus feats
10 hierophant levels

cone of cold: reflex based nuke. very high dc on this one thanks to water savant levels
10 base
5 spell level
20 wis
6 focus feats
10 hierophant levels
10 water savant levels

excellent dc's for good damaging and instant death spells
40 caster levels, should not have much trouble with enemy sr
has instant death spells for every occasion (disintegrate/implosion (after patch) for undead/constructs), even hits guys with spell immunity to necromancy spells, since all killers are evocation/transmutation.
elemental savant defensive bonuses (immune to crits/mind spells/poison/stun/etc...)

low ab due to water savant levels, divine power makes up for this, but +20 ab enhancement limit will effect things
poor elemental flexibility (compared to archmage for example). If enemy is cold immune, you must use death magic against it or weak fire/divine cleric spells.
carrying capacity may be a problem. 12 str is just enough to carry armor/shield. you'll probably need magic bags to carry loot.
low hps. better kill them quickly before they swarm you.
vulnerable to dispells (lose fire immunity from spell to offset class weakness)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:25:16 PM
Reply #4

This is definitely NOT an arena character.
She is, on one hand, the incarnation of beauty, grace and sensuality but, on the other hand, if she gets angry she can pull you up 30cm from the ground using a single arm or burn you down into ashes.

At level 24, she has 6 implosions DC26/day and 7 fire storms DC26/day, a +5 bastard sword 17-20 crit (15-20 if keen) with immolation and a +5 armor.

bastard sword or katana (keen)
full plate
tower shield

race: human
alignment: CG
godess: Sune
domains: protection, good

STR 14
DEX 13
CON 11
INT 10
WIS 15
CHA 14

lv class feats
1 cleric 1 dodge, mobility
2 cleric 2
3 cleric 3 weapon proficency: exotic
4 cleric 4 WIS+1
5 cleric 5
6 cleric 6 spell focus: enchantment
7 heartwarder 1
8 heartwarder 2 WIS+1
9 heartwarder 3 empower spell
10 heartwarder 4
11 heartwarder 5
12 heartwarder 6 power attack, WIS+1
13 heartwarder 7
14 heartwarder 8
15 cleric 7 divine shield
16 heartwarder 9 WIS+1
17 hierophant 1 flame strike
18 cleric 8 extra turning
19 hierophant 2 spell power +2
20 hierophant 3 spell power +4, CHA+1
21 cleric 9 divine wrath
22 hierophant 4 spell power +6
23 hierophant 5 implosion
24 heartwarder 10 improved critical: bastard sword, CHA+1

She uses empowered eagle splendor, emp bull's strength, emp vigor, emp owl's wisdom and can cast divine shield, divine wrath, flame storm and implosion as they were peanuts :shock:

At higher levels (as cleric) she will pick up epic spell focus: evocation and use everything else tu pump up charisma.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:25:28 PM
Reply #5



Str 8
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 15

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Evil Brand, Lich Loved
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Thrall to Demons, Wep Focus:XX*(bonus feat)
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Cha
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence:XX*(bonus feat)
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Corpsecrafter (lore 4)
7 - Orcus 1 Heavy Armour
8 - Orcus 2 +1Con
9 - Orcus 3 Deadly Chill
10 - Orcus 4 Deform:Obese
11 - Orcus 5 Minor Undead Summon
12 - Orcus 6 +1Con, Destruction Retribution
13 - Orcus 7
14 - Orcus 8
15 - Orcus 9 Extend Spell, Major Undead Summon
16 - Orcus 10 +1Cha, Summon Nightwing
17 - Favoured Soul 7
18 - Favoured Soul 8 Hardened Flesh
19 - Favoured Soul 9 (Lore 15)
20 - Hierophant 1 +1 Cha, Spell Like Abilitie I

Str 8
Dex 10
Con 18
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 18

Skills 69
Lore 15
Spellcraft 21
Concentrate 23(27)
Tumble 5(-13 in armour)

Fort 19(23)
Reflex 9(13)
Will 18(22)

AC 22(fullplate+tower)
HP 200(got 199 without rerolls heh)
BAB 16
AB 17/12/7/2
1-4-1 20x2

~Applied to Summoned Undead~
Corpse Crafter - 4 to Strength and +2 Hit points per Hit Die.
Deadly Chill - +1d6cold
Destruction Retribution - OnDeath 1d6+1d6/2hitdie in 10' radius Reflex DC 15 half. Heals undead
Hardened Flesh - +2AC

~Not in build but can be put in instead of the above three(not corpse crafter)~
Nimble Bones - Imp Initiative, 10 foot speed increase
Bolster Resistance - +4 Turn Resistance

Minor Summon Level 20 Undead AC28,AB 19/14(2-12+9+1d6cold),HP 153/113 @ level 11
Major Summon Level 25 Undead AC30,AB 25/20(2-12+12+1d6cold),HP 226/176 @ level 15
Nightwing Level Undead15/Monk1 AC38,AB 21/18/15(2-12+14+1d6cold),HP 364/332, Self Conceal V @ level 16

3xSpell Like Abilities
1xPallor of Death Fear aura 10 mins DC 20 Will
3xTouch of Fear DC24 Will
(unlimited) Death Touch DC24 fort
(unlimited) Carrion Stench DC24 fort in a 10' Aura
Level 7 spells as a 14 caster
Thrall to Demon +20HP for 9 seconds
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

September 18, 2010, 10:36:45 PM
Reply #6

June 21, 2011, 10:17:46 PM
Reply #7

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist