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Author Topic: Base Class: CW Samurai  (Read 4361 times)

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June 08, 2009, 11:32:39 AM

He Who Walked Among Us - SamuraiCW16/BG3/GFK21
Strongheart Halfling
Lawful Evil

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 14

1 - SamuraiCW 1 Power Attack, Cleave
2 - SamuraiCW 2
3 - SamuraiCW 3 Weapon Finesse
4 - SamuraiCW 4 +1Dex
5 - SamuraiCW 5
6 - SamuraiCW 6 Force of Personality
7 - SamuraiCW 7 Hide 5
8 - BG 1 +1Dex
9 - BG 2 AmbiDex
10 - SamuraiCW 8(GFK prereq skills)
11 - GFK 1
12 - BG 3 +1Cha, Divine Might
13 - GFK 2
14 - GFK 3
15 - GFK 4 Imp Crit:Short Sword
16 - GFK 5 +1Cha
17 - GFK 6
18 - GFK 7 Weapon Focus:Short Sword
19 - GFK 8
20 - SamuraiCW 9 +1Cha
*no loss in bab,-1fort/+2ref,will for having odd levels
21 - SamuraiCW 10 Divine Shield
22 - SamuraiCW 11
23 - GFK 9
24 - GFK 10 +Cha, Epic Wep Focus
25 - SamuraiCW 12
26 - SamuraiCW 13
27 - SamuraiCW 14 Epic Prowess
28 - SamuraiCW 15 +1Cha
29 - SamuraiCW 16
30 - GFK 11 Disciple of Darkness
31 - GFK 12
32 - GFK 13 +1Cha
33 - GFK 14 Armourskin
34 - GFK 15
35 - GFK 16
36 - GFK 17 +1Dex, Greater Dex I
37 - GFK 18
38 - GFK 19
39 - GFK 20 Greater Dex II
40 - GFK 21 +1Dex

Str 13
Dex 24
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 20

Skills 171
Disc 20(21)
Intim 43(52)
Spellcraft 20
Tumble 40

Fort 30
Reflex 28
Will 26

AC 27(29fullplate)
HP 358
BAB 30
AB 38/33/28/23 38/33/28
1-6+1 17-20x2

Sneak Attack 7d6
Mass Staredown(Intim 56 V DC 1d20+HitDie+wisMod)
Disciple of Darkness(As Spell Truestrike)
Ghost Sight(Perma See Invis)
8 Divine Might/Shield(+5AB/AC 2min duration total)
3xKiai Smite(+5AB/damage)
1xSmite Good(+5AB/+3damage)
7 Ghost Steps(only form of natural "hiding")
7Frightful Attacks(WillDC36, +1per power attack level against onlookers)
11 Initiative
Can wear any armour/shield, shield will give +4 AB too due to small size and dual wield medium sized
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.