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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Combat Medic  (Read 6911 times)

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June 08, 2009, 11:42:19 AM

"Keep me alive and I'll do the same for you."

Race: Elf

Level 1:
Class: Cleric
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 14
Discipline 2
Lore 4
Domains: Healing, Renewal

Level 2:
+2 lore

Level 3:
+1 discipline
Combat Casting

Level 4:
+1 wisdom
+1 concentration
+1 lore

Level 5:
+1 discipline

Level 6:
+1 concentration
+1 heal

Level 7:
+1 discipline

Level 8:
Class: Hospitaler
+2 heal

Level 9:
+2 heal
Extend Spell

Level 10:
+2 heal
Spring Attack

Level 11:
+2 heal

Level 12:
Class: Combat Medic
+1 wisdom
+2 heal
Empower Spell

Level 13:
+2 heal

Level 14:
+2 heal

Level 15:
+2 heal

Level 16:
Class: Hospitaler
+1 wisdom
+2 heal
Brew Potion

Level 17:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 18:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Empower Turning

Level 19:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 20:
+1 wisdom
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Lightning Reflexes

Level 21:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 22:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 23:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 24:
Class: Combat Medic
+1 wisdom
+1 heal
+1 concentration
Epic Toughness I

Level 25:
Class: Hospitaler
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness II

Level 26:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 27:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Augment Healing

Level 28:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness III

Level 29:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 30:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness IV

Level 31:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness V

Level 32:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 33:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VI

Level 34:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VII

Level 35:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 36:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VIII

Level 37:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness IX

Level 38:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

I stopped here because it wouldn't let me continue with a message saying "You cannot take this class as it will break your spellcasting."

While building this, I noticed the hit points were rather low for a d8 class. I don't know why this was, so I took a bunch of epic toughness feats to make up for the low rolls. I didn't reroll for maximum hit points. Someone who does reroll might opt to replace some of the epic toughness feats for other feats they may find useful.

This class is all about patching up problems. Lay on hands, remove disease, and the kicker feats (spontaneous heal included) plus a high heal skill make this class a winner for any party needing a healer. Memorize "mass" cure spells as much as possible, but remember to keep a few "remove x" and "ressurection" and such plus some party favorite buffs on hand.

If you enjoy playing the party band-aid, this is the build to play. Just don't try to solo or tank too much with it unless you really know what you're doing.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 11:42:38 AM
Reply #1

Title: Runecrafter of the Healing Earth
Race: Earth Genasi
Base Class: Cleric
Alignment: True Neutral
Deity: Grumbar
Domains: Earth, Metal
Favoured Weapon: Warhammer

Starting Stats: Strength 15, Dexterity 13, Constitution 15, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6
Ending Stats: Strength 16, Dexterity 14, Constitution 16, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 20, Charisma 6

Main Skills: Craft Armour 43, Heal 61, Spellcraft 43
Minor Skill: Concentration 19

Build: Cleric lvl23/Combat Medic lvl05/Runecaster lvl10

Level Progression:
01. Cleric: Augment Healing
Concentration +4, Heal +4, Craft Armour +4
02. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
03. Cleric: Combat Casting
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
04. Cleric: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
05. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
06. Cleric: Dodge
Spellcraft +3

07. Combat Medic:
Heal +2, Spellcraft +1
08. Combat Medic: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Craft Armour +2
09. Combat Medic: Inscribe Rune
Heal +1, Craft Armour +2
10. Combat Medic:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
11. Combat Medic:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1

12. Runecaster: Wisdom +1, Weapon Proficiency (Martial)
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
13. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
14. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
15. Runecaster: Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
16. Runecaster: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1

17. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
18. Cleric: Expertise
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
19. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
20. Cleric: Strength +1
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
21. Cleric: Armour Skin
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1

22. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
23. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
24. Runecaster: Constitution +1, Epic Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
25. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
26. Runecaster:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1

27. Cleric: Epic Skill Focus (Heal)
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
28. Cleric: Intelligence +1
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +2
29. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +2
30. Cleric: Toughness
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +2
31. Cleric:
Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +2
32. Cleric: Dexterity +1
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +2
33. Cleric: Craft Magic Arms and Armour
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
34. Cleric:
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
35. Cleric:
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
36. Cleric: Wisdom +1, Epic Toughness I
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
37. Cleric:
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1
38. Cleric: Great Wisdom I
Concentration +1, Heal +1, Craft Armour +1, Spellcraft +1

HP: 418
AC: 14
AB: +24/+19/+14 (bare-handed)
BAB: 21
Fortitude: 24
Reflex: 19
Will: 26

? +10 saving throws against acid and earth based spells
? 10 uses of Healing Kicker (Sanctuary), (Reflex Save) and (Aid)
? Able to craft runes, maximize runes, chant runes, and pretty much everything else which involves runes
? Evasion
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 11:42:52 AM
Reply #2

"Hang on! I'm on my way!"

Starting Attributes: STR (10+0)10 / DEX (14+6)20 / CON (14+0)14 / INT (12-2)10 / WIS (14+2)16 / CHA (14+0)14

Attribute Increases: WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS

Ending Attributes: STR 10[0] / DEX 20[+5] / CON 14[+2] / INT 10[0] / WIS 32[+11] / CHA 14[+2]

Fort/Refl/Will: +33/+28/+34

Hitpoints: 35d8 + 5*d6 + 40*2 = max 390

Armor Class: 23 (Dexterity Bonus +5) (Natural Armor +2) (Tumble +4) (mundane hardened leather +2)

Main Hand (mundane morningstar): +25/+20/+15
1d8 (20/x2)

- Spellcasting: Cleric Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, ignore armor-related chance of spell failure)
- Can/1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th level spells per day: 6/9(6)/9(6)/9(6)/8(6)/8(6)/7(5)/7(5)/6(5)/6(5)
- Domains: Healing, Renewal
- Caster Level 35 [Couldn't take Practised Spellcaster when I intended to, so not level 39]

Racial Feats
- Darkvision: Githzerai are able to see in the dark
- Spell Resistance: Innate spell resistance of 5, plus 1 per character level = 45
- Spell Ability: Daze, Can cast 3 times per day as 3rd level
- Outsider: Githzerai are considered Outsiders for the purpose of spells
- Human: Githzerai are considered Human for the purpose of spells

Character Feats
- Luck of Heroes
- Combat Casting
- Dodge
- Maximize Spell
- Augment Healing
- Lightning Reflexes
- Rapid Metabolism
- Armor Skin
- Spring Attack
- Epic Reflexes
- Great Wisdom I
- Great Wisdom III
- Great Wisdom V
- Practised Spellcaster (Cleric) [This does not seem to be selectable during Hierophant or Epic Cleric levels! so I took Epic Fortitude instead]

Cleric (Levels 1 - 20, 31 - 40)
- Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all armor, and shields
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 / level = 66
- Spend 4 points on Concentration (required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 37 points on Heal (8 required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 15 points on Lore (required for Hierophant)
- Taking Tumble to 20 (cross-class) ranks increases AC by 4
[When I tried this, I somehow came up 10 skill points short. Strange...]
- Class Feats
- Turn Undead
- Great Wisdom II
- Great Wisdom IV
- Great Wisdom VI

Combat Medic (Levels 21 - 25)
- Skill Points: 2 / level = 10
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Cleric level by 5 levels
- Class Feats
- Healing Kicker (sanctuary)
- Defensive Casting
- Field Healer
- Healing Kicker (Reflex saves)
- Mobility
- Evasion
- Healing Kicker (Aid)
- Spontaneous Heal

Hierophant (Levels 26 - 30)
- Skill Points: 2 / level = 20
- Class Feats
- Faith Healing: Healing is maximized against similar alignments
- Spell Like Ability (Healing Circle) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Mass Heal) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Greater Restoration) 3/day
- Spell Like Ability (Resurrection) 3/day
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 11:43:03 AM
Reply #3

"Feel the healing power of nature!"

Starting Attributes: STR (8-4)4 / DEX (14+8)22 / CON (14+0)14 / INT (10+6)16 / WIS (18+4)22 / CHA (8+6)14

Attribute Increases: WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS, WIS

Ending Attributes: STR 4[-3] / DEX 22[+6] / CON 14[+2] / INT 16[+3] / WIS 32[+11] / CHA 14[+2]

Fort/Refl/Will: +25/+29/+34 (+2 against Fear spells and effects)

Hitpoints: 27d8+ 11*d6 + 38*2 = max 358

Armor Class: 26 (Size Bonus +1) (Dexterity Bonus +6) (Natural Armor +3) (Tumble +4) (mundane hardened leather +2)

Main Hand (mundane sling): +32/+27/+22 (+2 more in Wilderness areas)
1d4 - 3 (20/x2)

- Spellcasting: Druid Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, ignore armor-related chance of spell failure)
- Can/1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th level spells per day: 6/7(5)/7(5)/7(5)/6(5)/6(5)/6(4)/6(4)/5(4)/5(4)
- Bonus Domain Spells (Healing and Renewal domains) add to these?
- Caster Level 38 (cannot achieve level 39 due to BioBug)
- Can learn and cast Epic spells

Racial Feats
- Darkvision: Pixies are able to see in the dark
- Small Stature
- +1 size bonus to attack rolls
- +1 size bonus to AC
- +4 size bonus to Hide checks
- Dodge: The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks from his current target or last attacker
- Spell Resistance: Innate spell resistance of 15, plus 1 per character level = 53
- Natural Armor Bonus: Racial natural armor bonus of 1
- Skill Affinity (Spot): +2 racial bonus to Spot checks
- Skill Affinity (Search): +2 racial bonus to Search checks
- Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus to Listen checks
- Damage Reduction: Innate damage reduction of 10/+1
- Spell Ability - Invisibility: Can cast as level 8 at will
- Spell Ability - Lesser Dispel: Can cast once per day as level 8 once per day
- Spell Ability - Entangle: Can cast once per day as level 8 once per day
- Spell Ability - Confusion: Can cast once per day as level 4 once per day
- Spell Ability - Polymorph Self: Can polymorph once per day
- Fey: Pixies count as Fey for the purpose of spells

Character Feats
- Luck of Heroes
- Combat Casting
- Skill Focus (Heal)
- Lightning Reflexes
- Skill Focus (Concentration)
- Augment Healing [Not available? So I took Exalted Companion instead]
- Natural Spell [Not available? So I took Storm Magic instead]
- Armor Skin
- Spring Attack
- Improved Combat Casting
- Epic Skill Focus (Heal)
- Epic Reflexes
- Epic Skill Focus (Concentration)

Druid (Levels 1 - 20, 32 - 38)
- Proficiencies: Proficient with druidic weapons, as well as light and medium armor and shields
- Ex-Druids: A druid who is no longer neutral cannot gain levels.
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 7 / level = 182
- Spend at least 25 points on Concentration (required for Combat Medic and Improved Combat Casting)
- Spend at least 20 points on Heal (required for Combat Medic and Epic Skill Focus(Heal))
- Taking Tumble to 20 ranks increases AC by 4
- Class Feats
- Animal Companion
- Infinite Elemental Shape: At level 26 the druid is able to shift into elemental shape at will. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level.
- Nature Sense: The druid gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls made while fighting in wilderness areas.
- Resist Nature's Lure
- Trackless Step
- Venom Immunity
- Infinite Wild Shape: can take the shape of an animal at will. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level.
- Woodland Stride: Immune to the Grease, Web, and Entangle spells.
- Great Wisdom I [If character level 40 could be reached, I'd choose Dragon Shape instead]

Combat Medic (Levels 21 - 25)
- Skill Points: 5 / level = 25
- Spend at least 13 points on Lore (required for Contemplative)
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Druid level by 5 levels
- Class Feats
- Healing Kicker (sanctuary)
- Defensive Casting
- Field Healer
- Healing Kicker (Reflex saves)
- Mobility
- Evasion
- Healing Kicker (Aid)
- Spontaneous Heal

Contemplative (Levels 26 - 31)
- Skill Points: 5 / level = 35
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Druid level by 6 levels
- Class Feats
- Bonus Domain (Healing)
- Divine Health: The contemplative is immune to disease
- Slippery Mind: The contemplative gains the slippery mind feat
- Divine Wholeness: Once per day, the contemplative can heal herself 4 times her contemplative level in hit points
- Divine Body: The contemplative becomes immune to poison (Druid already has this from Venom Immunity)
- Bonus Domain (Renewal)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:04:49 PM
Reply #4

Unlikely Angel of Mercy: Troll Monk (LG) 21 / Soldier of Light (NG) 16 / Combat Medic 3
Diety: Elishar

"Never fear, me get to you, one way or 'nother; no-one stand in me way... for long"

Note that this build requires changing alignment twice: from Lawful Good to Neutral Good during level 16, then back to Lawful Good sometime after level 31 and before level 36. The character's alignment points are ideally near the 'border' between these two alignments, so as to make the shifts easier. In PnP, a Monk character usually cannot return to the class after taking a level in another class, but NWN is set in Faerun, where there are some exceptions, especially for multiclassing with Paladins and the like.

Starting Attributes: STR (8+12)20 / DEX (14+4)18 / CON (14+12)26 / INT (10-4)6 / WIS (16-2)14 / CHA (14-4)10

Attribute Increases: CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA, CHA

Ending Attributes: STR 20[+5] / DEX 18[+4] / CON 26[+8] / INT 6[-2] / WIS 14[+2] / CHA 20[+5]

Fort/Refl/Will: +40/+35/+35

Hitpoints: 21d8 + 16d10 + 3*d6 + 40*8 = max 666

Armor Class: 30 (Dexterity Bonus +4) (Large -1) (Natural Armor +7) (Tumble +8) (Wisdom Bonus +2)

Main Hand (unarmed): +30/+30/+30/+25/+20/+15 (using Flurry of Blows) [Circle Kick and Cleave may allow more attacks in a given round]
4d8 (20/x2) + 5 [Monk gloves can add more damage]

- Spellcasting: Soldier of Light Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, ignore armor-related chance of spell failure)
- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th level spells per day: 3(2)/3(2)/2(2)/1(1)
- Caster Level 21?

Racial Feats
- Darkvision: Trolls are able to see in the dark
- Track: +1 racial bonus to Spot, Search and Listen checks
- Weapon Proficiency (Creature): Trolls can make an unarmed attack with their claws
- Natural Armor Bonus: Racial natural armor bonus of 5
- Regeneration: Innate ability to regenerate 5 hit points per round
- Large Creature: Trolls suffer -1 penalties to their Attack and Armor Class, and -4 to their Hide skill
- Giant: Trolls count as Giants for the purpose of spells

Character Feats
- Luck of Heroes
- Dodge
- Rapid Metabolism
- Circle Kick
- Great Fortitude
- Iron Will
- Combat Casting
- Epic Reflexes
- Epic Will
- Epic Damage Reduction I
- Epic Damage Reduction II
- Epic Damage Reduction III
- Spring Attack
- Fast Healing I

Monk (Levels 1 - 16, 36 - 40)
- Proficiencies: Proficient with monk weapons
- Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 / level = 46
- Spend 4 points on Concentration (required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 17 points on Heal (8 required for Combat Medic)
- Spend 4 points on Lore (required for Soldier of Light)
- Taking Tumble to 40 ranks increases AC by 8
- Class Feats
- Cleave
- Deflect Arrows
- Diamond Body
- Diamond Soul: The monk gains spell resistance equal to their class level + 10 = 30
- Empty Body
- Evasion
- Flurry of Blows
- Improved Evasion
- Improved Knockdown: Treated as Huge for Knockdown attempts
- Improved Unarmed Strike
- Ki Strike +3
- Knockdown
- Monk AC Bonus
- Monk Speed
- Perfect Self
- Purity of Body
- Quivering Palm
- Still Mind
- Stunning Fist 21/day
- Wholeness of Body

Soldier of Light (Levels 17 - 32)
- Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields
- Skill Points: 1 / level = 16
- Class Feats
- Turn Undead
- Divine Grace: Applies Charisma bonus to all saving throws
- Smite Undead: Usable (3 + Charisma bonus)/day
- Positive Fortitude: Gains +2 to all saving throws against necromantic spells and drain effects
- Energon Companion: May summon a Xag-Ya companion (Good Outsider), 1/day
- Divine Vengeance: May spend 2 Turn Undead attempts to add +2d6 positive damage against Undead to the caster's weapon (1 round/Cha bonus, minimum 1 round)
- Fast Healing 1: Regenerate 1 HP/round
- Positive Energy Burst - May spend two Turn Undead attempts to damage all undead within 100 feet of the character, dealing 1d6 positive damage per Soldier of Light level. Undead affected may make a reflex save (DC: 10 + Soldier of Light levels) for half damage.
- Improved Energon Companion: your companion gains +2HD
- Fast Healing 2: Regenerate 2 HP/round
- Healing Domain: Healing spells are empowered
- Maximize Turn Undead - When you turn undead, your turn damage is multiplied by 2 (Don't stacks with Empower Turning)
- Armor Skin
- Perfect Health

Combat Medic (Levels 33 - 35)
- Skill Points: 1 / level = 3
- Spellcasting: Increases effective Druid level by 5 levels
- Class Feats
- Healing Kicker (sanctuary)
- Defensive Casting
- Field Healer
- Healing Kicker (Reflex saves)
- Mobility

Let's see:
Six attacks per round (seven if one of them hits, eight if one kills), though not at a particularly high attack bonus.
Armor class is not bad, but not great either, and the character can't wear armor without suffering penalties. Still, some bracers, boots, and a cloak could go a long way, not to mention that both Dexterity and Wisdom boosts will add to AC.
Very high saves, even without enhancing items, and the character has Improved Evasion, Perfect Health, Damage Reduction 9/- and 20/+1, Spell Resistance 30, and regenerates 10 hit points per round!

Overall, not the greatest at healing, but if you're surrounded and need help, he's the one you want heading your way!
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:05:00 PM
Reply #5

Nature's Vigil Medic (Druid 25/Combat Medic 5/Vigilant 10)

Nature's Vigil Medic is part of a Vigil trained to operate outside on reconnaissance/spying missions where some combat may be expected. He is the healer of the group, but still maintains strong melee and magic combat ability.

Title: Nature's Vigil Medic
Race: Lizardfolk

Base Class: Druid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Worship: Nature

Starting Stats: Strength 16, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 16, Charisma 8
Ending Stats: Strength 16, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 27, Charisma 8

Main Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft, Lore
Minor Skill: Persuade

Build: Druid 25/Combat Medic 5/Vigilant 10

Level Progression:
01: D- concentration +4, heal +4, spellcraft +2, lore +4/Dodge
02: D- concentration +1, heal +1, persuade +1, spellcraft +1
03: D- concentration +1, heal +1, persuade +1, spellcraft +1/Combat Casting
04: D- concentration +1, heal +1, persuade +1, spellcraft +1/+1 Wis
05: D- concentration +1, heal +1, persuade +1, spellcraft +1
06: CM- persuade +1/Endurance
07: CM- listen +1, spellcraft +1
08: CM- listen +1/+1 Wis
09: CM- listen +1/Track
10: CM- listen +1
11: D- concentration +1, listen +1, spellcraft +1
12: D- concentration +4/+1 Wis/Quicken Spell
13: D- spellcraft +4
14: D- lore +4/Spell Penetration
15: D- spellcraft +4
16: V- concentration +4/+1 Wis
17: V- lore +4/Favored Enemy: Humans
18: V- lore +4/Practiced Spellcaster (Druid)
19: V- concentration +4
20: V- lore +4/+1 Wis
21: D- spellcraft +4/Empower Spell
22: D- spellcraft +4
23: D- concentration +4, spellcraft +1
24: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1/+1 Wis/Greater Spell Penetration
25: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1
26: V- concentration +2, lore +1
27: V- concentration +2, lore +1/Great Wisdom I
28: V- concentration +2, lore +1/+1 Wis
29: V- concentration +2, lore +1
30: V- concentration +2, lore +1/Improved Combat Casting
31: D- concentration +2, lore +6, spellcraft +6
32: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1/+1 Wis
33: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1/Automatic Quicken Spell I
34: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1
35: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1
36: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1/+1 Wis/Automatic Quicken Spell II
37: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1
38: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1
39: D- concentration +2, lore +1, spellcraft +1/Automatic Quicken Spell III, Epic Spell Penetration
40: D- concentration +2, lore +1, persuade +10, spellcraft +1/+1 Wis

HP: 382 (no re-rolls)
AC: 19 (bare)
AB: +29/+24/+19 (bare handed)
BAB: 24
Fortitude: 26
Reflex: 22
Will: 29

Epic Spellcaster
Automatic Quicken Spell
Defensive Casting
3X Improved Elemental Shape
Infinite Wild Shape
Immune: Poison, Grease, Web, Entangle
Vigilent Natural Healing
Good HP
Not bad saves
Good AC due to Lizardfolk Natural AC +5, +2 from Dex, & +2 from Vigilent

No Dragon Shape
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.