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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Heartwarder  (Read 6257 times)

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June 08, 2009, 12:15:50 PM

Title: Wings of the Phoenix
Race: Avariel
Base Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Sune Firehair
Domains: Protection, Good

Starting Stats: Strength 8, Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18, Charisma 14
Ending Stats: Strength 8, Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 28, Charisma 14 (+5)

Main Skills: Heal 55, Persuade 51
Minor Skill: Concentration 41

Build: Cleric lvl23/Combat Medic lvl05/Heartwarder lvl10

Level Progression:
01. Cleric: Dodge
Concentration +4, Heal +4, Persuade +4
02. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1
03. Cleric: Combat Casting
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Bluff +1
04. Cleric: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Bluff+1
05. Cleric:
Heal +1, Bluff+1

06. Combat Medic: Weapon Proficiency (Exotic)
Heal +1, Persuade +2
07. Combat Medic:
Heal +1, Persuade +2
08. Combat Medic: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Persuade +2, Concentration +1
09. Combat Medic: Augment Healing
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
10. Combat Medic:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1

11. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
12. Cleric: Wisdom +1, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1

13. Heartwarder:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
14. Heartwarder:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
15. Heartwarder: Brew Portion
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
16. Heartwarder: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
17. Heartwarder:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
18. Heartwarder: Nimbus of Light
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
19. Heartwarder:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
20. Heartwarder: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
21. Heartwarder: Exalted Turning
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
22. Heartwarder:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1

23. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
24. Cleric: Wisdom +1, Spring Attack
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
25. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
26. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
27. Cleric: Empower Turning
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
28. Cleric: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
29. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
30. Cleric: Improved Combat Casting
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
31. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
32. Cleric: Wisdom +1
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
33. Cleric: Epic Reputation
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
34. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
35. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
36. Cleric: Wisdom +1, Extra Turning
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
37. Cleric:
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1
38. Cleric: Great Wisdom I
Heal +1, Persuade +1, Concentration +1

HP: 230
AC: 14
AB: +21/+16/+11
BAB: 22
Fortitude: 22
Reflex: 21
Will: 30

? 14 uses of the Healing Kicker abilities
? Fey Metamorphoses
? Charisma bonus of 5
? Lips of Rapture, Voice of a Siren, Heart of Passion, Tears of Evergold and Nimbus of Light abilities
? Powerful Turn Undead ability, useable 13/day

? Low HP & AB
? No Epic Spellcasting
? Limited to the 38th level
? Not the best build for melee combat
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:16:05 PM
Reply #1

Since my initial try at building a Ranger/Heartwarder/Oozemaster didn't work out , here is a clerical version:

Race: Avariel (+4 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Con)

Starting Stats: Str 14, Dex (8+4=)12, Con (14-2=)12, Int (14+2=)16, Wis (16+2=)18, Cha 10

End Stats: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 34, Cha 10

Classes: Cleric 17 / Heartwarder 13 / Ooozemaster 10

Skills (In Game): Animal Empathy 39, Bluff 5, Concentration 44, Heal 55, Lore 46, Persuade 22, Spellcraft 46

Feats: Armor Proficiency(all), Blind-fight, Charisma Increase V (Heartwarder +5 to Cha), Charisma Penalty (Oozemaster -5 to Cha), Disarm (granted by Whip weapon), Dive Attack, Dodge, Epic Toughness I (I had to take something for the 13th Heartwarder level, so I left it to the end and took the extra 20 hitpoints), Exalted Turning, Fey Metamorphosis, Good Domain Powers, Great Fortitude, Great Wisdom VII, Hardiness Vs Enchantments, Heart of Passion, Immunity to Sleep, Indiscernible Anatomy, Keen Sense, Keen Sight, Lips of Rapture, Low-light Vision, Major Ooozy Touch (Black Pudding, Gelatinous Cube), Minor Oozy Touch (Brown Mold, Grey Oooze, Phosphorescent Fungus), Mobility, One With The Ooze, Oozy Glob, Practiced Spellcaster(Cleric), Protection Domain Powers, Shield Proficency, Slime Wave, Spell Focus(Enchantment), Tears of Evergold, Turn Undead, Voice of a Siren, Weapon Proficiency (Elf, Simple, Exotic)

I took the Cleric class up to level 12 before begining to take Heartwarder and Oozemaster in alternating steps. I found that while Ooozemaster is limited to 10 levels, Heartwarder is not, so I took a couple more of those. The 13th level of Heartwarder gives me a choice of three feats, none of which I was particularly interested in, so I returned to Cleric. The 40th level would not give me a feat as a Cleric, so I used it to take the 13th Heartwarder level.

As a cleric, I put skill points into Concentration, Heal, Lore, Persuade (occasionally after I reached 6 ranks), and Spellcraft, plus three cross-class ranks of Bluff. As a Heartwarder, I found I could put points into Animal Empathy, so figured 'Why Not?'. I was surprised that I could also put points into Perform - unless the cleric multiclasses as a Bard, what benefit would the character receive? I left that skill alone. For Oozemaster, I just put skills into Concentration, Lore, and Spellcraft.

Spell casting - this character is capable of casting spells up to level 9, plus epic spells.
With no enhancement, she can cast 6 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 6 spells of level 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 respectively.

The Girdle of Holy Might adds one spell slot to levels 5, 6, and 7. The Ring of Holiness adds 1 spell slot to levels 0 through 4. A Peripat of Wisdom +10 increases Wisdom to 44, and the Shield of Prator increases it further to 46 (technically should be 47, but the game limits increases to +12). All together this allows the character to cast:

7 /12 / 12 / 11 / 11 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 8

On a personal note, until I saw it, I hadn't realized that the GUI would allow more than 9 slots per level! I'd thought the extra slots would be unavailable, so I never tried to gain them - now I'll have look at a really uber caster character! :E

For epic spells, the Gloves of Spellcraft boost Spellcraft by 30 to 76, and the Ring of Spell Battle adds another 10 to take it to 86. With this (and sufficient gold & XP), all Epic Spells can be learned in the Laboratory. For casting, the Lore of 46 only allows 4 epic spell slots, but the Ring of Spell Battle can be replaced with a Ring of Insight to raise Lore to 51 and have 5 spell slots (though the lowered Spellcraft might make casting a couple of them tricky).

The character's caster level (Cleric) is: 17 (base) + 13 (Heartwarder) + 5 (Oozemaster) + 4 (Practiced Spell Caster to make up for some of the Oozemaster reduced casting progression) = 39. The Exalted Turning feat could be switched with one that aids spellcasting (Spell Penetration?) if it is really necessary.

I'm still wondering what happens when a Fey (from Heartwarder level 10) becomes One With The Ooze (Oozemaster level 10)! What does Tears of Evergold look like then, and would anyone dare to to try the Lips of Rapture?!

Incidently, why is Heartwarder able to go beyond level 10 but Oozemaster is not? They both 'end' with a transformation, and usually a 10-level prestige class is allowed to increase once you are an epic character.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:16:22 PM
Reply #2

Enough with the barbarians! they smell bad and have very poor table manners, even their own mother doesn't like them!
It's time for something a little more refined, I present you with...

***Drum rolls***

The Holy Whipper

Holy Whipper



Cleric(9)/Fist of Raziel(22)/Heartwarder(9)

Clerical domains: Good and Protection

STR 12 (22)
DEX 16
INT 14
WIS 20
CHA 22(29+5 HW = 34)

1-Cleric(1) Mobility
3-Cleric(3) weapon proficiency: exotic
4-Cleric(4) [+STR (13)]
6-Cleric(6) Power Attack
8-Cleric(8) [+STR (14)]
At this point you'll need the skills: Bluff:3, Persuade:6, Lore:5
9-Cleric(8)/FoR(1) Spell Focus: Enchantment
12-Cleric(8)/FoR(2)/HW(2) Divine Might [+STR (15)]
15-Cleric(8)/FoR(3)/HW(4) Divine Shield
16-Cleric(8)/FoR(3)/HW(5) [+STR (16)]
18-Cleric(8)/FoR(4)/HW(6) Extra Turning
20-Cleric(8)/FoR(4)/HW(8) [+STR (17)]
21-Cleric(8)/FoR(5)/HW(8) WF: Whip*, EWF: Whip*
24-Cleric(8)/FoR(7)/HW(9) Divine Vengeance [+STR (18)]
27-Cleric(8)/FoR(10)/HW(9) Great-Strength I
28-Cleric(8)/FoR(11)/HW(9) [+STR (20)]
30-Cleric(8)/FoR(13)/HW(9) Great-Strength II, Great-Charisma I
32-Cleric(8)/FoR(15)/HW(9) [+STR (22)]
33-Cleric(8)/FoR(16)/HW(9) Epic Divine Might, Epic Divine Shield
36-Cleric(8)/FoR(19)/HW(9) Great-Charisma II, Great-Charisma III [+CHA (24)]
39-Cleric(8)/FoR(22)/HW(9) Great-Charisma IV, Great-Charisma V
40-Cleric(9)/FoR(22)/HW(9) [+CHA (29)]

? A- You can swap these feats for two more Great-Charisma feats, and you'll receive
the appropriate benefits from the EDM, EDS and DV feats, but I thought the AB would be better.
? B ? I chose whip for this build because it seems more "in character", a mace or kukuri would do more damage.
Also you can wield a Katana/Bastard sword as a two-handed weapon and get the 1.5*STR mod bonus.

F ? 25 (+8 Vs spells)
R ? 18 (+8 Vs spells)
W ? 28 (+8 Vs seplls)

Skills: Bluff:3, Persaude:6, Lore:5 as prerequisites at level 8
To max: Discipline, Spellcraft & Lore (for epic spells), rest into concentration

With a full plate, large shield and a whip
AC: 22
AB: 35/30/25/20
DMG: 1-2+6 (20/x2)
+2d6 Divine Vs Evil

With EDM(24 rounds), EDS(24 rounds), DV(12 rounds):
AC: 46
DMG: 1-2+6(20/x2)
+2d6 Divine Vs Evil
+24 Divine
+2d6 Positive Energy Vs Undead

To sum up:
Pros: 11 Smite-Evil uses per day
21 Turn-Undead uses per day
Great constant damage (rarely resisted)
Casts as level 40 Cleric
All the Pixie racial bonuses

Cons: Low HP (max 288)
Could've used some more skill points
Static Model (You don't see any armor/weapon)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:16:34 PM
Reply #3

This is definitely NOT an arena character.
She is, on one hand, the incarnation of beauty, grace and sensuality but, on the other hand, if she gets angry she can pull you up 30cm from the ground using a single arm or burn you down into ashes.

At level 24, she has 6 implosions DC26/day and 7 fire storms DC26/day, a +5 bastard sword 17-20 crit (15-20 if keen) with immolation and a +5 armor.

bastard sword or katana (keen)
full plate
tower shield

race: human
alignment: CG
godess: Sune
domains: protection, good

STR 14
DEX 13
CON 11
INT 10
WIS 15
CHA 14

lv class feats
1 cleric 1 dodge, mobility
2 cleric 2
3 cleric 3 weapon proficency: exotic
4 cleric 4 WIS+1
5 cleric 5
6 cleric 6 spell focus: enchantment
7 heartwarder 1
8 heartwarder 2 WIS+1
9 heartwarder 3 empower spell
10 heartwarder 4
11 heartwarder 5
12 heartwarder 6 power attack, WIS+1
13 heartwarder 7
14 heartwarder 8
15 cleric 7 divine shield
16 heartwarder 9 WIS+1
17 hierophant 1 flame strike
18 cleric 8 extra turning
19 hierophant 2 spell power +2
20 hierophant 3 spell power +4, CHA+1
21 cleric 9 divine wrath
22 hierophant 4 spell power +6
23 hierophant 5 implosion
24 heartwarder 10 improved critical: bastard sword, CHA+1

She uses empowered eagle splendor, emp bull's strength, emp vigor, emp owl's wisdom and can cast divine shield, divine wrath, flame storm and implosion as they were peanuts :shock:

At higher levels (as cleric) she will pick up epic spell focus: evocation and use everything else tu pump up charisma.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.