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Author Topic: Bowman Weapon Specialization  (Read 10102 times)

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April 26, 2010, 04:19:53 PM
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I'm wondering if bowmen get weapon specialization. I need it for a prestige class and according to the online manual it is in their feat choices, but I don't see it even with all the prerequisites met.

April 27, 2010, 09:42:31 AM
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They should be able to select weapon specialization in ranged weapons. I'm not sure if this was implemented though. If not I'll try to fix it.

May 01, 2010, 10:39:10 PM
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while off topic if your poking at bomman can you tell me where they get the movement speed increase applied? I have most of my players asking for it to be disabled since they tend to always outrun the party.

May 02, 2010, 03:06:18 AM
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Quote from: dsabrae

while off topic if your poking at bomman can you tell me where they get the movement speed increase applied? I have most of my players asking for it to be disabled since they tend to always outrun the party.

To disable it you need to edit prc_bowman.nss (from prc_scripts.hak) and comment out line 39.

May 03, 2010, 04:33:27 PM
Reply #4
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I poked around abit as i'm playing with the bowman atm, and noticed there's somekind of Weapon Specialization Proficiency feat for warrior and warblade, which gives them access to weapon specializations. I'm kinda noob at this editing, as i don't seem to get it into the bowman class, so, could anyone tell me where all places i need to edit for it to work ?

Edit: And btw, the weapon specializations are there, just one prereq (Weapon Specialization Proficiency) is missing from the bowman.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 04:34:49 PM by Kiuo »

May 03, 2010, 09:32:50 PM
Reply #5
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Quote from: Kiuo

I poked around abit as i'm playing with the bowman atm, and noticed there's somekind of Weapon Specialization Proficiency feat for warrior and warblade, which gives them access to weapon specializations. I'm kinda noob at this editing, as i don't seem to get it into the bowman class, so, could anyone tell me where all places i need to edit for it to work ?

Edit: And btw, the weapon specializations are there, just one prereq (Weapon Specialization Proficiency) is missing from the bowman.

I can't actually try this out right now due to hardware issues, but if I remember correctly, you only need to add a line like this to the end of cls_feat_bowman.2da:

331  WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_PROFICIENCY              24423     3    6              0      

Change the "6" to the earliest level at which the Bowman should be allowed to take one of the Weapon Specialization feats.

May 04, 2010, 06:05:22 AM
Reply #6
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Yeah that works, did like that myself, but failed somehow with the 2da->hak insertion :p, thx for the help.
Another bowman question (offtopic i guess), is there a limit to the sniper's skill feat ? As now i have dex modifier +6 and get +5 piercing damage(shortbow), and in the campaign it had +7 dex modifier and got only +6piercing damage(longbow).
Dex modifier before those was the same as the damage bonus.

May 04, 2010, 07:35:09 AM
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Quote from: Kiuo

Yeah that works, did like that myself, but failed somehow with the 2da->hak insertion :p, thx for the help.
Another bowman question (offtopic i guess), is there a limit to the sniper's skill feat ? As now i have dex modifier +6 and get +5 piercing damage(shortbow), and in the campaign it had +7 dex modifier and got only +6piercing damage(longbow).
Dex modifier before those was the same as the damage bonus.

Again, I haven't actually been able to try this, but looking at the code, I'd say there's no limit (well, it appears to be limited to +20, but that's to be expected). Could something be decreasing your DEX bonus without it showing up on the character sheet? Is your armor's maximum DEX bonus limiting it, maybe?

May 04, 2010, 08:49:15 AM
Reply #8
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If the armor would be limiting, it would be 5 an 4, not 6 and 5.
But I tried taking the armor(dex mod limit 4) of and unequip->equip the bow a few times without getting the +6 i should have with 22dex(shortbow), but i get +5 piercing damage, as  i got unleveled with 20dex.

May 04, 2010, 12:39:23 PM
Reply #9

I think that when the DEX bonus is more than 6 it just comes up as more than one piercing damage bonus.  I used to get things on my char sheet like...
Damage: 1d8+1
+6 Piercing Damage
+4 Piercing Damage
+ blah blah other modifiers

When I had +10 DEX modifier, thats what would show up for me. Not 100% sure that it was attributed to this, though.  Just how I thought it worked...

May 04, 2010, 01:30:39 PM
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Quote from: EternalSerpent

I think that when the DEX bonus is more than 6 it just comes up as more than one piercing damage bonus.  I used to get things on my char sheet like...
Damage: 1d8+1
+6 Piercing Damage
+4 Piercing Damage
+ blah blah other modifiers

When I had +10 DEX modifier, thats what would show up for me. Not 100% sure that it was attributed to this, though.  Just how I thought it worked...

still it should show +6 atm with your way, and i don't see any extra modifiers listed :s. Oh well,  +5/+6 is a nice bonus already so i'll just be happy with it for now

Thanks for the helps :)

Edit : Found the problem I had, the dex mod damage bonus is a piercing damage buff on the arrow when you equip the bow.
It says it's a temporary bonus , but temporary until when ?
when can the arrow be buffed with the new dex modifier ?(got now up to +7 damage :) )
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 06:19:18 PM by Kiuo »

May 05, 2010, 01:20:31 AM
Reply #11

Re-equipping your bow fixes all piercing modifiers on arrows due to Sniper's Skill.  It used to be that every-time you finished an arrow stack you'd need to re-equip the bow, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.

May 05, 2010, 05:05:51 PM
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Quote from: EternalSerpent

Re-equipping your bow fixes all piercing modifiers on arrows due to Sniper's Skill.  It used to be that every-time you finished an arrow stack you'd need to re-equip the bow, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.

Re-equipping the bow gives the piercing modifier, but i can't refresh or get rid of an old modifier anyway as i can see :s, newest arrow has +10, and an old arrow has +6, no matter how many times i re-equip the bow with the old stack.

At least in my game.

May 06, 2010, 07:45:19 AM
Reply #13
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Quote from: Kiuo

Quote from: EternalSerpent

Re-equipping your bow fixes all piercing modifiers on arrows due to Sniper's Skill.  It used to be that every-time you finished an arrow stack you'd need to re-equip the bow, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.

Re-equipping the bow gives the piercing modifier, but i can't refresh or get rid of an old modifier anyway as i can see :s, newest arrow has +10, and an old arrow has +6, no matter how many times i re-equip the bow with the old stack.

At least in my game.

I think I see the problem. There is code in place to remove the old modifier from the arrows when you unequip your bow, but: a) it's trying to remove a damage modifier with a specific value, so if your DEX modifier changes between the time the damage modifier is added to the arrows and the time you unequip the bow, it will fail to remove it; b) it's removing the damage bonus from the equipped arrows, so if the damage bonus is added to the arrows, then you equip different arrows, the damage bonus won't be removed from the first arrows unless you re-equip them and then unequip your bow.

Furthermore, it looks like the code that adds the damage bonus to the equipped arrows when you equip your bow may fail if there's a damage bonus already added. I'm not certain about this.

Sorry I can't verify or fix any of this: due to a hardware issue that I have yet to deal with, I can't build PRC at the moment. It looks like it may be pretty easy to fix when I can build again.