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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Hospitaler  (Read 10587 times)

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June 08, 2009, 12:25:59 PM

"Keep me alive and I'll do the same for you."

Race: Elf

Level 1:
Class: Cleric
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 14
Discipline 2
Lore 4
Domains: Healing, Renewal

Level 2:
+2 lore

Level 3:
+1 discipline
Combat Casting

Level 4:
+1 wisdom
+1 concentration
+1 lore

Level 5:
+1 discipline

Level 6:
+1 concentration
+1 heal

Level 7:
+1 discipline

Level 8:
Class: Hospitaler
+2 heal

Level 9:
+2 heal
Extend Spell

Level 10:
+2 heal
Spring Attack

Level 11:
+2 heal

Level 12:
Class: Combat Medic
+1 wisdom
+2 heal
Empower Spell

Level 13:
+2 heal

Level 14:
+2 heal

Level 15:
+2 heal

Level 16:
Class: Hospitaler
+1 wisdom
+2 heal
Brew Potion

Level 17:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 18:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Empower Turning

Level 19:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 20:
+1 wisdom
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Lightning Reflexes

Level 21:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 22:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 23:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 24:
Class: Combat Medic
+1 wisdom
+1 heal
+1 concentration
Epic Toughness I

Level 25:
Class: Hospitaler
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness II

Level 26:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 27:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Augment Healing

Level 28:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness III

Level 29:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 30:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness IV

Level 31:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness V

Level 32:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 33:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VI

Level 34:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VII

Level 35:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

Level 36:
+1 charisma
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness VIII

Level 37:
+1 heal
+1 discipline
Epic Toughness IX

Level 38:
+1 heal
+1 discipline

I stopped here because it wouldn't let me continue with a message saying "You cannot take this class as it will break your spellcasting."

While building this, I noticed the hit points were rather low for a d8 class. I don't know why this was, so I took a bunch of epic toughness feats to make up for the low rolls. I didn't reroll for maximum hit points. Someone who does reroll might opt to replace some of the epic toughness feats for other feats they may find useful.

This class is all about patching up problems. Lay on hands, remove disease, and the kicker feats (spontaneous heal included) plus a high heal skill make this class a winner for any party needing a healer. Memorize "mass" cure spells as much as possible, but remember to keep a few "remove x" and "ressurection" and such plus some party favorite buffs on hand.

If you enjoy playing the party band-aid, this is the build to play. Just don't try to solo or tank too much with it unless you really know what you're doing.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:26:09 PM
Reply #1

Divine Undead Alhoon (Cleric 8/ Hospitaler 22/ Lich 10)

Slight Adaption of my former build

Race: Illithid
Class: Cleric
Alignment: TN (no smiting against this char)
Domains: War, Strength

Stats(Lich Bonus in brackets):
Str.:18 -> 28
Dex.:12 -> 12
Con.:16 -> (28)
Int.:16 -> (26)
Wis.:20 -> (30)
Cha.:21 -> (31)

needed Skills (for Hospitaler):
Lore:5, Discipline 5

Recommended Skills:
Concentration -> 25 (for Impr. Combat Casting)
Discipline -> 42
Tumble -> 20
Spellcraft -> 40+ (must be 4@ Lvl. 18 for Practised Spellcaster)
Lore -> max

Needed Feats. (for Lich):
Craft Woundrous Item, (Practised Spellcaster to increase Caster Lvl to 21+)

Recommended Feats.(in order):
Pwr. Attack, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Divine Might, Knockdown, Impr. Knockdown, Practised Spellcaster, Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Epic Skill Focus: Lore, Impr. Combat Casting, Blindfight, Extend Spell, Epic Divine Might, Armorskin

Hospitaler Bounus Feat (@ Hospitaler Level 3, 5, 7, 9)
Cleave, Gr. Cleave, WF:Scimitar, Impr. Crit:Scimitar

Hospitaler Epic Feats (@ Hospitaler Level 13, 16, 19, 22)
Epic WF, Ovr. Crit, Dev. Crit, Epic Powers

Stat. increase: Always Strength

Level 2-8 Cleric

Level 9-18 Hospitaler

Level 19-27 Lich

Level 28-39 Hospitaler

Level 40 Lich

You get:

HP (max rolls): 640
AB (mundane Scimitar): 39/34/29/24
AC (simple Full Plate): 33
Saves (not that important as you are immune to Spells up to Level 9:

Minimum of 5 Epic Spells

Lich Boni
DR: 30/+20; Int, Wis, Cha +10; Con +12
Skill boni
Elemental resistance/immunities
Immune: Paralysis, Mindaffecting, Sneak, Critical, Poison, Disease, Death...

In other words: Anyone wanting to kill you has a tough time.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:26:27 PM
Reply #2

Race: Azer
STR ? 16 (14) ? put 4 points here
DEX ? 16 (14)
CON ? 16 (14)
INT ? 16 (14)
WIS ? 16 (14) ? put 6 points here
CHA ? 6 (8)

1. Cleric (1) ? Dodge
2. Cleric (2)
3. Cleric (3) ? Two weapon fighting
4. Cleric (4)
5. Cleric (5)
6. Cleric (6) ? Ambidexterity
7. Cleric (7)
8. Hospitaler (1)
9. Hospitaler (2) - Empower spell
10. Hospitaler (3) ? Weapon focus (handaxe)
11. Hospitaler (4)
12. Hospitaler (5) ? Mobility, Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)
13. Hospitaler (6)
14. Hospitaler (7) ? Spring attack
15. Hospitaler (8) - Combat casting
16. Hospitaler (9) ? Improved critical (handaxe)
17. Hospitaler (10)
18. Tempest (1) ? Toughness
19. Tempest (2)
20. Tempest (3)
21. Tempest (4) ? Perfect two weapon fighting
22. Cleric (8)
23. Hospitaler (11)
24. Hospitaler (12) ? Epic skill focus (spellcraft)
25. Hospitaler (13) - Epic weapon focus (handaxe)
26. Hospitaler (14)
27. Hospitaler (15) ? Improved combat casting,
28. Hospitaler (16) armor skin
29. Cleric (9)
30. Hospitaler (17) ?Knockdown
31. Hospitaler (18)
32. Hospitaler (19) - Epic prowess
33. Hospitaler (20) ? Improved knockdown
34. Cleric (10)
35. Hospitaler (21)
36. Hospitaler (22) ? Great wisdom 1, 2
37. Hospitaler (23)
38. Hospitaler (24)
39. Hospitaler (25) ? Great wisdom 3, 4
40. Cleric (11)

Final Stats:
STR ? 20 (18)
DEX ? 16 (14)
CON ? 16 (14)
INT ? 16 (14)
WIS ? 26 (24)
CHA ? 6 (8)

42 Concentrate
42 Discipline
43 Lore
43 Spellcraft
20 Tumble

Max HP: 488
AB while dual wielding mundane 2 handaxes: 35
AC while wearing mundane full plate: 31

This build has 40 caster levels so it can overcome a pretty high spell resistance and it can do quite a bit of damage with spells like ice storm, burning bolt, and flame arrows, if you pick the appropriate domains. This build can also cast 4 epic spells per day which is always nice. With perfect two weapon fighting he can attack 8 times per round, 9 times with haste, and perfect two weapon fighting does seem to work with heavy armor.

If you want, you can reduce Cleric levels by 3 and put them into Hospitaler to gain an extra feat. You can also put only 4 points into WIS, add the rest into STR, and change those great wisdom feats into great strength feats to increase your AB by 3.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:26:41 PM
Reply #3

Divine Undead Brute (Cleric 8/Hospitaler 22/Lich 10)

Race: Yuan-ti (Illithid would be better stat wise, but I can't stand the tanticles)
Alignment: non-good, non-chaotic (I think ne fits)
Starting Class: Cleric
Domains: as you see fit
my favories: Air (for call lightning)
Trickery (like to do things alone and impr.invisible is always good to have)

Starting Stats:

STR: 18
DEX: 10
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 20
CHA: 20

Skills to boost:

Concentration - as high as possible (around 40 Ranks @ Lvl40), but not the most important one
Discipline - max until Lvl 7 (5 Ranks; needed for Hospitaler), max@every Hospitaler levelup
Disable Device - I think 1 Rank is needed to be boostet by Trickery Domain)
Open Locks - same as above (1 Rank)
Lore - max (41-43 for Epic Spells)
Search - 10 Ranks (personal reason: I don't avoid Traps, but I like to see it comming; secret doors OC)
Spellcraft - max on Cleric and Lich levelups (41-43 Ranks for Epic Spells)
Tumble - max when possible (I end up at 20 Ranks @ lvl 40)

Starting Feature: Power Attack

go for max rolls on HP at levelup (Con bonus due to Lich comes late in the game)

Lvl.2: Cleric [2]

Lvl.3: Cleric [3]
Feat: Cleave

Lvl.4: Cleric [4]
Increase STR (always; end up at STR: 28)

Lvl.5: Cleric [5]

Lvl.6: Cleric [6]
Feat: Extra Turning

Lvl.7: Cleric [7] (make sure Discipline and Lore are at least 5)

Lvl.8: Hospitaler [1]
Increase STR

Lvl.9: Hospitaler [2]
Feat: Spell Penetration

Lvl.10: Hospitaler [3]
Bonus Feat: Divine Might

Lvl.11: Hospitaler [4]

Lvl.12: Hospitaler [5]
Increase STR
Feat + Bonus Feat: Knockdown + Impr. Knockdown

Lvl.13: Hospitaler [6]

Lvl.14: Hospitaler [7]
Bonus Feat: Impr. Crit(Greatsword->any 2Hd. Weapon will do, but I love the reddish glow+comments of Enseretic)

Lvl.15: Hospitaler [8]
Feat: Greater Spell Penetration

Lvl.16: Hospitaler [9]
Increase STR
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus(same as Impr. Crit.)

Lvl.17: Hospitaler [10]

Lvl.18: Cleric [8] (important)

Lvl.19: Lich [1]

Lvl.20: Lich [2]
Increase STR

Resume Pre Epic:

BAB: 16 = 4 attacks/round
Caster Level 18 (4 Spellslots of 9th Level)
Saves: Fort 13/ Refl.5/ Will 14

Lich Properties +4 - Gain bonuses to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Persuade, and Spot.
Lich Touch - Touch attack causes 1d6+5 damage and possible paralyzation for 1d4 rounds
Increased damage and duration of paralyzation.
Intelligence +2
Increased Defense - Gain Damage Reduction 5/+1, Natural Armor +3, and Damage Resistance 10 to cold and electricity.
Fear Aura

Lvl.21: Lich [3]
Feat: Great Charisma

Lvl.22: Lich [4]

Lvl.23: Lich [5]

Lvl.24: Hospitaler [11]
Increase STR
Feat: Epic Divine Might

Lvl.25: Hospitaler [12]

Lvl.26: Hospitaler [13]
Epic Feat: Great Cleave

Lvl.27: Hospitaler [14]
Feat: Practised Spellcaster(Cleric)

Lvl.28: Hospitaler [15]
Increase STR

Lvl.29: Hospitaler [16]
Epic Feat: Overhelming Critical

Lvl.30: Hospitaler [17]
Feat: Epic Skill Focus(Spellcraft)

Lvl.31: Hospitaler [18]

Lvl.32: Hospitaler [19]
Increase STR
Epic Feat: Devasting Critical

Lvl.33: Lich [6]
Feat: Epic Skill Focus(Lore)

Lvl.34: Lich [7]

Lvl.35: Lich [8]

Lvl.36: Lich [9]
Increase STR
Feat: Epic Spell Penetration

Lvl.37: Hospitaler [20]

Lvl.38: Hospitaler [21]

Lvl.39: Hospitaler [22]
Feat + Epic Feat: Epic Reflexes + Epic Weapon Focus

Lvl.40: Lich [6]
Increase STR

You end up here!

Abilities (Lich boni included):

STR: 28
DEX: 10
CON: 22
INT: 28
WIS: 30
CHA: 31

Skills (Character Sheet):

Concentration - 47
Discipline - 51
Disable Trap - 10
Open Locks - 1
Lore - 62
Search - 39
Spellcraft - 62
Tumble - 20

Fort : 29
Reflex: 19
Will : 29

Did you gess it? I want it all, this is my version of a Jack'o all Trades.


The Good

- meelee presents to recon with
AB:38 naked just plain Greatsword, easy to boost above 50 via Items or Spells, even higher using both
Damage: 2-12+13(Threat:17-20 / x3) + 20 Epic Divine Might + Cleric Spells + ...
- DR 30/+20
- Spell Immunity up to 9th Lvl.
- Elemental Immunities/Resistances
- Stat. boost
- Skill boost
- 6 Spellslots of 9th Lvl.
- 6 Epic Spells

Playable from Lvl. 1

The Bad

- medicore Hitpoints (520 at max rolls)
- Reflx. Saves
- medicore AC of 28 with plain Full Plate
- to be good comes at a price, to be exact: 1,360,000 gold and 62,400 XP

Comments are welcome

You are free to take other feats, but make sure you take the martial ones as Hospitaler Bonus'/Epic's
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:26:53 PM
Reply #4

The Clerical Knight of Torm - the mighty protector of innocent and the noble hero of his lands.

Cleric 7 / Hospitaler XX / Weapon Master 7
Domains: healing, strength

16 STR
13 DEX
14 INT
14 WIS
10 CHA
(note: i THINK those were the stats, not sure if accurate or not)
*raise wis until 19, then all str*

Clr 1 - Power Attack/Cleave
Clr 3 - Knockdown
Clr 6 - Extend Spell
Clr 7 / Hosp 2 - Dodge
Clr 7 / Hosp 3 - Weapon Focus: Greatsword (torm fav'd weapon)
Clr 7 / Hosp 5 - Improved Critical: Greatsword, Mobility
Clr 7 / Hosp 7 - Spring Attack
Clr 7 / Hosp 8 - Whirlwind Attack
Clr 7 / Hosp 9 - Blind Fighting
Clr 7 / Hosp 10 / Weapon Master 1 - Improved Knockdown
Clr 7 / Hosp 10 / Weapon Master 3 - ** (wis is: 19)
Clr 7 / Hosp 10 / Weapon Master 4 - Epic Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Clr 7 / Hosp 10 / Weapon Master 7 - Great Strength I
--- from here on out, raise Hosp. Epic Spells aren't on its bonus feats list for some reason (strat, I think that needs to change?) but the offense ones don't make much sense for hosp's anyway (cept maybe greater ruin and the dragon knight) but Great Strength and Great Constitution ARE on its bonus feats list. You may want to raise wisdom one more time, and you might want to substitute Great Cleave in instead of Blind Fighting so you can possibly get the dev crit feats later on. Depends on what you want. I only mapped it out to this level (24) so from there, it's up to you (btw; this character CRUSHED what I played of the HotU OC with him.)

~ Lock.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:27:08 PM
Reply #5

While it is finshed and what not its about fun too and i thought i would post this dispite it being closed


Str 13
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 15
Cha 14

1 - Favoured Soul 1 Dodge
2 - Favoured Soul 2
3 - Favoured Soul 3 Combat Casting, wep Focus
4 - Favoured Soul 4 +1Cha,
5 - Favoured Soul 5 Energy Resistence
6 - Favoured Soul 6 Augment Healing
7 - Favoured Soul 7
8 - Favoured Soul 8 +1Cha,
9 - Hospitaler 1 Empower Spell
10 - Hospitaler 2
11 - Hospitaler 3 Imp Crit
12 - Hospitaler 4 +1Cha, Spell Pen
13 - Combat Medic 1
14 - Combat Medic 2
15 - Combat Medic 3 Spring Attack
16 - Combat Medic 4 +1Cha, Evasion
17 - Favoured Soul 9
18 - Favoured Soul 10 Greater Spell Pen, Energy Resistence
19 - Favoured Soul 11
20 - Favoured Soul 12 +1Cha, Wep Specilist
21 - Hospitaler 5 Epic Spell Penatration, Armour Skin
22 - Combat Medic 5
23 - Hospitaler 6
24 - Hospitaler 7 +1Wis, Epic Wep Focus, Spell Focus:Evocation
25 - Hospitaler 8
26 - Hospitaler 9 Epic Prowess
27 - Hospitaler 10 Greater Focus::Evocation
28 - Hospitaler 11 +1Wis,
29 - Hospitaler 12
30 - Hospitaler 13 Epic Spell Focus:Evocation, Focus Spell Pen:Evocation
31 - Favoured Soul 13
32 - Favoured Soul 14 +1Wis,
33 - Favoured Soul 15 Energy Resistence, Spell Focus:Evocation
34 - Favoured Soul 16
35 - Favoured Soul 17
36 - Favoured Soul 18 +1Wis, Greater Focus::Necro
37 - Hospitaler 14
38 - Hospitaler 15
39 - Hospitaler 16 Epic Spell Focus:Necro, Focus Spell Pen:Necro
40 - Favoured Soul +1Wis,

Str 13
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 20
Cha 19

Skills 172
Conc 43(44)
Disc 42(43)
Heal 42(47)+5classbnous
Spellcraft 5
Tumble 15*could put 30 in spellcraft, spring attack negates but 3 ac loss still
Alternativly you could put it in jump which would be a nice flavour for the build

Fort 24
Reflex 24
Will 25

AC 30
BAB 25
AB 30/25/20

Spell DC 22-30 Level 1-9, a max of +6 from wisdom bonus for 28-36DC
Spell Pen CastingLevel+6Spell Pen+4Focused Spell Pen 46-50

+2 points of healing per casting level of spell
3xHealing Kicker (sanctuary)
5xHealing Kicker (Reflex)
7xHealing Kicker (aid)
Lay on hands 16x4 Heals 64HP
1xRemove Disease
Spontaneous Heal - Convert any 6 and higher level spell to Heal
Evasion/Spring Attack
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:27:25 PM
Reply #6

Eternal Divine Gladiator (Gladiator Lich aka ?Glich?)

Zakya Rakshasa, True Neutral, CL 8 / Ho 22 / L10, Domains: War*, Nobility
* 1) No exotic weapons (Kukri) and 2) EWep Focus not available in 3.3A2

Stats: Base [Race + Mods + Lich]
Str: 16 [ 38 ]
Dex: 12 [ 16 ]
Con: 8 [ 30 ]
Int: 12 [ 24 ]
Wis: 14 [ 26 ]
Cha: 14 [ 24 ]

AB Stack: BAB +26, Str +14 (+20 Max Str), TWF -4, WFoc +1, EProw+1, EWFoc +2 (toolset) = +40 (+ 46 Max Str)

Cleric AB buffs (24): Div. Favor +5, Man o? Egr. Might +4, Gr. Heroism (Nobility domain) +4, Div Power +4, B-tide +2, Recitation +2, Bless +1, Aid +1, Prayer +1

TWF AB: 64 Base (40+24); 70 Max Str
Single WF AB: 68 Base; 74 Max Str

Deadeye Sense (epic spell): (+20)
TWF: 84 Base, 90 Max Str
Single WF: 88 Base, 94 Max Str

Racial True-Strikes (3X): (+20)
TWF: 104 Base, 110 Max Str
Single WF: 108 Base, 114 Max Str

Misc. AB buff: Masochism (+X), enhancements (+Y)

Pro?s: Uber-spell def, high DR def + good (680 Max) HP, significant immunities + Elem Immunity spell, 44 DC (50 Max Str) Dev Crit, High AB at max buff, 7 attack / round (un-hasted), +14 (+20 Max) Str Damage + 14 (+20 Max ) E Div Might, Two-Wep Rend at 1.5X Str bonus, huge crit range, cleric buffs (+24 total AB), Masochism, self-heal (Harm, Gr. Harm, Extended Regen), unlimited Greater Undead summoning, True Neutral (no Smites), 6 base epic spells, 3 racial True Strikes, Natural Armor + Armor Skin + heavy armor + shield + EDShield, can Single WF when EDShields are gone, good debuffs (Anti-Magic Field, Wall of Dispel, Superb Dispelling), 30th caster + Extend = long lasting buff(s), only debuffed by Superb Dispelling.

Cons: no Heal potions for undead (Dead Bull ? negative energy drink = only from Toolset) = heavy reliance on (vamp?) regen items & spells, garbage Flex save, -4 AB from medium wep, few ?discretionary? feats [Extend Spell, K-down, P-Caster, etc. at 15th], uber-race only, War domain Wep Focus doesn?t access exotic (Kukri) and EWFocus. Deadeye Sense does not work at L40 in 3.3A2 (400 xp cost).

Skill point ?Saves? allows for quick re-rolls. Strictly level 39 or 40 build.

1 Cleric: Power Attack, Racial bonus feat: Divine Might, War domain Wep Focus: Scim
+2 Disc, +4 Lore, Save 8
2 Cleric +1 Lore, Save 11
3 Cleric: Div Shield, +1 Disc, Save 13
4 Cleric: Strength mod (1), Save 17
5 Cleric (5 CL) +1 Disc, Save 19
6 Cleric: Craft Wondrous Item, Save 23
7 Cleric +1 Disc, Save 25
8 Cleric: Strength mod (2), Save 29
9 Ho: Ambi-Dex, Save 33
10 Ho (8 CL / 2 Ho) Save 37
11 Ho: Imp. Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 41
12 Ho: Strength mod (3), TWF, Save 45
13 Ho: Imp TWF (bonus), Save 49
14 Ho: Save 53
15 Ho (8 CL / 7 Ho): Extend Spell, Cleave (bonus), Save 57
16 Ho: Strength mod (4), Save 61
17 Ho: Gr. Cleave (bonus), Save 65
18 Ho: Greater TWF, Save 69
19 Lich: Lich mod: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 16], + 17 Lore, Save 55
20 Lich: (8 CL / 10 Ho / 2 L) Strength mod (5), Save 58
21 Ho: ESkillFocus: Lore, Save 63
22 Ho: Save 68
23 Ho: Over Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 73
24 Lich: Strength mod (6), Two Wep-Rend, Lich Wis mod +2 [18], Save 76
25 Lich (8 CL / Ho 13 / L4), Lich mods: Cha +2 [16], Con +12 [30], + 6 Lore, +24 S-craft, Save 49
26 Lich: Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 17], Wis +1 [19], Cha +1 [17], Save 52
27 Lich: Epic Spells, Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 18], Wis +1 [20], Cha +1 [18], Save 56
28 Lich: Strength mod (7), Lich mods: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 20], Wis +2 [22], Cha +2 [20], Save 61
29 Lich: Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 21], Wis +1 [23], Cha +1 [21], Save 66
30 Lich: (8 CL / Ho 13 / L9) Epic Divine Might [Note 2], Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 22], Wis +1 [24], Cha +1 [22], Save 72
31 Ho: Save 80
32 Ho: Strength mod (8), Save 88
33 Ho: Epic Divine Shield [Note 2], Dev. Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 96
34 Ho: Save 104
35 Ho (8 CL / 18 Ho / L9), Save 112
36 Ho: Strength mod (9), Gr. Str I, E-Prowess (bonus), Save 120
37 Ho: Save 128
38 Ho: Conc+ 38, Disc +36, Lore +13, Tumble +20, Save 9
39 Ho: Gr. Str II, Armor Skin (bonus) [Note 3], Disc +1, Save 16
40 Lich (8 CL / 22 Ho / L10): Strength mod (10), Lich mods: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 24], Wis +2 [26], Cha +2 [24], Lore + 2, Tumble: +1, S-Craft + 19
Conc: 38, Discipline: 42, Lore: 43, S-craft:43, Tumble: 21

1) Consider manually adjusting Int (ModINT) for skill points. Skill points may not include Lich Int bonuses.
2) Consider manually adjusting Cha (ModCHA) if Epic Divine feats not available
3) EWFocus was not available in 3.3A2 w/War domain WFoc. Armor Skin taken instead.
4) Can only cast Deadeye Sense < = L39. L40 does not have xp to spare. L39 bic was loaded but took Lich at L39 per build.
5) All Epic Spells acquired but one. Herculean Alliance never would acquire properly.
6) The Unseen Wanderer was not accessible with Nobility domain, but worked for Elf.

For low magic (item) worlds, the same build is included, but War and Elf domains (Point Blank Shot and True Strike [no extended True Strike = f-off, Bioware!]) were taken. Elf (v. Nobility) loses Greater Heroism (+4), but gains a significant number of additional True Strikes.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 16, 2009, 01:43:01 PM
Reply #7

That link is way broken.

July 26, 2009, 08:48:40 AM
Reply #8

EDG zipped .bic
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

June 21, 2011, 09:48:11 PM
Reply #9

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

June 21, 2011, 09:52:13 PM
Reply #10

Eternal Divine Gladiator II (Gladiator Lich aka “Glich”)

“I am similar to my brutish cousin, except I attack more”

Naztharune Rakshasa, True Neutral, FS 8 / Ho 22 / L10

Stats:  Base  [Race+Mods+Lich]
Str:       17       [ 30 ]           
Dex:     15       [ 26 ]                 
Con:     9         [ 34 ]             
Int:       10       [ 24 ]             
Wis:      8        [ 18 ]             
Cha:     14       [ 28 ]   

AB Stack: BAB +26, Str +10 (+16 Max Str), TWF -4, WFoc +1 = +33 (+39 Max Str)

Cleric AB buffs (18): Div. Favor +5, Div Power +4, B-tide +2, Recitation +2, Ray of Hope +2, Bless +1, Aid +1, Prayer +1

TWF AB: 51 Base (33+18); 57 Max Str
Single WF AB: 55 Base; 61 Max Str

Deadeye Sense (epic spell): (+20)
TWF: 71 Base, 77 Max Str
Single WF: 75 Base, 81 Max Str

True-Strike (item): (+20)
TWF: 91 Base, 97 Max Str
Single WF: 95 Base, 101 Max Str

Misc. AB buff: Masochism (+X), enhancements (+Y)

Naked AC Stack: 10 + 5 (Natural, race) + 5 (Natural, lich) +8 (14 Max) Dex +20 Epic Mage Armor (Armor) +18 (20 Max) EDiv Shield (Shield) +4 (Tumble) = 70 (78 Max Dex, Cha)

Pro’s: 8 att / round, 9 / rnd hasted, +18 (+20 Max) Epic Div Might damage, medium-high Dev Crit DC 40 / 46 Max Str, immune to nearly all spells/powers, extreme lich DR 30/+20, 15/+1 racial DR, immune to cold, elec + Elem Immunity spell, DR 20 to acid, fire, sonic + additional 10/- to acid, 8+ Soul gems (DC 45 Fort v. Death, no SR! Evil align shift), lich touch (10d6 +20 Magical dam! DC =45 v. Perma-Paralysis, then Coup de Grace DC ~ 10 + damage [auto-crit]) when buffs are gone, 5 base epic spells, 6d6 Sneak Attack from HIPS and Wander Unseen, 8 hp / round regen (6 Fast Heal +1 lich +1 Trans Vitality) + Extended Regen (6 / rnd) + Ext Monst Regen (3 / rnd) + Lay Hands for 198 (330 Max), Improved Evasion, Shadow Jump, Uncanny Dodge, high hp (760, 1000 Max Con), L34 caster, medium high bonus spells, no smites, 61 SR for spells/powers that affect demiliches, unlimited Greater Undead summoning & Animate Deads, Necro focus (lich).

Cons: very low spell DC’s, no domain spells (Creeping Doom [sniffle])

Spells chosen:
L1 (6): Bless, Conviction, Divine Favor, Endure Elem, Lesser Shivering Touch, Ray of Hope
L2 (6): Aid, Animal Power, Bull’s Str, Eagle’s Splendor, Neg Energy Ray, Summon Undead II
L3 (6): Flesh Rip, Masochism, Prayer, Ring of Blades, Shiv Touch, Unliving weapon
L4 (6): Abyssal Might, Div Power, Hammer o’ Gods, Lower SR, Recitation, Summon Undead IV
L5 (6): B-tide, Fire in the Blood, Flame Strike, Monst Regen, Righteous Might, Summon Undead V
L6 (6): Celestial Blood, Energy Immunity, Gr. Sanctuary, Harm, Heal, Undeath to Death
L7 (6): Destruction, Energy Ebb, Gr. Restoration, Regenerate, Resurrection, Summon Crit VII
L8 (5): Aura v. Alignment, Firestorm, Mass Heal, Mass Inflict Crit Wounds, Summon Crit VIII
L9 (4): Gate, Plague of Undead, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Crit IX

Strictly level 40 build. Save Skills, except as noted.

1 FS1: Extend Spell
2 FS2
3 FS3: Power Attack, Wep Focus: Scim (bonus)
4 FS4: Strength mod (1) [22]
5 FS5: (FS 5) Elem Resist 10/- acid
6 FS6: Cleave
7 FS7: + 5 Disc, +5 Lore, +5 S-craft
8 FS8: Strength mod (2) [23]
9 Ho1: Gr. Cleave
10 Ho2: (FS 8 / Ho 2)
11 Ho3: TWF (bonus)
12 Ho4: Strength mod (3) [24], Divine Might
13 Ho5: Divine Shield (bonus)
14 Ho6
15 Ho7: (FS 8 / Ho 7): Imp Crit, Ambi-Dex (bonus)
16 Ho8: Strength mod (4) [25]
17 Ho9: Imp TWF (bonus)
18 Ho10: Craft Wondrous Item
19 Lich 1: Lich mod: Int +2 [16]
20 Lich 2: (FS 8 / Ho 10 / L2) Strength mod (5) [26]
21 Ho11: Two Wep-Rend
22 Ho12
23 Ho13: Over Crit: Scim (bonus)
24 Lich 3: Strength mod (6) [27], +22 Lore, +22 S-craft, Epic Spells, Lich Wis mod +2 [10], Cast Trans Vitality +5 Con [22]
25 Lich 4: (FS 8 / Ho 13 / L4) Lich mods: Cha +2 [20], Con +12 [34]
26 Lich 5: Lich mods: Int +1 [17], Wis +1 [11], Cha +1 [21]
27 Lich 6: Greater TWF, Lich mods: Int +1 [18], Wis +1 [12], Cha +1 [22]
28 Lich 7: Strength mod (7) [28], Lich mods: Int +2 [20], Wis +2 [14], Cha +2 [24]
29 Lich 8: Lich mods: Int +1 [21], Wis +1 [15], Cha +1 [25]
30 Lich 9: (FS 8 / Ho 13 / L9), Perf TWF, Lich mods: Int +1 [22], Wis +1 [16], Cha +1 [26]
31 Ho14
32 Ho15: Strength mod (8) [29]
33 Ho16: Fast Heal I, Epic Div Might (bonus)
34 Ho17
35 Ho18 (FS 8 / Ho 18 / L9)
36 Ho19: Strength mod (9) [30], Prac Caster, Epic Div Shield (bonus)
37 Ho20
38 Ho21
39 Ho22: Disc +42, Fast Heal II, Dev. Crit: Scim (bonus)
40 Lich 10 (FS 8 / Ho 22 / L10): Dex mod (10) [26], Conc +43, Lore +16, Tumble: +21, S-Craft +16, Your choice +17, Lich mods: Int +2 [24], Wis +2 [18], Cha +2 [28]
Conc: 43, Discipline: 42, Lore: 43, S-craft: 43, Tumble: 21, Your choice: 17

1) Chose Acid for Fav Soul immunity because Mestil’s Acid Sheath is (d6 + 2 / caster Lev)  per strike
2) Used ModWIS, ModINT, ModCHA 10 for lich abilities – becoming a lich is a one way trip.
3) Con must be modified by console (DebugMode=1, then ModCON 5 at L21, ModCON 12 at L22) to access Fast Heals
4) Cha must be modified by console (DebugMode=1, ModCha 8 at L30) to access EDM, EDS chains
5) TWRend chosen over EDR I, Armor Skin, as the build does not lack defense. TWRend gives an extra d6 + 1.5 Str mod (15 to 24) + weapon enhancements (~ +10 HotU max) if both weapons hit the same opp in one round.
6) Chose Fast Heal chain over Epic Damage Redux (EDR) because EDR is available from items
7) Prac Cast could be swapped out for another Fast Heal, if you aren’t much for casters
8) Summon Undead chains are worthless due to unlimited undead creation / summon. Be sure to avoid.
9) In order to stay Neutral after Soul gem use, use the NWN Alignment Manager (aka NAM): - Files
10) Copy extracted gn* files to the override directory
11) ~, then DebugMode=1; dm_spawnitem gnam_1; pick up the spawned item
12) DebugMode=0; Use NAM; if it doesn’t work, ~ dm_runscript gnam_1_manually
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist