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Author Topic: Non-standard Arcane Caster Spells Per Day Not Working  (Read 5023 times)

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April 23, 2010, 09:42:42 PM

Title pretty much says it all.  Psionics are working fine, as are martial maneuvers, and all the prestige classes work swimmingly with the base casting classes (i.e. wizards, sorcerers, etc.).  But then I try to make a Duskblade, or a Warmage.  I get the dialogue to pick my spells known for those classes, and they get added correctly (I am assuming).  But then when I go to cast them I get the message "you have no more spells of level X available for today."  No amount of resting seems to be able to replenish my spells per day.  Is there something I am missing?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

April 24, 2010, 09:42:02 AM
Reply #1
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I have recently tested Warmage, Healer, Archivist and Sublime Chord (had to make fix for this class) and they all worked fine in 3.3h rc2.

What version of PRC are you using? Have you edited any PRC files? Test the issue in another module (try cleaning your override folder - make a buck-up copy)

April 24, 2010, 04:21:33 PM
Reply #2

Quote from: fireinakasha

Title pretty much says it all.  Psionics are working fine, as are martial maneuvers, and all the prestige classes work swimmingly with the base casting classes (i.e. wizards, sorcerers, etc.).  But then I try to make a Duskblade, or a Warmage.  I get the dialogue to pick my spells known for those classes, and they get added correctly (I am assuming).  But then when I go to cast them I get the message "you have no more spells of level X available for today."  No amount of resting seems to be able to replenish my spells per day.  Is there something I am missing?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh so you managed to get it working in Linux did you?  You really should go change your vote of 1 on the NWVault, considering that the PRC is one of the best things to ever happen to NWN.

May 13, 2010, 09:30:29 PM
Reply #3

I''m having the same problem as this poster, except the vote of 1 part. A fellow designer wouldn't do that to another. ;)

I've got debug code from a warmage I just made after getting the convo to work and the databases set up. It looks like it's reading from the cache just fine, only it's not creating an array or giving any actual spell uses.

I posted a log here so you could see what was going on. I haven't dissected your systems sufficiently, to tell what I've done wrong sorry. I have the switches set in module for anything database related, and personal_switch.2da for module (which also isn't being recognized according to the dyn_convo when called on to set values, but that's a different tale). If I've done something wrong, I'm not seeing it. Nor have I seen any other threads about it, so I have to ask.

Is it of note, that I didn't see a single entry in nwnx-odbc log about any of the data in the server log above? Or is the MySQL database being used exclusively for the ConvoCC, and the campaign database for everything else?

May 13, 2010, 10:02:37 PM
Reply #4

Quote from: Horred the Plague

I''m having the same problem as this poster, except the vote of 1 part. A fellow designer wouldn't do that to another. ;)

I've got debug code from a warmage I just made after getting the convo to work and the databases set up. It looks like it's reading from the cache just fine, only it's not creating an array or giving any actual spell uses.

I posted a log here so you could see what was going on. I haven't dissected your systems sufficiently, to tell what I've done wrong sorry. I have the switches set in module for anything database related, and personal_switch.2da for module (which also isn't being recognized according to the dyn_convo when called on to set values, but that's a different tale). If I've done something wrong, I'm not seeing it. Nor have I seen any other threads about it, so I have to ask.

Is it of note, that I didn't see a single entry in nwnx-odbc log about any of the data in the server log above? Or is the MySQL database being used exclusively for the ConvoCC, and the campaign database for everything else?

Personal_switch.2da only works for single player.

Yes, ConvoCC is the only thing that uses the SQL backend.

May 13, 2010, 11:02:58 PM
Reply #5

Just came back to delete the part about personal switch, cause I read it in the file, but looks I was too late. Sorry to bother needlessly w/ it.

But after a few hours more digging, checking, and looking for clues, I still can't get any spells working. Everything I have is 3.3h_rc2, that I also tripled-checked. Only two scripts and a couple 2da's up top, and all these were rechecked. Pretty stumped, I only tested previous versions with an assassin and never had spells for him either. I've tried this with a couple classes so far, no luck across the board yet. If I figure it out on my own, I'll be glad to call off the hounds.

May 14, 2010, 09:50:57 AM
Reply #6
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For some reason the spells are removed by CheckAndRemoveFeat(), but i can't reproduce that - it works fine for me :/. I think the scripts consider Warmage as prepared caster, might this be caused by any of your modifications?

Make a module with only PRC installed (no other modifications) and check if you can use the spell books. Just to be sure.

May 14, 2010, 12:27:01 PM
Reply #7

Good call. It worked with just the PRC installed, using the same database I built for the other mod. So, it must be something or other on my end. I really don't have a lot of scripts installed in the top hak, and yours should be overriding the lesser scripts...hmmmm. When I figure it out, I'll be certain to let you know. Maybe somebody else can benefit from the knowledge. Thanks for all your assistance.

EDIT: Solved it! I didn't catch your packages custom entry for the EquipableSlots column in baseitems.2da, for creature skin. The change made all the difference. It was one of the last files I yanked from the package, I hadn't even imagined that could be the issue. I guess I was more concerned with dealing with other baseitem.2da conflicts between packages, I didn't even look up top. That can be the lesson to you the rest, to learn from my mistakes. Always check all entries between 2da's, even Bioware's, with a comparison software.

Thanks again for all your help. I can't wait to see a bit more of this, now that I got it working. :)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 01:46:51 PM by Horred the Plague »