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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Oozemaster  (Read 10175 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:38:31 PM

-Sorack the Engulfer

Born underground, Sorack grew among the vermin and oddities not welcome in the light of day. Finding companionship only among those nightmarish shapes, he grew to emulate them in more and more explicit ways.
His exceptional intelligence (by...Minotaur standards at least) allowed him to glean -albeit slowly - arcane bits of knowledge and lore he might find scattered around.

Now he is even more of an oddity than the Oozes he grew to love so much. Too intelligent to reman alone underground, and too disgusting for the light of day, he is slowly driving himself mad, attacking any and all who approach him. And a fearful attack it is, as he splits and twists, melting and reforming into dozens of copies of himself, only to charge and blend back together around his foe, ingesting them alive.

Wizard 20, Oozemaster 10, Arcane Duelist 10
-Minotaur (I don't usually like using a 'strong' non-standard race in a contest build, unless it really fits the character. This one fits the character, and I don't think a Minotaur (-4 INT) is very munchkin for a wizard ).

STR 23 -> 26
DEX 14 -> 14
CON 18 -> 18

INT 12 -> 20
WIS 08 -> 08
CHA 06 -> 03 (should be 1, but NWN doesn't allow less than 3)

HP: 336 (400 Max: 80 wizard, 80 oozemaster, 80 Arcane Duelist, 160 CON bonus)
AC: 27 Naked (10 base, 5 Racial, 2 Dex, 8 Tumble, 2 Armor Skin. Boosting Charisma boosts AC) (cannot function in armor or shields)

Attack: 34+29+24 with Mundane Greatsword
Damage: 2-12+8 (17-20 x2)

REF 20

43 Concetration, Lore, Spellcraft,
40 Tumble, Intimidate
-Misc, perform, open lock

Noteworthy Feats
-Devestating Critical: Greatsword
-Skill Focus: Lore (1 extra epic spell slot)

Combat: Dangerous. Very very dangerous with a greatsword, even a mundane one. An acceptable attack bonus (which can be boosted through spellcasting), combined with Devestating Critical at 17-20, combined with Flurry of Swords. 10x per day, this character can create a mass of critical-hit-immune blind-fighting oozey dev-criting minotaurs. 3 Attacks per round with half a dozen attackers is dangerous against anything susceptible to critical hits. With a heavy weapon and high strength, even those who don't fall to criticals are still taking a heavy stream of damage. Slap on an extended-premonition and mantle, and start applying true strikes? If Sorack can hit it, it won't last long.
-A nymph cloak or potion of Eagles splendor is a quick AC boost, thanks to the Arcane Duelist levels.

Spellcasting: 9th level wizard casting, 5 spell slots a day for most levels of spells, extend-spell meta magic, and epic spellcasting with 5 epic spells per day.
-Nothing new or exciting in spellcasting. Focus mainly on self buffs and thigns of that nature. Flame weapon + Greater Magic Weapon + Premonition + Mantle of Egregious Might + Flurry of Swords = 1 fresh corpse.

Summary: High hitpoints for a spellcaster, and the potential to find some very neat tricks between dev-criting, casting, and arcane duelist abilities. As good of spellcasting as you could hope for, but lacking severly in spell penetration, it's best to stick to booster spells rather than attacking with them.

Much more fun to think about than the reality of NWN's engine. A minotaur sized Ooze with the capability to temporarily split into 4-7 copies of himself, flowing and melting around his opponent
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:38:52 PM
Reply #1

Magical Ameba
(Ameba V2)

Same principle as the first Ameba, except this version scarifies some shape-shifting and combat capabilities for spellcasting capabilities (specifically ? the all-mighty epic-spells)


STR 12
DEX 14
CON 12
WIS 16(28 ? put all points here)
INT 14

1->8 Druid
1) Great Fortitude
3) Intuitive Attack
6) Alertness

9->11 Oozemaster
9) Endurance

12) Shifter ? Natural Spell

13->14 Oozemaster
15) Shifter ? Practiced Spellcaster: Druid

16->17 Oozemaster
18) Shifter ? Empower Spell
19) Oozemaster
20) Shifter
21) Oozemaster Epic Prowess
22->23 Druid
24) Shifter - Weapon Focus: Longsword
25) Druid
26) Shifter
27) Druid ? Epic Skill Focus: Lore

28->39 Shifter
30) Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
33) Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword
34) Great Wisdom I*
36) Spell Penetration
37) Great Wisdom II*
39) Greater Spell Penetration

40) Oozemaster
*- Shifter bonus feats

Discipline 21 (cross-class all)
Listen 42 (Shifter)
Lore 43 (All)
Spellcraft 43 (Druid and Oozemaster)
Tumble 21 (cross-class all)
(3 points to spare)

In normal form(so it doesn't mean much), normal breast-plate tower-shield and longsword:
AC: 24
HP 290 (max 360)
AB: 38/33/28
1d8+1 (19-20/x2)

Fort: 29
Ref: 20
Will: 28

Not a bad fighter with AB 38, descent spellcaster at 21 caster-levels (but let's face it, creeping doom has no saves ) and Spell-Penetration feats, plenty of Shape-shifting abilities (5 per day Epic Wildshape), and off course ? epic spells (5 per day and enough Spellcarft to learn the good ones). This character is a kind of jack-of-all-trades which benefits from the Druid's spells and Oozemaster immunities/abilities, which she is able to use at any of her Shifter forms.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:39:23 PM
Reply #2

Starting Stats:

Race: Human
Class: Cleric
Domains: Death
Str 16
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 8

heal 4
lore 4 *
spellcraft 4

Evil Brand: Head
Lich Loved


Level 2



Level 3


Thrall to Demon


Level 4




Level 5



Level 6


Power Attack


Level 7
Thrall of Orcus



Level 8
Thrall of Orcus


move silent


Level 9
Thrall of Orcus




Level 10
Thrall of Orcus

move silent

Willing Deformity: Obese


Level 11
Thrall of Orcus



Level 12
Thrall of Orcus


move silent

Great Fortitude *


Level 13
Thrall of Orcus



Level 14
Thrall of Orcus

move silent


Level 15
Thrall of Orcus


Extend Spell


Level 16
Thrall of Orcus


move silent


Level 17

2 hide
move silent

Minor Touch - Brown Mold


Level 18

2 move silent

Great Cleave


Level 19

2 hide
move silent

Minor Touch - Ochre Jelly


Level 20


2 move silent


Level 21

2 hide
move silent

Major Touch - Green Slime
Empower Spell


Level 22

2 move silent


Level 23

2 hide
move silent

Major Touch - Yellow Mold


Level 24


2 move silent

Practiced Spellcaster: Cleric


Level 25

2 hide
move silent

Major Touch - Gel Cube


Level 26

2 move silent


Level 27


Great Wisdom I


Level 28




Level 29



Level 30


Spell Penetration


Level 31



Level 32




Level 33


Greater Spell Penetration


Level 34



Level 35



Level 36



Epic Spell Penetration


Level 37



Level 38



Level 39


Great Wisdom II


Level 40




This build wants to beef up on charisma (death touch) and wisdom for maximum effectiveness. Items and spells that do this are essential. The summons help as well. Combining summons with thrall abilities with oozy abilities makes this a decent killer. The oozy touches selected were to "fit the theme" so you can mix and match these as you like. The ones selected to cold damage, constitution damage, and have a chance to stun or paralyze. The pallor of death gives a fear aura for a period of time per day and the carion stench reduces bonuses on enemies that get too close. The final hit points were close to 400 without re-rolls on my test build. This has the potential to be a really fun build for those "anti social" types.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:39:40 PM
Reply #3


(Note on race: I've used Avariel because it's definitely an easier race, plus it has cool wings and dive-attack, However ? This build can easily be done with both Drow and Sun-Elf races at the cost of a single feat, so it is definitely not Avariel-dependant. With a simple Elf it can still be done but will lose some effectiveness.)



STR 16 (26 ? up at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 28, 32, 40)
DEX 16
CON 12
INT 18 (22- up at 24, 36)
WIS 10


1 Wizard Dodge
Generalist, Pixie as familiar (Although I suspect a dire rat would be more "in character"? )
2 Wizard
3 Wizard Great Fortitude
4 Wizard +STR[17]
5 Wizard Combat Casting*
6 Oozemaster Weapon Focus: Rapier
7 Oozemaster
8 Oozemaster +STR[18]
9 Oozemaster Still Spell
At this point must have Tumble:2 and Perform:3
10 Bladesinger
11 Bladesinger Extend spell**
12 Bladesinger Power attack, +STR[19]
13 Bladesinger
14 Bladesinger Improved Critical: Rapier**
15 Bladesinger Cleave
16 Bladesinger +STR[20]
17 Bladesinger Empower spell**
18 Bladesinger Great cleave
19 Bladesinger
20 Wizard +STR[21]
21 Oozemaster Great STR I [22]
22 Oozemaster
23 Wizard
24 Wizard +INT[19], Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard
25 Wizard
26 Wizard Improved Combat Casting*
27 Bladesinger Epic Weapon Focus: Rapier**, Great STR[23]
28 Oozemaster +STR[24]
29 Oozemaster
30 Oozemaster Overwhelming Critical: Rapier
31 Oozemaster
32 Wizard +STR[25]
33 Wizard Devestating Critical: Rapier
34 Wizard
35 Wizard
36 Wizard +INT[20], Great INT[21], Great INT[22]*
37 Wizard
38 Wizard
39 Wizard Epic Prowess
40 Bladesinger +STR[26]
*-Wizard bonus feats
**-Bladesinger bonus feats

Disipline 43 (Bladesinger)
Lore 43 (All)
Jump 43 (Bladesinger)
Spellcraft 43 (All)
Tumble 42 (Bladesinger)
Appraise 9 \
Open Lock 1 > Cross-class skills that are nice to have, but not needed
Disarm Trap 1/
Perform 3 (Pre-requisite)

Statistics: (Studded Leather and Rapier)
AC: 30
HP: 215 (max 288)
AB: 38/33/28/23

Fort: 22 (+8 vs spells)
Ref: 23 (+8 vs spells)
Will: 23 (+8 vs spells)

Easy 6 attacks a turn (4 + 1(SoF) + 1(haste)), no spell casting armor penalty (yet still well armored), the immunities and Ooze-attacks of the Oozemaster (plus the extra caster-levels), along with the spellcasting abilities of a level 33 wizard (4 epic spells) and Dev-Crit at DC 38 makes this character extremely powerful.

Low HP, and slightly low saves and AB - Nothing a caple of spells wont fix
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:40:04 PM
Reply #4

Paraelemental Savant of Ooze

Wizard 10 / Elemental Savant of Earth 20 / Oozemaster 10

Amara Zimrunath, Deep Imaskari (Female)
Chaotic Neutral
STR 10
DEX 12
CON 15 to 17
INT 18 to 26
WIS 10
CHA 10

322 HP

Attack Bonus: +20/+15 (unarmed)
Fortitude 21
Reflex 19
Will 24

Final Skills:
Appraise 29
Concentration 46
Craft Armor 8
Craft Trap 8
Craft Weapon 17
Hide 53
Lore 53
Move Silently 44
Parry 22
Search 10
Spellcraft 53
Tumble 22

Level 1 Wizard
Appraise 2
Lore 4
Concentration 4
Parry 2
Spellcraft 4
Courteous Magocracy

Level 2 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Craft Weapon 1

Level 3 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1

Level 4 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Intelligence +1

Level 5 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Empower Spell

Level 6 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Practised Spellcaster Wizard

Level 7 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Alternate Form*

Level 8 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Intelligence +1

Level 9 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Spell Penetration

Level 10 Wizard
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Quicken Spell

Level 11 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Elemental Transition +1*
Resistance +5*
Elemental Savant of Earth*

Level Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Intelligence +1
Elemental Focus*
Great Fortitude

Level 13 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Elemental Penetration*

Level 14 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Transition 2*
Resistance +10*

Level 15 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Appraise 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Elemental Focus +2*

Level 16 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Penetration+2*

Level 17 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Elemental Transition 3*
Resistance +15*

Level 18 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Focus +3*
Maximize Spell

Level 19 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Intelligence +1
Elemental Transition 3*

Level 20 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Perfection*

Level 21 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Epic Character
Elemental Focus +4*
Epic Elemental Savant*
Energy Resistance Electric I

Level 22 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Tumble 1
Elemental Penetration +4*

Level 23 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Improved Combat Casting

Level 24 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Focus +5*
Greater Spell Penetration

Level 25 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Elemental Penetration +5*

Level 26 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Epic Spell Penetration

Level 27 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Elemental Focus +6*
Lightning Reflexes

Level 28 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Constitution +1
Elemental Penetration *

Level 29 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Automatic Quicken Spell I

Level 30 Elemental Savant of Earth
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Elemental Focus +7*
Automatic Quicken Spell II

Level 31 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Move Silently 23
Hide 22
Minor Oozy Touch* (Ochre Jelly) [Acid Damage]

Level 32 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Move Silently 1
Hide 1
Intelligence +1
Oozy Glob*
Charisma Penalty*

Level 33 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Move Silently 1
Hide 1
Minor Oozy Touch* (Phosphorescent Fungus)
Automatic Quicken Spell III

Level 34 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Move Silently 3
Hide 5
Oozy Glob*

Level 35 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Move Silently 23
Hide 22
Major Oozy Touch* (Black Pudding) [Acid Damage]

Level 36 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Move Silently 4
Hide 1
Oozy Glob*
Indiscernible Anatomy*
Silent Spell

Level 37 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Appraise 1
Move Silently 2
Hide 2
Major Oozy Touch* (Green Slime) [Acid Damage]

Level 38 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Craft Weapon 3
Move Silently 3
Hide 1
Oozy Glob*
Slime Wave*

Level 39 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Parry 1
Tumble 1
Appraise 1
Move Silently 1
Hide 1
Minor Oozy Touch* (Gray Ooze) [Acid Damage]
Automatic Silent Spell I

Level 40 Oozemaster
Concentration 1
Lore 1
Spellcraft 1
Craft Weapon 5
Tumble 1
Move Silently 1
Hide 1
Intelligence +1
Oozy Glob*
One with the Ooze*

The object of this build is to maximize the Oozemaster acid attacks with the enhanced acid ability of the earth savant. The fact that I chose a Deep Imaskari for the build is the fact of a human race that is well disposed toward wizards and the living underground part made it a natural candidate for this build. She is quite the spell caster, although you must get extra scrolls to get higher level spells. I think, not sure, that her ooze acid attacks are quite enhanced with the savant ability she is able to kill 7 bandits (with one slime wave), 1 manticore, 2 dragons, 2 beholders, 2 mummies, 8 skeletons, 2 doom guards. Excellent concentration little can actually break it.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:40:37 PM
Reply #5

Hired Ogre Spellsword (Wizard 10/ Ozemaster 10/ Spellsword 20)

Race: Ogre
Class: Wizard
Alignment: TN (no smiting against this char)

Str.:26 -> 28
Dex.:12 -> 12
Con.:16 -> 16
Int.:12 -> 20
Wis.:08 -> 08
Cha.:04 -> 03

needed Skills (for Ozemaster/Spellsword):
needed Feats (Ozemaster/Spellsword)
Heavy Armor, Great Fortitude

Recommended Skills:
Discipline -> 41
Tumble -> 20
Lore -> 43
Spellcraft -> 43
Jump -> 41

Recommended Feats.(in order):
Heavy Armor, Great Fortitude, Pwr. Attack, Cleave, WF: Greatsword, Gr. Cleave, Practised Spellcaster, Epic WF, Ovr. Crit., Dev. Crit., Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Epic Skill Focus: Lore, Knockdown, Epic Reflexes

Wizard Bonus Feats:
Combat Casting, Empower Spell

Spellsword Bonus/Epic Feats.:
Impr. Crit., Impr. Combat Casting, Epic Powers, Impr. Knockdown

Stat. increase: Intelligence 8 times, then Strength 2 times

Level 2-6 Wizard

Level 7-10 Ozemaster

Level 11-20 Spellsword

Level 21-26 Ozemaster

Level 27-30 Wizard

Level 31-40 Spellsword


HP (max rolls): 400
AB (mundane Greatsword): 39/34/29/24
only long-term selfbuff (no epic spells): 46/41/36/31

AC (naked/Full Plate): 20/28

Min 5 Epic Spells (Spellcraft/Lore 58)

Immune: Poison, paralysis, Mind-influencing effects, crits and sneak attack
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:40:55 PM
Reply #6

The Ooze that Could, a heroic pile of slime.
Cleric 19 /Oozemaster 10/PnP Shifter 11

Race: Human (Due to lack of Ooze Genasi)
Class: Cleric
Domains: Slime, Animal
Deity: Ghaunadaur
Aligment: Chaotic Neutral

Starting Stats: Strength: 14, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: 16, Intelligence: 10, Wisdom: 16, Charisma: 8

Skills: Lore must be at least 7 when taking Oozemaster levels.

01 Cleric: Altertness, Endurance
02 Cleric
03 Cleric: Great Fortitude
04 Cleric: +1 Strength, Lore must be 7 by now

05 Oozemaster
06 Oozemaster: Improved Unarmed Strike
07 Oozemaster
08 Oozemaster: +1 Strength
09 Oozemaster: Rapid Metabolism
10 Oozemaster
11 Oozemaster
12 Oozemaster: +1 Wisdom, Power Attack
13 Oozemaster
14 Oozemaster

(Pnp Shifter)
15 Shifter: Cleave
16 Shifter: +1 Wisdom
17 Shifter
18 Shifter: Weapon Focus: Creature
19 Shifter
20 Shifter: +1 Strength
21 Shifter: Weapon Specialization: Creature
22 Shifter
23 Shifter
24 Shifter: +1 Strength, Epic Weapon Focus: Creature Weapon
25 Shifter

26 Cleric
27 Cleric: Great Strenth I
28 Cleric: +1 Strength
29 Cleric
30 Cleric: Great Wisdom I
31 Cleric
32 Cleric: +1 Wisdom
33 Cleric: Great Constitution I
34 Cleric
35 Cleric
36 Cleric: +1 Constitution, Great Wisdom II
37 Cleric
38 Cleric
39 Cleric: Toughness
40 Cleric: +1 Wisdom

Prentending this is an Ooze Genasi:

"The Ooze that Could", lovilngly called "Rotzi" sometimes, has everything thats typical for his Race. Ever trying to accomplish great things, to prove that Ooze can be as heroic as everything else, Rotzi remains true to his origin. He began with wandering the Lands, preaching of how great Ooze is. He believes in Ghaunadaur, a deity of slime, ooze and other things, though Rotzi doesnt really care about the other things.

Rotzi, always on his great quest to spread the love of ooze, soon realizes that if he wants to be a true representative of the Ooze, he must leave behind the part of him that isnt pure Ooze.

After reaching this goal, and being a fully true member of the great Ooze race, he discovers new possibilitys his now barely stable body holds. He can be everything! This was another proof how superior Ooze really is! He could change his form, soon with no limits. This formed the believe in him that in the beginning of all time, there was only Ooze. And from the Ooze everything elese formed. And so he contintued on his quest, to preach the way of the Ooze.

Rumor says that his quest ended when he tried to convince Mephistoteles himself of the superiority of Ooze.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:41:14 PM
Reply #7

After thinking long and hard (well, more like 1 minute, actually :cheese: ) I give you:

Oozy cheese! (tm)

<This druid decided to study at the monastary, and on the first day, in the middle of his first meditation, realized that it's all about the ooze! So he immediately set out to become an oozemaster and never looked back. Now he walks the land having adventures and spreading oozy love everywhere he goes.>

For the purposes of this post, I'm using a human, but an illitid would be 10 times more macho. That, or any other race with a big + to wis.

O = Oozemaster

Beginning stats:

Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
int 10
Wis 16
Cha 8

Must be Nuetral Good

Panther companion is recommended

1 druid 1 (Toughness)
2 druid 2
3 druid 3 (Intuitive strike)
4 druid 4 (WIS +1)
5 druid 5
6 druid 6 (weapon focus: unarmed strike)
7 O 1
8 O 2 (WIS +1)
9 O 3 (Spell Focus: evocation*)
10 O 4
11 O 5
12 O 6 (WIS +1, Greater spell focus evocation*)
13 Monk 1
14 Druid 7
15 Druid 8 (Empower Spell)
16 Druid 9 (WIS +1)
17 Druid 10
18 Druid 11 (Imp crit: Unarmed Strike)
19 Druid 12
20 Druid 13 8 (WIS +1)
21 Druid 14 9 (greater spell focus: evocation)
22 Druid 15
23 Druid 16
24 Druid 17 (WIS +1, Epic Spell Focus: evocation)
25 Druid 18
26 Druid 19
27 Druid 20 (practiced spellcaster: Druid)
28 Druid 21 (WIS +1)
29 Druid 22
30 Druid 23 (greater spell Penetration)
31 Druid 24
32 Druid 25 (WIS +1)
33 Druid 26 (Epic Spell Penetration)
34 Druid 27
35 Druid 28
36 Druid 29 (Focused spell penetration, evocation, WIS +1)
37 Druid 30
38 Druid 31
39 Druid 32 (dragon form)
40 Druid 33 (WIS +1)

Use all epic druid feats for great wisdom

*I'm using evocation as the focus here, but it could easily be conjuration (for high dc Storms of vengeance) or whatever you want.

Final stats: Druid 33/Oozemaster 6/monk 1

Str 12 (empowered bulls str will usually boost to 16+)
Dex 16
Con 12
int 10
Wis 30 something (+12 with owl's insight which will last 40 hours)
Cha 8

The cheesy ooze's favorite spells are owl's insight and Sunburst. Sunburst has a dc of 40 (+ 16 from wis, +6 from epic spell focus, +10 base, + 8 for for being an 8th lvl spell), and a failed save results in permanent blindness (can only be cured with a restoration or greater restoration iirc). Once his foes are blinded, the cheesy ooze picks them apart with call lightnings, flamestrikes, bombardments and so on while his Panther companion obliterates the blinded foes with 16d6ish sneak attacks. The cheesy ooze can also pummel blind foes with his fists (+14 tohit thanks to intuitive strike) and his storm of vengeance will have a respectable dc. In dragon form, he's pretty bad ass.

- caster level = 40 (should be 39 but the bioware bug makes it 40)
- immune to crits
- immune to sneak attacks
- naked ac of 26, can use sun soul boots and fancy monk robes.
- decent spell penetration with chosen school
- +14 tohit with a longbow thanks to Zen Archery (yeah, I know druids aren't supposed to use bows, sue me )
- unique: you rarely see a druid focused on casting spells, most people focus on one dragon form or another.
- extremely versatile: can be a party buffer/healer and sit back casting spells and sling stones, can go melee with dragon form taking advantage of monk ab progression and premonition/greater stoneskin, can cast all druid spells, has access to epic spells, can shapechange into elder elemental forms, animals, etc.
- 400 hitpoints is respectible, in dragon form will be a pantload more

- no real defense vs a spellcaster
- one trick spellcasting pony, if the other guy is immune to your big spell you've focused in, you're s.o.l. But whatever, just turn into a dragon and kick his ass, allready.

Definitely not a very uber character, but should be fun to play. This build would really shine in a low magic environment where his 38 dc sunburst would rarely, if ever be saved against. In a high magic setting, this guy would probably get spanked, but he's so versatile he'd still be a fun character
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:41:29 PM
Reply #8

Guess I might as well try my build. I think I came up with a very effective build for a wiz/fighter type that are able to stand toe to toe with almost any fighter type (read: almost). So here goes:

Oozing Blade
1 Wizard +4 Lore, +2 tumble, great fortitude
2 Wizard
3 Wizard Combar casting
4 Wizard +3 lore, +1 dex
5 Wizard +4 concentration, +2 tumble, +3 preform, Still spell
6 Oozemaster Weapon focus Rapier
7 Oozemaster
8 Oozemaster +1 str
9 Oozemaster Dodge
10 Bladesinger
11 Bladesinger Empower spell
12 Bladesinger Power attack, +1 str
13 Bladesinger
14 Bladesinger Improved critical
15 Bladesinger Cleave
16 Bladesinger +1 str
17 Bladesinger Disciple of darkness
18 Bladesinger Great cleave
19 Bladesinger
20 Wizard +1 str
21 Wizard Great strength 1
22 Wizard
23 Wizard
24 Blade singer +1 str, Great intellect 1, Practiced spell caster
25 Wizard Improved combat casting
26 Oozemaster
27 Oozemaster Overwhelming critical
28 Oozemaster +1 str
29 Oozemaster
30 Oozemaster Devestating critical
31 Oozemaster

Dident finish the level progression, but it shouldent be to hard just finishing the levels (on the server I play getting to 30 takes enough time so I dont even bother planing ahead of that). But I think its a fun fighter/wizard type that has some very good imunities too.

Note that I made him drow, dident fiddle with the stats if you want to go human. Only works for drow at the moment I think.

Should net around 56 (not including haste) AC and 52 to-hit around level 31 with no magic gear what so ever, but self buffs only (only long duration buffs). With a rapier and devestating critical he should be able to take on most things a fighter that level takes on.
He is an Ooze and as such is immune to the most dangerous things (including dev. crit) and he has 4 base attacks, 1 from blade singer and 1 from haste so a total of 6 attacks. I think he is one of the better wiz/fighter builds and he deals good dam (31-39 without magic gear, self buffed). At level 31 he counts as a level 25 wiz (with practiced spellcaster) for casting so he has sacrificed very little to get the exelent to-hit and exelent AC.

Tensers raises him very high, but dident include that as the longsword that comes with tensers sucks so bad !

You might be able to get more if you only focus on level 40, but I also focused on the ability to level him and being effective at around level 30 (because level 40 wont happen on some servers) which is a possibility.

Any thoughts ?

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:41:56 PM
Reply #9

and now...presenting...the Nastiest damn cow you ever did saw!!! (Diablo II Cow level anyone?)

"Crazy Ooze" - Barbarian 4 / Favoured Soul 6 / Oozemaster 10

Race: Minotaur
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

STR 20 [12 + Minotaur 8]
DEX 14
CON 14 [10 + Minotaur 4]
WIS 14
INT 08 [12 - Minotaur 4]
CHA 13 [15 - Minotaur 2]

- 1&2 = Max Lore & Heal (save 5 points)
- 3 = Max concentration (5 saved points + 1 natural)
- 4-6 = Lore
- 7&8 = Max Lore & 3 into Heal (8)
- 9&10 = Max Lore
- 11 = Lore, 2 into Concentration (8)
- 12-20 = 1 each into Lore, Heal & Concentration
- Final Ranks = Lore (23), Heal (17), Concentration (17)

1. Barbarian 1 - Rage 1/day, Fast Movement; Exotic Weapon Proficiency
2. Barbarian 2 - Uncanny Dodge (Minotaur already has it - no effect)
3. Favoured Soul 1 - Great Fortitude
4. Soul 2 - CHA +1
5. Soul 3 - Deity's Weapon Focus (Scythe)
6. Soul 4 - Power Attack
7. Barbarian 3 -
8. Barbarian 4 - CHA +1; Rage 2/day
9. Soul 5 - Energy Resistance (Fire); Cleave
10. Soul 6 -
11. Ooze 1 - Minor Ooze Touch
12. Ooze 2 - CHA +1, CHA-1; Oozy Glob 1/day; Improved Critical (Scythe)
13. Ooze 3 - Minor Ooze Touch
14. Ooze 4 - CHA -1; Oozy Glob 2/day
15. Ooze 5 - Major Oozy Touch; Great Cleave
16. Ooze 6 - CHA +1, CHA -1; Oozy Glob 3/day, Indiscernible Anatomy
17. Ooze 7 - Major Oozy Touch
18. Ooze 8 - CHA -1; Oozy Glob 4/day; Slime Wave; Combat Casting
19. Ooze 9 - Major Oozy Touch
20. Ooze 10 - CHA +1, CHA -1; Oozy Glob 5/day, One with the Ooze

Natural AC = 10 + 2 (Dex) + 5 (Natural) - 1 (Large Size) = 16

BAB = 15 (3 or 4 attacks?)
AB (w/ Scythe) = +20/+15/+10(/+5?)

Fort: 16 + 2 + 4 = 22
Ref: 9 + 2 = 11
Will: 9 + 2 = 11

Concentration: 17 + 2 = 19
Heal: 17 + 2 = 19
Lore: 23 - 1 = 22

*This is one guy you don't want to meet in a back alley!
*Not going to put Pros & Cons on this since it's not really a serious build - but damn it's fun to think about!!
*This guy should actually be a moderate warrior, with divine spells to buff up and a few (oozy) tricks up his Minotaurs HAVE sleeves?
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.