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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Sacred Fist  (Read 7242 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:45:08 PM

King Solomon

"You wanted wisdom? Well I got plenty to spare"

Druid 14/Sacred Fist 8/Red avenger18

STR 10
DEX 20
CON 14
WIS 18 (+10 +8 = 36)
INT 12

1 Druid(1) Improved Unarmed Strike
2 Druid(2)
3 Druid(3) Intuitive Attack
4 Druid(4)
5 Druid(5)
6 Druid(6) Dodge
7 Druid(7)
8 Druid(8)
9 Druid(9) Combat Casting
10 Druid(10)
11 Druid(11)
12 Druid(12) Stunning Fist
At this point you'll need 8 ranks in Lore
13 SF(1)
At this point you'll need 8 ranks in Tumble and Listen (cross-class)
14 RA(1)
15 SF(2) Practiced spellcaster: Druid
16 SF(3)
17 SF(4)
18 RA(2) Iron Fist**
19 RA(3)
20 RA(4)
21 RA(5) G-wis1
22 SF(5)
23 RA(6)
24 RA(7) G-wis2
25 RA(8)
26 RA(9)
27 Druid(13) G-wis3
28 RA(10)
29 RA(11)
30 RA(12) G-wis4
31 RA(13)
32 SF(6)
33 RA(14) G-wis5, G-wis6*
34 RA(15)
35 RA(16)
36 SF(7) G-wis 7
37 SF(8)
38 RA(17)
39 Druid(14) Dragon Shape
40 RA(18) G-wis8*
*-Red Avenger bonus feat
**-Non essential feat, can be replaced easily with perhaps a meta-magic or spell penetration

Concentration 31 (On druid)
Discipline 43 (RA/SF)
Listen 8(Cross-Class, required for RA)
Lore 40 (On druid. How come it's a prerequisite for SF and it's not a class skill?)
Spellcraft 42 (Druid/SF)
Tumble 43 (RA/SF)

HP:315(max 400)
AC: 25
AB: 39/34/29/24

Fort 28
Ref 27
W 36

In dragonform (choose red ) + Owl's Insight + Sacred flame:
AC: 51
AB: 57/52/47/42
+ 27 divine/fire damage

Fort 37
Ref 35
W 26

Obviously, this build uses a LOT of wisdom (and no, using monk would be VERY cheesy, and boring),
as it's vital for the Red Avenger's abilities,
it's: 36(natural)+12(owl's insight) * 2(free Ki) = 38 WIS mod (!).

What else? Spellcasting as level 26 druid (with 4 epic spells), nice extra damage, speed boost and a little more armor from the Sacred-Fist
and quite a good healing, saves and skill checks from Ki abilities.
Also you CAN wear medium armor and a tower shield (But no weapon though or you'll lose sacred flame),
it will make your unarmed damage 1d3, but it wont matter once you become a dragon (or an elemental).
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:45:19 PM
Reply #1

lawful good
9 monk (lvl 1-8 & 20)
2 cleric (lvl 9 & 40)
29 sacred fist (lvl 10-19 & 21-39)

8 strength
13 dexterity
14 constitution
14 intelligence
34 wisdom (17 + 1x10 + great wisdom vii)
8 charisma

43 concentration (+43 @ lvl 1-40)
42 discipline (+11 @ lvl 1-8, +31 @ lvl 10-39)
43 heal (+43 @ lvl 1-40)
43 lore (+12 @ lvl 1-9, + 11 @ lvl 20, +20 @ lvl 40)
43 spellcraft (+22 @ lvl 9-19, +21 @ lvl 21-40)
40 tumble (+11 @ lvl 1-8, +29 @ lvl 10-37)

dodge (1), intuitive attack (3), skillfocus (lore) (6), combat casting (9), animal domain (9), travel domain (9), practised spellcaster (cleric) (12), spell penetration (15), greater spell penetration (18), epic skill focus (lore) (21), epic skill focus (spellcraft) (24), improved combat casting (24), epic spell penetration (27), great wisdom i-vii (28, 30, 32, 33, 36 (2x), 39)

+20 divine damage +20 fire damage 7/day
+6 epic spells/day
+haste (travel domain) +shapechange (animal domain)
+high ab, after buffing (+74/+71/+68/+65/+62/+59)
+high ac, after buffing (87)
+high saves, after buffing (for: 44, ref: 43, wil: 45), with improved evasion
+cleric spells lvl 1-9, with spellcaster lvl 35, ability bonus 12, epic spell penetration & improved combat casting
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:45:29 PM
Reply #2

right on. i'm posting the enhanced form of my "Dragonform II", i've postet in characterbuilds#2:
Dragonform II

classes: 6Monk/14Druid/20SacredFist

Alignment: must be lawful neutral

Race: Human, Basic Stats 13/13/8/13/17/8 (with human race, you must keep precisely to this structure)

1 monk, 4 conc, 4 disc, 2 spellcraft, 4 tumble, 4 jump, dodge
2 monk, 1 conc, 1 disc, 1 lore, 1 tumble, 1 jump, save1
3 monk, same skills, save 2, expertise
4 monk, WIS+1, same skills, save 3
5 monk, same skills, save 4
6 druid, 7 spellcraft, 1 lore, 1 conc, save 1, combat casting
7 monk, 2 disc, 2 jump, 1conc, 1lore, 1tumble,
8 sacred fist, WIS+1, max skills
9 sf, max skills, weapon focus (unarmed fighting)
10 sf, max skills, save 1
11 sf, max skills, save 2
12 sf, WIS+1, max skill, save 3, power attack
13 sf, max skills, save 4
14 sf, max skills, save 5
15 sf, max skills, save 6, improved crit
16 sf, WIS+1, max skills, save 7
17 sf max skills, save 8
18 druid, 1 conc, 1 spellcraft, 11 lore, save 1, practised spellcaster
19 druid, 1 conc, 1 lore, 1 spellcraft, save 4
20 druid, WIS+1, max skills save 7
21 druid, 1 conc, 1 spellcraft, 1 lore, improved power attack
22 druid, max skills,
23 druid, max skills
24 sf, WIS+1, 7 disc, 7 jump, 7 tumble, 1 lore, great wisdom
25 sf, max skills
26 sf. max skills, save 1
27 sf, max skills, save 2, great wisdom 2, great wisdom 3
28 sf, WIS+1, max skills, save 3
29 sf, max skills, save 4
30 druid, 1 spellcraft, 7 lore, 1 conc, save 1, improved expertise
31 druid, max skills, save 4
32 druid WIS+1 druid, max skills, save 7
33 druid, max skills, save 10, epic weapon focus
34 druid, max skills, save 13
35 druid, max skill, save 17
36 sf, WIS+1, 7 disc, 7 jump, 7 tumble, 1 conc, great wisdom 4
37 sf, max skills, armor skin
38 sf, max skils, save 1
39 d, max spellcraft, lore & conc, save 1, dragonform
40 sf, max skills, STR+1
i enhanced it by changing the race from human to yuan-ti, which leads into more power in true form, some more feats (cause i didn't have to waste them for Great WIS). almost same power in dragonform


Race: Yuan-Ti (not necessary, slight loss of power with human race)

Classes: 6Monk/14Druid/20SacredFist

Creator: me ('Archfiend', or 'Flo', or 'A**hole' (just kidding, take the first one! alias the second one)

do i have to discribe the level progress again? however, i thought i don't need to.

for any weird reason it appears to be a civ3-editor data o_O
ignore that, it definately is a bic file, compressed with rar

please tell me if i have to add/change something
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:45:38 PM
Reply #3

hi folks, it's past my bedtime and i'm tired, but i must post this.
right on... think you'll love that one

Dragonform II

classes: 6Monk/14Druid/20SacredFist

Alignment: must be lawful neutral

Race: Human, Basic Stats 13/13/8/13/17/8 (with human race, you must keep precisely to this structure)

1 monk, 4 conc, 4 disc, 2 spellcraft, 4 tumble, 4 jump, dodge
2 monk, 1 conc, 1 disc, 1 lore, 1 tumble, 1 jump, save1
3 monk, same skills, save 2, expertise
4 monk, WIS+1, same skills, save 3
5 monk, same skills, save 4
6 druid, 7 spellcraft, 1 lore, 1 conc, save 1, combat casting
7 monk, 2 disc, 2 jump, 1conc, 1lore, 1tumble,
8 sacred fist, WIS+1, max skills
9 sf, max skills, weapon focus (unarmed fighting)
10 sf, max skills, save 1
11 sf, max skills, save 2
12 sf, WIS+1, max skill, save 3, power attack
13 sf, max skills, save 4
14 sf, max skills, save 5
15 sf, max skills, save 6, improved crit
16 sf, WIS+1, max skills, save 7
17 sf max skills, save 8
18 druid, 1 conc, 1 spellcraft, 11 lore, save 1, practised spellcaster
19 druid, 1 conc, 1 lore, 1 spellcraft, save 4
20 druid, WIS+1, max skills save 7
21 druid, 1 conc, 1 spellcraft, 1 lore, improved power attack
22 druid, max skills,
23 druid, max skills
24 sf, WIS+1, 7 disc, 7 jump, 7 tumble, 1 lore, great wisdom
25 sf, max skills
26 sf. max skills, save 1
27 sf, max skills, save 2, great wisdom 2, great wisdom 3
28 sf, WIS+1, max skills, save 3
29 sf, max skills, save 4
30 druid, 1 spellcraft, 7 lore, 1 conc, save 1, improved expertise
31 druid, max skills, save 4
32 druid WIS+1 druid, max skills, save 7
33 druid, max skills, save 10, epic weapon focus
34 druid, max skills, save 13
35 druid, max skill, save 17
36 sf, WIS+1, 7 disc, 7 jump, 7 tumble, 1 conc, great wisdom 4
37 sf, max skills, armor skin
38 sf, max skils, save 1
39 d, max spellcraft, lore & conc, save 1, dragonform
40 sf, max skills, STR+1

i hope i made no typing errors

in dragonform with lvl 3 spell for ac and lvl5 spell for wis, epic mage armor & deadeye sense and sacred flame ability (5 times per day, lasts 1 minute each)

AC 95, AB 68/65/62/59/56/53 (and one more attack with ab 50 by flurry)

the displayed ab is 4 points lower, but thats a display bug, i tested it and true ab is written as above

with herculean empwerment, it gets a bonus to ab and ac of 3 to 4 points, so maximum stats are

AC 99 (109 with improved expertise) , AB 72/69/66/63/60/57 (+1 with 54 by flurry) (testet)

average dam with sacred flame about 62, maximum damage with improved power attack on a critical hit is 170 minimum about 150 (thread range 19-20, with 6-7 attacks/round)

dragonform unbuffed: AC 64, AB 54/51/... (also displayed wrong, but who cares)

- improved evasion
- saves (unbuffed in dragonform): 37/36/32
- standart spells up to level 9
- stuff i forgot right now

good night :cheese:
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:45:48 PM
Reply #4

Here's another one - still with the melee/caster theme, but going unarmed and just seems more streamlined...

Favoured Fist - Monk 2 / Favoured Soul 10 / Sacred Fist 8

Race: Githzerai
Alignment: Lawful Good

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 12
WIS 16 (20)
INT 12
CHA 14 (15)

- will max Concentration, Heal, Lore & Tumble at both levels of Monk
- Favoured Soul will focus on Concentration, Heal & Lore
- excess points (1 per level) from monk and Fist levels go into tumble

1. Monk 1 - Imp Unarmed, Flurry, Stunning Fist, Cleave, Evasion; Dodge
2. Monk 2 - Deflect Arrows
3. Favoured Soul 1 - Combat Casting
4. Soul 2 - WIS +1
5. Soul 3 - Deity's Weapon Focus (I know there's a deity with 'unarmed' as a favoured weapon...)
6. Soul 4 - Mobility (in case Concentration/Tumble saves fail me...)
7. Sacred Fist 1 - Unarmed Damage; Sacred AC +1
8. Fist 2 - WIS +1
9. Soul 5 - Energy Resistance (mod-dependant); Intuitive Attack (Assuming this affects unarmed?)
10. Soul 6 -
11. Soul 7 -
12. Fist 3 - CHA +1; Sacred Speed +10%; Extend Spell
13. Soul 8 -
14. Soul 9 -
15. Soul 10 - Energy Resistance (mod-dependant); Spell Penetration
16. Fist 4 - WIS +1; Sacred Flame 1/day
17. Fist 5 - Sacred AC +2
18. Fist 6 - Sacred Speed +20%; Empower Spell
19. Fist 7 -
20. Fist 8 - WIS +1; Sacred Flame 2/day

Naked AC = 10 + 1 (Dodge) 3 (Dex) + 5 (Wis) + 4 (Tumble) 2 (Sacred) = 25 (29 vs AoO)

BAB: 16 - 4 attacks
AB (Unarmed): +22/+17/+12/+7
AB (Flurry): +20/+20/+15/+10/+5

Fort: 16 + 1 = 17
Ref: 16 + 3 = 19
Will: 12 + 5 = 17

Concentration: 23 + 1 = 24
Heal: 23 + 5 = 28
Lore: 23 + 1 = 24
Tumble: 23 + 3 = 26

(3 extra skill points can go anywhere - Persuade, Spot?)

*Great Attack Bonus levels
*Great AC
*Spontaneous Spellcasting to lvl 5 with caster lvl of 18 - good for buffs & healings in particular
*WIS Synergy across classes
*Able to move and cast in battle with relative freedom
*Fast movement
*Strong saves
*Moderate HP (d8+1 throughout) - could swap empower spell or spell penetration for toughness to gain extra
*If monk/Fist abilities still work with a shield, then further AC added there
*Can wear/use monk-only items (robes & gloves)
*Spell resistance of 25

*No high-level spells
*Cannot use any weapons
*Doesn't gain Monk enhancements for DR - will struggle against DR opponents
*Limited unarmed damage - 1d10 I believe...
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.