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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Sanctified Mind  (Read 4169 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:46:28 PM

This build is a tank that can use its mindblade abilities to weaken its enemy while also having a good shot at placing a critical hit.
When fighting enemies immune to critical hits, Deep Impact and Psychic Strike will be your main attacks.

Soulknife(30), Fighter(4), Sanctified Mind(6)
Alignment: non-evil

Starting Stats
STR: 14 + 12 = 26
DEX: 12 + 4 = 16
CON: 14 + 12 = 26
INT: 14 - 4 = 10
WIS: 15 - 2 = 13
CHA: 8 - 4 = 4

01: Soulknife(1): Power Attack
02: Soulknife(2)
03: Soulknife(3): Cleave
04: Soulknife(4): STR+1, (STR=27)
05: Soulknife(5)
06: Soulknife(6): Psionic Meditation
07: Fighter(1): Great Cleave
08: Fighter(2): STR+1, Blind Fight, (STR=28)
09: Fighter(3): Iron Will
10: Fighter(4): Improved Critical: mindblade
11: Sanctified Mind(1)
12: Sanctified Mind(2): STR+1, Psionic Weapon, (STR=29)
13: Sanctified Mind(3)
14: Sanctified Mind(4)
15: Soulknife(7): Deep Impact
16: Soulknife(8): STR+1, (STR=30)
17: Soulknife(9)
18: Soulknife(10): Weapon Specialization: mindblade
19: Soulknife(11)
20: Soulknife(12): STR+1, (STR=31)
21: Soulknife(13): Overwhelming Critical: mindblade
22: Soulknife(14)
23: Soulknife(15)
24: Soulknife(16): STR+1, Devastating Critical: mindblade, (STR=32)
25: Soulknife(17)
26: Soulknife(18)
27: Sanctified Mind(5): Epic Damage Reduction I
28: Soulknife(19): STR+1, (STR=33)
29: Soulknife(20)
30: Soulknife(21): Epic Damage Reduction II
31: Soulknife(22)
32: Soulknife(23): STR+1, Epic Damage Reduction III, (STR=34)
33: Soulknife(24): Epic Weapon Focus: mindblade
34: Soulknife(25)
35: Soulknife(26): Epic Weapon Specialization: mindblade
36: Soulknife(27): STR+1, Epic Prowess, (STR=35)
37: Sanctified Mind(6)
38: Soulknife(28)
39: Soulknife(29): Toughness, Armor Skin
40: Soulknife(30): STR+1, (STR=36)

Ending Stats
STR: 36
DEX: 16
CON: 26
INT: 10
WIS: 13
CHA: 4

Hitpoints: 548
Skillpoints: 164
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 30/21/26
BAB: 27
AB (max, naked): 40 (melee), 30 (ranged)
AC (naked): 29
Spell Resistance: 45 (from the Sanctified Mind)

Mind blade: Keen, Mindcrusher, Soulbreaker

Concentration(40), Discipline(37), Spellcraft(40), Tumble(43), Lore(4)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.