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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Spellsword  (Read 6725 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:47:14 PM

Heh my first real non-powergaming build with the prc

Gnome Wizard/SpellSword
Neutral Good
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 8

School: Transmutation
Skills: Concentration, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Lore, Spellcraft
Feat at first level: weapon prof simple
Spells at first level: Magic weapon, shield,true strike, sleep, protection: alignment, endure elements

At level 2 wizard
Spells: ray of enfeeblement, identify

Level 3 wizard
Spells: Death Armor, ghostly visage
Feat: Armor prof light

Level 4 wizard
Dex + 1
Spells: Bulls strength, Flame Weapon

Level 5 wizard
Feat: Combat casting
Spells: Greater magic weapon, displacement

Level 6 wizard
Spells: Haste, Dispell
Feat: Weapon prof martial

Level 7 wizard
Spells: Stoneskin, elemental shield

Level 8 wizard
Dex + 1
Spells: Minor globe of invulnerability, enervation

Level 9 wizard
Feat: Armor Prof medium
Spells: Energy buffer, lesser spell mantle

Level 10 wizard
Spells: Feeble mind, dismissal
Feat: Craft Wand

Level 11
Spells: Tensers transvestation, ethereal visage

Level 12 wizard
Int + 1
Feat: armor prof Heavy
Spells: Globe of invulnerability, True seeing

Level 13 Spellsword level 1

Level 14 Spellsword level 2
Feat: weapon finess

Level 15 spellsword level 3
Feat: weapon focus rapier

Level 16 spellsword 4
Int + 1
free skill point to place where ever... I saved them up for tumble

Level 17 spellsword 5

Level 18 spellsword 6
Feat: improved crit rapier

level 19 spellsword 7

Level 20 spellsword 8
Int + 1

Level 21 spellsword 9
Feat: epic weapon focus rapier

Level 22 spellsword 10

Level 23 wizard, no more spellsword levels...
Spells:protection from spells, spell mantle (yeah I know I could take them from a higher level but I didnt want to powergame this character)

level 24 wizard
spells: shadow shield, mantle of egregious might
Feat: craft magical arms and armor

level 25
Spells: premonition, greater spell mantle
Arcane defense illusion (i kept failing my saving throws against those damn instadeaths lol)

level 26
Spells: mindblank, mass hold monster

level 27
Spells: Banishment, energy immunity
Feat: improved initiative

level 28
Dex + 1
Spells: mass hold person, wall of greater dispell

level 29
spells: mord sword, prismatic spray

level 30
spells: Bigbys forceful hand, greater spell breach
feats: great int 1, practised spellcaster

level 31
spells: bibgys interposing hand, flesh to stone

level 32
Dex + 1
spells: mods disjunction, energy drain

level 33
spells: bigbys clenched and crushing
feats: superior intiative, greater int 2

level 34
spells: bigbys grasping hand, mass blind/deaf

level 35
spells: greater stoneskin, greater heroism

level 36
Dex + 1
spells: mass contagion, timestop
feats: improved combat casting, epic prowess

level 37
spells: greater sanctuary, sunburst

level 38
spells: nybors stern reproof, power word stun

level 39
spells: greater dispell, disintegrate
feats: spell penetration, blind fight

level 40
spells: legions curse of impending blades, bestow curse

all in all it was hella fun to play
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:47:28 PM
Reply #1

Trollish Sorcerer :E
Sorcerer 19/Red Dragon Disciple 10/ SpellSword 11

Race: Troll
Str 26 (Increase at lvls 28-40)
Dex 12
Con 26
Int 12
Wis 6
Cha 11 (Increase at Lvl 4-24)

1-5 Sorcerer
6-7 RDD
8 Sorcerer
9-10 RDD
11-20 Spellsword
21-26 RDD
27 Spellsword
28-40 Sorcerer

1 Weapon Proficiency (Martial)
3 Armor Proficiency (Light)
6 Armor Proficiency (Medium)
9 Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
12 Improved Critical (Greatsword)
12 Toughness
15 Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
18 Extend Spell
21 Epic Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
24 Silent Spell
27 Empower Spell
30 Maximize Spell
33 Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
36 Epic Skill Focus (Lore)
39 Practised Spellcaster

concentration 18
Lore 43
Spellcreft 43
Tumble 20

Has a nice 26 Bab :naughty: and ability to cast epic spells
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:47:42 PM
Reply #2

The Elemental Antecedent by Anuis:

There was once a time long before the civilization became civilization, long before the elementals ruled the earth, sky, fire, and water. This is the legend of when the elementals were in infancy, long before new era of elements.

The legend begins...

Hand rose through the earth, seemly to reach out to the sky, but arched toward the earth like it was going back where it came from. The hand is so massive that it can destroy thousands of armies; it flexed itself and rolled into fist. The fist pounded into the earth, sending out tidal waves, toppling forests and mountains. The hand gathered the felled forests and rocks from destroyed mountains and placed it on the ground. The hand then retreated back into the earth that created it. The sky and water gathered together to create thunderstorm... the storm thundered and poured rain down upon the earth, which the hand came from, water mixed with the mixture of the felled forest and rocks. Once the rain stopped, the sky thundered once more and lightning struck out and burned the surrounding air and struck the earth. Out of the struck earth, a new being arose, created by the elemental gods themselves, The Elemental Antecedent.

The Elemental Antecedent means "One that precedes elementals"

The Elemental Antecedent is supposed to be the very first elemental form born of earth... Many claims that they have seen this being roaming throughout the land, but many dismisses it since there hasn't been any since the end of the elemental's era.

==Leveling Instruction==
Name: The Elemental Antecedent
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Starting Class: Wizard

Feats to take:
Armor Proficiency (light)


STR: 11

DEX: 14[2]
CON: 14[2]
INT: 17 [3]
WIS: 10

CHA: 8 [-1]

==Bare Stats: Level 1==

AC: 12
HP: 7/7

Main Weapon: Unarmed
Attack Bonus: 0
Damage: 1-3(Critical: 20/x2)
Offhand Weapon: Not Applicable
Fortitude: 2
Reflex: 2
Will: 2
Base Attack: 0

Lvl. 2: Wizard
Concentration +5
Lore +5
Spellcraft +5

HP +7

Lvl. 3: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Armor Proficiency (medium)

HP +7

Lvl. 4: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 5: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Maximize Spell

HP +7

Lvl. 6: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Summoner Bonded Earth

HP +7

Lvl. 7: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 8: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 9: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Weapon Proficiency (simple)

HP +7

Lvl. 10: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 11: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 12: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Weapon Proficiency (martial)

HP +7

Lvl. 13: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +11

Lvl. 14: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +11

Lvl. 15: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Spell Penetration

HP +7

Lvl. 16: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +11

Lvl. 17: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 18: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Greater Spell Penetration

HP +7

Lvl. 19: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 20: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Empower Spell

HP +7

Lvl. 21: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Weapon Focus (longsword)

HP +11

Lvl. 22: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 23: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 24: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Epic Weapon Focus (longsword)

HP +7

Lvl. 25: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 26: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +11

Lvl. 27: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Epic Spell Penetration

HP +11

Lvl. 28: Bonded Summoner
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 29: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 30: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Skill Focus (spellcraft)

HP +11

Lvl. 31: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Extend Spell

HP +11

Lvl. 32: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 33: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Great Intelligence I, II

HP +7

Lvl. 34: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 35: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 36: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Epic Toughness I

HP +7(27 with ETI)

Lvl. 37: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

HP +7

Lvl. 38: Wizard
Concentration +1
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1

Combat Casting

HP +7

Lvl. 39: Spellsword
Concentration +1
Listen +42
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1
Spot +42

Improved Combat Casting

HP +11

Lvl. 40: Wizard
Concentration +1
Craft Armor +43
Craft Trap +18
Craft Weapon +43
Lore +1
Spellcraft +1
Tumble +40

HP +7

==Bare Stats: Level 40==
AC: 16
HP: 336/336

Main Weapon: Unarmed
Attack Bonus: +25/+20
Damage: 1-8+2(Critical: 19-20/x2)
Offhand Weapon: Not Applicable
Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 18
Will: 25
Base Attack: 20

==Abilities Increments==
INT: lvl. 4, 8, 12, 20, 24, 28, 32
STR: lvl. 16, 36, 40

Author's Notes:
Reason for taking Epic Toughness is that I wanted a character with decent HP.

The reason for the stats is that I wanted to balance it out with Spellsword for which it depends on strength to use weapon. But that is only for as back-up, it mainly relies on the wizard's spells. The spells should

make up for low stats in strength and constitution, they can be increased either by the epic spells learned in the laboratory or by spells that you can learn through scrolls.

The reasons for the skill points in many areas that seems not to apply to this build is that I had large amount of extra, so why not put them into craft ***, you could craft things for other character if you were to

team up with someone, such as fighter, you can craft weapon and enchant it for them. Or with rogue, you can make traps for them, and so on...

I believe this build can be improved more, probably weapon focus and few things. Since this build is based on earth form, you could take weapon focus (unarmed strike) for better damage. However, I welcome any feedback on this.

Thank you in advance.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:48:10 PM
Reply #3

Inspired by Battlecaster from CrispyCritter

Cleric 16/Wizard (Illusionist) 15/Spellsword 9

Race: Avariel
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Diety: Corellon Larethian
Domains: War, Protection (must have War for Martial Weapon Proficiency... + weapon focus: Longsword)

Start End
STR 14 26
DEX 12 12
CON 10 10
INT 18 20
WIS 17 18
CHA 10 10

1. Cleric - Combat Casting
2. Cleric
3. Cleric - Power Attack
4. Cleric
5. Cleric
6. Cleric - Cleave
7. Cleric
8. Cleric
9. Wizard - Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)
10. Wizard
11. Wizard
12. Wizard - Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard)
13. Spellsword
14. Spellsword - Great Cleave*
15. Spellsword - Improved Critical (Longsword)
16. Spellsword
17. Spellsword
18. Spellsword - Extraordinary Spell Aim
19. Spellsword
20. Spellsword
21. Cleric - Great STR I
22. Cleric
23. Wizard - Extend Spell*
24. Wizard - Great STR II
25. Wizard
26. Wizard
27. Wizard - Great STR III
28. Wizard - Empower Spell*
29. Wizard
30. Wizard - Great STR IV
31. Wizard
32. Wizard
33. Wizard - Great STR V,Improved Combat Casting* (not sure if Epic Spellcasting is on Wizard bonus feat list)
34. Cleric
35. Cleric
36. Cleric - Overwhelming Critical (Longsword)
37. Cleric
38. Cleric
39. Cleric - Devastating Critical (Longsword)
40. Spellsword

* - bonus feat

Ability increase:
4, 8 - INT
12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40 - STR
36 - WIS

Total Skill Points = 291
Discipline = 43
Spellcraft = 43
Lore = 43
Concentration = 43
Tumble = 20

whats left to Persuade, Parry, Heal... (?)

Arcane caster level = 24
Divine caster level = 20

4 attacks per round
nice Fort and Will saves
acces to 8 th level Divine spells and 9 th level Arcane spells
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.