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Author Topic: Alternative class features  (Read 3086 times)

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July 24, 2010, 03:38:56 PM
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Anyone have interest in considering adding alternative class features into NWN. There is a great list here:

Alternative class features and class substitution levels (another name I've heard) basically allow base classes to switch some of their basic feats they get as part of their class with other feat(ures) instead. Since everything is a feat in NWN this seems easy to implement, simply take basic feats, like a palidans turn undead, and instead of making it an automatic feat, make it a bonus feat. The when the palidan turns level 3 he can substitute turn undead for the appropriate ACF he qualifies for.

The major porblems I see are 1) the classes you implement this for can't already have bonus feats. I.E. Rangers favored enemy is set up as a bonus feat, or hexblades which get some bonus feats. Also some classes have hardcoded class features which ACF's might swap but cant be in NWN, animal companions come to mind.2) most ACF abilities are either undo able, undesirable or require a lot on interpretation since they are based on 3.5 rules. Harmonious knight getting inspire courage comes to mind for requiring a lot of interpretation. Still there are a good number that are doable and close to doable and worthwhile in a combat game like NWN. I'm especially interested in ones that give class features from other classes like favored enemy and inspire courage, because that can be used to qualify for new PRC builds that are otherwise not possible with 3 classes limit.

Any suggestions or takers =)