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Author Topic: Witch Class  (Read 15927 times)

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July 30, 2010, 03:49:49 PM
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I see a lot of references to a Witch class in the .2da files. Where is the class from or can someone provide a link if its custom?

July 30, 2010, 05:33:04 PM
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It's from a third party manual The Witch's Handbook

I think it is quite interesting class and great for RP ;) I've expanded a bit the spell list though, so it better fit  NWN realm.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 05:45:19 PM by xwarren »

August 04, 2010, 03:28:52 PM
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when the next release, then, with the Witch herself? :P
My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

October 21, 2010, 03:10:44 AM
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it is a very interesting class and i want to try it on a PW but im at a lost of quite how to rp it XD  the versions im pulling up looking and the version implemented in prc

October 25, 2010, 08:06:26 PM
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Any estimate on updated manual for the new classes?

October 26, 2010, 11:22:27 AM
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Quote from: barna10

Any estimate on updated manual for the new classes?

I'm afraid you'll have to wait until 3.4 final is released.

October 26, 2010, 03:12:48 PM
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Estimate on that?

October 26, 2010, 06:35:31 PM
Reply #7

Quote from: barna10

Estimate on that?

Sometime after the Release Candidate (RC) probably.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 06:36:52 PM by DM Heatstroke »

October 27, 2010, 09:25:24 AM
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Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Quote from: barna10

Estimate on that?

Sometime after the Release Candidate (RC) probably.

Heh. Good one :P

November 02, 2010, 06:20:52 AM
Reply #9

Can we get some kind of class progression sheet ahead of time? The only incentive to play right now is a new class to explore..
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 06:21:22 AM by minigrover »

November 02, 2010, 07:58:17 AM
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For wizards, magic is an art, both scholarly and complex, to be studied and mastered. For sorcerers, it is a talent, born in their blood, to be practiced and strengthened. For divine spellcasters such as clerics, druids, and shamans, magic is a gift, whether form the gods, the natural world, or the spirit world.

And for some, magic is a craft, one of the oldest crafts, time-honored and handed down form generation to generation. It is a craft of weaving and making, the craft of charms and spells, the Craft of the Wise Ones, witchcraft.

The witch is a spellcaster who sees magic as a humble craft to be practiced and learned like any other. Witches are often rural folk, but that doesn't mean they're not every bit as sophisticated as other spellcasters.

- Hit Die: d4
- Proficiencies: A Witch gains proficiencies with Simple Weapons, but is not proficient with any type of armor or with shields.
- Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier


1: Familiar
5: Bonus feat
10: Bonus feat
13: A thousand faces
15: Bonus feat
17: Timeless body
20: Bonus feat


To cast a spell, the Witch must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the spell level. The DC of a Witch's spell is 10 + Spell Level + Wisdom Modifier. A Witch's caster level is equal to her class level. She is a spontaneous caster.

Spells per day:
Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1:     5 3 - - - - - - - -
2:     6 4 - - - - - - - -
3:     6 5 - - - - - - - -
4:     6 6 3 - - - - - - -
5:     6 6 4 - - - - - - -
6:     6 6 5 3 - - - - - -
7:     6 6 6 4 - - - - - -
8:     6 6 6 5 3 - - - - -
9:     6 6 6 6 4 - - - - -
10:    6 6 6 6 5 3 - - - -
11:    6 6 6 6 6 4 - - - -
12:    6 6 6 6 6 5 3 - - -
13:    6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
14:    6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 - -
15:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - -
16:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 -
17:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 -
18:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
19:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20:    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

BAB and saves as Wizard,
Class skills:
Spell list (spells known as Sorcerer):
Code: [Select]
Cure_Minor_Wounds                   0    
Dancing_Lights                      0    
Daze                                0    
Disrupt_Undead_X                    0    
Flare                               0    
Inflict_Minor_Wounds_X              0    
Light                               0    
Mage_Hand_X                         0    
Read_Magic                          0    
Resistance                          0    
Sobriety                            0    
Virtue                              0    

Aberrate_X                          1    
Cause_Fear                          1    
Charm_Person                        1    
Command                             1    
Crafters_Blessing                   1    
Crafters_Curse                      1    
Cure_Light_Wounds                   1    
Disguise_Self                       1    
Doom                                1    
Drug_Resistance_X                   1    
Endure_Elements                     1    
Entangle_X                          1    
Expeditious_Retreat_X               1    
Extract_Drug_X                      1    
Hide_From_Animals_X                 1    
Identify                            1    
Inflict_Light_Wounds_X              1    
Ironguts_X                          1    
Mage_Armor_X                        1    
Magic_Stone_X                       1    
Magic_Weapon_X                      1    
Nybors_Gentle_Reminder_X            1    
Obscuring_Mist_X                    1    
Protection_from_Chaos_X             1    
Protection_from_Evil_X              1    
Protection_from_Good_X              1    
Protection_from_Law_X               1    
Ray_of_Hope_X                       1    
Rouse_X                             1    
Shillelagh_X                        1    
Sleep                               1    
Sorrow_X                            1    
Ultravision_X                       1    

Addiction_X                         2    
Aid_X                               2    
Alter_Self                          2    
Animalistic_Power_X                 2    
Augment_Familiar_X                  2    
Blindness_Deafness                  2    
Blur_X                              2    
Bulls_Strength_X                    2    
Calm_Emotions                       2    
Cats_Grace_X                        2    
Charm_Person_or_Animal_X            2    
Cloud_of_Bewilderment_X             2    
Command_Undead_X                    2    
Continual_Flame_X                   2    
Create_Magic_Tattoo_X               2    
Cure_Moderate_Wounds                2    
Curse_of_Impending_Blades_X         2    
Darkness_X                          2    
Death_Armor_X                       2    
Eagles_Splendor_X                   2    
Elation_X                           2    
Endurance_X                         2    
Energize_Potion_X                   2    
False_Life_X                        2    
Find_Traps_X                        2    
Fog_Cloud_X                         2    
Foxs_Cunning_X                      2    
Ghostly_Visage_X                    2    
Ghoul_Touch_X                       2    
Heroism_X                           2    
Hold_Animal_X                       2    
Hold_Person_X                       2    
Inflict_Moderate_Wounds_X           2    
Invisibility                        2    
Knock_X                             2    
Lesser_Dispel_X                     2    
Locate_Object                       2    
Obscure_Object_X                    2    
One_with_the_Land_X                 2    
Owls_Wisdom_X                       2    
Pyrotechnics_X                      2    
Resist_Elements_X                   2    
Scare                               2    
See_Invisibility_X                  2    
Silence_X                           2    
Tashas_Hideous_Laughter_X           2    
Touch_of_Idiocy_X                   2    
Undetectable_Alignment_X            2    
Wave_of_Grief_X                     2    

Bestow_Curse                        3    
Clairvoyance_Clairaudiance          3    
Clarity_X                           3    
Contagion                           3    
Crushing_Despair_X                  3    
Curse_of_Petty_Failing_X            3    
Curse_of_the_Putrid_Husk_X          3    
Deep_Slumber_X                      3    
Dispel_Magic                        3    
Dominate_Animal_X                   3    
Evil_Eye_X                          3    
Glibness_X                          3    
Glyph_of_Warding_X                  3    
Greater_Disrupt_Undead_X            3    
Greater_Magic_Weapon_X              3    
Gust_of_Wind_X                      3    
Halt_Undead_X                       3    
Halt_X                              3    
Haste_X                             3    
Improved_Mage_Armor_X               3    
Infestation_of_Maggots_X            3    
Inflict_Serious_Wounds_X            3    
Invisibility_Sphere_X               3    
Keen_Edge_X                         3    
Legions_Curse_of_Impending_Blades_X 3    
Magic_Circle_Against_Chaos          3    
Magic_Circle_Against_Evil           3    
Magic_Circle_Against_Good           3    
Magic_Circle_Against_Law            3    
Masochism_X                         3    
Mass_Ultravision_X                  3    
Nondetection_X                      3    
Protection_from_Elements_X          3    
Quillfire_X                         3    
Remove_Blindness_Deafness           3    
Remove_Curse_X                      3    
Remove_Disease_X                    3    
Slow_X                              3    
Snare_X                             3    
Spiderskin_X                        3    
Water_Breathing                     3    
Water_Breathing_X                   3    
Wrack_X                             3    

Animate_Dead_X                      4    
Arcane_Eye_X                        4    
Charm_Monster                       4    
Confusion                           4    
Death_Ward_X                        4    
Detect_Scrying_X                    4    
Dimension_Door_X                    4    
Dismissal_X                         4    
Doom_Scarabs_X                      4    
Fear                                4    
Hold_Monster_X                      4    
Improved_Invisibility_X             4    
Inflict_Critical_Wounds_X           4    
Liquid_Pain_X                       4    
Locate_Creature                     4    
Lower_Spell_Resistance_X            4    
Neutralize_Poison                   4    
Phantasmal_Killer_X                 4    
Poison_X                            4    
Polymorph_Other                     4    
Polymorph_Self                      4    
Repel_Vermin_X                      4    
Scrying                             4    
Shout_X                             4    
Stoneskin_X                         4    
Stop_Heart_X                        4    

Beltyns_Burning_Blood_X             5    
Break_Enchantment                   5    
Cloudkill_X                         5    
Dominate_Person_X                   5    
Energy_Buffer_X                     5    
Eternal_Charm_Person                5    
Feeblemind                          5    
Greater_Command                     5    
Greater_Heroism_X                   5    
Greater_Scrying                     5    
Heartclutch_X                       5    
Legions_Curse_of_Petty_Failing_X    5    
Lesser_Mind_Blank_X                 5    
Lesser_Planar_Binding_X             5    
Mass_Contagion_X                    5    
Mind_Fog_X                          5    
Panacea_X                           5    
Spell_Resistance_X                  5    
Waves_of_Fatigue_X                  5    

Animate_Objects                     6    
Antimagic_Field_X                   6    
Banishment_X                        6    
Control_Weather                     6    
Create_Undead_X                     6    
Energy_Immunity_X                   6    
Ethereal_Visage_X                   6    
Eyebite                             6    
Greater_Dispelling_X                6    
Greater_Stoneskin_X                 6    
Legend_Lore                         6    
Mass_Bulls_Strength_X               6    
Mass_Cats_Grace_X                   6    
Mass_Eagles_Splendor_X              6    
Mass_Endurance_X                    6    
Mass_Foxs_Cunning_X                 6    
Mass_Haste_X                        6    
Mass_Owls_Wisdom_X                  6    
Mislead                             6    
Planar_Binding_X                    6    
Repulsion                           6    
Tensers_Transformation              6    
True_Seeing                         6    

Control_Undead_X                    7    
Creeping_Doom                       7    
Eternal_Charm_Monster               7    
Fiendish_Clarity_X                  7    
Finger_of_Death                     7    
Greater_Shout_X                     7    
Insanity                            7    
Mass_Charm_X                        7    
Mass_Hold_Person_X                  7    
Nybors_Stern_Reproof_X              7    
Pestilence_X                        7    
Power_Word_Stun_X                   7    
Sequester_X                         7    
Spell_Turning_X                     7    
Waves_of_Exhaustion_X               7    

Blackstaff_X                        8    
Create_Greater_Undead_X             8    
Discern_Location                    8    
Flensing_X                          8    
Greater_Planar_Binding_X            8    
Gutwrench_X                         8    
Horrid_Wilting                      8    
Mass_Blindness_Deafness_X           8    
Mind_Blank_X                        8    
Premonition_X                       8    
Shadow_Shield_X                     8    
Wall_of_Greater_Dispel_Magic_X      8    

Dominate_Monster_X                  9    
Earthquake                          9    
Foresight                           9    
Gate_X                              9    
Mantle_of_Egregious_Might_X         9    
Mass_Hold_Monster_X                 9    
Power_Word_Kill_X                   9    
Shape_Change                        9    
Wail_of_the_Banshee                 9    
Weird                               9    
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 07:59:39 AM by xwarren »

November 02, 2010, 09:27:52 AM
Reply #11
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Looking at the above info, it looks like a Witch should qualify for Shifter (PnP) class. I guess I should make sure it does.

November 02, 2010, 10:09:17 PM
Reply #12

I would add Avasculate and Avascular Mass. Goes well with the Flensing / Gutwrench sadistic theme.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

November 03, 2010, 06:07:30 AM
Reply #13

Quote from: ThE LoSt BoY

I would add Avasculate and Avascular Mass. Goes well with the Flensing / Gutwrench sadistic theme.

He's already added a ton of spells that they normally don't get.

November 04, 2010, 08:23:41 PM
Reply #14

I would submit that A) Avasculate is consistent with evil witch legends (Stygian Witches, Baba Yaga, Iggwilv, Hag types, etc.) and B) that particular Necro-sadism chain may have been left off as an oversight or could improve the class by adding,

Are you arguing for X-warren (et. al class coder) that A) Avasculate is dissimilar to the Witch theme / spell list  or B) Coder spell choice cannot be improved upon or suggestions made to?

Since 3rd party stuff is not official, the PRC coder (i.e. the one doing all the work / adding value) has the final call. I personally recommend going with the spirit of things, especially on judgment calls.

For those interested in benchmarking the 3.5 spell list, here is a good resource:

Prot from Spells, Trap the Soul (drool - Lich Soul gem like-spell - drool) and probably a few more.

3rd party stuff is good to keep coming, but can be improved upon.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist