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Author Topic: Adding Insightful Strike to another class  (Read 3123 times)

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August 27, 2010, 11:08:58 PM

A little bored, I decided I wanted to 'create' a 'super' class, which pretty much just consisted of adding new feats/level, more skills/level,  change the class skills, and switch the Wizard's BAB progression to 3/4.

Now my problem is adding Insightful Strike. I got it on level up no problem after a little fiddling around, yet it adds no additional damage to my rapier while in light armor.

After further looking around, it seemed the Insightful Function script was tied to the Swashbuckler class itself. What I ended up doing was opening the prc_include.hak, extracting prc_alterations.nss, as well as opening the prc_scripts.hak and extracting prc_swashbuckler.nss.

I edited the prc_alterations.nss, added
case CLASS_TYPE_WIZARD:                       return "prc_wiz2";

I opened up prc_swashbuckler.nss and deleted everything but lines 1,  44 to 79, 138 to 144, 161 to 162, and 71. I also edited line 144 to
int iClass = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_WIZARD,oPC);
and renamed the file to prc_wiz2.nss.

I added each to their own .hak again (not before backing up the originals), and yet Insightful Strike still does nothing. Now I have virtually no scripting experience, so I may be going about this completely the wrong way or I may in fact be in way over my head. Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated.

August 28, 2010, 02:58:23 AM
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I edited the prc_alterations.nss

I think you mean prc_inc_function.nss

The changes you have made seem quite OK, all you have to do now (lol) is to compile prc_wiz2.nss and all scripts that include prc_inc_function.nss. Than you have to put the compiled scripts (*.nsc) into the haks. Use nwnnsscomp.exe to compile the scripts.