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Author Topic: Jump Skill Question  (Read 3988 times)

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August 28, 2010, 08:21:54 PM

While I am getting ready to build my mod I thought about how to plot out areas that may be too difficult to jump around on. So I was wondering what would a 10 meter jump require to be made as a jump check? Or is there a dc for distance chart someone can share a link to?

August 30, 2010, 01:08:59 AM
Reply #1

I think i have a answer for my own question. I found a meter to feet converter and used it. If I am right the dc to jump ten meters is 32 almost 33.
Here is the link

I figured if I can use it in making my world more challenging then it may prove a useful tool after all.

August 30, 2010, 03:36:07 AM
Reply #2
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PRC implementation:
Code: [Select]
     int iJumpRoll = d20() + GetSkillRank(SKILL_JUMP, oPC) + iBonus + GetAbilityModifier(ABILITY_STRENGTH, oPC);

     // Jump distance is determined by the number exceeding 10
     // divided based on running or standing jump.
     iJumpRoll -= 10;
     if(iJumpRoll < 1) iJumpRoll = 1;
     iJumpRoll /= iDivisor;
     iJumpDistance = iMinJumpDistance + iJumpRoll;

iDivisor = 1 for running jump and 2 for standing jump
iMinJumpDistance = 5 for running jump and 3 for standing jump (in feet)

Hope this will help you

August 31, 2010, 12:52:39 AM
Reply #3

Thank you xwarren that will be very helpful.