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Author Topic: PRC 3.4 Beta.rar installation  (Read 5173 times)

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November 04, 2010, 12:34:25 PM
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edit: [SOLVED]

Hey guys, I'm sorry if this is too noobish but I have a few questions concerning PRC.
I have 1.69 HotU but I don't have CEP installed, and I only play on the Bioware campaigns.

I was trying to get my Warlock to work, but everytime when I start my lock (right after picking the first invocation) I would get that annoying Dialog box loop about picking the level of invocations with only the option to End Dialog. I found that this bug only appear as I picked the Extra Invocation feat when I created my character. However I'm guessing that this has to do with my installation of PRC. I have also tried 3.3G RC3 to no success.

I've downloaded the .rar version for 3.4Beta and according to the installation guide at
I was supposed to put the files into corresponding directories (namely .hak and .hif files into the 'hak' folder etc.).

My question is that there wasn't any 'erf' folder in my install directory, do I just create an erf folder and put .erf files in it?

After that, when I tried to use the PRCModuleUpdater there were only 2 options available in the box where I pick which content to install, namely 'PRC Pack' and 'prc_ocfix'. There wasn't any 'PRC OC', which according to the installation guide, is the option to install both PRC Pack and prc_ocfix. Since I only play on Bioware campaigns, is there a workaround to get the combined option (PRC OC), or it doesn't matter. If so, is it important which order I install them in? (since I can only install one at a time.)

I've picked the 3 Bioware campaigns for installation.
When I tried to install the prc_ocfix, there was a box asking me if I wanted to replace a lot of files, all of which are .NCS files. What should I do?
With PRC Pack, I had to overwrite some files in order to continue (.utc, .ncs and .uti files).

I have tried installing 3.4 with the .exe installer, but for some reason when I tried to use the Character Creator, installing 3.4 using the .rar version seems to fix a lot of problems, like the voiceset actually working. I also couldn't get the Character Creator.exe to work if I install PRC3.4 using the installer (I had to run the batch file in order to get CC running).

I found on the forum about fixing that annoying conversation loop for Warlocks, but I'm not sure if the feat Extra Invocations was involved. The problem was apparently due to a conflict with CEP or something. But since I don't have CEP installed, I was wondering if installing CEP (2.3) would help fix the dialog box bug.

To summarise,
1. What should I do with the 2 .erf files that came with PRC3.4.rar (prc_consortium.erf and prc_ocfix.erf)?

2. Do I need the PRC OC option when using the PRCModuleUpdater for Bioware campaigns? If I don't, is there an order to installing PRC Pack and prc_ocfix?

3. What should I do when installing prc_ocfix, since there were a lot of files to check. And what about the PRC Pack, is it normal to overwrite the files or am I doing something very wrong?

4. Should I get 2.3 CEP, or would that just make more cluster fudge?

5. How should I install PRC 3.4Beta (.exe installer, .rar files or manual installation)? If I should manually install it using the Toolset, I'm pretty sure I would phail big time :(

6. Is there any hope for my Warlock or should I just forget about this madness and pick another base class lol. I couldn't level up if I have the Extra Invocation feat, as I would get stuck at the Dialog box loop.

I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light in any of these questions. I really hope it's not just me. I'm really sorry if that was too long.
Thanks for your time :)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 10:58:49 PM by Jsyn »

November 04, 2010, 12:58:06 PM
Reply #1

[olist=1]Just create a folder called "erf" in your NWN directory.
The PRC OC option is called the prc_ocfix in the updater. I do not think there is an issue with the order you install them in, but I always do the PRC Pack first, then the prc_ocfix.
If it asks you to overwrite something when installing it just say yes. This is perfectly normal and I think is needed for it to work properly. The only time when you may not want it to overwrite data is when dealing with custom modules, but that is not what you are doing.
The CEP 2.3 is not needed and won't help with the OC, because it does not use any CEP content.
I would install the files manualy and us the module updater to install it into the OC. You put the hak and hif files into the hak folder and you put the tlk files into the tlk folder. The exe goes in your NWN directory that contains the hak/tlk/etc folders. Last, but not least the database files .CDX/.DBF/.FPT go in your database folder.
This can be cause by the database being screwed up. Try wiping all of the files from your database folder except for the database.txt if it exist and restore them from the rar.[/olist]
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 12:59:03 PM by KenquinnTheInsaneOne »

November 04, 2010, 01:23:32 PM
Reply #2
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Wow, big thanks for the fast reply!
I will try all your suggestions, and I really appreciate it!

Thanks again :)

November 04, 2010, 10:55:15 PM
Reply #3
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I tried restoring the database files, and it still didn't work.
However, I realised that Extra Invocation was actually working as it should, since the prerequisite requires Warlocks to have learned atleast one Lesser invocation. Since I only have Least invocations when I first start out, it would bug the dialog box. And even if I take Extra Invocation at level 2 Warlock, I would get stuck until I repick a different feat. The Extra Invocation feat will only work having reached Lesser invocation level.

So, I guess everything's solved then. All I had to do was just learn to read lol. It's good that it bugs up the dialog box if I pick Extra Invocation when I don't have Lesser invocations yet, it just means that the feat is working as intended. If you start out as a lock and have Extra Invocation as your level 1 feat, then the only way is to remake your char I guess. Wait until you get to level 6 for lesser, then you can start pumping Extra Invocations.

Thanks again for your reply though, it cleared up a lot of questions :)

« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 10:56:59 PM by Jsyn »

November 05, 2010, 08:48:10 AM
Reply #4

Quote from: Jsyn

I tried restoring the database files, and it still didn't work.
However, I realised that Extra Invocation was actually working as it should, since the prerequisite requires Warlocks to have learned atleast one Lesser invocation. Since I only have Least invocations when I first start out, it would bug the dialog box. And even if I take Extra Invocation at level 2 Warlock, I would get stuck until I repick a different feat. The Extra Invocation feat will only work having reached Lesser invocation level.

So, I guess everything's solved then. All I had to do was just learn to read lol. It's good that it bugs up the dialog box if I pick Extra Invocation when I don't have Lesser invocations yet, it just means that the feat is working as intended. If you start out as a lock and have Extra Invocation as your level 1 feat, then the only way is to remake your char I guess. Wait until you get to level 6 for lesser, then you can start pumping Extra Invocations.

Thanks again for your reply though, it cleared up a lot of questions :)


If that is the case that feat should have a level requirement of Warlock 6.  I know it's possible that you can skip lesser invocations, but really, who would do that?

November 05, 2010, 01:29:38 PM
Reply #5
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Yeah, if it was greyed-out prior to reaching level 6 that would be great. I wanted that feat right from the start as well, but I guess that's not possible since it would just result in the dialog bug. Getting extra invocations early on would be great since few of the epic feats would require low level spells.

I'm no modder, so I don't know if anyone can just set a level restriction to the feat or only the devs could. For first time invokers (Warlocks or Dragonfire Adept) like myself, not knowing about how to use the feat properly was a real bummer lol. But I'm glad the problem was nothing too major and the workaround was actually simple. I could finally pwn my way around the campaigns now.