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Author Topic: Request: Noble Feat: Coordination alterantion  (Read 2892 times)

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October 23, 2010, 10:57:58 AM

Coordinate: A noble has knack for getting people to work together. When the noble can aid others and give directions, he provides a bonus to the task at hand by making an aid another check. This bonus is in addition to the normal aid another bonus of +2, and it increases as the noble gains levels. Therefore, the noble provides a total +3 bonus at 4th level (+2 aid another bonus, +1 cooperation bonus), a +4 bonus at 8th level, and so on.
This ability can't be used to assist in combat.

I would Request, that instead of just giving Skills and Attack bonus difficulty as it does now

its altered to give Skills, and attributes Buff (aka +2 is 4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA)
but breaks if combat is engaged, and Either is a AoE buff that lasts for 2 rounds.

Or perhaps a massive aura that lasts for a few sec but breaks if the noble engages combat, i dunno how the easiest its scripted.

at the moment the feat kinda does quite different than its supposed to, the feat is supposed to allow lets say Four people trying to push a boulder work together and increase their score. Thus raising their Skill checks.

This would make it easier to use in Term of RP, thou I'll admit it would gain little use for Single player modules.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2010, 12:17:38 PM by White195 »