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Author Topic: Anti-paladin  (Read 10068 times)

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January 23, 2012, 04:36:34 AM
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I couldn't find a specific topic about this, so I had to make a new one.

1 - According to the manual, the class has both turn undead and turn outsider, but in game it only gets turn outsider. I'd like to know if there's a way to enable the turn undead, or if it's possible alter divine might and shield so i can learn them with an antipaladin.

2 - I'd like to ask where did this anti-paladin came from? I found this one:

And he is lawful evil instead of chaotic. He also has turn undead instead of turn outsiders (even though Turning good outsider makes more sense than turning undead for this character).

I also found a few paladin variants: Freedom(CB), Slaughter(CE) and Tyranny(LE), but I don't know where the PRC one came from.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 05:28:26 AM by urthok »

January 23, 2012, 06:50:10 AM
Reply #1
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PRC anti-paladin is from Dragon Magazine #312. I've disabled turn undead from anti-paladins feats, because anti-paladin level doesn't affect turn undead in any way (you could turn undead but your turning level was always 0).

You can add turn undead by editing cls_feat_antipl.2da and adding:
Code: [Select]
20  TurnUndead                          294       3    3             1at the end of the file.

January 23, 2012, 07:48:12 AM
Reply #2

...because anti-paladin level doesn't affect turn undead in any way...

Is that by design?  If so, seems weird.

January 23, 2012, 08:25:49 AM
Reply #3
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You guys are quick!

I know nothing about scripting so I hope my question isn't stupid:

Is it possible (and worthy the trouble) to alter the paladin class to accept both alignments (LG and CE)? Then they would be able to select their abilities (which would be restricted by alignment).

Example: when reaching level 2 the character would be able to choose smite evil or good (but the choice would be restricted by alignment).

I know it seems to be too much trouble, but it would leave space to add another class.
If it's possible, champion of bane and torm could be replace by divine champion, making room for another class (I believe I read somewhere that there's a limit to how many classes we can have, and that it was reached already).

It's not a request (I don't even know if it's possible) but it's an idea that would make room for more classes (just like the idea of removing the lich class and use the template instead).

January 23, 2012, 09:05:39 AM
Reply #4
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...because anti-paladin level doesn't affect turn undead in any way...

Is that by design?  If so, seems weird.
I found a description for anti-paladin from DM:
And if you look at GetTurningClassLevel() function in prc_inc_turning.nss, you'll notice that levels of Judicator, Blightlord and Anti-Paladin are ignored for the purpose of Turn Undead ability. I really don't know why the turn undead was added to this class (probably only for divine might/shield).

Unfortunately alignment restriction for feats is not possible in NWN (we have some feats which force you to delevel if you don't meet the requirements and many complains about them).
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 09:07:47 AM by xwarren »

January 23, 2012, 10:13:14 AM
Reply #5
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I agree with you, the turn undead is there probably for divine might/shield, since turn outsider doesn't work for that purpose.

That's why I want it =D

sorc 6/anti-pal 5/Eldritch knight X

4 levels of anti-paladin are enough, but the mount is too cool to pass.

January 23, 2012, 10:15:55 AM
Reply #6

I agree with you, the turn undead is there probably for divine might/shield, since turn outsider doesn't work for that purpose.

That's why I want it =D

sorc 6/anti-pal 5/Eldritch knight X

4 levels of anti-paladin are enough, but the mount is too cool to pass.

Going by the rules as written, anti-paladins can't get Divine Might / Shield.  If you can find errata that states otherwise please let us know.

January 23, 2012, 12:45:22 PM
Reply #7
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There's no errata.

The thing is: there's no official anti-paladin class. If you search the internet you'll find a lot of different anti-paladin or paladin variants, some of them have turn undead, some don't (most have it, though).

This specific version hasn't turn undead, therefore shouldn't be able to get divine might/shield.
But whoever scripted the class allowed it to get the turn undead. I guess it was done to make sure the anti-paladin wouldn't be weaker than his nemesis.
It was done just to keep balance. But it's just a guess.

January 23, 2012, 05:18:20 PM
Reply #8

There's no errata.

The thing is: there's no official anti-paladin class. If you search the internet you'll find a lot of different anti-paladin or paladin variants, some of them have turn undead, some don't (most have it, though).

I'm sorry, I thought Dungeon mag was semi-official at least.

But whoever scripted the class allowed it to get the turn undead. I guess it was done to make sure the anti-paladin wouldn't be weaker than his nemesis.
It was done just to keep balance. But it's just a guess.

The PRC Anti-paladin still gets Prey on the Weak, right?  That's a nice bonus vs. anything with fewer HD than you.

Paladin = strong vs. weaker undead
Anti-Paladin = strong vs. weaker living

January 24, 2012, 07:48:57 AM
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