You guys are quick!
I know nothing about scripting so I hope my question isn't stupid:
Is it possible (and worthy the trouble) to alter the paladin class to accept both alignments (LG and CE)? Then they would be able to select their abilities (which would be restricted by alignment).
Example: when reaching level 2 the character would be able to choose smite evil or good (but the choice would be restricted by alignment).
I know it seems to be too much trouble, but it would leave space to add another class.
If it's possible, champion of bane and torm could be replace by divine champion, making room for another class (I believe I read somewhere that there's a limit to how many classes we can have, and that it was reached already).
It's not a request (I don't even know if it's possible) but it's an idea that would make room for more classes (just like the idea of removing the lich class and use the template instead).