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Author Topic: Base Class: Warblade  (Read 6241 times)

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November 24, 2010, 07:59:09 PM

"Power is achieved through victory. Victory is achieved through training."

Warblade 6
Warmind 10
Fist of Hextor 24

Zakya Rakshasha (Lawful Neutral)

Str: 26 (+8) ----> 36 (+13)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 24 (+7)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha:  8 (-1)

HP: 690

BAB: 30

Attack Progression: +56/+51/+46/+41 unbuffed with a mundane weapon, +60/+55/+50/+45 with Offensive Precognition fully augmented

AC: 29 unbuffed with no gear, 33 with Defensive Precognition fully augmented
    35 unbuffed with mundane chain shirt and large shield, 39 with Defensive Precognition fully augmented

Feats: Wild Talent, Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Dodge, Improved Critical, Speed of Thought, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Epic Will, Fast Healing 1, Fast Healing 2, Psionic Dodge, Weapon Specialization, Blind Fight


Leading the Attack
Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Or Iron Heart Endurance)
Disarming Strike
Emerald Razor
Iron Heart Surge


Hearing the Air (Or Blood in the Water)
Pearl of Black Doubt


Offensive Precognition
Defensive Precognition
Energy Adaptation
Inertial Barrior
Ubiquitous Vision
Concealing Amorpha

Pros: Can switch weapon feats on rest, very high attack bonus, high melee damage, high Dev Crit DC, auto-cleave on hit, useful self-buffs, very high HP, spell resistance, Warblade maneuvers give some decent utility, difficult to flank or sneak attack.

Cons: Little spellcasting, cannot use scrolls, buffs are easily dispellable, poor will save, no social skills, no evasion, no on-demand AOE attacks

Commentary: This is a potential character build for playing solo through the Lord of Terror module. As such, a few qualities were needed. First, the ability to deal with large numbers of enemies, since you're often swarmed by them. This is accomplished with Great Cleave and Sweeping Strikes. Second, the ability to use a wide variety of weapons. This is where the Warblade class comes in - with the ability to switch all weapon feats to any weapon of my choice, it is a piece of cake to switch over to whatever the sweet drop the latest boss I conquered happened to give up for me.

The Fist of Hextor levels give a lot of power and versatility in Brutal Strike, along with some self-buffing capability with the Chains and a nice AOE debuff with Frightful Presence. These levels are a pure numbers game.

Warblade is the perfect answer to the infeasibility of committing to a single weapon type in the Lord of Terror module. Along with the flexibility of Weapon Aptitude, the Warblade levels give us some nice functional debuffs. Leading the Attack is the perfect opener against boss mobs, while Disarming Strike gives a chance of defanging some of the tougher weapon-wielders. Iron Heart Surge lets you strip a single negative status effect each battle. The two Diamond Mind abilities are kind of traps, but they're only there for the wonderful stances. Hearing the Air allows you to grant yourself Blindsense on demand for all those stealth-using mobs I've noticed so far. Pearl of Black Doubt, if it works the way I'm reading it, allows you to constantly increase your AC as the combat progresses. Even if it works in a much more sensible sense than I'm understanding it, AC is a little hard to come by and as such is always welcome. (Alternatively, you can take Iron Heart Endurance for an on-demand heal, and Blood on the Water for a hit and damage buff on critical strikes.)

As for War Mind, all I have to say is "Sweeping Strikes is amazing." Everything else (as good as it is) is just icing.

November 25, 2010, 07:44:41 AM
Reply #1

No Off Prescience? +5 dam with Sweeping Strikes would be good.

Did you mean Greater Concealing Amorpha?
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 12:17:11 PM by ThE LoSt BoY »
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

November 30, 2010, 12:50:42 AM
Reply #2

Quote from: ThE LoSt BoY

No Off Prescience? +5 dam with Sweeping Strikes would be good.

I tend to prioritize +hit over +dam as a rule. Also, I can just switch my Brutal Strikes if I need more damage and have the +hit to spare (which, as a rule, this character most likely will, now that I think about it). It's a totally sweet option now that you mention it though. +10 damage per round is pretty hot. But I figured Ubiquitous Vision would be a good thing to have given the setting. I get flanked a lot. I may trade another one out though. It's a tough selection with War Mind.

Did you mean Greater Concealing Amorpha?

Nope - the shorter duration on the Greater version does not play well with the low caster level. It's 1 round per level as opposed to 1 minute per level.

Out of curiosity, do you know if the AC debuff from Leading the Strike has a duration?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 12:55:32 AM by Raconteur02 »

November 30, 2010, 10:12:19 PM
Reply #3

RE: Duration.

Don't have anything but 1E books & Dragon mags (cheap a$$), but a quick search came up with:

You may be able to benchmark if the hit DC (opponent's effective AC) changes from round-to-round before and after a maneuver hit.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist