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Author Topic: DRaconic enlargement any way to simulate the size increase?  (Read 3391 times)

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December 16, 2010, 05:29:15 AM

Hi i love your efforts  to imporve and expand NWN
i  found a catch 22  while building an epic lvl sorc RDD
 some where arond lvl 12-15  an dragon disciple gets tail   and wing attacks if  the pc is of large  size .. for tail and medium for wings i belive
i tested this made a human  5th lvl sorc 25th lvl dragon disciple where i encountered the catch  draconic enlargment  1 and 2 whic should raise  him to size class huge .. and I have in fact set the Dragon discple  code switch to 1 so it should modeify  stats too which it does for exactly 1 lvl as soon as i advance from lvl 15 or 25 the levels where enlargment is gained too lvl 16 or 26 .. i loose the stat changes due to size..
and further more  under no circumstances do tail swipe*effective large and above.. and  wing buffet.. *effective at meduim or above and ..   seem to kicck in as addotional attacks

too bad cause those things would truly make the class  a decent epic class

so 1 is there anyway to  by editor or switch or whatever  set my pc size .to large or huge ??
and also to  maintain the + to str and con and minus to DEx that should go along with size..

would doing that  make wing and tail attacks kick in ? and work?(i mean are they simply not working cause draconic enlargment is busted?
 or are the tail and wing attacks independaently broken?

3  any fix for draconic enlargment?
 and finally
what should the dragon discple size change  code switch be set at .. to  keep the stat changes from size .. so they dont dissappear as soon as i hit lvl 16 or 26

(all the  prc switchs .nss says is ..  when turned on

(umm does on = any positive integer?? or  only the 21st prime..:)
or is 1 on and 0 off  

great potential class and love the revamping just wished it worked better

January 04, 2011, 08:01:24 PM
Reply #1

Instead of creating another thread I think it's wiser to bring this one up again. Would it be possible to fix this?

January 05, 2011, 01:02:45 AM
Reply #2
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Quote from: Mindflayer

Instead of creating another thread I think it's wiser to bring this one up again. Would it be possible to fix this?

I'll look into it...

January 05, 2011, 02:46:12 AM
Reply #3

so is it the enlargment that is broken or   are tail  slap  and wing slam broken too???

 i tried running some test with naturally larger and smaller  Pcs  and  picking thru  attack and damage rolls i never once noticed the extra attacks primised to medium .. and large characters from tall slap and wing slam

maybe  on option on the radial menu to  tail slap on/off buttons.. and wing slam on /off buttons

and finally   if they does a sorc/DD  add an enchantment bonus to his  cloaws/tail/womg

druidss have magic fang etc

 but  magic weapon/ greater magic weapon  at best only affects the main hand weap

and   it just doesnt make sense that there is no ki power+1=5 mechenism for the DD class

as a lvl based mainefestation increase   to claws and wings and tail... +1 enchantment every Xlvls

most of the other dragconic based  classes   excepting  haper  and mage  have some means or path to  an enchantment bonus for natural attack either psioniclly  or because the base class  or natural pairing is monk etc..
the DD is pretty specificlly Sorc or bard  as base class and  while obviously shifting focus toward combat doesnt really offer much support  for that shift...
perhaps  nothing more radical than making  magic fang and greater magic fang avalible to DD as well as  the druid and ranger classes

ALSO  slightly off topic   tried creating a  soulknife warblade   which seemed like a good idea ..
except the(mindblade) listed under weaps of choice for  warblade   doesnt appear under  the weapon  aptituide options

  actually nopr does the  weapon of choice feat either

 nor psionic meditation
 all 3 are listed feats granted or .. accessable
  so   how do i go about setting my mindblade as my  focus feat

 or is that broken and  using a warblade stance/manuver /special ablity ..  pulls down the mindblade so they dont stack???

 cause if they did that would.. really compensate for some of the mind blades  limitations...
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 04:54:10 AM by bradrinwi »