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Author Topic: Request: Survival (Skill)  (Read 4906 times)

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December 30, 2010, 02:34:43 PM

Can the survival skill be added, please?

Suppose it is a class skill for Ranger, Druid, Barbarian and Ultimate Ranger.

December 31, 2010, 04:18:39 AM
Reply #1
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Quote from: Kwabbernoot

Can the survival skill be added, please?

Suppose it is a class skill for Ranger, Druid, Barbarian and Ultimate Ranger.

How would this skill function in NWN?

December 31, 2010, 05:10:39 AM
Reply #2

Quote from: xwarren

Quote from: Kwabbernoot

Can the survival skill be added, please?

Suppose it is a class skill for Ranger, Druid, Barbarian and Ultimate Ranger.

How would this skill function in NWN?

Well, for me it would be more roleplay flavor. And maybe some scripts which can make use of it: find certain areas for example.

In nwn2 it is used, in combination with the feat track to see enemies on the minimap.
Don't know if something similar is possible in nwn1.

I found some reading material how the survival skill and the feat track, work in nwn2.

January 01, 2011, 08:28:40 PM
Reply #3

Just some ideas how it could work in nwn

For info on the feat Track and the Survival (Wis) skill

PRC base classes which should have the Survival skill: Shaman, Ranger, Ultimate Ranger, Druid, Scout, Barbarian. Maybe I forgot a few.
PRC prestige classes which should have the Survival skill: Harper Scout, Shifter. Maybe I forgot a few.

Function #1: to find tracks of enemies, done against a survival skill check, see below for calculation
Check for enemies (NPC's) nearby. Maximum area which is checked is
- just a bit more then the distance that is needed to able to let the PC rest.
- further then an enemy's line of sight
This will allow the PC to check for a safe place to rest. The output could be text, but only visible for the PC.
In case there are no enemies: "Nature in this area hasn't been disturbed for a while. This could be a safe spot to make a camp."
In case there are enemies: "There is a group of creatures nearby to the <direction: N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW>. The group consists roughly of <number> <species>, <number> <species> and <number> <species>." This doesn't need to be correct accurate, just a rough estimation is okay. Oh, maybe the enemies that can be detected shouldn't have the spell Pass without Trace active, see below for description.

Function #2: detect if an NPC or PC(other) has passed an area, done against a survival skill check, see below for calculation (no idea if this is technically possible)
Every NPC or PC(other) that has passed an area leaves tracks which can be found. A message appears saying something like "A creature travelled through here towards <direction: N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW>" which guides you to the area transition through which the PC or NPC has left the area. The tracks stay fresh for a certain period in the area, for example 1 day and then disappear.

Function #3: follow tracks, done against a survival skill check, see below for calculation (no idea if this is technically possible)
A PC can select an NPC or PC(other). By selecting it the PC remembers the 'name' of the NPC or PC(other). If the PC then checks an area where the NPC or PC(other) has passed a message appears saying something like "<name> travelled through here towards <direction: N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW>" which guides you to the area transition through which the PC or NPC has left the area. The tracks stay fresh for a certain period in the area, for example 1 day and then disappear. Remembering the 'name' could work by succeeding a spot skill check against an opposing bluff skill, to find out particular details of the one to be tracked.

Function 3 looks on first sight like a variation of function 2.

Survival (Wis) skill used for Tracking
PRC base classes which have the Survival skill: Shaman, Ranger, Ultimate Ranger, Druid, Scout, Barbarian
To set the base DC of the Survival skill (tracking) the surface must be known
Surface: very soft ground (DC 5), soft ground (DC 10), firm ground (DC 15), hard ground (DC 20).
Maybe this can be set as a variable on entering the area. This is something a builder needs to set up for an area. If not setup, the variable is not defined and a random value between 1 and 20 could be selected.
The DC of the Survival skill (tracking) can be modified by the following parameters
Weather: snow (DC +10), rain (DC +5 or maybe the duration of rain can also be taken into account, initially +1 then each hour +1)
Visibility: night (DC +3), fog (DC +3)
Creature size: tiny (DC +2), small (DC +1), medium (DC +0), large (DC -1), huge (DC -2) (fine, diminutive, gargantuan and colossal don't exist in nwn I suppose)
Favored Enemy - The DC is lowered by 1 for every 5 levels you have in the Ranger, Ultimate Ranger Class, provided the quarry is a Favored Enemy

If the PC is moving at normal speed he gets a -5 penalty on his survival skill (tracking). Maybe the PC must be in detect mode for a certain amount of time, like for example 1 minute realtime
If the PC is moving quicker (effect hasted or expeditious retreat) he gets a -20 penalty on his survival skill (tracking). Maybe this is overkill.

If you have 5 or more ranks in Search, you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks to find or follow tracks.

If the PC is not a ranger or doesn't have the Track feat and the Survival DC is higher then 10, the check automatically fails.

Modified feats
Trackless Step (Ex)
A character leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Modification: the PC can choose to leave a trail

Additional feats
Swift Tracker (Ex):
Prerequisite: Track feat or Ranger class
You can track at normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty.
He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking. Only useful if the functionality with -20 penalty is implemented

Self-Sufficient [General]
You get a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks.

Additional spell
Pass without Trace
Level:   Asn, Drd 1, Rgr 1
Components:    V, S, DF
Casting time:    1 standard action
Range:    Touch
Targets:    One creature/level touched
Duration:    1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw:   Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance:    Yes (harmless)

The subject or subjects can move through any type of terrain and leave neither footprints nor scent. Tracking the subjects is impossible by nonmagical means.