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Author Topic: List of Code Switches?  (Read 8758 times)

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June 13, 2009, 04:44:18 PM

I am trying to find descriptions of what the massive number of code switches actually do.  The only clue I have is the (rather unhelpful) "see prc_inc_switches for details" line of dialog in the PRC menu.  Nothing in the manual or anywhere else indicates what "prc_inc_switches" is or where to find it, nor does there seem to be a list posted online anywhere.  A google search only turns up other people who can't find prc_inc_switches either.

I am afraid I am getting rather frustrated with this whole endeavor and was wondering if someone could kindly point me in the right direction?

June 13, 2009, 04:50:41 PM
Reply #1
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You can find 'prc_inc_switches.nss' in prc_include.hak. :P

(Use nwhak.exe from NWN\utils directory to extract it)

June 13, 2009, 04:55:25 PM
Reply #2

Ah, thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for.  Is there any way a readme or online list of some kind could be created?  Seems like it would be a bit more convenient...

July 12, 2009, 08:46:09 PM
Reply #3
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A related question here, it seems like at least 2 switches are missing from the in game alter code switches convo. Specifically, PRC_BIO_UNLEARN and PRC_UNLEARN_SPELL_MAXNR (controls how spell unlearning works for spontaneous casters) I guess I could have just missed it, but I did scroll through every single switch 3 times over.

I tried popping them into personal_switch.2da and loading those, but it doesn't seem to have any effect when i delevel and relevel. This is on 3.3F, on a 18 sorc / 3 archmage. Anyone got any ideas? I'd really like to change 2 of his spells without having to redo the whole guy from scratch ;)

July 13, 2009, 01:44:22 AM
Reply #4
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From prc_inc_switch.nss (line 333-356) PRC 3.3g
Code: [Select]
// switch whether unlearning spells for spont casters at level up should go according to PnP or Bioware rules
// if on, will unlearn according to Bioware rules (e.g. as many as you want)

If PRC_BIO_UNLEARN is ON, you may want to restrict the nr of spells that a spontaneous caster
can unlearn to just a few spells ("normal" Bioware rules allow unlearning all spells at every level).
When PRC_UNLEARN_SPELL_MAXNR is set to (hopefully) a small value, the spontaneous caster
will still be able to unlearn spells at EVERY level up with no restrictions to the spell level that may
be unlearned, but the maximum nr of spells that can be unlearned are determined by the value on the switch
When PRC_UNLEARN_SPELL_MAXNR is not set and PRC_BIO_UNLEARN is ON, the spont caster
may unlearn as many spells as he wishes at every level up

If PRC_BIO_UNLEARN is Off, the maximum spell level that can be unlearned and the caster level
at which unlearning a spell becomes possible will be determined according to PnP rules. However,
you may want to give your spont casters more than one single spell to unlearn via this switch. If
PRC_UNLEARN_SPELL_MAXNR is set to a positive value, this is the nr of spells that the spontaneous
caster may unlearn (assuming he is allowed to unlearn at least one spell according to PnP rules). If
PRC_UNLEARN_SPELL_MAXNR is not set and PRC_BIO_UNLEARN is Off, unlearning spells goes
according to the exact PnP rules, e.g. at most one spell may be unlearned (at specific caster levels and
with restrictions on the maximum spell level that can be unlearned)
// holds the maximum nr of spells that can be unlearned when the spont caster is entitled to unlearn at least one spell

July 13, 2009, 10:29:28 AM
Reply #5
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I got it working, problem was I had an extra space or somesuch in my personal_switch.2da file and it wasn't a valid 2DA. After I fixed that it worked fine! Thanks for the help, though (=

EDIT: Double checked the in game Alter Code Switches conversation (from the PRC options radial) and still don't see it there, though I suppose I could just be blind. Works with my custom personal_switch.2da though, so not really a big deal.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 10:33:28 AM by arnham »